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Holt's Holding part two (The Holt's Series)

Page 15

by a dagmara

  I pulled a clutch from the shelf and moved my things from my other purse.

  Locking and arming the house, I jumped into my car. I had no need to cab it tonight, as I had no plans of getting drunk.

  The drive would be thirty minutes into the city. I was looking forward to a night with friends.

  Chapter 11

  Meeting for dinner was what I had needed. Looking around the table that night was perfect. The jokes and laughing about various experiences and stories, was the normalcy I missed and forgot to allow myself to embrace.

  Sergio, the manager and friend came over and greeted us bringing out a few new samples that he was planning to put on the menu. He was such a talent and the restaurant amazing. The night was getting late and we were in full conversation not realizing the hour.

  Looking to Brady and Sam, I could see that romance slowly blossoming. As for Julie and Chris, it seemed like they were well on their way to something great. It had dawned on me that I was the only un attached person. Brady and Sam weren’t official, but it looked as if they were already on their way. Paying the bill and breaking off our ways. I was the last to wait for my car that I had valet parked.

  Looking down South High Street, there were a few more small restaurants and patrons coming and going. My eyes landed on what looked to be Charlie. He was with a tall brunette woman. She was stunning and wrapped up into his hold. I felt my heart drop into my stomach. I should have known. Last night was indeed a one night stand for him. Looking to the Valet, I stepped to my car looking one more time in his direction. To my surprise, his eyes seemed to catch me. I stood locked in his direction. Without any control, I shook my head at him, closed my eyes trying to erase the sight from my memory, and stepped into my car.

  I knew better than to have allowed myself to hope for something that he was not capable of. I was the fool.

  In my car, I knew I could only drive in one direction forcing me to drive by him and his newest conquest.

  My frustration and hurt pride was rearing its ugly head. I now needed a distraction from emotions, I had no idea what to do with. I pulled past him, unable to even look his way.

  Before I knew it, the decision to head to power plant live was formed and I parked in the garage.

  Walking past security and straight for mosaic. I needed to forget him and move on. Walking in, I said my hellos to those I knew as I came here often. Reaching the bar, Corey my favorite bartender and good friend from high school was quick to my rescue.

  Drunk was definitely on the menu tonight. My heart felt like it just got flushed down the toilet and I needed retribution. Hands around my waist, yes he would do. I had seen him around and he would offer a good time on the dance floor.

  Taking another shot, I let him lead the way.

  His hands ever so cleverly placed, there was no way he was good enough to seduce me. However, a few inappropriate dances sure, I could allow for.

  I wanted my mind to just turn off. But it was Charlie haunting my thoughts. The music was indeed seductive but just not doing it for me.

  My stranger’s lips now hitting and desperate on my neck, he was too eager for my liking. Trying to break from him, he looked very displeased. I reached and grabbed him hard.

  “You would be best if you knew when to back off.” I spit out.

  “Damn, talk about sending the wrong signals sweetheart.” He looked frustrated and more than pissed off.

  Another voice quickly pulled his attention.

  “I think the lady made herself clear.” Sebastian offered in a very intimidating voice.

  Looking to him, I was shocked to see him.

  “May intrude?” He smiled raising a brow.

  “Why not” I grinned

  “You’re drunk.” He offered as he pulled me into his body.

  “Aren’t you a smart one?”

  “Lilly, I think you were a little close to getting yourself into something unbecoming you.”

  “You don’t say,” I shook my head “Perhaps that was the point Sebastian.”

  “What has you so ruffled this evening Lillian. Could it be Charlie?” he grinned.

  “And what would you know of that Sebastian?”

  “Everything Lillian. I think you know that as well.”

  Looking up to him, I wasn’t real sure what his game was.

  “I’m sensing the wager between the two of you hasn’t been taken off the table.”

  “Now who’s the smart one?” he offered grinning, a very dangerous grin.

  “So tell me Sebastian, how do you plan to seduce me?”

  “Unlike Charlie, I take my time Lillian.” He raised his expression.

  Game on.

  This was the distraction I was in search of.

  “Are you sure you want to travel down this road?” I bit my lower lip applying the same question to myself. This was a slippery slope and I knew it. Two brothers and me…this would not end well if I walked this path. Pushing me hard into his firm body his lips were quick as his took my lower lip into his mouth. Oh, shit the tremble and anxiety sparked like a match thru me.

  “NO!” was quickly voiced as I pulled from his hold. “No, I’m not playing this game with you or him. I want nothing to do with this. I’m not a toy to be played with. The two of you are fucked up and I want nothing to do with this. I now understand your father’s words. The two of you truly aren’t good enough for me and I’m not some dumb ass ho willing to play this game.”

  I pulled from him and managed my way to the bar. Signaling Corey, I paid my tab.

  Funny as soon as I turned, there stood Charlie. Sebastian mere feet from us and his head cocked looking to Charlie. The anger boiling over, I slapped Charlie as hard as I could manage.

  “You two have no right. Go to fucking hell.”

  I shot past him and made my way thru the crowds.

  Steve, a security guard that I had made friends with caught me noticing my stress.

  “Lilly, are you ok?” he looked down to me.

  I smiled shaking my head. “Is it too much to ask for normal?” I laughed

  “What is normal but an opinion Lilly” he smiled. “Let me walk you to your car.”


  He put an arm around me and advised the rest of his team where he was heading.

  Once at my car Steve jumped in and I pulled out. I circled around and dropped him off at the front of Power Plant. I needed to get home.

  Pulling through the city, on my way home, I couldn’t get over the anger I felt. They thought I was a game, something they could play with. I wasn’t about to engage in such play.

  I pulled to the house, jumping out of my car and slamming the door. In my house, I pulled my shoes off and leaving them in the foyer. I was still reeling and very pissed off.

  My phone rang. Looking at the number, I didn’t recognize it, which meant it, was probably Charlie or worse, Sebastian.

  Can you say ignore? I hit the decline button and sent the caller to voice mail.

  The phone rang almost immediately. Again, I hit decline.

  After the fourth call, I was annoyed.

  I answered.

  “What the fuck do you want?”

  “Don’t hang up!” Charlie

  “You have three seconds. Make it quick.”

  “Are you home?”

  “Yes dumb ass.”

  “Thank god. You shouldn’t have driven Lilly,”

  I cut him off “Seriously? Fuck off Charlie.”

  I hung up the phone. Looking at it, he called again. I didn’t want to talk to him. I turned the phone off.

  Pulling the tequila from the cabinet, I was going to get even more drunk, now that I knew I could.

  Grabbing a rocks glass and the entire bottle, I went to the patio.

  I lit the fire pit and made myself comfortable on the lounge drink in hand.

  I couldn’t get over those two. It seems I was so wrong. I ordered Henry to start a play list from my iTunes library. I walked back to the
house, reached for a blanket, and made my way back outside to my lounge.

  Pouring another drink that I didn’t need. I was more than wasted. Nevertheless, did I care? No, that was the point. I needed to just pass out and the alcohol would do just that. My mind and emotions on overload. How dumb could I be?

  I had no idea when I finally passed out.

  Waking up, I was shocked to find myself in my bed?

  Sucking in a deep breath…shit, I was going to throw up.

  Racing for the bathroom and hugging the toilet, I emptied my stomach.


  Shaking my head, I stood up and went to brush my teeth. My head was throbbing and I was feeling the punishment of too much alcohol. I felt like death was at my doorstep.

  Walking from the bedroom to the kitchen, I need to put something in my stomach. I knew I had another round of making an intimate relationship with the toilet.

  Crap, I looked to the French doors, I had left them open.

  Moving slowly, I made it to the kitchen and went straight for the fridge. Pulling a bottled water out and sucking it down. I was so dehydrated.

  Turning from the fridge, I dropped my water to the floor.

  “What the hell are you doing here?” Charlie was standing in my kitchen and making something in the blender. The moment he turned it on, I thought my head was about to explode. “Dear lord turn that off,” I ordered.

  “You’ll thank me later.”

  He finished making whatever he was and walked over with it in a tall glass. He offered it to me.

  “Drink it,” he ordered. I took it from him glaring up at him.

  I took it fully down. Oh, gross. What the hell was this?

  “This is disgusting.”

  “Yes, but it will make you feel better.”

  Looking up at him “How the fuck did you get in? and why are you here? Did I not make myself clear last night?”

  “Oh you did, you have quite the hand. I’ll give you that much. I’m here because I was worried about you.”

  “Well, I’m not your concern Charlie. Where’s your brunette?”

  “I thought I saw you.” he grinned

  “Charlie…just leave, you weren’t invited nor needed here.” I put the now empty glass down and walked out from the kitchen.

  Headed towards my bedroom, I pealed my dress off not caring that he was here to witness. Stripping fully, I made it into my shower. The water, hot and needed. I just wanted to wash last night away.

  Turning, he was leaned against the vanity in my bathroom.

  Washing my hair, I couldn’t get over his audacity to stay.

  “Why are you still here?” I yelled over the water.

  “I’m rather enjoying the view,” he offered with that grin on his face. “Can you blame me?”

  I just glared and shook my head at him. What an ass. He was one cocky son of a bitch.

  Finishing, I opened the shower door and wrapped myself in a towel. He still held that ridiculous grin on his face.

  “Again, why are you here Charlie?”

  Cocking his head to the side, it looked like he was forming an answer. Dear lord help me with this one.

  “I’m checking in on my investment,” he offered.

  “What the fuck does that mean?” I stopped in front of him.

  “I noticed you didn’t take the pill,” he added smugly.

  Shit, I had forgotten about the pill and now it was too late to take it.

  “Fuck me.” I breathed.

  “I did that already and well from what I remember.” He smirked.

  “Don’t bloat your head Charlie. You’re not the only man who’s fucked me and well as you put it.” I added walking to the vanity sink and pulling my toothbrush for the second time this morning. “Hell, based on last night, I could have brought Sebastian home and I’m sure he aims to please.” It was a low blow, but I didn’t care.

  “You could have brought a number of men home with you last night, but it would have been me, you thought of.”

  Unfortunately, he was right. It would have been nothing more than a replacement for him. I was in trouble. I was so wrapped up in him, that I knew he would hurt me.

  Brushing my teeth, my eyes never left sight of him. He walked behind me as I watched him from the mirror. Standing directly behind me, I had no idea what he was up to. I proceeded to brush my teeth ignoring him.

  His hands gripped my towel around my hips. Catching his gaze in the mirror, I could sense it in his eyes. His hands, dropping to my thighs and lifting the towel exposing me. Wow, he was brassy. Gripping the counter of the vanity, I spit the contents of the toothpaste out of my mouth.

  He was that quick and penetrated my center. Pushing me into the counter. Too shocked, I braced myself to his thrust. Oh god, his intrusion was wanted. My body was quick to accept him and betrayed my resolve.

  Each thrust, broke my resolve further, and my climax was well underway. I couldn’t hold out much more and finally succumb to him fully.

  Breaking my hold of the vanity, I rose up and into him. My head on his chest and my hips circling into him, taking him deeper.

  He was close to being done, and I could feel that final tension as he released his orgasm fully and deep into me. It was like a branding. My body wanted his and there was no denying it. He was my drug. Moreover, I was addicted.

  Opening my eyes, I caught his grin in the mirror.

  “Like I said, it would be me you thought of.”

  He was right.

  Pulling from me slow, I was sore and deliciously so.

  Slighting my head, his lips were on my neck and his eyes locked to mine in the mirror.

  “You can leave now.” I offered in a smug tone.

  “Are you sure you want me to?”

  “Do I need to make my point clearer? I want no parts of whatever game you and Sebastian want to play.”

  “I suppose not, as I have seemed to win this game already.”

  “I wouldn’t be so confident Charlie. Sebastian is more my type,” that was indeed a low blow on my part and I knew it.

  “But, It’s me whom your body wants,” he added again with that smug tone.

  “Get the fuck out Charlie.”

  I pushed away from him and walked to my closet.

  Pulling my panties and a bra, I reached for my yoga pant and a t-shirt. Dressing, I couldn’t believe he was still here. He watched me so intently that it made me feel weirded out.

  “Why are you still here? Just go report to him what you think is truth and leave me be.” I ordered.

  Trying to walk past him, he grabbed me at the nape of my neck and pulled me to him. His lips came down fast and hard commanding mine. The anxiety hit an all-time high and the tremble coursed through me like a shock wave. The tears were quick and fell down my face.

  He pulled from me his eyes widen to see the fear that painted on my face.

  “Get. Out. Now” I managed.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t ,…” his word fell off to the shock that now invaded his expression.

  My tears and terror on my face were too much for me to hide. I was shocked to my display. I had hoped that this would not be the reaction to his kiss. Nevertheless, there it was. I was trembling in fear.

  “Bloody hell!” he shook his head. “I’m so sorry. I should have realized.”

  “Don’t touch me,” I whispered in fear backing away from him.

  Oh, god here came my full-blown panic attack. His voice no longer audible and my vision tunneled.

  Closing my eyes, the room felt as if it was fully disappearing.

  Shamefully, I wanted to kiss him. I had since my dream two nights earlier. I couldn’t believe how easily and swiftly the panic attack took hold.

  I could feel his body hold mine firm, I just couldn’t hear him. My eyes still shut and my body lax, I must have blacked out.

  Chapter 12

  Opening my eyes, I was slow to raise my head off the bed. The room dark with some bits of light finding t
heir way in.

  Taking in the room, it was my room and my bed that had me. The blinds all pulled. Looking to the clock it was six in the evening.

  Shit, I lost my entire day?

  That’s right, I had a panic attack. All I could assume was that the combination of being very hung-over, and the stress, was the reason why I had been out for so long.

  Taking in a deep breath, I sighed. His cologne was all over me and lingered in the room. I had no idea how to handle him. He thought this all a game and not once considered that I wasn’t playing one.

  Remembering him last night with another woman still boiled my blood under the surface.

  I almost want to laugh. Me jealous, I would have never thought that I would. However, this was Charlie, this is the man I have admittedly had a crush on since fifteen. He was indeed a dangerous man, one that I knew better than to allow anywhere close to my heart. Yet, here I was. I couldn’t deny it if I tried. He was already in control of my heart and I willingly gave him that power.

  Pulling from the bed, I place my feet to the floor and stood up. I was still a bit shaky, but forced myself to find my center and walk from the room.

  The hall was bright and lit of the setting sun. The aromas from the kitchen sparked a new desire in me. I was hungry.

  Was he still here?

  I walked slow and quietly to the kitchen. Charlie dressed in jeans and a t-shirt. His hair slightly wet with that very sexy undone look. A dishtowel over his shoulder, he was cooking away and on the phone.

  Listening more, did he say Nana? Was he on the phone with my Nana?

  He turned grinning, and spotted me standing, watching him.

  What the hell was this man up too? I cocked my head unable to voice a comment let alone a question.

  Still with that stupid grin on his face, he pulled the phone and handed it to me.

  Shit, he was talking with my Nana.

  Taking the phone from and while still giving him a nasty glare, I answered.

  “Hi Nana.”

  “There’s my Lilly. I’m sorry I missed you earlier. I had dropped by and you were napping. Charlie had explained that you were ill and that he had given you a valium. I’m hoping you feel better love.”


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