The Sundering: A Clutch Mistress Book 5

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The Sundering: A Clutch Mistress Book 5 Page 8

by Janelle Peel

  Meeting her gaze, I tugged at my braid, “No. Jackson is dying. Bex has gone after Mel on her own. The Fire Fae is on her trail. And I can’t fucking reach Natalie!” Punctuating my words, I slammed my phone onto the bar.

  Raising her hands in a placating gesture, her brow furrowed, “All right. I can track her down. Do you know where they went?”

  “Nope,” I growled. “All I know is they’re not here.”

  She nodded, “I’ll find them. They probably went to his place. Justine is down the way from my room, so I’ll bring her.” Moving forward, she grabbed a bottle of whiskey and a glass. Filling it halfway, she slid it next to my cell, “Relax. I’ll find them, and be back in a bit.”

  Taking the shot in my hands, I downed it in one go. Gritting my teeth at the burn, I sighed, “Okay. Be careful, though. They Mated.”

  Jade eyes wide, her pink lips opened and closed like a fish, “But… I mean… well. What about Mel?”

  Mel was her Alpha. Naturally, Nat choosing another Shifter over him upset her. Rubbing my face, my shoulders slumped, “I’m sorry, Babe. She made her decision before he went missing. Just be careful, all right? I don’t know what her reaction will be when you show up.”

  She gulped audibly, “Okay.”

  As she left, I called Cooper.

  He answered on the second ring, “Hey, Sora. We’re still looking. Don’t worry, we’ll find something soon.”

  “I know you will,” I whispered. “I need to talk to Daisy.”

  “Um, okay.”

  The speaker crackled as it changed hands.

  “Sora?” Daisy questioned. “What’s up?”

  Grabbing the whiskey, I poured another drink and filled her in.

  “Holy fuck!”

  “Yup,” I grunted. “That’s not all. I need to know what kind of reaction a newly Mated Shifted pair will have to and unmated female. Rowe is going to find them so they can go after Bex.”

  Daisy snorted, “You’re kidding, right? They go fucking nuts, Sora. I looked into it when I checked up on this shit for Nat last year.”

  Goddess, couldn’t I catch a break? Crossing my eyes at the situation, I pressed, “What happens, exactly?”

  Her tone lowered, “Worst case? Nat thinks Rowe is a threat and tries to kill her. Best case? Nothing. Nat doesn’t have a Shifter soul, so I can’t say for certain.”

  “I was afraid of that. I have to go. Keep me posted?”

  “Will do. Good luck, Babe.”

  Fingers flying across the screen, I hit the end icon and located Rowe’s number.



  Her machine picked up, “Hi, you’ve reached Rowe. I’m-”

  Cutting off the automated message, I swiped over Justine’s name. Pick up, please!


  “Justine, thank the Goddess. Is Rowe with you? You guys are finding Nat and Kane, right?”

  She paused, “Um, no? I’m working with Allie at Sweet Fangs. Why? What’s wrong?”

  Terror raced up my spine, “I’ll call you back.”

  “Sora, wait-”

  Pocketing the phone, I flashed to the kitchen.

  Julian stood with his ever present clipboard inside the pantry.

  “Jules!” I barked.

  Turning on the heel of one shiny dress shoe, he bowed, “Sora. How may I be of assistance?”

  I tossed him Lila’s monitor, “I have to run out. Watch our Princess?”

  He beamed, “It would be my pleasure.”

  “Thanks!” I threw over my shoulder as I zipped to the front door.

  Standing on the lawn, I reached for my magic. Silver light lit my fingers as I lassoed the bright flames. Directing my will, I bade the wind to blow. Slowly, I rose into the air.

  Flying wasn’t easy under the best of circumstances, and my fear for Rowe quickly dropped me back to the ground.

  “Please,” I pleaded.


  “I want to rock! Rock! I want to rock!” I screamed at the top of my lungs.

  Twisted Sister was one of my favorite bands. Luck would have it the radio station was having an 80s hair rock marathon.

  Flipping on the blinker, I bobbed my head to the beat while pulling into Kane’s driveway.

  I’d been trying to see it as a positive Nat had finally made a choice, but it still stung. Mel might be a pushy bastard at times, but he always meant well. He was my Alpha through and through. This was going to devastate him.

  Pushing the shifter into park, I turned off the ignition. Yawning to pop my ears at the silence, I exited the SUV.

  No lights shone in the large arched windows. Where were they?

  The scent of ozone and flowers in full bloom drew my attention. Perhaps they were around back?

  Gathering the hem of my pink maxi dress in one hand, I strode around the corner.

  Shock coursed through me as I took in the massive oak dominating the yard. It definitely hadn’t there on my last visit.

  Breathing in short bursts, the smell of their bonding littered the air. Damp soil and growing things, mixed with the heat of a Shifter in season.


  “Nat?” I called out, not wanting to intrude. “Kane?”

  A rumble sounded from an alcove built into the trees’ base.

  Kane’s voice carried to my ears, “Shh. It’s just Rowe.”

  A moment later, his head poked out, “Hey, Rowe. What’s up?”

  Smirking, I took in his black hair. Standing up in multiple directions, his lips lifted in satisfaction. One green orb glowed as his Wolf peered out from their shared gaze.

  That was new. I’d never seen anything like it.

  Addressing them both, I tucked my chin, “Wolf, Kane. Sora needs you and Nat back the mansion ASAP.”

  Naked, he stepped fully into view, “What for? I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but we’re a tad busy at the moment.”

  Nat growled another warning from deeper inside their den.

  Cheeks pinking, I took a step back, “I can see that. Evidently, Bex has gone-”

  Too big for the small entrance, the oak groaned as Nat placed her chin atop Kane’s head. Fully shifted, one large paw gently nudged him aside. Her irises pulsed once. The bark rippled. Slowly, it opened wider to let her pass.

  I gasped. Nearly the size of the SUV I drove, she snorted once in my direction.

  Never had I seen a Wolf so large.

  Kane’s demeanor instantly changed, “Rowe, drop your eyes and back away slowly. Do not turn around. Something’s wrong.”

  My heartrate skyrocketed as I followed his directions to the letter.

  On my first backward step, nothing happened. But on the second, all hell broke loose.


  Kai’s arms fell away as he left me to stand on my own.

  I felt strangely bereft at the loss. Tucking away the traitorous emotion, I panned our surroundings by the light of his tail. Unfortunately, I couldn’t see much.

  Grey rock and a shit ton of black. Cursing myself once again for not bringing a flashlight, I cleared my throat, “Um, Kai? Could you maybe, um, make a fire or something?”

  One long ear swiveled away from our location. Pointed teeth flashing, he whispered, “Trusssst me.”

  My brow wrinkled. I didn’t even notice him shift his mouth back. And what the hell did he mean, trust him?

  A fine tremor shook the hardened lava beneath my boots.

  Scrabbling bounced off the walls as it echoed from everywhere at once. Grunts and hisses followed in their wake.

  Faster than I could track, Kai snatched my wrists behind my back with an iron grip.

  His light cut off.

  Indignant, I opened my mouth to scream.

  Pressing his lips against my ear, his words were nearly inaudible, “They’re coming. I count no lesssss than ssssixxxteen. Quiet.”

  An irrational fear overwhelmed my thoughts; rooting me to the spot. The seconds stretched for an eternity.

en, silence.

  The volcano belched a blast of scorching soot into my face. Choking, I rubbed my mouth on my shoulder to stifle the cough.

  Chittering sounded, followed by a growl.

  Frantic, I panned the area for the source. My sensitive hearing picked up every scrape; morphing it into the sound of an undead army inside my mind.

  Kai’s grip tightened to the point of pain. Gutturally, he rumbled, “I sssseeek an audienccce with your Leader.”

  Barks of laughter rang out like a mutated pack of hyenas.

  Shrinking back, my spine met the rigid line of his chest. Never had I been so afraid of the darkness. Solace came as he tapped one nail on my wrist in silent comfort.

  A yowl rang out, followed by the vibration of crushed boulders, “As you wish.”

  Kai pushed me into a slow walk.

  Panic set in and I braced my legs in refusal.

  With a ragged chuckle, the entity spoke again, “If you can’t handle your toy, allow me.”

  Snarling, Kai tossed me over one broad shoulder. The thin length of his tail lassoed my hands as I grouched at the mistreatment. His possessive growl rent the air, “Ssshe is mine. Touch her, and you will die.” Ruby flames lit the curve of his wings.

  Mine? What the fuck? Squinting my eyes at the sudden illumination, I got my first glimpse of the welcome party.

  Insect like, they scurried away from the light. Sixteen was a gross underestimation. Crawling along the floor, most had a minimum of eight legs. Hairy protrusions sprang from their misshapen bodies in random intervals; dripping with a greenish, yellow substance. Beady, their eyes reflected no glow.

  As they parted like the red sea, one prowled forward.

  Olive scaled, the horizontal orange pupil of his eye widened. He, and he was most definitely a he, stood proud. His member enlarged to grotesque proportions under my scrutiny. Ringed with thorns, the appendage wiggled like a snake. Slowly, it slithered down his thick leg.

  My mind stuttered to a stop as it undulated across the ground. Balancing on a rock, it sprang up toward my face.

  Kai flared one wing in a move too fast to follow. The sharp talon on its tip sheared the horrid thing in two; splashing my vest in a hot spray of tar.

  The creature’s scream lanced my brain with a spear of pain.

  Completely overloaded, I passed out.


  As Bex slackened over his shoulder, he turned in a slow circle. Throwing his arms wide, he roared in challenge.

  The Demons surrounding him skittered back in fear.

  Gripping the shortened length of his prick like a baby, the beast bit out, “Rimmon! Take them to Lucian. Be sure to inform our King of what has transpired.”

  King Lucian, he wondered internally as a figure stepped forward.

  Clad in a simple black robe with the hood up, it gestured with one long arm.

  Unwilling to put anymore vile creatures at his back, he hissed, “Lead.”

  Bowing once, the being rotated without a sound and floated through a rock passageway.

  Ears pinned back for any sign of threats, he followed with his thoughts spinning. He naively assumed he was merely humoring Bex, but Demons were most definitely real.

  A moving picture sprang forth from the box of his mother’s memories.

  Flickering in fire, her naked body slid over a black skinned beast. Red veins threaded across his chest as she rode him with a moan.

  Disgusted, he jerked out of the recollection and refocused on his surroundings.

  Torches brightened the slate colored walls and barely reached the high ceiling. Steam blasted from multiple crevices; bathing his body in a delicious heat.

  Shockingly he realized, it felt like home.

  Turning a corner, the creature before him motioned to a room.

  Panning the small space, he jerked his head, “No. I want to see your King.”

  The cowl shifted, “You will await here.”

  Growling in frustration, he moved Bex into the crook of his arms and entered.

  The stone door slid closed with a thud.

  He snorted at the chamber. A crude bed, table, and one chair.

  Settling Bex onto the lumpy mattress, he grabbed a rough blanket. As he tucked her in, she grumbled.

  Groggily, she reached out with one dainty hand.

  Curiously, he moved his tail closer. As her fingers closed around its tip, she stilled.


  Deciding to give her a few moments respite, he sat on the floor.

  Splattered tar glistened on her collar. His gaze travelled the length of her graceful neck before coming to rest on the dark fan of lashes accentuating her narrow chin. Hair white as snow, he hesitantly fingered the strands draped over the edge of the bed. Similar to silk, he marveled at the smooth texture.

  Her rosy lips lifted into a half grin as she dreamed.

  Roving the curve of her cheek and past the point of one ear, he longed to touch her.

  Shaking his head, his eyes were drawn to the perky tops of her breasts as they strained to break free from the v of her vest. Wasp thin, he lingered on the dip of her waist.

  How could she be three with a body like that, he wondered.

  “It’s rude to stare, Kai.”

  Startled, his eyes snapped to hers, “You’re awake.”

  Her grip on his tail tightened, “Yes, unfortunately.” Dropping the appendage, she sat up, “I assume we made it inside?”

  He nodded, “We’re awaiting an audienccce with the King.”

  Scrunching her pert nose, she stood. Padding across the floor, she pulled a square cloth from her back pocket. Wetting it inside her mouth, she began cleaning her face, “This place stinks.”

  “How ssso?”

  She shrugged, “It smells like ass. Tell me, what happened after I, um, passed out.”

  He chuckled, “If ssssomething like that came at my faccce, I would have passssed out, too.”

  “Well,” she mumbled, “Than- Er. I appreciate the save.”

  His brow lowered, “How much do you know of the Fae? I sssee you go to great lengthsss to avoid thanking me. I do not wisssh to sssteal your magic, Bexxx.”

  She scoffed, “I don’t know a lot, and well, despite our circumstances, I still don’t fully trust you. I don’t even know you, not really. Would you mind fixing your mouth? It’s distracting.”

  A sharp pinch pierced his heart at her words. She was being logical, but her opinion still stung. Strange… Calling to his magic, he reformed his elongated teeth.

  “Anyway,” she waved at the closed door, “fill me in.”

  Sighing, he answered, “Not much. A Demon called Rimmon escorted us here. The trip was uneventful.”

  “Awesome,” she snarked. “How far down are we?”

  “Best guess? Below the volcano. I don’t know if we’re on the same plane, though.”

  Her spine straightened, “Plane?”

  A scraping at the door drew his attention. Rising from the floor, he once again lashed her wrists, “Shhh.”

  Chapter 9


  Stop, please! I begged as my body barreled toward Rowe.

  An alien presence pressed down on my mind. Roughly, I was shoved aside. Protect, it growled.

  A wall of dirt sprang from the ground, knocking us back on our ass. Nose stinging, we scrambled to stand.

  The earth retreated to leave Sora standing in its wake.

  Panting as if she’d run all the way here, her hands ignited in liquid flame. The tendrils shone against her skin with a silver glow; morphing her beautiful face into one of resolution.

  Kane dug his hand into our fur, “Shift, Nat! You have to shift!”

  Mate, the invader rumbled, nudging him aside. Mine!

  Bunching our back legs, we prepared to strike at the interlopers who dared threaten us.

  Lightning crackled across the sky as it arced down to Sora’s outstretched hand. She boomed, “SHIFT!”

  The foreigners’ cont
rol began to unravel.

  Yes! I hooted.

  Rowe peeked out from behind Sora with a worried expression, “Kane?”

  The sound of another female addressing him strengthened the beings resolve. Sora’s command shattered. Digging our paws into the ground, we advanced.

  Blurring, Rowe assumed her Fox form. Baring her teeth, she pressed against Sora’s leg with her blond ruff puffed out in every direction.

  Tears leaked from the corners of my Mistress’s swirling eyes, “I’m so sorry, Nat.” Thunder rolled as she lifted her palm toward us.

  “No!” Kane howled.

  A bolt of pure electricity lit our pelt. Pain and humiliation raced through our thoughts as we fell to the ground; shuddering against the multitude of volts pouring through our body. Snapping our maw in frustration, we could only watch as our tormentor moved toward us.

  Dropping to her knees, Sora whispered, “I know you’re in there, Nat. Follow my voice. Shift.”

  Clawing my way to the surface, the compulsion latched on to the whimpering beast. In control once more, the flip back to human was excruciatingly slow. After a moment, I croaked, “What the hell was that?”

  Kane wrapped his arms around me. I shuddered as he touched my overly sensitive skin.

  Trembling in anger, he growled, “You didn’t have to electrocute her, Sora! Jesus!”

  As the shock faded, I stammered, “N-No. She did. I couldn’t get whatever it was to s-stop.”

  Sora took my hand, “Shh. It’s all right. I’m pretty sure you were just given your second soul, Nat.”

  Freezing in place, a deep chuff whispered through my thoughts. Sharp teeth flashed in my mind’s eye; confirming her words.

  Kane inhaled near my crown, “Her scent has changed.”

  Naked as the day she was born, Rowe strode forward, “How?”

  Shrugging, Sora answered, “I’m guessing it has something to do with their Mating. I need a drink, though. That was too close.”

  Nodding, Kane pulled me to stand, “I have whiskey inside the house.”

  Clutching at my oversized, borrowed tee, I twisted the soft material, “What do you mean Bex went after him on her own?”

  Rolling the empty glass between her fingers, Sora sighed, “You heard me.”


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