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Tempest Rise (Treborel)

Page 21

by Alaina Stanford

  Cap continued Katar’s thoughts, “It’s got to be underground in one of the older stone buildings. There are several that withstood the storms after the great destruction. Those would be likely locations.”

  “Some of the old temples used to have shelters in their cellars for the homeless.” Sean added, “I can’t think of a better place to hide.”

  “Cap, you go with Tam and Leanna, search the hotels and any temples on the south side of the city. Sean and I will take the North.” Katar ordered as they broke from the shadows. “We'll meet at the safe house a dawn. If you find anything contact them, we’ll check in every few hours.”

  “The safe house is in the industrial sector just south of here.” Tan offered, “Number eight, the Ergosian pillow factory.”

  “Sounds cozy.” Sean added with a smile as they separated.

  The surgery began late in the evening. Using the empathic method the children were sent into a deep sleep. Lysette had been surprised at how easily the children were separated. The large carotid artery had fused into one. Leaving a massive artery that branched into several smaller arteries just before it converged on the brain of each child. There had been no need to graft a portion of the arty from the children’s legs which decreased the surgical time to an acceptable level. Joah simply followed behind Lysette’s incisions healing the large artery as she separated it into two.

  Kendra slowed the children’s heart beat to such a decreased rate was frightening but it helped to keep the blood loss down. Andru monitored the twin’s vitals and brain functions. The children did not share any brain tissue. Although they each were found to have absolutely no structure in their inner ear what so ever. That portion of the bone was missing all together. They would both be deaf in the ear that had been part of the attachment.

  Since the children were so young Lysette left the skull incomplete. She made a note to insist on helmets for the children before they were to be moved. Joah informed her that over the next few months the boys would need continued treatments until the bones grew over and fused as normal cranial sutures should. The surgery ended just as Katar had landed on the Treborelan ship, bent on Lysette’s rescue. Joah and Kendra took the first watch over the fragile now separate infants as Lysette and Andru quickly fell asleep on the small cots.

  As the unseen dawn broke Andru woke Lysette and they took their watch over the twins. Examining Rey as Kendra sank onto the hard cot, Lysette discovered he was slightly congested by resting well. Moving to Arbus she found that his lungs were strong and clear, he was sleeping deeply. Thinking back over the operation Lysette decided that the Holy One must have been standing over them. It had been truly incredible how the children survived such an invasive procedure without complication. The blood loss alone should have been enough to send them into shock and death. Yet the empaths had seen to it that they had survived. For the first time in her life Lysette was truly envious of another’s skills. She would not lie to herself it had been the healers who had saved the children’s lives and made the separation possible not her.

  A few moments later Commander Connor appeared in the doorway. The room fell silent as he walked the few steps to the crib where the sleeping infants lay. He said, “So they have survived the separation.” His causal amazement infuriated Lysette.

  As she stepped forward to confront him she felt Andrus hand on her arm in silent caution as he addressed the commander. “They will live, although neither child will have any hearing from the attached side of their head.”

  Studying the infants Connor spoke without taking his eyes from them, “When can he be given a new ear?”

  Lysette answered as calmly as she could, “I’m afraid all we could do is form the outer each shell. They will look normal but have no hearing on that side. There is no inner ear to replace it is simply missing.”

  Moving his gaze from the infants to Andru Connor waited for the empaths input. Andru said, “We can only heal what is damaged. Not create what has been forgotten.”

  “We are leaving at sunset.” Connor turned to the remaining empaths as his gaze swept the room. “That is ten hours from now. Prepare the infants.” He turned back to Lysette and smiled wickedly adding, “You and the elder empathy will be joining us.”

  The others stood silently waiting for more of an explanation, only to watch the commander walk swiftly out the door and close it behind him.

  “What does that mean?” Lysette felt the familiar fear begin to rise once more as she looked to Andru for an explanation.

  He smiled sadly and moved to place his arm around Kendra’s shoulders saying, “We can’t live forever, Lysette.”

  “How can you say that?” Lysette blurted out, irritated by his calm acceptance of death. “You saved his son’s lives, how can William . . .” Her throat tightened cutting off the rest of her words as the tears began to flow.

  Kendra moved to embrace Joah allowing Andru to hold Lysette. Kendra clung tightly to Joah and whispered in his ear, “Joah there is something I must tell you. “ She began, “Something that Prince Katar must know. If I am going to die, I must tell someone the secret that only I have held for so long.”

  Cupping her chin he lifted her face up to searched her eyes for the source of her concern. “What is it child?” He asked, softly.

  “I have seen Commander Connor before, many years ago when I was very young. He killed a very important man who just saved my life.” Kendra hesitated glancing around as she whispered so softly the name she had held inside for so many years. “Prince Mikel, Katar’s father.”

  Taking Lysette’s hand Andru lead her to the small table and sat beside her wanting to speak to her alone while he had the chance. “Lysette, being here and working with the twins has meant a great deal to me. As a matter of fact it has completed my internship as an Empath.” He reached out and took her hand gently, cupping her chin with his other to raise her face to meet his smiling gaze. “I am a true empathic healer now. It’s the greatest think that has ever happened to me.” Andru paused, his eyes softened and his smile slipped away and he added, “The only thing that compares to it is the day I met you. I might not get another chance to talk to you again, Lysette.” He continued moving closer. “I want you to know . . . I love you.” The sad smile returned briefly. “I know you in love with Prince Katar. That doesn’t matter now. All that matters is that you know how I feel. I guess I’m being selfish, confessing this to you at the last minute like this. But I had to tell you how I feel. And I want you to know that I’d be very disappointed in you if you let anyone, even Katar treat you like second best.”

  A multitude of emotions flowed through Lysette. None of which was the passionate love like she felt for Katar. Kissing him softly Lysette touched his cheek and answered, “I wish we had more time Andru. I’m just too numb to even begin to think of another relationship. If I wasn’t . . .”

  “It’s alright, Lysette.” Andru smiled brightly pulling back from her. “You just said more than I could have hoped for. And if we did have more time, I’d give Katar something to worry about.”

  “You’re not dead yet.” Lysette answered him with conviction. She had to do something, there had to be a way to stop them from murdering Andru and Kendra.

  Joah and Kendra separated and began packing supplies, preparing for the infants departure. After several hours Joah approached the door and demanded to speak to Commander Connor.

  Andru was quickly at his grandfather’s side asking, what are you going to do?”

  Joah turned back to him as the deep love he felt for his grandson shone in his eyes and said, “I know how to save you and Kendra.”

  “Don’t do anything foolish Pappy.” Andru said as fear gripped him like never before.

  Before Andru could say more the soldiers appeared and escorted Joah out. The others stood in front of the door as it closed behind Joah. Taking Andru’s hand, Lysette led him back to the table where they all sit silently waiting for Joah’s return. As the minutes passed like hours Andru rose
no longer able to stay still. Growing more restless as the time past he began to pace the length of the small room. Suddenly his head jerked up and he ran to the door pounding on it with his fists.

  “They are torturing him!” Kendra gasped and followed Andru to the door.

  Damn you bastards!” Andru threw himself against the door trying to force it open screaming, “Leave him alone, he’s a harmless old man!”

  “Are you sure?” Lysette pulled Kendra back from Andru.

  “Yes!” Andru turned to face her, “I can feel his pain! They are beating him!” Andru spun back and beat on the door again saying, “He’s doing it for us, if he dies they will let Kendra and I live!”

  Kendra closed her eyes and reached out to Joah trying to take his pain as best she could. Lysette could only stand and watch as Andru exhausted himself in his effort to reach his grandfather. Finally Kendra moved forward and placed her hand on his shoulder, speaking calmly to him, “He’s gone, Andru. He’s gone.”

  Sobs wracked Andru as he sank to the floor. The two women knelt and held him. Andru looked up at Kendra and asked, “Why didn’t I feel his passing? I didn’t feel him die! He just doesn’t seem gone to me.”

  “I felt his pain stop completely. It had to be his death. Unconsciousness would have left a feeling of pain. There was nothing.” She spoke soothingly as she and Lysette pulled him to his feet.

  As they reached the cots the door opened and Commander Connor entered with two soldiers. “The female will come with me. You and the boy will prepare the infants it is time to leave.” Connor spoke only to Lysette ignoring the others.

  Andru rose and placed himself in between the soldiers and Kendra. “You’re not taking her anywhere. I know you tortured my grandfather. I want him returned to me at once.”

  “He is dead.” Connor spat out as he pulled a small pistol from his belt and pointed it at Lysette. “She comes or the good doctor dies, now.”

  “Kill me then!” Lysette screamed at him as the hatred erupted from her heart. “I’d rather die than allow you to take another Empath to be tortured! I won’t let her become just another amusing distraction to pass the last few minutes until departure.”

  A surprised smile crossed Connor’s face as he turned to gaze at her saying, “Dr Nolan, am I such a monster in your eyes?” He motioned for the soldiers to take Kendra. The two closest guards took hold of Andru to restrain him as the other two escorted Kendra out.

  Connor approached Lysette saying, “You are not used to the realities of war. Although I should kill this one, I have chosen not to. If she cooperated, I will let her deliver a message to your friends who at this very moment search the city for you.” Turning back to Andru as the shoulders shoved him to the floor, Connor’s smile vanished as he said, “Your grandfather’s body will serve as a reminder, I am not to be trifled with.” Glancing back at Lysette as the soldiers departed with Kendra Connor reached out, finding a stray lock of Lysette’s hair he wound it around his fingers. “Sean Nolan should be proud not only are you very beautiful and intelligent, but rave as well and filled with fire.” Releasing her, he turned and was gone.

  “Bastard!” Andru whispered as he rose to his feet.

  Lysette went to him saying, “I’m so sorry about Joah, he was a wonderful man.”

  “I should have realized what he was going and stopped him.” The pain in his eyes was almost too much for Lysette to bear. Embracing him, they held each other for comfort.

  “Can you tell if Kendra is alright?” Lysette asked pulling back from him.

  “She’s not too far away and frightened but they haven’t’ hurt her.” Andru answered sitting down at the table feeling the frustration and helplessness consuming him. “I can’t just sit here again and wait to feel the pain of her death.” Rising, he went to the surgical tool and picked up a thin tube with several small buttons placed down it six inch length. “You used this to separate the twins; it cut through their flesh easily.”

  “It’s a small laser scalpel, not a weapon.” Lysette came to him taking the instrument from his hand.

  “You were going to use this you slice a piece of bone from the babies pelvis. How intense can the beam become?”

  “It has several settings but they must be used at close range. No more than 2 or three inches. After that the beam dissipates or the patient would be cut in half every time it was used.”

  “Sounds like a pretty nice weapon to me.” Andru’s eyes narrowed as he reached for the weapon.

  “I suppose you could use it to cut someone’s throat. But it would be no more advantage than using a knife.” Lysette cautioned, knowing that the guards carried laser pistols.

  “I can meet them at the door. I’ve gotten that close before.”

  “Okay, so you get close enough o kill one of them. What do you think the other one or two are going to do while you’re busy? Stand by and watch? Wait their turn?”

  “Alright, I’ll wait for a better opportunity. But I’m not going to stand by passively anymore. When I get the chance you better be ready.”

  “You do realize that it will be you and I taking care of theses infants the entire journey? Are you seriously going to try to cut someone’s arm or head off while you’re holding a baby?”

  “Maybe that’s the protection that we need.” Andru answered so full of hatred he wasn’t thinking straight.

  “So you’re going to cower behind an infant, hoping they won’t shoot.” Lysette was disgusted with him. “Alright, go ahead, be a hero. I’m sure Joah would be impressed.”

  Her words stung, but he wouldn’t back down. “Just be ready.”

  The door opened once more and Commander Connor appeared with Kendra at his side. She appeared shaken but unharmed. Dropping the scalpel quickly into his pocket Andru glared at Connor. Are you alright Kendra?” He said moving forward trying to reach but was stopped by Connor.

  “She is not allowed to speak with you again. Get your things and the infants, it’s time to leave.”

  The last three days had been the most frustrating of Katar’s life. They had searched nearly every temple in the city. None of the temples supplied with water and fuel had turned up any sign of Lysette and her fellow captives. Cap had even taken to going out in the daylight hours with the operatives to search.

  Sean and Katar were too easily recognized to risk a daylight search. As a result Cap had been searching steadily with only and or hour or two of sleep each night. Katar found it too ironic to believe that the two women he and his friend had ever truly cared for were both taken by the most evil man Katar had ever come across. They were to search the last five temples left in the city today. It had taken too long to search the others to risk waiting until nightfall again. Katar and Tam had managed to slip into the first of the building just after dawn, finding nothing. Making their way painstakingly through the back ways and alleys they moved toward their second objective. It took them nearly four hours to reach and search the next two temples on their list.

  Tan urged Katar to duck into an old flower shop and use the comm. link hidden there to contact the safe house. Sean and Cap had left a message. It was a prearranged code. Simply the number four, corresponding to the temple list they were using. The fourth building on the list was on old three story cathedral. They were instructed to meet then in a small market across the street. Dressed in the light colored travel clothes of the Bantorians they blended in well with the people around them.

  Until they reached the cathedral, the streets surrounding it were deserted. Walking slowly down the walkway to the market they opened the tall wooden doors of the stone entrance and moved inside, their weapons ready. The sight that met their eyes brought a smile to Katars lips as they watched Cap consuming the last of a loaf of spiced bread. Stuffing the remains in his mount he washed it down with a slug of port and rose to greet them.

  Sean appeared from the back of the shop holding out a jug of water to the lanky commander. “’Go easy on the spirits, you haven’t had enough sl
eep to handle much without nodding off at the worst possible moment.” Sean scolded him.

  Moving across to Katar and Tan, Sean gave his report. “This cathedral doesn’t hold services. It’s reserved for weddings and anointing of children. Lately they’ve expanded it to include funerals. There’s a wide alley around back with an outer stairwell that goes directly into the basement. There are no basement windows and . . . “Sean smiled brightly, “The guy across the alley says a caravan has been there twice in the last two weeks.”

  Cap joined the and they left the market and walked casually to the end of the block, crossing the intersection and following the walkway past the alley entrance behind the ancient structure. Cap spoke softly glancing around the still silent street saying, “The shop owner that backs to this alley says that about three months ago there was a major renovation project going on in the temple. He thinks they were getting ready to supply new quarters for the clergy. But Leanna checked the Administrative records

  And there is no clergy assigned to this temple.”

  Katar asked, “Are there any other entrances into the cathedral beside these two?” They moved around the corner and headed for the Meat shop that backed to the cathedral.

  “No,” Cap quickly answered, “But there’s got to be a way into the basement from the chapel.”

  “It’s locked up tight.” Sean interjected. “Either we make a lot of noise trying to get in or stand around and wait.”

  Reaching the meat shop Cap opened the door and walked in without hesitation as he spoke to the owner, “Mr. Lutz, your business has slacked off.” Cap smiled and shook his hand.

  “Mr. Cap, you going to actually buy something this time?” The stocky dark haired owner greeted him with familiar gusto.

  “I would if you had anything to buy.” Cap pointed to the empty coolers.

  “Pay the right price and I just might find a piece of meal lost behind the crates in the freezer.” The shop keeper smiled displaying a mouthful of crooked teeth


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