Lily's Dream (Siren Publishing Classic)

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Lily's Dream (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 5

by Kiel Nichols

Jake felt like he would never stop coming. Finally, he lay panting over her, her fluttering pussy keeping his cock hard, despite his overwhelming climax.

  Jake immediately realized he could have just made a huge mistake. He’d never come inside a woman without a condom, even if she said she was on birth control. He hadn’t planned on doing so with Lily.

  “Um, Lily,” he said tentatively.

  “Hmm?” She was lazily running her hands over his back.

  “I didn’t use a condom,” he said.

  She stiffened slightly under him, and then she relaxed.

  “That’s okay,” she said sleepily. “It’s an okay time. We’ll be more careful next time.”

  Jake pulled out of her body gently, gritting his teeth as her wet folds rubbed his sensitive head. He walked over to the bathroom to clean up and get a cloth for her. When he turned the light on, he could see smears of red on his softening cock. At the sight, he stiffened.

  Okay, so I’m sick. The sight of her blood and the feel of breaking through her innocence was the most erotic experience he’d ever had. He had taken virgins before, although not in many years, and he had never felt this combination of tenderness and eroticism at the act.

  Dampening a fresh washcloth with warm water, he returned to find Lily in exactly the same position as he’d left her. Her legs were splayed wide, eyes closed, chest rising and falling softly in sleep. Jake gently rubbed the cloth over her pussy, wiping up more blood and his semen off her body.

  Lily stirred at the touch. Unable to help himself, he followed the cloth with his mouth. The remnants of her excitement, his own semen, and a slight coppery taste of blood should have been disgusting, but it was like an aphrodisiac, bringing his erection to full and pulsing life again.

  “More,” Lily groaned.

  Jake threw the washcloth on the floor and laid his mouth over her clit.

  “Touch me,” she pleaded, rotating her hips.

  She may not realize how sore she’d be if he pushed his fingers into her, but he knew. Instead of pushing his finger into her pussy, he used the moisture from her body to coat his finger before rubbing her rear.

  Lily stilled for a moment, and then she pushed herself harder onto his mouth. Seeing that she was excited by it, Jake pushed his finger gently into her anus. Lily came almost immediately. It was clear she liked a little sensual pain. When she was done, he crawled up next to her.

  Lily reached down to stroke his cock as it lay against her. “What about you?” she asked sleepily.

  “We’ll worry about me tomorrow,” he whispered. “Go to sleep, Lily.”

  She didn’t say another word. She was asleep.

  Chapter 6

  Lily woke in the morning slightly sore and splayed across a hard, hot pillow. It took her a moment to realize where she was. Jake hadn’t left! She’d been sure he would. Now all she had to do was to convince him she didn’t love him and that she wanted the kind of education he could give her. If she got soft and loving on him, he’d be out the door so fast she’d see nothing but smoke in his wake.

  Opening her eyes, she half expected him to be awake and thinking about gnawing his arm off to slip out. Instead, he was deeply asleep. Giving in to her curiosity, she pulled the blanket down until she could see his cock. It was impressive even though she couldn’t tell how hard he was. She simply didn’t have the experience to tell the difference between semi hard and totally soft. If this was soft, wow! He seemed huge.

  Wanting to see what would happen, she shifted her body down until her face was even with his penis. She softly rubbed her finger over him and swirled it around his balls. The hair made her fingertip tingle. His cock started to straighten and thicken. She looked up to see if his eyes were open, and they weren’t. Curious to see how much she could do to him before he awoke, she slid her tongue from the base of his cock up to the tip and swirled it around the bulbous head. On her second swipe, she found a droplet of fluid seeping from the tip. Unable to resist, she sucked the tip of his cock into her mouth.

  A loud groan from Jake accompanied his hands in her hair. Before she knew his intent, he held her head still and pushed his hips up, thrusting his cock into her mouth. It touched the back of her throat, making her gag.

  Just that fast, Jake yanked her head up by the hair and fumbled out of bed, tripping over the covers.

  * * * *

  Jake had been having the most erotic dream. He dreamed that Lily had her hot mouth on him and was sucking him. He reached down and grabbed her hair, thrusting into her mouth the way he had always wanted to. When he did, he heard a choking sound. It shot him out of the dream and out of the bed.

  “Fuck, Lily. I’m sorry.” Jake was breathing hard, holding his cock tightly at the base, as though he had to leash it before it went back for more. He’d gone from asleep to awake in an instant and didn’t feel like his brain cells had caught up yet.

  Lily got out of bed, and Jake had to pinch his cock tighter at the sight of her.

  “Jake, why did you leave? I was having fun.” Her red lips turned down into a pout.

  It was the pout that did it.

  Before Jake could get his mind around what was happening, he was lurching forward to push Lily onto the bed. She didn’t lie down but rather sat and reached for his cock. He shoved himself eagerly into her waiting mouth.

  He was thrusting shallowly at first, but he soon had the back of her head in his grip again and began fucking her mouth in earnest. When he pushed too hard and made her choke, he pulled back a little, but soon he was thrusting into her throat again.

  Jake kept crooning, “Come on, baby, you can take it. That’s it. Relax your throat for me. Let me in. Come on, Lily, swallow me down.” He was watching his cock shuttle in and out of her mouth and saw her hand slip down between her legs.

  Suddenly he realized he didn’t want to come in her mouth.

  “Lily,” he said, almost guttural. “Turn around.”

  * * * *

  Lily’s heart was beating frantically, and she was so wet it was embarrassing. The ache in her pussy had grown so bad that she had to touch herself or go crazy. When Jake made his demand that she turn around, she knew immediately what he wanted and jumped into position. She had fantasized about this position and couldn’t wait to try it.

  She had learned two things about Jake while he was fucking her mouth so enthusiastically. First, he had held back the night before. Second, his needs were more primal than she ever could have imagined. It turned her on tremendously.

  Jake shoved a finger roughly into her body. She thought it was to ensure she was ready and wanted to tell him she was, but before she could, he slammed his cock into her so hard her arms collapsed, pushing her face into the bedding. She screamed at the pleasure and the renewed pain. At the same time, he shoved the finger, wet with her arousal, into her ass. She came immediately.

  * * * *

  Jake knew he was being too rough. She had been a virgin, and he was taking her as though she had been fucked a hundred times. He had never taken a woman this way before. Oh, he liked it rough and hard, but this was like a primal beat in his head, an act of possession that he couldn’t stop. With every thrust, his instincts were chanting, “Mine! Mine! Mine!”

  The orgasm he felt rip through her body only made him pound harder. It was a sop to his conscience that she enjoyed it as well. When he felt her shudders start to die down, he reached in front of her with his other hand and rubbed her clit. He could feel her ass clench around his finger as her orgasm picked up in intensity again. When she screamed, he came in an explosion he had never felt before. It was like his balls had pushed through his cock to spew everything they had.

  At that moment, he didn’t care that he had once again forgotten a condom. The primitive part of him rejoiced that he was marking her. Her pussy continued to pulse around him. Finally, he slumped against her.

  Lily collapsed onto the bed, and Jake fell with her, unable to hold himself up on his shaking legs and unwilling to separ
ate himself from her.

  She was shuddering and quivering, and Jake started to come back to himself again. Remorse was like a heavy weight, crushing him. When he pulled out, she groaned a clear sound of pain, not pleasure.

  He picked up the washcloth from the night before and stalked to the bathroom. The sight of more of her blood on his cock didn’t surprise him. She had been a virgin, and he hadn’t given that membrane a chance to heal. He planned on getting another washcloth and threw the one from the night before carelessly in the sink. He’d turned to root in the linen closet for another cloth when he saw her standing in the doorway in a robe.

  Knowing she’d want a few minutes alone, he tried to brush by her in the doorway. As he passed, she wrapped her arms around his waist.

  He couldn’t understand how she could hug him when he’d just brutalized her. She tilted her head up for a kiss, and he kissed the tip of her nose. The hot ball of regret pooled in his belly.

  “Lily, I’m so sorry.”

  * * * *

  Lily jerked in Jake’s arms. She didn’t understand what he meant. He was sorry? About what? That he’d just given her the most amazing experience of her life?

  Lily stepped around him into the bathroom. “Fine,” she said. “Why don’t you go down and make coffee?”

  She caught the expression on his face as she stepped past him and wondered what she had done wrong.

  When she went to the bathroom, she winced at the pain. Wiping showed her why. Her period must have come a week early. She knew that young virgins bled a little, but she wasn’t young, and she wore tampons. She shouldn’t have bled at all. When she went to wash her hands, she saw the stained washcloth in the sink. The sight of the bright crimson made her blush.

  Maybe that was why he looked so upset. She was sure he didn’t want to deal with all the girly stuff. Too sore for a tampon, she grabbed a pad and went back out into her room. She noticed that Jake’s clothes were all gone from the floor and got dressed quickly. On her way out of the room, she put a little star on the calendar.

  * * * *

  “I know we weren’t careful. Just in case you’re pregnant, we’ll get married next week.”

  Jake made the announcement as soon as she entered the kitchen. He sounded so grim Lily knew he didn’t want to get married.

  The coffee pot was gurgling loudly behind Jake’s back. Lily took a deep breath, breathing in the scent of the coffee and of Jake.

  “We’re not getting married.” Although Lily had always wanted to be with Jake, she knew he didn’t want to marry her.

  “Lily,” Jake took her shoulders in a firm grip. “We may have to get married. I didn’t use a condom, remember?”

  Lily flushed. She may have been a virgin, but she knew better than to have sex without protection.

  “I’m clean,” she said. “You know that.”

  Jake shook his head. “I am, too. That’s not the point. I’m not taking a chance that you’re pregnant. No kid of mine is going to feel like he’s an accident and unwanted.”

  “First of all,” Lily said, with not a little heat, “no child of mine would ever be allowed to feel unwanted. Second of all, there is no way I’m pregnant.” She thought her period must have started. Granted, her period was a week early, but early wasn’t a problem. Late was.

  Jake stayed silent.

  “The timing makes it impossible,” she said, exasperated.

  “Nothing is impossible,” he said grimly.

  “Fine. Highly improbable then.”

  Jake looked at her for a long moment then relaxed a little. “Okay,” he said. “Okay.” He shoved his hands in his pockets and looked at the floor.

  Lily sidled up to him and put her hands on his chest. “Can we do this again sometime? Obviously I need a few days, but maybe we can get together again next weekend?”

  Jake kissed Lily gently. “I’m so sorry I hurt you,” he whispered. “I don’t know why you’d want to be with me after that.”

  “Oh, Jake, of course I want to be with you again. I loved everything you did to me.” Lily wiggled a bit closer, brushing her breasts against his chest.

  “I really liked when you played with my ass,” she said, and peeked up at him through her lashes. “Maybe you can show me some other things that we can do together? I’m a quick study.”

  She felt him harden perceptibly.

  “Fuck, Lily,” Jake said in a harsh voice.

  “That’s the idea,” she cooed.

  Before Jake could respond, they heard a brief knock and the sound of a key in the lock.

  Chapter 7

  Jake pushed Lily back abruptly. He didn’t know how to explain this to Tom. He was going to kill him. He looked at Lily. Her hair was tousled, her nipples hard as pebbles, and her mouth was swollen. She had a freshly fucked look.

  He didn’t need to say anything. One raking look from head to toe was enough to make his point. Lily turned and dashed up the back stairs. Jake reached for a mug and poured coffee.

  Thankfully his erection had deflated at the sound of the door opening.

  Tom strode into the kitchen, and Jake was nervous when he realized Tom was in uniform, his gun at his side.

  Jake stepped to the side when Tom reached up for a coffee cup. Tom didn’t seem to care that Jake was in his sister’s kitchen before nine on a Saturday morning.

  “Hey,” Tom said, pouring himself some coffee. “I thought I saw your truck in the driveway. You’re getting an early start this morning.”

  Jake just grunted. He was waiting for a fist to fly, and then he really looked at Tom’s face. His face was a little pale, and his eyes had a pinched look. “Hey, man, are you sick?”

  “Nah,” Tom said. “Just hungover. Hooked up with a hot little blonde at Starkey’s last night. Had a few more shots of tequila than was smart.”

  Jake knew exactly which hot little blonde Tom was talking about. The way she’d come on to him and Derek, it wasn’t surprising she’d moved on to Tom before the night was over. Derek didn’t seem any more interested in her than Jake had been, but apparently Tom wasn’t as discerning.

  “Why’d you hook up with her?” Jake asked. “Skank usually isn’t your type.”

  Tom didn’t meet his eyes. “Yeah, well, I guess you don’t know my type.” Then he mumbled under his breath, “I don’t even know my type anymore.”

  Lily called down the stairs. “I’ll be right down, Jake. Why don’t you grab a cup of coffee while I get the paint samples I want you to see?”

  With one simple move, Lily had made it look like Jake just arrived.

  “Hey, Lil,” Tom called up the stairs.

  “Tommy?” Lily called back as she bounced down the back stairs. Her hair was pulled back into a barrette, and she had a loosely woven sweater on. It was airy enough to be appropriate for an early morning in the summer, and yet it was thick enough to hide her nipples.

  Jake saluted her with his coffee mug. She gave him a smug smile and hugged her brother. She took one look at him and pulled a bottle of ginger ale out of her cabinet. She then pulled a single serving V8 juice out of the fridge. When she poured them into a glass together, Jake made a gagging sound.

  Tom put down his coffee mug and took the noxious mixture in relief. “Thanks, sweetie,” he said.

  “I have never been able to figure out how you can drink that without puking,” Jake said.

  Jake had to turn his head when Tom started to chug the drink.

  “Best hangover remedy in the world,” Tom said, sighing and leaning back against the counter.

  “So where’s your car?” he asked Lily.

  Lily didn’t spare Jake a glance. “I went to Starkey’s last night. I left early, but Jake didn’t want me to drive so he dropped me off at home. Speaking of that,” she said, turning to Jake. “After we look at my paint samples, can I get a ride to pick up my car?”

  Jake was impressed. She hadn’t lied to Tom, but the way she presented the truth made everything seem innocent.
r />   “Sure,” he said. “I want to get the crown molding put up in your office this morning, so I can either take you to pick up your car before or after I get that done.”

  “It’s okay,” Tom said. “I can take her. You were good enough to take her home last night.”

  Yeah, I’m a great friend, Jake thought in self-disgust. I just drove your sister home, took her virginity, and then fucked her this morning until she bled. Some friend I am.

  Tom turned to Lily. “You ready, squirt?”

  “Sure,” she answered then went to get her purse. Tom headed for the door.

  Lily hung back a moment, “Will I see you next weekend?” she asked in a whisper.

  Jake answered after just a short beat of silence. “Yeah.” He knew he was going to hell for what he was doing with Lily, but her words just before Tom showed up were in his head. There was so much he could teach her.

  * * * *

  In the squad car, Tom asked in a too-casual tone, “So, you were at Starkey’s last night?”

  “Yeah,” she answered.

  “What were you doing there?” Again his tone was far too casual to be sincere.

  Lily was sure her little act with Jake hadn’t worked. “I just hung out with Derek and Jake for about an hour, and then Jake took me home. Jeez, Tom, it’s not like I’m under twenty-one or anything. I am old enough to be in a bar.” Her tone was a bit antagonistic. The best defense is a good offense, they say.

  “It’s just that Gillian said she saw you flirting with Derek, and that Jake got mad and carried you out of the bar.” Tom said it in a rush. “I thought you said there was nothing going on with Derek, Lily.”

  Lily couldn’t believe how far off the mark he was. “I flirt with Derek all the time. It doesn’t mean anything.”

  “Gillian said you were dressed in a short skirt rubbing your butt all over him, Lil.”

  “Look, Tom. It’s none of your business what I do and who I do it with.” She was tempted to throw Jake in his face, but she didn’t want to have him warn Jake off.


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