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Abbey's Protectors [Beckett's Wolf Pack, Triad Mates 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)

Page 18

by Lynnette Bernard

  “Nice,” Abbey whispered, reaching up to card her fingers through each man’s hair and pull their heads down to rest on her shoulders.

  Hunter cuddled against her, placing his leg across her thighs carefully so that her pregnant belly rested against the top of his leg. He reached up and slid his hand beneath her pink, maternity top so he could feel the warmth of her skin. He loved the feel of the hardness of her belly.

  Clay’s hand joined his, and he ran it soothingly along the underside of her belly, pressing lightly against the soft push of their child against his hand. Abbey’s right hand covered his and pressed it tighter against her body.

  “Our son is happy to have you both home,” she told them, smiling as both men grinned immediately. “I think you’re both going to spoil him rotten when he’s born.”

  “Sounds like a good idea,” Hunter answered immediately, reaching down to feel their son moving within her body. “There’s nothing wrong with spoiling him with love, right, Clay?”

  “Absolutely,” Clay agreed, leaning forward to kiss Abbey’s lips lightly. “Thank you for giving us such a beautiful gift, honey. Do you know how gorgeous you are pregnant? It’s a look I hope you’ll decide to repeat often.”

  “Right, you want five kids,” Abbey told him softly, remembering how he had told her about that desire. Running her fingers through his and Hunter’s hair as she thought, she couldn’t help but melt within her mates’ arms. “I might want that, too,” she admitted finally.

  “Really, honey?” Hunter asked her, surprised. He turned his face to meet her eyes.

  Abbey nodded and smiled slowly. “I think I’ve never been happier than I’ve been with both of you. I don’t want our son to be alone. I grew up as an only child, and I don’t want our baby to be alone.”

  Both men rose up on their forearms to look down at her. Abbey saw the complete love they had for her evident in their eyes. How could she ever think that being with them would be anything but wonderful?

  “Abbey, honey,” Clay told her softly, reaching up and touching her face tenderly. “You will never be alone, and our baby will never be alone. You’re part of our pack, and our pack is family. Every member of this pack loves you and will love every child that we have.”

  Hunter reached up and gripped her long hair in his hand and twisted it just tightly enough to turn her head so she would face him. “Hear me, Mate,” he told her, his voice growling with the intensity of the feelings he had. “You belong to us. Our baby belongs to us. The three of us are a triad within a loving, caring pack. Never forget that. You are not alone now, and you never will be.”

  Abbey let out a soft whimper as the vision touched the secret longing she had in her heart. She closed her eyes and covered them with her shaky hands. To see so vividly the future she secretly prayed for was overwhelming to say the least.

  She felt the truck come to a stop and the engine being turned off. Her heart was racing, and she was unsure what to do. She hoped that what she had seen was seen only by her. She was afraid that if her true fears and longings were known, it would be the end of her ability to go on. She had to project confidence and strength. She couldn’t be weak.

  Feeling arms around her waist and shoulders, she opened her eyes and saw that both men had turned toward her. They drew her closer to them, and she saw the way they were looking at her with unbelievable tenderness.

  “What?” she asked, trying very hard not to let her voice shake with the nerves she was trying to control.

  “You’re beautiful pregnant, honey,” Clay told her softly.

  Abbey blushed, her heart racing at the thought that both men had shared the vision she had seen. She wanted to hide from their penetrating gazes, but at the same time, she wanted to see how they felt about the vision. She held her breath as she waited.

  “I’m looking forward to feeling our son moving inside of you,” Hunter whispered, kissing her temple lightly.

  “You are?” Abbey asked, looking up at him. The gentleness in his eyes made her heart soften toward him even more.

  “Yes, baby,” he told her without hesitation. “I’m looking forward to sharing a lifetime with you.”

  “Honey, you don’t have any idea how much you mean to us,” Clay told her gently. “We’re going to be a family because of you. You’re going to carry our cubs and we’re going to love every minute of you filled with them. Hunter may be arrogant, but he never lies.”

  “Clay Forest! That is not nice!” Abbey told him angrily. “Apologize right now.” She turned to face Hunter, reaching up to touch his jaw tenderly. “He didn’t mean it, Hunter. Don’t listen to him.”

  Hunter’s instant laughter confused her. She watched in stunned astonishment as Hunter looked across her and faced Clay, winking at him. She didn’t understand these men at all.

  “Sweetheart, I appreciate you defending me, but you really don’t have to. Clay is my triad partner. He’s my best friend. He’s had my back my entire life. I’ve never met a more supportive and caring person...until now.”

  Clay’s warm laughter rumbled against her side as he held her tighter. “Abbey, honey, you’re amazing. I can’t believe we’ve finally found you.” He leaned into her neck and kissed her, breathing in her scent deeply, growling at the new scent that she now held. She was definitely theirs, and every pack member would soon know that. He couldn’t be prouder. “I feel the same as Hunter does. I’m looking forward to feeling our cubs moving and growing inside of you, baby.”

  Abbey was completely overwhelmed with the love and acceptance that she felt coming from the two men. She was confused by the realness of the feelings as if they aimed straight for her heart and settled deep within her soul.

  It’s the mating bond, honey, Clay’s deep voice spoke in her mind. You will never have to think about the sincerity of what we say or feel. Just search the ribbons of our bond. They will bring you directly into our hearts. You will always know how much we cherish you.

  Hunter remained silent as emotions filled him. Despite his silence, Abbey could feel the intensity of his feelings. She followed the white ribbon to his heart and saw the complete happiness that filled him that their mating had been completed. She could feel his love for her and believed its depth despite its newness. She could sense his hope for their future and the children they would someday have. But most of all, she felt his gratitude that she brought kindness and tenderness to him and Clay. That realization made her heart hurt as she felt the many years of loneliness and pain at the ugliness and cruelty of the world they had lived in to do their job and guard not only the human world but also their pack. Abbey was humbled when she realized that she had suddenly become the most important person who had taken the top spot in their lives. She could feel their devotion and their fierce determination to protect her.

  “Come on, sweetheart,” Hunter called to her quietly as he opened his door, stepped out of the truck, and turned to extend his hand to her. “Let’s go inside. Clay and I need to present you to our alpha and beta.”

  Abbey placed her hand in Hunter’s warm one and allowed him to help her out of the truck. She did her best to stay calm and shield her fear from both men, but she was unable to completely hide the way her worry made her tremble. When Clay came around the front of his truck and took her free hand in his, she was thankful for the immediate sense of calm that flowed over her as the three of them connected. She could feel the strength of their triad.

  Chapter 14

  Hunter and Clay stood on either side of Abbey as they stood before their alpha and beta. She faced the men introduced to her as Jace Beckett and Jackson Scott without hesitation, her eyes never wavering. If there was one thing she had learned in the business world, it was to face your employees, your stockholders, and your enemies with strength and confidence. Never let them see you sweat. She smiled softly at the advice that rang through her head. Her father had said it teasingly, but he had meant every word. And she was her father’s daughter.

  She worked
hard to stand before them calmly, but she couldn’t help but tremble slightly. Maybe she could play it off that it was the result of her recent time in the hospital. Watching the way Jace and Jackson looked at her, she knew they missed nothing. So much for thinking she could hide anything from them. She saw them take in a deep breath, their eyes glowing golden as their wolves evaluated her scent, and she knew she would never be able to keep her nervousness from them.

  “Congratulations,” Jace told Hunter and Clay, his deep voice resonating through the room, sending his power through all of those present. “I’m happy to have another triad mating within our pack.”

  Abbey looked at Jace in complete surprise. “How do you know that?” she asked him before she thought about censuring her question.

  “Your scents tell me that you belong to each other,” he told her, smiling down at her, his golden eyes flashing once before softly changing to the striking blue that was his normal color.

  He took a step toward them, stopping immediately when he saw the way Hunter and Clay’s mate stiffened and the scent of her nervousness filled him. He looked at Jackson and saw that his beta had scented it, too.

  Abbey looked at the people who filled the kitchen and saw that all of them were calm and welcoming. Well, the women were smiling, the men, not so much. The two giants who stood beside the nurse Abbey had met in the hospital were not smiling at her, but Nikki was. Nikki took a step toward her, but stopped when the two men beside her matched her steps with their own. Abbey couldn’t help but shrink back against Hunter and Clay as the men beside Nikki loomed closer.

  She watched as Nikki smiled at her, rolling her eyes comically as she faced the two men and gently petted their arms as they encircled her within their embrace. Something inside Abbey relaxed when she saw the obvious love the two men had for Nikki. It made her happy to see Nikki so contented and comfortable within their arms.

  Jace smiled at Nikki, knowing her display of affection toward Alexander and Butler had just alleviated some of the stress and fear that Hunter and Clay’s mate was experiencing. He turned toward his mate and saw that Laurie was feeling the exact same thing. He smiled at the woman who had given him and Jackson so much in the short time she had been with them.

  He returned his attention to Hunter and Clay and nodded his approval. He was glad to see the possessiveness that they showed toward their woman. He was certainly going to enjoy watching them become contented, mated wolves.

  Their mate was a guarded woman with many secrets that Jace was certain would affect his pack. The most important fact, the fact that superseded any other, was that she was the triad mate to Hunter and Clay. As such, she was now a member of his pack and under his protection.

  “Alpha, this is Abbey,” Hunter introduced the woman, his brown eyes softening as he looked down at her.

  “Hunter and I ask for asylum for her within our pack,” Clay formally requested, his light blue eyes never wavering from Jace’s.

  Jace took a step forward, halting immediately as Abbey stepped back and leaned against Clay and Hunter as they stood behind her. He looked toward Laurie in concern.

  Laurie stepped forward and took Jace’s hand in hers as she sensed the anger that filled him because of the fear that flashed in Abbey’s blue eyes.

  She’s afraid of you, Jace. Laurie’s voice spoke softly in his mind.

  I see that. This is not acceptable.

  Hunter told me she was running from someone, Jace. Jackson’s soothing voice entered the alpha mates’ minds. She doesn’t have any reason to trust us.

  “Hi, Abbey,” Laurie told the woman gently. “My name is Laurie. These are my mates Jace and Jackson. They would never hurt you, honey. They’ll do all that they can to protect you.”

  “All of us will, Abbey,” Nikki promised, holding her men’s hands against her chest as they embraced her. When they covered her belly tenderly with their free hands and rubbed it lovingly, she couldn’t help but smile up at them as they sent love through their link to both her and the babies she was carrying.

  Abbey nodded silently, moving forward one step toward Jace. She offered him her right hand, determined to control her fear as he reached out and took it to shake it in greeting. His large hand swallowed hers, and although his handshake was firm, it was also gentle.

  “Nice to meet you, Jace,” she told him, quickly pulling her hand from his, stepping back, and relaxing as soon as her back connected with the warm bodies of her men.

  “You now have a home here with us, Abbey,” Jace told her, his deep voice firm. Not only was he not about to allow this young woman’s safety to be jeopardized, he was also determined to help his pack mates keep their destined triad mate on pack land.

  “Thank you,” Abbey acknowledged, smiling slightly.

  “You are welcome to stay here at the family lodge,” Jace offered, smiling at Jackson when he heard the soft growls emanating from Hunter and Clay.

  “Alpha, Abbey will be permanently staying with us at our home,” Clay spoke up, looking down at Abbey and waiting until she looked up at him before winking at her.

  “And just what makes you think you can assume I want to stay here with you permanently, Mr. Forest?” she asked him, crossing her arms across her chest as she faced him defiantly. “We haven’t settled anything yet.”

  Clay’s growl of need was not lost on her. She was confused at first before she realized that Clay was looking at the top button of her blouse that had popped open at her movement, revealing the swell of her breasts to his gaze. She turned to face Hunter and saw that his gaze was drawn to her open blouse as well. She sighed in frustration and reached up to take hold of the button with the intention of closing it when Hunter’s hand covered hers.

  “No need to close that up, beautiful,” he told her softly. The pad of his thumb made a gentle arc across the full swell of her left breast as he spoke.

  Abbey’s breath caught in her throat. Hunter’s touch was like fire on her body. She felt as if she might spontaneously combust from the desire that immediately slammed through her.

  Stepping out of Hunter’s reach, her back connected with Clay’s body. This was not helping. The time she had already spent with them had already made them a solid presence in her life. And it scared her.

  “Abbey, wherever you decide you’d like to stay is fine,” Laurie encouraged her. “It’s your choice, honey, and we’ll all make sure your decision is the one that we’ll follow.”

  Laurie looked pointedly at Hunter and Clay, daring them to disagree with her. Both men looked down at the woman they were obviously mated to before looking back at her and nodding silently, lowering their heads in deference to her authority within the pack.

  Abbey watched the way the men deferred to Laurie and was impressed. Not only were they giving her respect, they were giving her power. Something in her eased at that realization. She didn’t understand the hierarchy of this family, but she already liked what she saw and was calmed by the caring and concern that everyone in the kitchen had for her. It was an unusual feeling—certainly one that she was not used to.

  The sliding glass door that led to the back deck was pushed open, and a young woman with blonde hair with white streaks in it rushed inside, drawing everyone’s attention. The woman froze in place for just a moment, her eyes wild as she looked around the room.

  “Is something wrong, Suzie?” Jace asked her immediately, stepping toward her to offer his aid. When Suzie lifted her hands to stop him from getting closer, he hesitated. “What happened?”

  “Nothing happened,” Suzie assured him. “I just don’t want any of you to come any closer to me right now.” She looked around the room quickly, seeing the confusion that she was causing. “Is Martha here?”

  “She’s in the living room,” Laurie told her, worried when she could feel the panic rolling off of Suzie. “Come on, Suzie, I’ll take you to her,” Laurie offered.

  Abbey watched in confusion as she saw the pretty blonde leave with Laurie. She turned to fa
ce Hunter and Clay, reaching out to accept their embrace without hesitation.

  “Is she okay?” she asked them worriedly.

  “That’s Susannah,” Hunter told her, nodding. “She’s mated to Carter and Drew.”

  “She looks upset,” Abbey told them, looking over her shoulder to see Laurie and Susannah disappear down the hallway and head toward the living room.

  “We’ll get to the bottom of that as soon as our mate figures it out,” Jackson told her, smiling. “I’m sure everything will be fine.”

  His soft brown eyes were sincere and kind as he looked at her. Abbey felt herself relaxing just a little bit more. She didn’t understand what was happening, but it felt as if emotions of acceptance and calm were being pushed inside of her. She looked at Hunter and Clay warily.

  Are you guys messing with my emotions?

  No, sweetheart. Clay and I are just sending you love.

  But I feel something else.

  That’s the power of our alpha and beta, honey, Clay told her gently. They’re letting you feel the acceptance of the pack. They’re pretty strong, Abbey. Don’t be afraid. They would never hurt you.

  The sliding glass door to the deck opened once again and two men entered. Abbey recognized one of them as the EMT who had taken care of her in the ambulance when she had been transported to Denver Memorial Hospital. It was hard to forget the kindness of the man who had taken care of her so gently. She had to admit that the scar that ran along the left side of his face made him memorable. He was handsome despite the scar, but it was his gentle kindness that she remembered the most. The instant growls from her men made her turn to them in surprise.

  What’s wrong?

  Do not look at another man the way you look at us, Mate, Clay warned her, his jealousy obvious.

  We won’t be able to control our wolves if you do, Hunter added, tightening his hold on her.

  Abbey leaned into both men and rubbed her face against their chests, loving the immediate feeling of contentment that poured out of them. She nearly laughed at the chuffing sound both men expelled but she knew that would not be a good idea right now. She had two jealous men to calm.


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