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Abbey's Protectors [Beckett's Wolf Pack, Triad Mates 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)

Page 25

by Lynnette Bernard

“I know. I feel the same. But we have to give her the space she needs to do what she wants. You know it would be wrong of us to prevent her from graduating and becoming a nurse. You know it’s her calling.”

  Lucian nodded and reached up to place his hand on Cole’s shoulder, squeezing it lightly. “I know. But it’s also her calling to be ours.”

  “It’s important that she’s both. She’s an amazing person who will help so many,” Cole said softly as his attention was drawn back to the beautiful woman who was destined to be theirs. “It won’t be long before she’s finished school. We can only hope she’ll give us a chance when she graduates.”

  “Yeah.” Lucian’s voice held hopefulness but a great amount of sadness and frustration. “I want to hold her between us, Cole. I want to keep her safe and show her how good it will be to be our triad mate. I want a life with her.”

  He rubbed his hands over his face, trying to wipe away the tiredness that seemed to fill him. He threaded his fingers through his blond hair and rubbed at his scalp to loosen the tension. His brown eyes were sad as he looked at Cole.

  “It will happen, Lucian,” Cole assured him. “Mia is ours. We know it, and she knows it.”

  “Do you think she knows it, Cole?”

  “I do.”

  “Then why doesn’t she acknowledge it?”

  Cole was silent for a minute, looking at the mate that they wanted and needed. “I think she does, Lucian. I just think she needs to work through some things in her mind before she surrenders to her feelings for us.”

  “You think she has feelings for us?”

  Cole ran his fingers through his long, black hair, pulling on it in frustration before he faced his triad partner. His blue eyes were sparkling with determination as he faced his triad partner.

  “Yeah. She may not want to admit it, but I think she does,” he said quietly, believing it with all his heart.

  * * * *

  “Thanks for helping me put together my resume, Abbey,” Meeka spoke softly as she leaned against the pool wall, allowing her body to bob weightlessly as she gave in to the complete relaxation of the water.

  “No problem,” Abbey told her, smiling. “I think you have a good shot at getting a job, Meeka. With your degree in business and your experience, you have plenty of marketable skills.” She pushed back her hair off her forehead and dipped back to saturate her hair so that it hung down her back. “We can go together to the local mall and you can apply for jobs. In fact, if you don’t find something you like around here, I know you would be a good match for my company. I can have my office manager Synthia talk to you.”

  “Thanks, Abbey, but I think I’ll just find something temporary so I can make enough money to get me and Eric back to Connecticut.”

  “Meeka, you can’t leave,” Suzie spoke softly, reaching out to hold her best friend’s hands. “I need you here with me. I want you to be with me when I have my baby.”

  Meeka looked at Suzie sadly. “I know, Suzie. I wanted to stay here, too, but I can’t. I think it’s best if I just go back to Connecticut.”

  “Why, Meeka?” Suzie asked, barely able to hold herself together at the thought of her friend leaving her.

  “Suzie, I just can’t stay here,” Meeka told her quietly. “I can’t stop the feelings I have for Reece and Wade. They’re so good to Eric. They make me feel safe. But they also make me feel ugly.”

  “How on earth do they make you feel ugly?” Suzie nearly shouted. “I will kick their asses.”

  “I’ll help you,” Abbey spoke up. “What the hell is up with them?”

  “You’re both sweet, but I know what I feel—what they make me feel,” Meeka told them softly. “I know that Wade and Reece like Eric and they probably have a protective streak for me because I’m his mother. But I also know that whenever I happen to get close to them or touch them accidentally, they both act as if I’m carrying the plague. They can’t get away from me fast enough.”

  “Meeka, you’re beautiful,” Suzie told her firmly. “What those men are doing makes no sense. You’re their destined mate. I saw it in my dreams. You know I’ve never been wrong.”

  “You have dreams of the future?” Abbey asked, amazed.

  “Well, not anymore,” Suzie told her, blushing lightly. “My mother had the gift before me, but she told me it faded when she became pregnant. Since I’m pregnant, I haven’t had any more dreams. My brother Mitchell has them now.” Suzie laughed lightly. “At least he won’t have to worry about losing the gift since he won’t be getting pregnant. Too bad. I think he would look adorable pregnant.”

  Meeka snorted, covering her mouth quickly, blushing at the unladylike noise. “Geez, Suzie! Stop trying to make me laugh.”

  “I’m not trying to make you laugh,” Suzie protested, smiling broadly at the sight of her friend’s sudden happiness. When Meeka’s smile left her and sadness filled her big brown eyes, Suzie couldn’t stop the rush of worry that encompassed her. “Meeka, you know those men are meant to be your mates. Their scents draw you to them, don’t they?” She waited until Meeka nodded. “Have you been having visions of your future with them?”

  Meeka remained quiet as she looked at Suzie and Abbey. Turning her attention toward her son, she smiled sadly as she watched Mia play with him. “I’ve seen visions of them playing with Eric.”

  “Anything else?” Suzie encouraged her.

  “I’ve seen them holding me between them,” Meeka admitted.

  “There you go,” Suzie told her, triumphantly.

  “That doesn’t mean anything,” Meeka protested. “Just because they held me between them, it doesn’t mean that they want me. And they’ve shown me every day since we’ve been here that they don’t want me near them.”

  “I don’t believe that, Meeka,” Abbey spoke up. “I think they want you. I don’t know why they’re being such idiots, but I can see the way they watch you. I think they’re struggling with accepting what they want.”

  “Yeah, well, if I was what they wanted, they wouldn’t be pushing me away.” Meeka looked at Abbey and smiled sadly. “It’s okay. I’m not expecting to ever have what you and Suzie have with your mates. I don’t think that kind of love is meant for me.”

  “I don’t agree with you,” Abbey told her before Suzie could speak. “I think it will take time, but I think Wade and Reece will come around. They’ll see that you’re meant to be with them.”

  “See, that’s the thing, Abbey,” Meeka told her softly. “I don’t want them to ‘come around.’ I deserve more. I deserve a man who isn’t going to settle or cave and accept me. The hell with that. I’m not going to be made to feel as if I don’t measure up ever again. I’ve had a lifetime of being a second choice.”

  Abbey looked at Suzie and nodded. She agreed with Meeka. No woman should ever feel as if she was settled for. “Okay, Meeka. I’m going to help you find a job. If you want to work for me, I have sister companies all across the United States. There’s one company in Connecticut that might be a good fit for you.”

  “Thanks, Abbey. I’m going to need a job around here first so I can save some money to take care of me and Eric. Once I have enough, I know my sister will let us live with her until we can figure out where we’re going to settle.”

  Abbey nodded, unable to say more. The beautiful lady had told her she would be instrumental in getting Meeka and her mates together. She honestly didn’t know how she was supposed to do that if Meeka left Beckett’s pack land.

  “I’m not going to think about you leaving,” Suzie told her sternly. “We’ll help you find a job so you can make some money, but I’m not going to help you leave. We have to figure out a better way.”

  “Suzie, there’s no other way.”

  “We’ll see about that. Come on, let’s get out of the pool and dry off. Do you want to come to dinner at my house tonight?”

  “Sure,” Meeka accepted the invitation, sighing softly.

  “I would ask you to come, too, Abbey, but I think you and your
mates need some bonding time. You know you’re welcome if you want to come.” She smiled knowingly at Abbey, winking boldly.

  Abbey blushed despite her determination to remain calm. She knew exactly how she wanted to bond with her men when they got home.

  “Come on, Eric,” Meeka called out as she made her way over to her son. “We’re going to Aunt Suzie’s for dinner, but we have to get cleaned up first.”

  “Okay, Mommy.” He reached out his hands and Meeka lifted him carefully out of the plastic tube, taking him into her arms and walking up the marble steps of the pool. “You’re such a good boy, Eric,” she whispered, kissing the top of his head.

  She knew that she was lucky that her son was so well behaved. It saddened her to realize that he knew the urgency of doing what she said when she said it. How many times had they hidden in Suzie’s cabin on Randall’s pack land when his enforcers had come to harass Suzie and her family? The life they had been forced to live was no life for a child. Going back to live with her sister in Connecticut was looking better and better.

  * * * *

  Abbey combed through her wet hair, smiling at her reflection in the mirror of the master bathroom. She had had such a good time with Mia, Suzie, Meeka, and Eric. He was such a great little boy.

  She thought about the children she had seen in her dream. She didn’t know if what she had seen was really her future, but she hoped that it would be. Despite her hesitance to make her life with the members of Beckett’s pack family a permanent thing, she couldn’t help but accept the longing she felt for a home and a family with Clay and Hunter.

  An instant flash of Hunter and Clay’s son playing on the floor in the middle of their living room filled Abbey’s head. She saw her two men lying on the floor on either side of their son, snapping together plastic pieces of many shapes and colors to build a giant wall that was quickly becoming as tall as their son.

  “Daddy, it’s as big as me!”

  Hunter leaned forward and wrapped his arms around their son. “Yes, baby, it sure is.”

  “Poppa, make it bigger!”

  Clay laughed and leaned forward to kiss their son’s cheek. “You got it, cub.”

  He set to work snapping pieces together furiously until the wall was indeed a few inches higher than their little boy. Their son’s squeals of excitement filled the living room, making Clay smile.

  “I think we should go even higher, Brandon,” Hunter told him, leaning forward to bite at his son’s belly playfully.

  Their son giggled and patted Hunter’s cheeks happily. “Yes, Daddy! Higher!”

  “Down!” a little voice called out, drawing their attention to their tiny daughter as she struggled to get down from Abbey’s arms.

  “Hang on, honey,” Abbey cautioned her, setting her down carefully and holding her lightly as she teetered toward Clay.

  “Poppa!” she called out, losing her balance and dropping down onto her diaper-clad bottom.

  Clay scooped her up and cuddled her into his arms, kissing her cheek repeatedly and making her giggle. “Do you want to play with us, sweetie?”

  Their daughter laughed and leaned into Clay’s chest. “Play!” she called out. “Daddy!”

  Hunter laughed and reached out to snag her little foot. He pulled it toward his mouth, kissing the soul of her foot before blowing a raspberry against it, making their daughter squeal with delight.

  Abbey smiled tenderly, resting her hands on her swollen belly and rubbing it gently. Happy tears filled her eyes as she watched their children playing with their fathers.

  Abbey gasped at the realness of what she had seen. Holding their daughter had been so real. She could almost feel the warmth and softness of their little girl. Their son was so happy playing with his fathers. Reaching down, she covered her belly, checking to make sure she wasn’t already swollen with their child. She laughed softly, happy for the first time in such a long time. She truly wished Hunter and Clay had already helped her to create a new life that was growing inside of her.

  That was a beautiful vision, sweetheart. Our children are as gorgeous as you are. Hunter’s voice was gentle as his emotions stroked across her heart through their bond.

  Now we know we’ll have at least three children. Thank you, honey, Clay’s whispered voice filled her mind. By the Fates, you’re incredibly beautiful pregnant, Abbey. It’s a state we’re going to love seeing you in. Often.

  Abbey was overwhelmed with the emotions that filled her. The children were beautiful, and they were happy. What filled her heart with more joy than she could process was the fact that both Hunter and Clay were such wonderful fathers. It was obvious in the vision that the way they interacted with their children was a natural occurrence. The love that they had for their son and daughter was the most beautiful thing Abbey had ever seen.

  She had no words to express how much the vision meant to her, or how wonderful the thought of having those babies with her men filled her to overflowing with love for them. Instead of trying to express herself, she opened her heart and allowed her thoughts and feelings to rush through their mating bond so that it went directly into Hunter’s and Clay’s hearts. She felt their immediate joy as they wrapped her in the white ribbons of their love.

  Clay, it looks like you and Hunter are going to love me into having those five children you want.

  Honey, we’re going to love every minute of our lives with you and will be happy with as many children as the Fates bless us with.

  Sweetheart, you have no idea how much having you in our lives has given us hope.

  Hunter’s voice was soft as he spoke, but Abbey could hear the pain and sadness that edged its way into his words. She could feel the blinding emptiness that filled both men’s souls, but she could also feel the beginning wonder of their love for her sending warmth through them. She could feel their pain ebbing and was choked with emotion as she realized that it was because they had found her. Never in her life had she ever thought she would be the cause of such tenderness and love, but she could feel it in their hearts. The white ribbons of their bond surrounded her, bringing with it a warmth of acceptance, peace, and happiness.

  Hunter, you may not think you have the gift of words like Clay has, but you have something just as good.

  What’s that, sweetheart?

  You have honest feelings that fill me with happiness.

  There was a moment of silence and Abbey was afraid that she had spoken the wrong words. She almost apologized and closed in on herself, old insecurities working their way into her mind and filling her with the fear of rejection.

  Thank you, Abbey, Hunter finally whispered in her mind.

  She smiled and took a breath, sighing in relief. You’re very welcome, Daddy.

  Hunter’s wolf pranced with happiness, the instant joy filling her head. She couldn’t help but smile at the sight of it.

  Now you’ve done it, Mate, Clay told her, laughing.

  What have I done, Poppa?


  Clay’s single whispered word touched her and sent feelings of love deep into her heart.

  I think you two will be the most wonderful fathers. The beautiful woman was right. You both are amazing men. I’m so glad you found me.

  She could feel the happiness that filled both men and smiled.

  I hope you’ll be coming home soon. I have plans for you both.

  What plans, sweetheart? Hunter asked her gently.

  I’ll let you know when you come home. Just do me a favor.

  What, honey? Clay asked.

  Bring your handcuffs.

  The instant surge of desire that she felt filling them almost dropped her to her knees. Oh, yeah. She had some definite plans for her men when they got home.

  Chapter 19

  Hunter walked toward the car that he and Clay had just pulled over for running a red light. Clay stayed inside the patrol car and called in the plates while Hunter walked over to the driver’s side door.

  There are two men in the front seat,
Clay, and there’s one man in the back.

  Wait for me, Hunter. I’m calling in for backup.

  I’ve got this. Don’t worry.

  “Did I do something wrong, Officer?” the young man in the driver’s seat who was probably in his early twenties called up to him through his open window.

  “License and registration, please,” Hunter told him firmly, anger lacing his words. This man’s recklessness could have injured someone. “Are you aware you ran that red light back there?”

  “No,” the man answered quickly. “It was yellow when I went through it.”

  Hunter growled softly. “No, it wasn’t yellow,” he corrected him. “The traffic camera will prove that. License and registration, sir.”

  The man reached across the front seat of his car to open the glove compartment, looking at the man in the passenger seat briefly. Hunter watched him warily, realizing that the three men in the car posed a definite threat. He breathed in deeply, glad when their scents proved to him that they were human. At least he and Clay wouldn’t have to deal with another pack’s attack this time.

  He saw the silver metal of the handgun as the glove compartment was pulled open. This was not good.

  Gun being pulled, Clay.

  Stepping back, Hunter drew his gun in one fluid motion and pointed it at the man.

  “Hands on the steering wheel! Now!” he demanded, his aim true as he kept the young man in his sight. “Don’t do something you’ll regret, son.”

  Clay tensed as he saw Hunter draw his gun and yell to the driver of the car. Without hesitation, he pushed open the passenger side door of the patrol car and stalked toward the stopped car, drawing his gun and aiming it at the man in the back seat.

  Gun in the back seat, too, Hunter.

  Clay’s voice was calm, and his stance was sure as he stepped up beside the rear passenger door and took careful aim. “Put the gun down!” he ordered firmly.

  The young man turned toward Clay and raised his gun. Clay watched the man’s eyes, years of experience telling him that this man was desperate, and he was going to make a desperate decision. The sound of an oncoming siren and the brightness of the flashing lights let them know that their backup had arrived. Clay hoped this would not end badly.


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