The Sundering: A Clutch Mistress Book 5

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The Sundering: A Clutch Mistress Book 5 Page 7

by Janelle Peel

  A growl began at the back of his throat; raising the small hairs on the nape of my neck.

  His gaze flashed to amber, “And you? What’s your end game?”

  Grinning deviously, I whispered, “To kill him.”

  He scoffed, “Right. How the fuck are you going to do that?”

  “With your help, of course.”

  Heaving a sigh, he gestured at his collar, “Much as I’d like to, I’m too weak without my Wolf.”

  Lifting the rough bandage covering my side, I pondered his words. If he were, there’s no possible way he could have sprouted fur. His Wolf was there, the yellow hue lighting the edges of his irises proved it. Pursing my lips, I prodded the edge of the slowly closing puncture, “No, you’re not. He’s still there. I can see him, even with the band.” My brow lowered as I poked a particularly tender spot, “What kind of Shifter are you?”

  His thick chest puffed up for a moment before quickly deflating. Sadness rolled off him in waves, “An Alpha.”

  “A Wolf Alpha?”

  Clenching his teeth, he bit out, “Yes.”

  Giving him an imploring look, I relaxed back onto the mattress.

  Continuing his circuit, he answered, “An Alpha leads a Pack of Shifters. I keep them in line. Food, clothing, anything pertaining to their wellbeing falls upon my shoulders.”

  “A Ruler?”

  “Yes. Only you can’t compare us to what you live with here. I would never…” His fists clenched, “do what your Father has done.”

  “Have children, do you?” I snarked. “This is the norm down here.”

  “Bex,” his voice cracked. “My niece. I would never… could never…” a threatening rumble rose from his chest, “harm her.”


  The mere thought hurting Bex razed his temper to a fever pitch.

  Pup, his Wolf roared, breaking through the hush of his mind.



  He swore he’d heard him, Wolf?

  Lillin interrupted his internal monologue, “What of your Pack? Where are they?”

  Pushing away the despair, his bare feet carried him across the uneven floor, “Southern California. We are joined with a Clutch.”

  Bewilderment colored her response, “Clutch?”

  “A group of Vampires. They are led by a Master and his Mate. She is a hybrid.”

  She snorted, “Vampires? Never heard of them.”

  Incredulous, he asked, “Really? How old are you?”

  Waving her hand, she shrugged, “I don’t know. I stopped counting after a hundred or so. I was born after the path to Earth closed.”

  Path? How had she survived here for so much time? Dealing with her Father, the other Demons? All Mother, he’d only been here for a day or two and he felt like he was losing his shit.

  She snapped her fingers, “Vampires? Hybrid?”

  Filing away his questions, he nodded, “Yes. Vampires feed on the blood of humans. Sora, our Clutch Mistress, is part Vampire, part Mage.” As her nose scrunched in confusion, he elaborated, “A Mage is someone who possesses magic. Sora is the Chosen of our Goddess.”

  She laughed, “Goddess? That’s the second time you’ve said that word. There is only one God, and he is most definitely not female.”

  “Call it what you will, he or she, it doesn’t really matter at this point. The Goddess created Shifters and Mages. Then came Vampires.”

  “Sure,” she mocked, fanning her lashes wide in disbelief. “Okay. What does ‘joined’ mean? You said it like it’s a big deal.”

  He tapped his chest, “Sora joined us with magic. She can feel every member of our Clutch.”

  “Right, and you think she’s going to rescue you?”

  He sure as hell hoped so.


  Unable to sleep, I padded down the hall to Kane’s suite. Hesitantly, I touched the door with my palm. Was this right?

  The handle turned before I could talk myself into retreating back to my room.

  Standing at least six inches over my five foot nine height, he casually leaned against the frame. Dressed in a pair of hunter green sweats, he crossed his thick arms. My gaze snagged on the perfection of his pecs before traveling over the flawless muscles lining his abdomen. Dark hair began at his navel, highlighting the v of his hips before disappearing inside the band of his pants.

  Clearing his throat, my orbs snapped to his.

  Bright emerald, they held only concern, “Is everything all right, Nat?”

  Tears pricked the corners of my eyes. Nothing seemed right in the world, but I was done hiding from it.

  Sensing my resolve, he grabbed my fingers and pulled me inside. Closing the door with one heel, he waited patiently.

  His earthy, masculine scent permeated my nose with every inhale as I slowly relaxed. Stepping closer, I hooked his arm and pulled him toward the bed.

  He paused, “Nat-”

  Jerking my head, I settled against the cushions. Patting the spot next to me, I tucked my legs beneath the covers.

  Sighing, he settled beside me.

  The color of his eyes reflected a bright green hue. His Wolf whined from his human lips as he clenched his teeth in a struggle for control.

  Shifting closer, I snuggled into the shelter of his shoulder, “I’ve decided, Kane.”

  Hoarsely, he rumbled, “Yes?”

  Tracing the line of his square jaw, I ran my fingers through the shortened sides of his ebony hair. My words took on a possessive growl, “You are mine.”

  Freezing in place, his breath caught.

  Moving onto an elbow, I kissed the corner of his lip. His large hands gripped my hips as he pulled me atop him. Separated by his pants and my boyshorts, heat pooled low in my belly. Leaning closer, I begged entrance to his mouth.

  With a growl, he opened.

  As his tongue slid against mine, I savored his taste. My nipples hardened beneath the thin material of my tank; eliciting a moan of approval as I brushed against his chest.

  Cupping my rear, he rolled us to the side. Releasing his hold, he panted, “Wait, Nat. We can’t. It’s a full Moon.”

  My tone hardened, “I know what day it is, Kane.”

  Shifters Mated for life under a full Moon, and I was done living without him.

  Lifting the hem of my shirt, I pulled it over my head. My shorts followed. Completely naked, I watched his face transform to one of hunger. Calling to my well, I shifted in a shimmer.

  Hopping from the bed, four silver tipped paws touched down on the ground. Moving to the door, I touched the handle with my nose.


  Never in his wildest dreams did he think this would happen. Tucking his hardened member beneath the waistband of his sweats, he stood. Hope and trepidation flitted through him in equal proportions as he made his way to the gorgeous ebony Wolf at the door.

  Her gold rimmed, jade eyes squinted at him in impatience.

  Trusting her, he turned the handle and followed her to the foyer.

  With a sharp yip, she took off across the lawn.

  Run, his wolf whispered. Chase, Mate!

  Calm, he replied. They would chase her. Then they would catch her. Their Mating would take place in human form.

  Yes, he answered.

  Loosening the drawstring at his waist, he shifted.

  Black as night, they stalked their prey.

  Her unique scent carried on the breeze. Oceanic, with hints of every season, they prowled toward the perimeter fence.

  A loud flapping brought a gust of wind. Dropping their body low to the ground, something large passed overhead. The ground shook as the massive beast touched down.

  The Moon peeked out from behind the marine layer as it revealed Nat’s sparkling scales. Tucking her leathery wings, she eyed him from her thirty foot vantage.

  Perfect, his Wolf growled.

  Lifting her foreleg, she gently brushed his side with one claw. Smoke drifted from her snout with a snort.

  What did sh
e want them to do?

  Shift, his Wolf rumbled.

  Shaking out his ruff, he did.

  Nat leaned close to the ground. Flaring the tip of one wing, she wrapped it around his shoulders and prodded him closer. Her long neck arched as she turned her head to the space between her wings.

  She wanted him to ride her? Why?

  Shrugging away the thought, he clambered up her offered leg and settled against her scaled hide. He expected them to be rough against his skin, but they were far from it. Soft like silk, each one reflected with an inner glow. Yellow as the sun rises, silver as the Moon sets.


  Her massive wings beat once as she took off at a run. Gripping the spikes protruding from her spine, he thanked the Goddess his seat was vacant of them.

  The fence came into view. Fuck, were they going to make it?

  At the last second, she leapt from the ground; nearly throwing him from her back as she sprang into the air. They rose high into the sky before he dared to look.

  The mansion’s lights flickered in the distance, mere specs to their climbing altitude. He’d feared it would be cold, but the heat radiating from her body kept him warm.

  Exhilarated, he watched her barbed tail twist to the side as their course changed.

  Her descent was flawless as she touched down on the desert landscape of his home.

  How had she known where to go from so high above, he wondered.

  Pressing her belly low to the ground, she waited for him to dismount.

  As his toes touched down on the artificial sand, she shifted. Hiding behind the length of her raven hair, she whispered, “So?”

  Striding toward her, he tipped up her chin, “That was amazing!”

  Tentatively, she smiled, “It’s just me.”

  She was worried that he wouldn’t accept her. The revelation ripped a snarl from his chest.

  Her eyes squinted at the sound as the scent of her fear left a sour tang in the back of his throat. Palming her cheek, he nuzzled her nose, “You’re perfect, Nat. No matter what shape you choose.”

  Leaning into his touch, she sniffled, “I’m so sorry I’ve waited so long.”

  “No,” he rumbled. “You’ve nothing to be sorry for. I would wait an eternity for you.”

  A pleased smile lifted her lips. Standing on the tips of her toes, she kissed him.

  He groaned as her bare breasts pressed against his pecs. Goddess, she felt like Heaven.

  Grasping his neck, she locked her ankles behind his back. Her heat met his rigid member as he held her against him.

  Pivoting toward the house, he fumbled the door knob. Cursing himself for not installing a lever, he finally got it open.


  I wanted him, needed him. Sliding my nub against his length, I moaned in ecstasy at the fire racing through my veins.

  He was mine.

  “Nat,” he groaned. “Slow down, Babe. We aren’t going to make it inside if you keep that up.”

  Nipping his shoulder, I growled, “Now, here. I can’t wait.” Dropping my feet to the tiled porch, I looked to the sky. This was right. The Earth grounded me in the moment.

  My Fae side listened to the plants sing in a joyous harmony; further heightening my emotions. Flowers bloomed in response as their fragrant scents littered to the air.

  Understanding dawned on his face, “There’s grass around the corner, if you like.”

  I grinned. No one wanted dirt in their lady bits.

  Following his lead, we moved to the back yard.

  Focusing on my center, I pushed magic into the ground. The roots answered my call, growing their leafy lengths to the height of my shoulder.

  Kane sucked in a sharp breath, “Amazing.”

  I preened at his approval. It seemed all of my fears were for naught.

  Flicking my wrist, the grass parted before laying down into a thick carpet. Vines sprung from the dirt; stretching their tips over twelve feet high. Slowly, they curled inward to form an alcove.

  Stepping past him, I moved to the makeshift bed. Reclining back on its cushy surface, I whispered, “Come, Mate.”

  Confidently, he swaggered forward. Lowering to the ground, he licked a line from my ankle to my thigh. His green eyes met mine filled with need.

  “Closer,” I commanded.

  Rumbling a chuckle, he slowly worked his hands over my hips. Palming my flat tummy, he parted my legs with one knee.

  I opened for him; baring myself completely.

  Pressing a kiss to my mound, he slid his tongue across my aching bundle of nerves. I gasped at the sensation as he repeated the motion. Gently, he inserted a finger. I stilled at the invasion. Rotating his hand, he pressed a featherlight touch against my pelvis. My channel spasmed in delight; pulling a moan from my mouth as my back arched up for more. A deep hum emitted from his throat, shooting a shockwave of sheer ecstasy through my core.

  He continued his ministrations, drawing me closer to something I’d never experienced before.

  “Kane,” I panted.

  A second finger joined the first; stretching me wide.

  I came apart with a scream.

  Soft touches brought me back to the waking world.

  Lounging beside me, Kane tenderly caressed my hair. Smirking, he purred, “Hello.”

  Confusion coursed through my thoughts as I took in what looked like a small hut. The niche the vines had created now looked like the bark of a tree. Intertwined within their cracks, gilded flowers bloomed.

  Taking stock, I marveled at the satiated feeling zipping through my body, “Mmm. What happened?”

  He nibbled on my lobe; further drenching the juncture of my thighs. Inhaling my arousal, he purred, “This happened when you came. Your magic shot out, and everything just kind of... grew.” His orbs met mine lit with adoration.

  Emboldened by his stare, I sat up and straddled him.

  Grasping my hips, he slowly slid his length along my nub.

  I whimpered as the sensation teetered on the line between pleasure and pain.

  My channel ached, begging to be filled. Empty, so empty. Frustrated, my skin pebbled as fur grew from my pores. “Enough!”

  A wicked gleam entered his gaze. Tipping my pelvis back, he impaled me to the hilt.

  His girth strained me to the limit, pulling a cry from my lips as I collapsed against his chest. My pelt fled, leaving me shuddering in its wake.

  “Shh,” he whispered soothingly, running his fingers along my spine. “Just breathe.” After a moment, he gradually retreated from my tight sheath.

  I trembled at the loss.

  Positioning himself at my entrance once more, he slowly pressed into me. My pearl slid along his length, lighting my veins with liquid fire. Rocking my hips, I took to the leisure pace. Sitting up, I clenched the strands of grass above his shoulders.

  Trailing his palms up the sides of my ribcage, he paused at my breasts. Taking their rounded peaks between his fingers, he tweaked each bud in tandem.

  Lighting shot through my body as my inner walls spasmed around him. His responding groan vibrated my center. Increasing the tempo, I flirted with the edge of oblivion.

  His erection pulsed, drawing a high pitched moan from my lips.

  The blades beneath fingers shook as magic poured into my well. Joyous notes filled the air from the Earth as I filled to the brim. Slamming down, I pierced myself with a shriek.

  His rigid member spasmed, spilling hot jets of his seed deep inside my core.

  The intensity pushed me over the ledge as the All Mother’s tinkling laugh sounded.

  “True Mates.”

  Chapter 8


  The conversation with Sora soothed his nerves. Somehow, they would figure out a way to save Mel, and his brother.

  However, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t turn off his thoughts to rest. Deciding a drink was in order, he made his way into the hall.

  Viv’s soft sniffles filtered through the silence from
her sentry with Jackson.

  Pausing at Bex’s door, he listened for the sound of her breath.

  Hearing none, he knocked.

  No response.

  Letting himself in, he saw her long shape stretched out on the bed.

  Panic lit through him as he flashed to her side and ripped back the blanket.

  Pillows dropped to the floor as his fear was confirmed.

  Bex was gone.

  Irritated by her hasty decision, he stepped onto the terrace. Her scent lingered on the railing.

  She’d left here.

  Hopping the short fence, he zipped through the courtyard.

  Another smell carried on the breeze.

  Plucking the phone from his pocket, he swiped his thumb over Sora’s name.

  “Hey, Love,” she answered. “Did you feel it, too?”

  Confused, he wondered if she felt Bex’s absence, ““Feel?”

  She giggled, “Nat and Kane are bonded. It happened just moments ago. Isn’t that why you’re calling?”

  His voice deepened, “No. Bex has gone to the volcano.”

  Gasping, she hissed.

  “That’s not all. The Fire Fae is here.”

  “What?” She screamed, lancing his ear drum with her sharp pitch. “She wouldn’t. No. Not Bex. She’s not that stupid. Did you check the area?”

  “Yes. She snuck out, but not before plumping her bed with pillows. She’s gone, Sora. I picked up the scent of nitroglycerin and cloves as well. Kai is following her.”


  “I know,” he rumbled. “Send Nat and Kane. She can fly directly here. Her magic will be needed to deal with the Elemental, and the volcano.”

  “Okay,” she whispered. “You stay with Viv and Jackson. I don’t want them left alone in case he doubles back.”



  My thoughts rolled as I paced the length of the rec room.

  Of all the idiotic things for her to do, this took the cake. I should have seen it coming, though. When Mel left, she was livid.

  To top it all off, neither Nat nor Kane were answering. Damnit!

  Rowe came in from the hall. Flaring her nostrils, she took in my agitated state, “Hey. Everything okay?”


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