The Picture of Submission

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The Picture of Submission Page 9

by Diane Leyne

  By the time they were hurtling back toward Dock Martin, Maggie was feeling pleasantly tipsy from the Guava Berry Margarita she’d tried at one of the stops and feeling quite warmly toward Chris. Maybe, she thought, she’d take him for a test drive when they got back to the hotel.

  Thinking those pleasant thoughts, she’d clutched his arm after he helped her onto the dock. She barely noticed when he turned and waved at someone on a boat docked just a few berths down.

  “See you in a few days, kitten.” She looked up in disbelief as he kissed her lightly on the lips, grabbed his beach bag, and headed toward the other boat. Looking closely, she recognized JJ from Libertine Island, who waved jauntily at her as Chris boarded. Then he cast off as she stood staring after him.

  “Yeah, the cute ones are always gay.”

  “Better luck next time, hon.”

  She turned to the two women she’d mentally been thinking of as skanks and realized that they felt sorry for her. She felt ashamed of the way she’d mentally dissed them and smiled warmly.

  “Thanks, ladies.”

  “Say, we’re going barhopping tonight. Would you like to join us?”

  “No, but thanks for the offer. I think I’m going to have an early night.”

  She’d expected to stew all the way back to the hotel about Chris’s disappearing act, but she felt surprisingly okay about it. The time alone would do her good. She still had five more nights at the hotel, and she would enjoy herself.

  The taxi dropped her a few minutes later and the front door of the hotel. When she walked in, she almost dropped her bag as the first person she saw was Carter Hayes.

  * * * *

  Carter looked up anxiously as yet another cab pulled up. Chris had texted that she was on her way, but what if she’d changed her mind? What if she’d decided to go somewhere else for dinner? He wanted to pace. He wanted to be the one to cook for her all of her favorite dishes. He wanted to care for her using his greatest skill. He would dazzle her with food and create a special dessert in her honor. With her dark-brown hair and eyes, it clearly had to be something with dark chocolate. He’d think on it to distract himself while he waited.

  But then another cab pulled up and Maggie stepped out, a vision in her flowing flowered cover-up and wide-brimmed hat. He rushed over to her and enveloped her in a big hug.


  She looked surprised to see him. Clearly Chris didn’t tell her about the plan.

  “What are you doing here?”

  “It’s my turn.”


  “Yes. We talked and decided that it would be good for us all to get to know each other outside of the pressure of the resort. Chris had first shift. Now I’m here but only for a night. I have a hungry bunch of resort guests to feed. The next night belongs to Dalton, and then I’ll be back and the three of us can enjoy some time together. That gives you two nights to yourself to digest the experience, so to speak, before you come out to Libertine.

  “I trust that schedule meets with your approval?”

  Carter felt his insides tighten like they did when he was removing a soufflé from the oven, terrified it would fall, except this was even more important. He realized he was holding his breath and had to consciously start breathing. As the silence continued, he felt beads of sweat break out on his forehead as he realized that she didn’t approve.

  “Oh my god, Maggie. I’m so sorry. We just thought…I’ll leave now. If I can’t get JJ to come and pick me up, I’ll hire someone.” He realized he was babbling as he backed away. He bumped into his overnight bag and fell back hard on his ass. Great, now he wasn’t just an idiot, but a clumsy idiot.

  Maggie rushed to his side.

  “Are you okay?”

  Others did, too, but when she realized he was fine and had hurt nothing more than his dignity, she shooed them all away.

  “Come with me, Carter. And try not to trip on anything. I need a shower before dinner.”

  Letting out a big sigh of relief, Carter followed her out of the lobby and up the stairs to her room. He was dying to push her down on the bed and make love with her before spanking her ass until it was as sore as his and then fucking her, but he did neither. Instead he took the can of soda she offered and sat on the balcony watching the bay while she showered.

  * * * *

  Maggie took her time in the shower. She’d been shocked by the unexpected appearance of Carter and even more shocked that there was a whole schedule set up by the brothers without consulting her. Chris’s doing, no doubt. She was pretty sure that sex was on the menu, or at least she hoped it was. She was so horny she was almost cross-eyed. She’d obeyed Chris’s orders not to come, but surely Carter would let her.

  She dressed to provoke, wearing a low-cut floaty sundress with only her string bikini underneath. The dress was white and covered with tropical flowers and almost transparent. Her bathing suit was dark purple and clearly showed through. She took one more look in the mirror, ran a brush through her unruly curls, slapped on some mascara and lipstick, and reentered her bedroom.

  Carter was definitely planning on spending the night. She saw that she’d changed into long pants and a short-sleeved button-down shirt for dinner. His other clothes were neatly folded on a chair beside his open bag, and on the nightstand, he’d laid out a handful of condoms, a ball gag, and a pair of wrist restraints. The boy had plans, and she fully approved.

  It was Mexican night at the hotel, and they dined on rice and fajitas and filled up on chips and salsa afterward. Then Carter had led her down to the beach. They removed their sandals and walked arm in arm over the sand. They could see the cruise ship on the other side of the bar and paused to watch as it slowly glided out of its berthing.

  Maggie leaned into Carter. His arm around her waist felt right as she leaned her head against his chest. She looked up, hoping he’d kiss her, and she wasn’t disappointed as he pulled her close and his lips met hers. As kisses went, it was a very good one. It was firm without being hard, it was demanding without being demeaning, and when his tongue asked for entrance, she was happy to open her mouth and welcome it.

  “If we were on Libertine Island,” Carter whispered, his hard cock pressing against her stomach, “if we were there, I’d push you down to your knees and shove my cock in your mouth instead of my tongue.”

  Maggie shivered with desire. Carter didn’t mince words. “I’m going to give you a fifteen-minute head start back to the room. You can use the facilities, shower again or whatever you want to get ready, but I expect to find you naked and waiting for me, kneeling between the beds.”

  “Yes, Sir,” she whispered.

  Carter groaned. “Do you know that’s the first time you’ve ever called me Sir? Now go, hurry. I’m not even sure I can wait the full fifteen minutes before I get inside you.” He gave her a swat on the ass. “Move!”

  Maggie moved. She hadn’t meant to call Carter Sir. It hadn’t been calculated on her part, but she was glad she did. He had sounded so damned pleased.

  Hurrying, Maggie was ready in seven minutes and ended up staring at the clock, waiting for the numbers to move forward and for her Mas…for Carter to come for her. Carter. He was Carter. He wasn’t her Master. He was one of the men who had agreed to train her as a sub. Hell, he was one of the men who wanted her to be their sub. But she wasn’t ready to go down that road yet, so she wouldn’t, couldn’t start thinking of him as Master.

  When the door finally opened, she worried that she’d left a wet patch on the pillow she was kneeling on. She looked up as Carter approached, unzipping his pants as he walked. With a grin, she opened her mouth as he buried his hands in her hair and plunged his cock inside.

  * * * *

  Carter thought he was going to come the second her lips closed on him. Nothing would ever feel better than his cock buried in his woman’s mouth except for maybe his cock buried in her pussy or her ass.

  He knew he wouldn’t last long, and that was okay. He wouldn’t want
to come so quickly in her pussy, but this was just a chance for him to take the edge off. Once he’d come, he’d tie her up and torment her until she was begging for his cock. He’d brought a half dozen condoms with him and was going to do his level best to use them all.

  After she’d swallowed ever drop and licked his cock clean, he’d pulled her up and kissed her again. Then he’d laid her gently on the bed and attached her right wrist to her right ankle, left wrist to left ankle. Now she was spread out before him and helpless, like an exquisite buffet and he was going to take his time sampling all of her delights. He had one more thing do to.

  “Sorry, love. I don’t know how thick these walls are, and I don’t want anyone interrupting us. So, open wide.” He was relieved when she didn’t argue as he inserted the ball gag and then fastened the straps around her head. He almost came on the spot at the sight of Maggie gagged and restrained, her juices glistening as they ran down toward her ass. “Oh, and since you can’t ask, I give you permission to come whenever you want to.”

  Then he settled between her legs, getting comfortable since he planned to be there for a while. First he licked up her slit from her pussy to her clit, which he avoided, running his tongue up one side and down the other but not actually touching it. He could hear her mumbled protests, but she was helpless to do anything but accept what he was doing to her. Slowly, he explored every square inch of her with his tongue, rimming her bottom hole lightly before moving to her pussy. With no warning, he pushed his stiffened tongue inside her as he reached up and pinched her clit. He felt her climax slam through her as she bucked against him and more of her honey flowed over his tongue.

  The tremors had barely subsided when he replaced his tongue with two fingers, curling them forward to rub against that magic spot inside her as he finger fucked her. It wasn’t long before the tremors started again, but this time he stopped before they could take hold into a full-blown orgasm.

  Once they subsided, he started again, gently licking her clit, and he forced another finger inside her and started fucking her with them. Quickly the tremors built again, and again he stopped before she could go over the edge.

  He did it two more times, feeling her growing increasingly frantic with the need to come. Finally, he slid up her body and reached for a condom. Once his cock was covered, he positioned it at her entrance. Bracing himself on his forearms, he waited until she opened her eyes and looked at him.

  “Keep your eyes open. I want to see your expression when I slide my cock inside you, and I want to see your expression when you come. If you close your eyes, I’ll stop moving. Understand?”

  She nodded, and he started pushing inside. Once the head was inside, stretching her, she closed her eyes and he stopped moving. Quickly she made eye contact again, and he pushed slowly and steadily until he was fully buried inside her.

  “You know, Maggie. When I’m inside you like this, it feels like home.” When he saw tears spill from her eyes, he wanted to cry, too, but instead, he started moving, and when he started, he found he quickly lost control, pistoning his hips faster and faster as if he couldn’t get in deep enough, which he couldn’t. He wanted to bury himself deeply inside her for the rest of his life, and if anyone thought that he hadn’t known her long enough to be in love, he would have agreed with them BM, Before Maggie. From the moment he’d laid eyes on her, he’d known deep down inside that she was the one. And Dalton had known, too. He’d wanted to throttle Chris when he hadn’t seemed to succumb, but he’d gotten them all another chance and Carter, for one, didn’t plan on blowing it.

  When his own climax came upon him, he’d held himself deep and shot his load into the condom and yearned for the day that there would be nothing between them. After sagging down on top of her, he’d carefully rolled to the side and disposed of the used condom in the garbage basket he’d positioned there. Then he’d removed Maggie’s restraints and gag before pulling her close and falling asleep in her arms.

  * * * *

  Maggie woke up and stretched, or rather tried to stretch. Carter was still holding her tightly to him, and he was still sound asleep. He’d worn himself out, poor thing, waking her up it seemed hourly to take her again. He’d declared his intention to use up all the condoms, and there was only one left.

  She eased out of his arms to use the restroom, and when she returned she found him awake and rolling on the last one.

  He patted the bed. “You wouldn’t want this to go to waste, would you?”

  She wasn’t sure if he was referring to the condom or his erection, but she didn’t want to waste either. When he’d given her three more orgasms and had come himself, he sat up and looked at the clock.

  “Sorry, baby, I have to head back to the island. I need to be there for the lunch service.”

  “Let me…”

  Carter laughed and pushed her back down on the bed.

  “You are exhausted and need your rest. I highly recommend a nap. Dalton will be here in time for dinner, and you know what he’s like. He can go all night, and he’ll expect you to keep up.”

  Maggie groaned and lay back against the bed. They were going to kill her. It would be a pleasant death, and she would die with a smile on her face, but she would, in fact, be dead.

  When she woke up again at the sound of the maid knocking, Carter was gone. She checked the clock and realized it was lunch time. Calling out to the maid, she asked her to return in fifteen minutes.

  After a quick shower, she felt better, but today was not going to be an active day. She put on her bathing suit, grabbed her e-reader and her beach bag filled with sunscreen, and headed for lunch.

  Chapter Six

  Maggie was waiting in the lobby when Dalton arrived. He looked so fit and energetic it almost hurt to look at him. She was still exhausted from her night with Carter and wished they’d planned an off night for her.

  He loped over to her like a gazelle and swept her up into his arms.

  “Let me just drop my bag off in your room. You can wait here. I have Carter’s key. Then we can eat. I’m starved, and I need a lot of fuel for the activities I have planned for this evening.”

  Maggie lay back in the chair and groaned. They were going to kill her.

  She felt a presence and looked up. It was the maid, who grinned broadly at her as she walked by.

  Maggie felt herself blush as Dalton bounded back, leaning in to kiss her on the cheek before pulling her to her feet and leading her to the restaurant. Once they’d filled their plates, they found a table and dug into their meal. Maggie felt bad that she was too tired to keep up her end of the conversation, but Dalton talked enough for both of them. She just had to nod and say “uh-huh” at the appropriate intervals.

  It wasn’t until he paused that she realized that he’d asked a question that neither response was suitable for.

  “Earth to Maggie.”

  She started to apologize, but Dalton just laughed. “I know how tired you are. Carter fell asleep on the boat ride to the island, and JJ had to dump and bucket of sea water on him to wake him up when they arrived.”

  Maggie laughed. “We should have given you a night of between, pet. Let’s skip the coffee and I’ll put you to bed and let you get some sleep. We’ll fuck like bunnies tomorrow.”

  Maggie started to protest, but her argument was undermined by the giant yawn and Dalton got his way. He helped her from her chair, wrapped a long arm around her, and led her back to the room where he stripped off her clothes, held her while she brushed her teeth, and then tucked her into bed before sliding in beside her.

  “But it’s not even nine. I’m sure you can’t be tired. You should go downstairs and enjoy yourself.”

  “What could I do down there that would be more enjoyable than watching my woman sleep in my arms.”

  Maggie found herself melting at his words. She wanted to reach up and kiss him, but her eyelids were too heavy, and before she knew it, she was fast asleep.

  * * * *

  Dalton woke up
refreshed and horny with a bad case of morning wood. He looked down at Maggie, who was still sleeping soundly. Carefully he slid on a condom and then moved so he was positioned between her legs.

  “Maggie, Maagggiiieeee.” He watched her eyelids flutter open and watched her sudden smile as she looked up at him. He then saw that smile change to arousal as he slowly pushed into her. When he was fully seated, he leaned down and kissed her. “Good morning, Maggie mine.”

  “Good morning, Sir.”

  Dalton felt like he was ten feet tall, and his cock grew another two inches. She called him Sir, and it was fantastic.

  Not able to hold back any longer, he started moving. Because he knew she was behind him in terms of arousal, he reached down between their bodies and found her clit, rubbing it lightly at first and then harder as she moaned.

  When he felt the tremors start in her pussy, he started pumping harder, forcing himself to wait until she came before letting himself come.

  Lying back down beside her, he pulled her close. “That was great. Ready to go again?”

  He laughed as she slapped his chest and expressed her disbelief that he could be ready again so quickly, and then he directed her attention downward. He wasn’t fully hard, but he was quickly becoming so. Grasping her hand, he reached down and wrapped her fingers around his cock and tightened his grip so she was holding him tightly. Then he moving their joined hands up and down, and soon he was as hard as a rock.

  Before he could roll on top of her, Maggie tugged her hand free and turned her body so that she could reach his cock with her mouth. He groaned as she swallowed him, and then he had a brilliant idea. Grasping her hips, he moved so that his face was positioned under her pussy. Holding tightly, he plunged his tongue inside her as she swallowed him deep.


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