Holt's Holding part two (The Holt's Series)

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Holt's Holding part two (The Holt's Series) Page 10

by a dagmara

  “I think I’ll pass.” I pulled my lips tight trying to fight the urge to laugh…I knew what he was doing. He was simply trying to make light of it all. If he wanted to seduce me, I knew this would not be how he would go about it.

  “Do I see a smile on that lovely face of yours?” again with his ridiculous grin.

  “Perhaps” I allowed for the smile. “Why don’t you go put some clothing on?”

  “Hmm, I thought I looked good the way I am?” He was now teasing me.

  “Get dressed” I rolled my eyes at him

  My senses quickly honed in on the sound of the door opening.

  It was like a bomb waiting to go off…the door to the penthouse opened and there stood Charlie. His eyes moved from me to his brother. I recognized that look in his eyes…accusing, and jealous all to mask his hurt.

  I moved sensing he was about to lose his cool. Grabbing my small clutch, I placed myself directly in front of him, my hand to his chest and my eyes searching into his. I felt his heart skip and his breath hitch. My nose now enveloped with his scent, the cologne that was so similar to his fathers. The cologne, I loved.

  Charlie, staring past me and to Sebastian, he said nothing. Even in my heels; I would need to lift myself slightly…I kissed him on the cheek slow; when my tears betrayed me, falling from my eyes and landing to his cheek.

  Lowering back down, the door was still open and I walked out. Unsure of what would happen; this was between the two of them to work out.

  I waited for the elevator and needed a drink, so the bar would be where I was headed

  Finally, down to the lobby, I walked to the small bar with purpose. Pulling a bar stool, I ordered a patron on the rocks with a lime. My drink of choice; I needed to calm my nerves.

  Sitting and wondering what to do with my obvious broken heart, a voice pulled my attention.

  Chris was at the bar ordering drinks.

  “Chris?” I looked to him shocked.

  “Lillian? Wholly shit! I wouldn’t have recognized you in a million.” He walked over and hugged me. “I had no idea you came out of the coma. How are you?”

  “I’ve been better. But I’m well.” I smiled up to his caring eyes. “So what are you up to this evening?”

  “I’m here with Julie and Tiffany…you remember our bartender from Pickles…well Julie apparently felt the need to bring her along as a date for Charlie her brother. But I don’t think she ran it by him as he looked less then pleased with her.” Chris shook his head laughing.

  Julie was here and I hadn’t seen her since before. Shaking my head…Charlie was on a date tonight whether his idea or not…he was here with Tiffany. Maybe it is better this way.

  “So you look stunning…are you attending the charity ball?”

  “Yes I am”

  “Who’s your date?”

  I pursed my lips and smirked to his question.

  “Actually, I’ll be escorting Lillian.” Sebastian came around dressed in a very expensive tuxedo that made him look irresistible. Truth be told I always thought him to be very attractive.

  Chris turned to him and looked intimidated. I suppose most men would cower in his presence.

  “Sebastian Vaihn,” he extended his hand to Chris.

  “Chris Boiler…wait a minute…your related to Charlie Vaihn…Julie’s half-brother.”

  “Yes…Charlie and I are brothers and partners in business.”

  “So are you related to Julie?”

  “No…he and I had different mothers.” Sebastian added then moved around next to me at the bar appraising my drink “And what would you be drinking.”

  “Easy…she likes her tequila Sebastian,” Chris offered raising his expression to mine, as I shook my head to him. “Well I leave you to it. Happy New Year’s to you both” He leaned down and kissed my forehead like old times. “I’m glad you’re well Lilly. Take care of yourself.” he whispered, and then nodded to Sebastian; before he walked away.

  “You too.”

  I turned to Sebastian and cocked my head. “So what makes you think I need an escort?”

  “Well…I’m going as are you…we’re sharing my suite, so it makes sense that I escort you. However, I suspect that this is not the true conversation you want to have. Don’t worry…Charlie is fine. He ruffles too easily at times and is quick to make assumptions…I can’t say I don’t blame him. If you were mine, I would be more than up in arms, as it relates to you.”

  “Well, I’m not his or yours, so there’s no reason for any type of jealousy to be had.”

  Sebastian pulled his money clip withdrawing a crisp hundred-dollar bill and tossing it on the bar.

  “Are you ready?” he looked to me.

  “I only had one drink, and I’m sure you would want your change.” I raised my expression of shock to him.

  “Bartenders work hard…she’s deserves the tip.”

  “That’s quite the tip. I’m hoping your generosity keeps at ball.”

  “Why else would I be going Lillian? If not to be generous with my wealth.” He grinned down at me.

  “I’ll hold you to that.” I took the rest of my drink down and place the glass firmly on the bar.

  Shit…probably shouldn’t have done that.

  We turned and began our way from the bar only to be delayed by Julie. She and I hadn’t spoken in months, partially because of the coma, more so, because I couldn’t face her.

  “Lilly…love.” She rose from her chair, and air kissed me on the cheek. “Chris said you had recovered. I’m so glad to see you well. Wow …Blonde. I had no idea.”

  “Yes…I’m naturally blonde. I thought to go back after my stunt in the hospital.” I forced a polite smile.

  I watched as she glared to Sebastian.

  “Julie” his voice was cold.

  “Sebastian…I’m surprised; however I guess taking leftovers is what you’re into to these days.”

  “You assume to much my dear.”

  There was definitely no love lost between these two. I wasn’t sure of the back-story and really didn’t want to know. One thing was clear, they both seemed to despise the other.

  “Oh, Lil…I heard about your loss. Such a shame, but I suppose life works itself out the way it should.”

  That was a low blow to me. Trying to rein in my anger, I needed to play nice. She knew about Charlie and me, which was clear. Glancing over to the table all, the pieces seemed to fit nicely together.

  “Well it seems if we must engage in such pettiness; don’t be so quick to criticize someone for your same actions.” I looked over to Chris then back to her “You make yourself look cheap and desperate.”

  “So much for subtleties. I warned you to stay away from him. So much for Off Limits” she cocked her head and pulled a tight grin.

  “Apparently he didn’t get that warning.” I replied, “I see that Tiffany is somehow supposed to do what? Distract him? Because it looks like she’s making herself comfortable with Chris.”

  The rage was evident in her expression, though she did her best to bury it.

  “Let me take a wild guess; Chris is your ex?” Sebastian whispered.

  Before I could register anything, Charlie was now at the table and Tiffany quick to throw herself on him.

  Julie looked to them and back to me.

  “Some men prefer their woman with a pulse,” She looked between Sebastian and me.

  Raising my hand to my neck, I looked to Sebastian then back to her. “Hmm…I still have pulse. Funny how that works; two attempts on my life and yet I’m still breathing. You know Julie, it is funny how life works it’s self out.” I look to Charlie who now had a very quizzical expression watching Julie and me. “Julie…if you’re gonna do something; do it right from start to finish. Leaving lose ends will turn around and bite you in ass.”

  Charlie picking up the undertones stood up and looked to Julie “What is she referring to Julie?”

  “Nothing that you need to concern yourself with.” She spit out holdi
ng her glaring eyes on me.

  “Are you sure about that Julie?” I raised an eyebrow and slighted my head to the side

  I turned from her to Sebastian “I think it’s time to go.”

  “I believe your right” he extended his arm and I took it. Pausing I looked at Chris.

  “Take care Chris. I hope you have a happy new year.”

  “Lilly?” He stood up; Sebastian let my arm go anticipating Chris’s intent.

  Chris came around and hugged me one last time. “Take care…Always” he whispered then cupped the side of my face as his fore head hit mine softly.

  Being in the mood to one up Julie, I kissed him softly on the lips. It was a quick and friendly kiss with a dark point.

  His eyes closed; I knew I shouldn’t have, but then again he was smart. He knew the meaning behind my kiss. This was a good bye. I now finally realized the deeper meaning beyond trying to get a rise out of her.

  Breaking from him, I smiled and he mimicked.

  “Good night Chris.” We both understood this was he and I finally walking away from the past.

  He stepped back and reality set back into play.

  “Oh Julie…Did you know our parking garage was updated back in August with hidden video surveillance? It’s amazing how clear the video feed is…Technology is such an extraordinary thing; ever evolving. Wouldn’t you agree?” I looked at her briefly just to catch her shocked expression. I wanted her to know.

  I looked back to Sebastian. He was watching and listening with such intent. I walked toward him grinning and thru the little bit of the bar that remained. I knew he was caught up in it all. He turned following me out a few steps behind. In the lobby, Sebastian grabbed my arm and turned me to him.

  “What just happened there?” he demanded.

  “Couldn’t you tell? That was me one upping her.”

  “No, Lillian there’s more to it…you implied a lot back there!” he looked to me sternly.

  “I knew you were smart. So astute of you. But, I have no plans of folding that hand…not yet.”

  “Revenge is a dangerous game to play Lillian.” he offered flatly.

  “You think that I don’t know that? I know that lesson well. So well, that I paid the price; a price that will haunt me for a lifetime. I need not a lecture from you Sebastian.” I shook my head, frustrated.

  “That’s not what I’m doing. Lower you guards. I’m not your enemy. Nor do I want to impose any more pain. I think I’ve done enough and I only want to atone. If you allow me to?”

  “I’m sorry. Your right. However, she and I have unfinished business and her time is coming. That’s not revenge talking; it’s the simple facts.” I crossed my arms needing him to let this go.

  He said nothing just shook his head and slightly turned to the bar doors.

  “Let’s get to the ball,” he offered.

  “I suppose this was the purpose this evening,” I teased. Sebastian draped his arm over my shoulders, pulling me into his side. Looking up at him, he simply offered a smile as if he knew to drop this conversation.

  We walked down to the gathering halls. The ballroom was amazing the lights all twinkled above like stars.

  I was amazed at the detail. Remembering my house and the way Sam decorated; I knew this was her doing.

  “Lilly! Brady said he brought you. What do think?” she looked panicked.

  “You did an amazing job. This is wonderful Sam. Thank You…sincerely from the depths of my heart. I can’t thank you enough” and I meant it. Looking around the ballroom, it looked like a frozen wonderland, adorned in silver.

  “You did all this? Impressive.” Sebastian added.

  “Well, it’s easy to do when you have an unlimited budget.” She turned back to me. “Brady told me how much this ball means to you. Are you sure it’s not over the top?”

  “This is perfect Sam. This was precisely the vision I had.” I walked to the center of the room taking it all in as she and Sebastian watched me.

  My eyes skirted over every place setting, every detail on the tables, and those hanging from the ceiling. I was in awe of what she accomplished.

  Turning, my expression didn’t do my heart justice. I walked over and hugged Sam, keeping a tight restraint on my building tears.

  “Thank you”, I whispered to her hear.

  Sam released her hold, adding a kiss to my cheek. Looking to Sebastian, he was quite the escort holding his arm for me.

  Leading me around the room, he stood by my side, as I made the first of many rounds, greeting the guest. I shouldn’t have been surprise with how easily he charmed people. Yes, he could be intimidating but at events, Sebastian was quite the charmer.

  The evening seemed to run smoothly. Dinner served and now the opening speeches.

  The speech I had yet to write.

  Moving to the podium, I began with the many thanks to our sponsors that had helped facilitate this evening. Acknowledgments across the board were an order. Even one to Sebastian and his generosity as he out did me this year.

  Standing nervously, looking out to those in attendance, I needed to offer something more personal. Speaking from the heart, I finally opened myself up. Telling the story of my hidden truth. That the reason my mother embraced this charity, how in many ways we hid the truth, that I was autistic. A truth or secret that Brady kept silent about as did I. I saw no reason to hide this now. Though my autism was minor, it was time I acknowledged it. It was time to accept everything about who I was.

  Met with on lookers of both shock then acceptance; It was clear, I touched many thru my words. Looking to Brady, I saw in his eye’s the pride he reserved for me. Even Sebastian looked moved. However, it was Charlie, who stood in the door, which my eyes found. How long he had been here, I was unsure. Looking to him hurt, as my heart still felt shattered.

  Brady took his spot at the podium, offering his thanks and opening the silent auction.

  With that now done, it was time for our traditional opening dance. Every year it was tradition for us to start the dance. This year we chose the Tango.

  For some reason those in attendance seemed to love this part the most. Brady and I had taken dance lessons since we were twelve. Therefore, to some degree, we were close to as perfect as we could get. We never finished our dance together, as we always pulled the guests onto the floor, thus signaling the tone for the evening.

  I almost forgot the song he chose…laughing, I shook my head. “The mating Game” by Bitter: Sweet.

  Pulling me in tight…Brady looked down to me, “Sorry, should have changed the song.” He offered.

  I smiled; then offered a laugh as we began our dance.

  I almost forgot how well he and I moved together on the floor; the way he knew how to follow the rhythm; and me.

  A minute later, we went our way pulling guests to their feet and to the floor.

  Setting the pace, the music shifted to the next song. I would spend the next three songs dancing away with the “who’s who” of Baltimore.

  The Dj knowing to change the pace of the evening; moved to music what is more popular. The lights all matched the tone. This was New Year’s Eve, and all were having the time they expected.

  Breaking from the dance floor, Sebastian caught my hand.

  “So do you have energy for a dance with me?” he cocked his head, grinning while pulling me to him. “I promise to behave this time.”

  “Don’t promise something you can’t hold to?” I laughed.

  “You’re safe. I rarely make a promise, and when I do, I keep to it.”

  Cocking my head, I grinned; allowing him to take the lead.

  I almost wanted to die laughing, when the song shifted to “Tell Me”, by Diddy and Christina Aguilera…what an inappropriate song.

  Fortunately, the dance floor was packed. I laughed as I turned my body backing to him. It was easy for me to lose myself in music. Therefore, I did just that knowing that this would test his promise.

  It was odd how easily we f
ell into the playfulness of the song without crossing boundaries. I was actually having fun with him. The song changed again to “Mercy” by Duffy. It was if we fell into character roles on the dance floor.

  He swung me around the dance floor with an audience now watching, and giving way. I guess we were now the entertainment. He was a great dance partner and all my worries seemed to temporarily disappear.

  The song ended with applause as we took our bows.


  “Please” I laughed.

  Standing at the bar, we playfully teased one another as friends would. It was nice having this time to spend with him. It was obvious that he was a good man. I just hadn’t afforded him that consideration in the past. I judged him too harshly. I now understood Charlie’s words regarding whom our fathers would have preferred for me. I could see it, but my heart was Charlie’s. I couldn’t deny that and Sebastian knew it.

  Startled by the song; I turned to the dance floor.


  “Go” Sebastian whispered.

  I felt paralyzed…the song that always led me down into darkness now played.

  Charlie walked to me with his hand extended.

  I felt that old familiar feeling…panic.

  He pulled me into his hold, moving us to the dance floor. I breathed in his cologne trying to ground myself.

  It was his scent keeping me lucid, as he held me in his hold; moving us across the dance floor.

  I could feel his heartbeat, and his breathing was hitched. We danced through the song and overcame my anxiety. He kept me from falling into the darkness that this song would normal bestow. The song was done, changing to fit the mood. “Far Away” by nickel back was very appropriate. We danced without saying a word. I couldn’t help but cry. The words of the song squeezed at what little of my shattered heart remained.

  The song ended and he pulled from me. One kiss to the cheek and he again left me standing. Alone

  I didn’t know what game he was playing. I turned and couldn’t find him. My heart couldn’t take this anymore.

  Shifting gears, I spotted Sam at the bar with Brady and Sebastian. It was time for a stiff drink. I need to get drunk and truly just forget life for one night.

  One shot turned into many. Midnight now fast approaching, I knew Brady was going to propose.


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