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Living in Sin (The Escort Series)

Page 21

by Lucero, Isabel

  I shake my head. “Don’t worry about it. It’s work, or was. Plus, I didn’t know what was going on with Adrienne then. She took off after our first time together. She didn’t give me time to explain that.”

  “Well, hopefully you’ll get the chance to talk to her,” Marc says.

  I nod. “So, is everything good to go? We don’t need to do anything before the doors open?”

  “I think we’re all set,” Troy answers.

  “Good. Want to go to the bar and take a shot before we get this thing started?” I ask.

  “Of course,” Troy responds and Marc smiles.

  We walk out of the office and down to the bar. All of the employees are in place and ready to start working. Marc’s level is the first level, and it has an elegant feel to it. There are cream colored leather couches with dark red pillows, facing low, rectangular-shaped tables. Those are on two walls of the room. The other wall has little sections with small walls enclosing a small table and booths for more of a private feel. Each table has a small chandelier hanging above them, and the ‘room’ is soft and plush, colored the same red as the pillows. The bar sits towards the front, and the dance floor is in the middle of the room.

  “To a successful night, fellas,” Troy says as we lift our shots in the air.

  “Well, ready to go to our levels?” I ask Troy.

  “Yeah, let’s go have one last look while they’re empty. Marc, have them open the doors in about fifteen minutes.”

  Troy and I head up the stairs to his level. There’s also an elevator, but we put that in mostly for the drunk people who won’t be able to walk up and down stairs very well. It’s helpful to their friends who will end up having to take care of them.

  Troy’s level has a red glow around the entire room. Along one wall is a huge couch that breaks into smaller sections with small tables placed in each section. Behind the couch, across the length of the wall, is something that looks similar to a large bookshelf. There are different size lanterns on each shelf and a few large mirrors. In other sections of the room are curved booths with small candles resting on black tables. He has three round, small stages that are a few steps higher than the ground floor, for people to dance on. Near the outside deck are cream colored benches and tables, His bar is at the back of the room and the dance floor is in the middle.

  “Looks good, man,” I say.

  “Yeah, I like it,” he responds with a grin.

  “Well, I’m heading up to mine. See ya later.”

  I leave him on his level, and go up to enjoy mine while it’s still clean and quiet.

  My level has black leather, curved seats with three tables at each couch. There are cream colored curtains that you can pull if you happen to only be taking up one table and want more privacy. Each table in the club has a fairly large chandelier above it. Another section of booths curve around a large area and face each other. In a back corner of the club are larger booths that also have curtains that can be put to use. There are dim lights giving off a red glow, similar to Troy’s level, around those tables. The chairs at the bar are large and have backs on them so people can sit comfortably. The dance floor is in the middle like the other levels.

  Each of our outside decks holds another smaller bar with more tables and chairs. Marc’s bar also serves small finger foods.

  I start hearing voices and footsteps and know that the doors have been opened. The DJs begin playing their music and our opening night has officially started. A smile crosses my face. I’ve finally moved past being paid for my company.

  Moving to a door in the corner of the room, I remove my key and unlock it. Once through, it locks automatically and I make my way to the office that gives me a view of the whole level. I watch the people trickle in and tour the level. After about half an hour, I exit the office and slowly head down to the first level. I need to find Adrienne. I need to make sure she doesn’t do what she needs to do and then leaves. All I can think about is explaining everything and hoping she believes me.

  I stop on Troy’s level and look around there first. If she’s with Emilie, then maybe they’ll be here and talking to Troy. After about fifteen minutes of searching the tables, booths, and bar, I decide to head to the first floor. When I get to the darkened stairs, what I see not only shocks me, but pisses me right the fuck off.

  I’ve been dreading tonight, and if I wasn’t so concerned with my job and being professional, I wouldn’t have come. I know that Jace is here somewhere. He has to be since it’s the grand opening of his club, but I hope that there will just be so many people that I won’t run into him. Knowing we’re in the same building has my nerves on end. Even though I’ve hoped that I don’t see him, I made sure to go buy a new dress for the occasion. I bought a black, above-the-knee length dress. It’s completely backless and the opening stops right above my ass. The dress is equipped with five faux pearl necklaces down the back. They drape along the length of the cutout. The front of the dress has three, shorter-length faux pearl necklaces as well. I was able to find the perfect ivory and black Swarovski crystal shoes to match. Because of the back of the dress, I decided to wear my hair in a tight, high bun.

  I keep telling myself I didn’t go all out in the hopes to make Jace eat his heart out…but I did. My plan was to come early, and make sure everything was setup and then leave. I had to make sure the raffle stations were set up on each level where I wanted them to be. I also had cake, cupcakes, fruit, and chocolate fountains set up on each deck. This job was fairly easy. After getting the prizes figured out, we printed out photos of what people were trying to win and blew them up to post near the raffle ticket stations.

  When I told Emilie that I wasn’t planning on staying, she pouted and had a mini tantrum. She was coming and didn’t want to stay here alone after I had left. After tons of begging and bribing, she convinced me to stay. She’s also the one who helped me pick out my outfit. I told her about my phone call with Jace, and she understands why I’m upset, but still thinks I should talk to him some more. When I asked why the hell for, her response was because there are always two sides to a story, and I didn’t give him enough time to explain further. Whatever. I’m thinking a little bit of space will help me figure things out. Maybe he doesn’t care anymore. I know I didn’t answer his calls, but he did only try for the first few days after I found out about everything. Since he hasn’t tried since then, maybe he thinks I’m not worth the trouble. Men only go after what they want.

  Tonight I’m going to try not to think about it all, and just have a good time with Em. That might be hard to do since I’m in his club and know he’s lurking somewhere. However, maybe he’ll be too busy to worry about me.

  After I made sure all my work was done, I found Emilie and we got some drinks on the first level of the club.

  “Thanks for staying,” she says with a sly smile.

  “Uh huh. You owe me,” I respond with a smirk.

  “Whatever. We’ll have a blast tonight and you’ll forget why you didn’t want to stay.”

  I give her a pointed look.

  “Okay, maybe not forget completely, but let’s drink!”

  We throw back shots of Atomic Fireball, and then drink our Long Islands.

  “So, have you talked to Troy?” I ask.

  “Yeah. Two days after everything went down, he called me. As soon as we got on the phone, it was kind of that awkward silence, so I broke it. I straight up asked him if he was an escort too. I think that’s what he was waiting for. He told me that he was, and still is.”




  “Well, nothing. He said he never thought about when he’d quit. This is what he’s done for a while now.”

  She stops talking and takes a drink.

  “I know y’all hadn’t gotten serious, or even had sex, but I know you liked him. What are you going to do?”

  She shrugs. “I don’t know. I do like him, and I told him that, but I also told him I don’t think I
could handle him being with other women all the time. He understands that. We pretty much left it at that.”

  “We know how to pick ‘em, huh?” I say with a forced laugh.

  “Yeah,” she says, rolling her eyes. “At least Jace isn’t doing it anymore.”

  “I know, but that’s not really the problem. He lied about knowing Vivian when he had actually fucked her and two other girls at the same time, no less. He kept who he was or had been from me. If that’s your job, I think it’s kind of important to tell the girl you’re fucking that that’s what you do. He also fucked someone or more than one person after me and him had been having sex. That’s pretty fucked up.”

  “I know, I know. I just think if you were to ever get past all that, it would be okay for y’all to get together because he’s not still getting paid to be with other women. Troy is.”

  “Another shot?” I ask.

  “Yep. Let’s have a liquid marijuana shot this time.”

  “Sounds good to me!”

  After taking another shot, we finish up our Long Islands and head to the dance floor. We dance through a few songs before Emilie drags me back to the bar.

  “One more shot?” she pleads.

  “Okay, one more.”

  “Yay! Let’s have the Porn Star this time.”

  “Mmm. I’ve always wanted a porn star in my mouth,” I say sarcastically.

  With the third shot down and a Long Island Iced Tea, I’m starting to feel that warm, happy feeling. We dance a couple more songs and then go to the bathroom. The hall that they’re in is lined with fancy wall sconces and the doors have beautiful carvings in them.

  “These guys don’t need to be escorts, I don’t think,” Em says.

  “I think because they are or were, is why they were able to build this place up. With the money this brings in though, I agree, they shouldn’t need to, but maybe they want to.”

  “Whatever. Let’s pee, then head upstairs. I want to check out the other levels.”

  After waiting in line for a few minutes, we use the bathroom, touch our faces up, and then find the stairs that lead us up to the second level.

  The more I walk, the more I start feeling the effects of the alcohol. Em and I get giggly and dance a few more songs on the second floor. We go to the deck and grab some of the treats I had set up earlier.

  “Does eating cupcakes help absorb alcohol?” Em asks.

  “Uhh, gotta be better than nothing,” I answer.

  After eating a cupcake, we both dig into the fruit and dip it into the chocolate.

  “Let’s get some water, and then after a while, we can get another adult beverage,” I say with a laugh.

  “Sounds like a plan.”

  After we’ve down some water, we go back onto the dance floor and I almost forget about my problems. Em and I are laughing and having a good time when we hear someone clear their throat nearby. We turn and see Troy standing there with a smile on his face.

  “Ladies. Having fun?”

  “Yes we are,” Em answers.

  “Good. Emilie, can I talk to you for a minute?”

  Emilie looks at him then back at me. I know she’s struggling with what she should do.

  “Yeah, go ahead. I’m going to go grab some more water. I’ll meet you back here in a little bit.”

  “You sure? Are you gonna be okay by yourself?”

  “I’ll be fine, Em.”

  Troy gives me a smile and places his hand on Emilie’s lower back and escorts her somewhere. I turn to go back to the bar and as I’m walking along the side of the club, I stop dead in my tracks.


  My stupid ex-boyfriend is a few feet in front of me with another guy and a girl. As if he felt my presence, he turns and sees me. A smile dances on his lips and he turns and says something to his friends. I pivot and begin walking anywhere else, but then I feel his hand on my elbow.


  I pause; take a deep breath and turn to face him.

  “You look gorgeous,” he says, looking me up and down.


  I take a minute to take him in, and notice that he looks fairly good. Too bad I know he’s an asshole and shitty in bed. I wonder how many girls he’s fooled into thinking he was worth something.

  “I haven’t seen you in a while. How’ve you been?”

  “I’ve been fine.”

  “Good,” he responds, giving me another smile.

  A group of people move past us and push me into him. My body slams into his and he reaches out and puts a hand on my hip to steady me. I quickly move back and out of his touch.

  “Watch it, assholes!” he yells towards the group of guys. “You okay?” he asks.

  “Yeah. I’m fine. Thanks. I was just heading towards the bar,” I say as I move past him.

  He joins me and when we are near the stairs, I stop walking.

  “It was nice seeing you, Liam,” I lie.

  “Are you trying to get rid of me?” he asks with a crooked grin.

  “I’m just trying to go get some water.”

  He gives me a sad smile. “Adrienne, I’ve wanted to talk to you for a while now, but you’ve never given me the chance. Can we talk real quick?”

  I think back to when we broke up and realize he’s right. I never did give him the chance to say much of anything. Just like I’m doing with Jace. Clearly I have a problem letting men speak after they’ve pissed me off. Maybe it’s because I just assume whatever their going to say is going to be stupid and piss me off more.

  “Fine, but just a few minutes.”

  He smiles and leads me to the stairs since there are less people there and it’s a bit further away from the music.

  I lean back on the wall while he stands in front of me. He runs one hand through his dirty blond hair and then places both hands in his back pockets. His blue blazer is open, revealing a plain white t-shirt underneath.

  “Adrienne, I just want to apologize for what happened. I know I fucked up and I know you hate the ‘I was drunk’ excuse, but I want you to know how sorry I am. It wasn’t like I always had a thing for your friend or anything like that. I was just really drunk and we were all hanging out and having a good time. You and I had just had a fight over something, and I was mad. I let my emotions control my actions. It was wrong and stupid and I’ll never forgive myself. I just want you to know that I still respect you and know that I missed out on something great with you. That’s something I’ll have to live with.”

  After hearing what he had wanted to tell me this whole time, I regret not allowing him the chance to do so before. He seems very mature about it, and very different than the guy I remember. Or maybe different than the guy I made him out to be because I was pissed at him. Either way, I think allowing him to speak his mind will give us both closure.

  “I’m sorry I didn’t give you the chance to explain yourself, Liam. I was pissed and I knew what you had done and that was all I needed to know. It was still wrong, but I know you know and acknowledge that now.”

  He looks relieved. His hands come out of his pockets and he gives me a small smile as he steps closer.

  “Forgive me?” he asks with puppy dog eyes.

  I smirk and roll my eyes. “I guess. But only because it doesn’t make sense to hold onto any ill will. It’s been so long now.”

  He stretches out his arms for a hug and I barely push myself off the wall before his arms surround me and he lifts me up off my feet.

  “You’re so great, Adrienne. I’m so glad we’ve put this past us.”

  “Me too. Can you put me down now?”


  He places me down and then gives me a kiss on the cheek. “You look really good. I hope you’re happy.”

  I hesitate, because I’m not happy anymore. Not without Jace. I know I need to give him the same opportunity to explain himself, and not wait eight months before it happens.

  I’m about to say something when I hear a noise behind me and to my lef
t. I turn around and see Jace standing there. His jaw is tense, his fists are balled, and what’s worse is I have no idea what he’s thinking.

  “Jace.” My voice is soft and breathy. I’m surprised and nervous.

  Liam looks between Jace and me, probably trying to figure out what’s going on.

  “Uh, I think I’ll leave you two alone. You’ll be okay?” he asks me softly.

  I only nod in response and then turn to watch him walk away. He has to walk past Jace and Jace is blocking most of the space that connects the two areas. Liam tries to move past him, but Jace moves just slightly to stop him. Liam is a few inches shorter than Jace and looks up at him.

  “What’s your problem, man?” he asks.

  “Do not touch or kiss her again,” he seethes.

  “Jace, it’s fine,” I start.

  “It’s fine? He can be all over you? He can touch and kiss you? He can lift you up in his arms, and that’s fine?”

  “No. I didn’t mean…”

  He turns back to Liam. “Do not. Touch her. Again. Got me?” His voice is low and menacing.

  Liam looks confused and a little nervous. “Yeah, I got you.”

  Jace moves aside and Liam escapes.

  When Jace pins me with his intense glare, I wish I could escape, too. He moves closer to me, and I back myself into a corner. Literally. I’m stuck in place watching him approach me. He stops inches from me, and I look up into his eyes. Unsure of the emotion I see there, I look away.

  “Come with me.”

  As I follow him up the stairs, past girls who all but push their boobs in his face, I can’t help but feel nervous about how our talk is going to go. I still have feelings for him, that’s obvious by how much I want to push these girls down the stairs.

  We reach the third level and he turns to make sure I’m still behind him. There’s no smile on his face. Nothing. He’s blank of emotion and this makes me more uncomfortable. Shouldn’t I be the one mad at him? I didn’t do anything. Why is he acting like he’s upset with me?

  We walk to the back corner of the room and he unlocks a door and we slip in. We go up some more stairs and reach another door. When we walk in I notice the large, rectangular window that looks out onto the club. There’s a large desk and I can’t help but think back to our tryst on the other desk. He has two large, comfortable-looking chairs and a table in the corner of the office, a mini bar and refrigerator sit in another corner.


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