The Picture of Submission

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The Picture of Submission Page 10

by Diane Leyne

  He groaned as she worked him over with her mouth and then worked harder on her until it became a contest to see who could get the other off first. He ended up being the one to cave first, shooting his load deep into her throat. In revenge, he changed tactics and took his time with her, bringing her to the edge over and over before finally letting her come.

  “What is it with you Hayes brothers and the withholding of orgasms?” she groaned in protest as the last of the tremors made their way through her body. “I think you are all trying to kill me.”

  “We’d never try to kill you by withholding orgasms, pet. Kill you with them, perhaps, but not from withholding.”

  She laughed and he laughed with her, and he pulled her back up in the bed until they were cuddling together again.

  “So, what do you want to do today?”

  “Do? I thought we were spending the day in bed.”

  “Are you kidding? I’m a growing boy and need my nourishment. And besides, it’s only 8:00 a.m. Carter won’t be back until at least nine tonight. I thought we’d fuck a few more times, head into town for an early lunch, then come back here and fuck some more before heading down to the beach for a couple of hours before dinner. Then you can have a nap and build up your strength because we have plans for your tonight, pet. And you’ll definitely need all your energy for that.”



  * * * *

  The plans had nearly killed her. She’d lain in bed exhausted when the two of them had finally gotten up to leave after coming back twice for just one more time. She wasn’t sure she would ever walk again. They’d melted her bones and reddened her ass and tied her up in all sorts of creative positions. They’d taken her every way possible except in the ass. They’d teased her about it and taunted. They’d described how they were going to prepare her ass, stretching it with fingers and plugs until she was finally ready for a cock.

  She’d shivered at their words, her arousal spiking at the thought she’d be able to take all three brothers at once, just as they’d clearly planned.

  As she watched the door close behind them, she wished she had a tub in her room. Normally she preferred showers, but she was feeling sore and a bit achy. After breakfast, she promised herself, after breakfast she’d made use of the hotel hot tub. In fact, she just might stay in it all day.

  Chapter Seven

  She had two nights of sleeping alone, and it was harder than she’d expected. She missed having the brothers in her bed, and she was excited to see them again, all three of them. Looking over at JJ, she shivered in anticipation as the boat powered toward the island. Was she crazy? She’d started out determined to make this just about sex and submission, but over the last week, she’d come to know each of the brothers a bit better and fallen a bit in love with each of them.

  Damn Chris and his dastardly plan!

  In no time, JJ had stopped the boat at the main dock and tied it off. Maggie stepped carefully off the boat with the help of JJ. She’d been expecting Chris to meet the boat and was not happy to see the dock empty.

  “We’re early, hon. They’re not expecting us for another fifteen minutes. Don’t worry. There will be a greeting party here soon. And if they don’t come down, give me a few minutes and I’ll walk you up to the front door myself.”

  Maggie turned to deny his words, but when she saw nothing but kindness tinged with amusement in JJ’s warm brown eyes, the words died unsaid.

  “Thanks, JJ.”

  “No worries, Maggie. And if the Hayes brothers piss you off too much, remember that I’m around and I’m always looking for a hot play partner.” He smiled and winked at her, and she found herself smiling back. She had never really looked at him before. He was just JJ, who ferried people back and forth to the island and never really said much. He kept to himself, and she didn’t remember seeing him on the property before. Looking at him, really looking at him for the first time, she realized that he really was quite cute, although a bit young for her, probably not yet twenty-five.

  “Hands off my sub, JJ. Find your own.” They both jumped guiltily at the sound of Chris’s voice. Chris didn’t sound angry, though. He smiled at JJ and at Maggie. “Back in the boat, the both of you.” Maggie looked from JJ to Chris and back again. JJ just shrugged and helped Maggie back on the boat.

  “Where we going, boss?”

  “Villa Three. I’ve rented it for the next few weeks.”

  He walked over and kissed Maggie hard on the mouth. “I thought you might like a little privacy while you train.”

  * * * *

  Maggie walked through the door and stepped to the right. There was a bench right where Chris said it would be. Quickly, before she had a chance to freak out and…she removed her clothes and folded them neatly. She added her watch and earrings to the pile. She was barefoot, so there were no shoes to worry about.

  She’d deliberately faced the wall when she stripped, but now it was time to get into position. Taking a deep breath, she turned around and faced the center of the room.

  Damn, the so-called playroom was a lot bigger than she expected. It obviously wasn’t as big as the one at the resort, but it was still pretty darned big. She recognized the St. Andrew’s Cross, a bondage table with attachments that looked like something her gynecologist had at the end of her exam table, and two different types of spanking benches and a gigantic four-poster bed in one corner that looked big enough for her, the three Hayes brothers, and still have room for more.

  There were all sorts of hooks and chains hanging from the ceiling and what looked like a winch. She didn’t want to think about what they were used for. She also didn’t want to think about what was in the two large cabinets. It was bad enough that part of one wall was decorated with a dozen different types and thicknesses of canes, paddles, and whips.

  She also realized that there was a sink in the corner beside a door that presumably led to the small private bathroom he’d mentioned. She thought about using the facilities but knew that she’d just be wasting time, delaying the inevitable. She was better than that. She sighed. She’d dithered long enough. Chris would be in soon, and he wouldn’t be happy to find her out of position.

  He had made it easy for her. In the center of the room was a large square pillow. Reluctantly she walked over to it and dropped ungracefully to her knees. Taking a deep breath, she spread her knees as directed and rested her butt on her heels, placing her hands behind her back, clasping her elbows. She was distressed at how this thrust her breasts forward, as if hoping to be touched. She thought of changing her mind, but just as the thought nudged at her consciousness, the door opened. Maggie looked up and saw Chris enter. He was wearing a pair of tight jeans and nothing else.

  Maggie wanted to push him down on the bed and have her way with him. He was tall and lean and filled out the jeans to perfection. He was taller than his brothers. He wasn’t as muscular as Dalton, the personal trainer, and he didn’t have the defined six-pack of Carter, the chef who worked out religiously to counteract the effects of his profession. Chris had the look of someone who worked on his own construction sites. She could picture him in a hard hat, wielding a hammer or maybe pushing a wheelbarrow. She felt her nipples tighten and her pussy clench at the fantasy. She took a deep breath and tried to relax her body, hoping he didn’t notice, but Chris’s bright-blue eyes took in everything.

  As he walked over to her, she dropped her eyes, imitating the posture he’d demanded in his office.

  * * * *

  Chris felt his cock stir. Damn, he’d just jerked off in his own bathroom hoping that could help him have some control around Maggie, but it was definitely trying to stand to attention again at the sight of her kneeling for him.

  She was so beautiful with her lush, full breasts with their pink-tipped nipples and the delicate curls at the apex of her thighs. They were cute, but they definitely had to go. They’d agreed that if she came to them unshaven or unwaxed, Dalton would get the honor or removing the
m. Baby brother would be thrilled to find out he got to shave her.

  Slowly Chris approached, stopping when he was about three feet from where she knelt.

  “Eyes up.”


  “Eyes up. Don’t you remember, kitten? I want you to look at me, not the floor.”

  “Sorry, Sir.”

  “That’s okay, pet. Now I am going over your safe words one last time. I want to make sure you are comfortable with them. I’ll periodically ask you for a color. You will answer green for fine, yellow if you need me to slow down, and red to stop a scene. I’m warning you now about using yellow or red to top from the bottom. Do that and you’ll be punished. There are two more colors you need to know. Black is for medical. If you have a cramp or a restraint is pinching and hurting in a way that is not my intention, you say black. To end this whole training exercise, you say aubergine. The second that word it uttered, this all ends. Understand?”

  “Yes. Um, Sir, aubergine?”

  “Yes, it’s another word for eggplant, and it’s also a shade of purple that I like.”

  “Oh, okay, Sir.”

  “And are you ready to proceed?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Good. In future, I am not going to keep asking. If you enter this room, it is because you have agreed to a scene. The scene will end when I say it does. This scene right now will end when I say it does.” He held up his hand, showing her the black leather collar he was carrying. “This is your training collar, the one you wore in my office. When you put this on, it will symbolize that you have accepted me as your training Master and our week together will begin.”

  He handed her the collar.

  “Be very sure that this is what you want, kitten. Remember, once you put it on, it only comes off for showers or swimming, because it will be your public declaration of submission. Do you have any questions?”

  “Um, back in your office, Sir, you told me you only expected me to wear this collar for a scene?”

  “That’s true, and if we were back in Chicago, that would continue to be the rule. Back in Chicago, we have lives outside of BDSM that we have to attend to, jobs and friends and families. But here on the island, you are getting a crash course, and so you’ll wear the collar for the duration of your training. Are you okay with that?”

  Maggie thought for a moment, and Chris felt his heart skip a beat as he waited for her answer.

  “Yes, Sir.”

  * * * *

  Maggie looked down at the collar in her hand, her heart feeling like it was going to beat right out of her chest. She ran her fingers over the supple leather and turned in over in her hand…she felt her stomach do a flip flop at the memory of wearing it as she knelt in his office.

  Pushing her hair to one side, she placed the collar around her neck and fumbled to fasten it.

  She was surprised when Chris moved to kneel beside her. He reached down and pulled her hair aside so it wouldn’t get caught in the collar. Being required to buckle herself into the collar made her feel like she was really giving her submission. He wasn’t taking. She had complete control, and as she fastened the leather around her own neck, her fingers were slow and clumsy as the seriousness of what she was doing suddenly washed over her. She was turning over control of her own body, her person to Chris and his brothers, and she was doing it freely, deliberately, and with growing conviction that this was what she wanted and needed.

  The collar itself felt right on her neck. She’d missed the feeling, she realized. She wasn’t completely sure when it stopped being about getting the photography job and became more about her own desire to learn about submission and about the brothers. It was about them now, too.

  When the collar was fastened, she reclasped her hands behind her, but mindful of his earlier words, she turned her gaze to meet his.

  “I’m ready, Sir.”

  “Good kitten.”

  She wasn’t sure what she expected. Maybe he was going to throw her down on the bed and fuck her, or maybe he’d bend her over one of the spanking benches and spank her. He did neither. He stayed kneeling behind her and slowly began running his hands over her, starting with her arms. He touched her lightly, skimming up and down her arms, pulling them out to the side as he pressed against her back. He tugged so that she was leaning against his bare cheek. He felt good against her as his hands kept moving over her body, now on her thighs and then her waist before coming up under her breasts.

  He talked the whole time. His words were formal and his tone brisk, but with an underlying warmth to it.

  “And now for the rules of this scene. Firstly, you will not speak unless you are answering a direct question or coding. You will do what you are told, when you are told. Disobeying will bring a punishment. If I deem you are deliberately stalling, you will be punished. Do you understand?”

  Maggie nodded.

  “Words, kitten. When I ask a direct question, I expect a direct answer.”


  She looked up and saw his expression change to disapproving. It took her a second to realize her error.

  “Yes, Sir. Sorry, Sir.”

  “Better. Time to stand up. I’m going to restrain you so I can do your first inspection.”

  “Inspection?” She was in the process of standing with Chris’s help and stopped when the words sunk in. Immediately she felt a sharp smack on her ass. He’d spanked her!

  “Did I ask you a question?”

  “No, Sir.”

  “No words, kitten, or I’ll gag you.”

  “But what about my safe words? How can I use it if I’m gagged?”

  This time he struck her ass five times.

  “You’ve just had your first official punishment, this one for doubting your Dom. Do you trust me that little that you think I wouldn’t give you a way to safe word even if I took away your speech?”

  “I’m sorry, Sir, but I don’t really know you well enough to trust you that way yet, Sir.” She felt herself bracing for another spanking, but he just smiled.

  “Thank you, kitten, for your honesty. You’ll never be punished for being honest. You will, however, be punished if you are dishonest, and that doesn’t just mean lying. It includes omitting to tell me something I need to know. Now stand right here facing forward. I’ll be right back. Do not move or turn your head.”

  “Yes, Sir.”


  Damn. He hadn’t asked her a question.

  * * * *

  Chris looked down at Maggie and smiled. He was going to enjoy teaching her, training her, molding her in her submission.

  “I think we need to start with an inspection. Time to hop up on the table, kitten, and let Dr. Dom check you out.”

  He beamed down at her as he reached out and helped her up. She looked at him suspiciously, and so she should as he helped her up onto the table and started strapping her down. First he positioned her legs in the stirrups and locked them in place. Unlike the traditional gynecological stirrups, the patient couldn’t pull her legs out of these ones unless her doctor wished. Then he positioned her butt so it was hanging slightly off the table before fastening the remaining straps, including the one covering her hips, under her breasts and across her shoulders. Then he fastened her hands to her sides before heading over to get the rolling cart he’d prepared in advance.

  Coming back, he studied her closely and brushed the hair from her face. Then he retrieved a towel from the bathroom, folded it, and eased it under her head.

  “Better, pet?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Good girl.”

  Moving between her legs, he adjusted his chair until his face was at the perfect height. Slowly, so she could feel his warm breath on her most private area, he lowered his head and stuck out his tongue. Licking carefully, he swiped from tiny rosette to her pussy to her clit, avoiding actually touching that last organ. He saw her try to move her hips and just laughed. He secured her so tightly to the table that she was almost completely immobil
e. He would do anything he wanted to her, and she couldn’t stop him. Her trust humbled him, and he would never do anything to violate it.

  He’d planned on torturing her with his mouth for an hour at least, bringing her to the edge of orgasm and then pulling back. But she made such pleasing sounds when she whimpered. They went straight to his cock, and to deny her was to deny himself. He’d been all gruff in his office spouting rhetoric about her earning his cock, but the truth was that he was humbled by her wanting his cock and he wasn’t going to be an ass about it.

  He decided that he’d give her a couple of orgasms, and then he’d finally sink deep into her pussy. He’d give her the Hayes Brothers Hat Trick she’d wanted and then some.

  He went back to work on her pussy with his mouth and his fingers and quickly brought her to orgasm.

  This is fun!

  He did it again. She had to be the most orgasmic woman he’d ever met. This was fun. He got her off three more times before he finally couldn’t put off his own satisfaction any longer without risk of coming in his pants.

  Standing, he walked up to the head of the table and brushed back her hair before leaning down to kiss her softly on the mouth.

  “This is it, kitten. Speak now if you’ve decided you don’t want this, otherwise I’m going to sink my cock into your hot pussy and ride you for as long as I can.”

  “You mean I finally earned your cock, Sir?” Her tone was teasing.

  “Actually, I hope I’ve actually earned your pussy, pet.”

  “You have, Sir, you have. Please, I can’t wait any longer. I need you inside me now!”

  He moved faster than he ever had before almost tripping, and he lowered his pants while shoving on a condom. He was so eager that he actually ripped the first one and had to try again.


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