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Wolf Warrior 01 The Lost Wolf Warrior

Page 19

by Rae Monet

  He pumped faster. His hands touched her, worshiped her, and loved her. She arched against his. His lips shimmied along her neck, soothing his bite with his tongue. His hips worked in a slow steady rhythm, sinking in and out until she reached for another climax. His body stiffened against hers.

  * * * *

  Abruptly the dream ended. Serena sat up and rubbed her tired eyes as Caine's tongue lapped her face.

  "God's blood."

  Hearing the familiar curse, she turned to see its source. Roan's hand reached out to bat away the offending object that had just awakened him. Poor Caine.

  Serena laughed.

  Roan sat up, and reaching for her instinctively, ran his hands over her body, checking her earlier wounds. They were all healed. He pulled her into the vee of his legs and into his arms. She felt the racing beat of his heart. His cock against her stomach was as hard as a rock.

  She growled when a realization struck her.

  "You used the crystal to enter my dream,” she accused. He shifted back and the guilt on his face gave her his answer.

  "Serena, I vow I did not do it purposely, I...” He was obviously at a loss at how to control the crystal's power, so he switched tactics. “Ahhhh, and what a dream it was.” Locking his hand on the back of her neck, he drew her lips to his and kissed her repeatedly.

  But Caine would not be ignored, and he nuzzled between them.

  The wolf had an introduction to make. Another wolf stood patiently behind Caine. She was a beautiful, large, gray wolf and she was staring directly at Roan, as though she already belonged to him.

  Roan growled, then pulled back and addressed Caine. “That is the second time you have interrupted me, beast.” He pushed Caine's nose away from their faces. Serena laughed and pressed her hand against Roan's chest. With a sigh that shimmered with reluctance, he released her.

  "He has someone he would like you to meet."

  "No matter.” Roan grabbed his clothing. “If he is here, no doubt others are soon to follow.” He tried to tug on his tunic.

  She stopped him to check his wounds. They were healed as well. She nodded. With eyebrows raised, he settled his shirt, thanking her with his mind for her permission to dress. He moved his head toward Caine and his companion.

  "Get on with it."

  He arose, pulling her with him. He plucked the blanket off the ground and secured it to his saddle.

  "This is Caine's friend, Sasha. She has chosen herself as your protector."

  As Roan stalked around working on storing their gear, Sasha followed his every move with her eyes.

  "I am in no need of a protector.” He growled and ran his hand over his horse's flank, checking for any injuries from the battle.

  "You are not well mannered in the morning, my lord.” She used his formal English title as a way of chastising him.

  He jerked her roughly against his body. His erection remained, pressed unyielding and stiff against her.

  "Know this. I am not usually well mannered at any time. I am not a gentle man and I was interrupted from a very, very,” he emphasized his words, “pleasurable experience this morn, which has left me in a foul temper."

  Trying not to smile, she kissed his cheek. “You do not have a choice."

  He stiffened at her remark. “Do not have a choice about what?"

  "Eventually, all Solarian warriors are claimed by a wolf. They have been watching our backs for many generations. Sasha has claimed you, and you should be humbled.” She scolded him for his disregard of the gift he was offered and for his sour mood.

  With resignation and a sigh, he released her and crouched down to meet Sasha.

  Serena lowered with him. “Lower your head and stretch out your hand.” She instructed him on the way of meeting his wolf protector.

  * * * *

  Roan did as Serena bid, in constant amazement of the Solarian rituals. At first, Sasha jumped back from him. After he lowered his head, she paced back and forth, her gaze shooting from Caine to him and back again. Her nervousness didn't go unnoticed. It was apparent the wolf was scared.

  "Allow her time to approach you. Maintain your stance."

  He watched warily as Sasha continued to pace. He wasn't sure which one of them was more frightened. Sasha was a massive gray wolf, and her fangs appeared feral, protruding from her mouth as she panted in anxiety. He kept his hand extended outward. When she paced forward, baring her teeth and growling, he jerked his hand back just a little. “Serena!"

  "Remain calm. She senses your fear.” She continued to tutor him. “Now make a connection with her, soothe her, give her permission to approach you. Release your unease, and she will be your friend for life. This I promise you,” she whispered against his ear.

  He sensed her sincerity, and took her counseling. Closing his eyes, he took a deep breath and released his fears. He sent his thoughts to Sasha, telling her to calm herself, to bind herself to him and he would protect her as well as she did him. He opened his eyes to connect with Sasha's red glowing ones. Her body still, she locked eyes with his.

  He knew the moment she decided to trust him. Without hesitation, she approached him. The fur of her warm gray head touched his hand, her pink tongue reached out and began lapping him as she let his hand stroke down her body. Completely under his spell, she jumped up on him, pushing him over backward with her excitement. Her huge paws bracketed his shoulders and her tongue ran over his face.

  He laughed and mentally commanded her to sit, which she promptly did, awaiting his next order.

  Serena leaned forward and murmured, “You have a way of binding women to you. Even those hesitant at the onset are drawn to you."

  His head snapped around and his eyes met hers. Her statement was the most sensual any woman had ever given him. What was she telling him? Did she feel bound to him? Her next statement had him sucking in whatever breath he had left.

  "She is yours now. She will protect you with her life."

  Rising, he drew Serena to him, locking her in his arms. “Are you mine also?” he asked, waiting for her response, unsure why he needed her to say it, unsure why a confident knight of his stature needed reassurance from a woman. But, oh, he needed her vow, he needed to hear her answer so badly he ached with yearning. Her pause made his heart accelerate. He began to regret the question.

  The sound of approaching riders broke the moment as she whirled out of his arms. She made one last comment. His heart dropped to his feet.

  "We cannot be together at the Realm. As people believe me to be a maiden, there will be certain expectations of my behavior. If we were to see each other, it would be under the gaze of others. We were allowed this freedom because we were in battle together. Normally, a maiden is not allowed to be alone with a man unless chaperoned. My father would make demands. It would be most uncomfortable...” She stopped talking when she saw his rage. He moved closer, and she backed up.

  "Serena, make no mistake, whether you believe it to be true or not, you are mine.” He emphasized his last few words. “I will face your father. I will challenge anyone who disputes my claim."

  "And if I dispute it?” Her anger mirrored his. It was apparent to him she was not accustomed to being claimed.

  Roan didn't answer her dare, only pushed her into her saddle and vaulted onto his own with one swift movement. “You do not dispute it."

  Her eyes narrowing, she moved her horse aside his and shook her fist at him. “You arrogant—!"

  The clomping of galloping horses stopped her. They both turned and watched Richard leading several fierce warriors straight toward them. Unlike Serena, these warriors wore chain-mail as part of their battle raiment. The men were scarred and hardened and looked as fierce as Roan would expect experienced warriors to look.

  "Roan! You will listen to what I am telling..."

  * * * *

  Roan grabbed Serena and, stealing her from her saddle, kissed her. It was a possessive kiss, stirring, all his yearning centered on their locked lips. She screamed his
name, but her cry was lost in his lips. The familiar desire overtook her as he projected all of his need into the kiss. She stopped fighting and her hands crept up over his shoulders to lock in his hair. He crushed her to him. It was just the two of them, in the wet dripping Scottish forest, all surrounding noises ceased, nothing penetrated their desire, nothing but...

  "Serena!” Her father's roar pierced Serena's mind. She tried to pull out of Roan's arms but not before his parting comment reached her ears.

  "Now, no one will be unsure of to whom you belong.” He smiled at her outraged expression and finally slowly released her, only to raise his hand in a defensive gesture when a sword came around him from behind. A strong, muscular arm grabbed his hair and exposed his neck to a nasty, sharp dirk. He grunted and froze.

  The man was angry. No, he was beyond anger. A fury so intense emanated from the man, it actually gave Serena an instant of panic. The man spoke directly into Roan's ear.

  "You'll be explaining yourself right now, man, and it better be worthy or you'll die as I live."

  Serena saw Roan tense at the threat.

  "Father, release him."

  Serena saw the determination in her father's eyes as he held the blade to her lover's exposed neck, and she knew how close Roan was to dying. Their petty argument became inconsequential. Her father's love for her had blinded his senses and he was ready to act without further ado and ask questions later.

  The arm around Roan's neck tightened, and the blade drew first blood.

  Serena needed to do something drastic to still her father's fury.

  She moved forward, and her hand reached out to touch Roan's face. His eyes met hers and she sensed his regret and something else. Something much stronger. His mind melded with hers,Pray, Serena, you are worth dying for a thousand times over.

  "Father, please.” She ran her hand down Roan's face, caressing him. Her hand wrapped around her father's dirk, wedging between the blade and Roan's neck. The sharpened edge of her father's dirk cut into her hand. Her blood mingled with Roan's.

  "Serena, cease!” Roan shouted, his neck pushing out as he spoke, causing her father's sword to cut further into her flesh.

  She winced, her eyes straying to her father's. He was still locked in his rage, not realizing he was hurting his own daughter. Not her words, her actions, nor her blood infiltrated his mind.

  If she couldn't stop him with words, she had one other way of communicating. One other chance to save Roan's life. Concentrating, she projected all her love for Roan into her father's mind, her devotion to him with her life, as well as her protectiveness. “Father, please. Release him."

  Finally, after many long seconds, her father heard. Saw. He peered at her hand and instantaneously pulled back his dirk. The blade left one final, angry red cut on her hand.

  Her father swore as Roan ripped the bottom of his ragged tunic. Clasping her hand in his, he tightly wrapped the cloth around her wound. When he finished, he kept hold of her hand.

  Serena curled her fingers around his. From the corner of her eye, she watched her father move around to face her.

  "Do you see what I was trying to tell you, Roan?"

  "Bloody hell, you try me like no other,” Roan murmured.

  She stiffened at his remark and glanced at her father.

  "You better be telling me this is your husband, because the way his lips were locked upon yours I can think of no other explanation.” Her father's expression was ferocious.

  She grimaced. As a trained warrior, she realized a distraction was needed. “Father, we can discuss this later.” She plucked the scroll from Roan's side and waved it in front of her father's face. “We have been successful in the quest. We must return this to the Realm. This,” her hand waved toward Roan, “is Roan Aston, III, called the Wolf. He is the lost Solarian Wolf Warrior from the English war. He retrieved the scrolls for us and his contribution should be celebrated."

  Roan was already pulling off his tunic to display his mark. Serena's father moved his horse closer to inspect the tattoo.

  "I'll be.” Her father touched Roan's shoulder in awe. “The crystal?” He asked as he continued to inspect the mark. Roan lifted the glass from around his neck and gave it to her father as though it were a peace offering. Serena's father nodded and looped the crystal around his neck.

  "Roan, meet John de Reincolt of Solaria, third generation leader of our people. And my father.” Taking a deep breath, she hoped her father would forget the kiss he'd witnessed and the passion he must have sensed.

  Roan tipped his head in respect to John, who inclined his head in return.

  "Father.” Exhaustion swept through Serena like a wind storm. “We are weary, in need of food and rest.” John surveyed the area, noting the array of dead bodies. “We have fought many battles and incurred several injuries while retrieving the scrolls. I would like to have Roan reunited with his family. May we go home?” The pleading in her voice was real this time, and she sagged in her saddle, her head bending like a dying flower.

  Sensing her fatigue, Roan immediately moved next to her and pulled her off her horse. Setting her in front of him, he wrapped his arms around her, again asserting his claim.

  This time, Serena was too tired to stir to anger. Instead she leaned her head against his chest, grateful for his support.

  * * * *

  Roan watched John's gaze sharpen at the way Serena rested against him in complete trust, the way she laid her hands against his arms, touching him so easily. Aware of the pleasure he and Serena radiated in their nearness, he knew John must sense it too. Finally, John nodded, and Roan felt relief, more for Serena than himself.

  John raised his hand to signal the group to return to the Realm and then he pointed his finger at Roan and Serena.

  "We will address this man's familiarity with you at a later time."

  Although his voice was gruff, his face softened and he moved closer. His arms rose to clasp Serena's and he pulled her into a quick hug.

  "I am sorely happy to see you safe, my daughter.” Roan was amazed by the wetness he saw in the battle-ready warrior's eyes. “Sorely.” Then John sent a warning that flamed with the full force of his fury into Roan's mind.You will explain yourself, Wolf.

  Roan lifted a hand to his head as if to ward off the other man's anger. He nodded at the command and dropped his hand. Answering to Serena's father would be no small task.

  With Serena's horse trailing, they followed the group back toward home. Richard, at one point, dropped back to check their injuries. Serena assured him they were fine. Unwrapping the cut on her hand, Roan saw that it had already begun the healing process. Richard muttered something about their unnatural magic while together and reminded Serena she would have much to answer to from their angry father. Richard finally left at Serena's command to go and soften their father's demeanor.

  Watching Serena and Richard together made Roan wonder about his own family.

  "You said I had family back at the Realm. Tell me about them?"

  Serena raised her head from his chest, gazing at their surroundings while she spoke. “Yes, your parents remain, aged of course. They were deeply grieved when they thought you gone. You have two siblings, a sister and brother. Jacob, the brother nearer your age, was born directly after the raid and...” She paused. “Diana, the youngest, is a score and one now."

  She smiled when she began talking of his sister. “A warrior, of course, like you and your father. She is under my training and, by the Gods, she is skilled. You will be proud to call her sister. She is dedicated to our craft, but she is brazen, uncontrolled, and at times wild and passionate in her enthusiasm."

  "Remind you of someone, little one?"

  "She reminds me of you ... but not when you fight.” His legs tightened against her as she rested in front of him. He knew very well that she talked of his manner of loving. He cleared his throat and tried to distract his thoughts. Remembering her father, fierce in anger, helped keep down the part of him that always resp
onded to the beautiful warrior.

  "Tell me more of her."

  "She struggles to control her passion for battle. She has yet to marry. She is uninterested in any of the men who court her. She is much more interested in mastering her skills, much like me.” He gently stroked her hair as she talked.

  "She has made herself, much to Caine's constant irritation, my personal guard. I did not allow her to assist in this quest because she has yet to learn how to control her senses. She is too undisciplined and I needed a steady hand on this quest, which is why I chose Richard.” She leaned back against his chest and closed her eyes. “You will understand, just wait."

  Roan watched her as her breathing deepened and his arms tightened protectively around her. He realized how much he truly loved her and wanted her with him, by his side, for the remainder of his life. This small woman, who sat in his arms as if she was meant to be there, who fought so bravely by his side, who touched his soul as well as his body. Oh yes, he loved her.

  Resting his chin on top of her head, he vowed with all his heart she would be his.

  * * * *

  Roan blinked in amazement when he saw what they were required to scale to enter the outskirts of the Realm. A massive waterfall. Serena slipped off their horse, gazing at the falls in reverence, as if in prayer to the God of water and light.

  He eased up close behind her. Remembering what happened during her dream, he ran his hands over her shoulders, worshipping her with his eyes as she did the waterfall.

  He tugged her body back against him as he massaged the kinks in her neck. She sighed and he immediately sensed her longing. He bent, eyeing the sweeping glorious curve of her neck, moving his mouth close to her ear.

  "This is the waterfall in your dream?” He knew it was true. He just wanted to hear her confirm it.

  She nodded in response, automatically sighing.

  "I'd like to come back someday, just you and me, and fulfill our dream.” His hardness pressed against her lower back, proof of his desire.

  She stretched her neck when his fingers kneaded a particularly sore spot.


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