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Holt's Holding part two (The Holt's Series)

Page 19

by a dagmara

  He said nothing and laughed as he moved up and off the lounge. Coming around he didn’t wait for me to even move he simply lifted me up into his arms.

  Pausing, he looked down at me as I smiled to his display. Wrapping my arms around his neck, I lowered my head into the nape of his neck. Taking in his scent my need for sleep seemed to disappear. I had no idea what possessed me, but my lips landed on his neck as he attempted to walk us into the open door frame where he paused. Pulling around to the edge of his jaw, I kissed him slowly before pulling and looking up into his very hungry eyes.

  He continued his stride to my bed and lowered me down. For a moment it looked like he was going to leave as he walked back to the open door pausing.

  I watched as he quietly closed the doors and locked them. Turning back around, he lifted his shirt off dropping it to the ground. His drawstring pants fell next as he made his way to my bed. His hands landing on my feet rose to my ankles as he pulled me down the bed.

  Looking him, I realized he was holding back, taking his time. He lowered down and kissed almost every inch up my legs as he pushed my gown up with his movements.

  I could feel my body heating both in want and desire.

  Whatever the reason, I suddenly felt panicked.

  Chapter 14

  Opening my eyes.

  Shit it was a dream. Pulling to the side, the sun was hot. Feeling startled I could feel what was someone’s very heated breath on my back.

  Oh shit!! I yelled.

  Poncho, the neighbor’s horse started pushing his head into my back forcing me off the lounge that I clearly had fallen asleep on.

  His bridal slid down and grazed me. Turning and adjusting my eyes. Sure enough, the 17-hand palomino was standing on my stone patio. I reached up and grabbed the reigns.

  “Come on big boy, I’m sure your dad is worried about you.” I rose to my feet still sleepy.

  Pulling the horse with me, he followed me down to the fence, as I looked around for my neighbor. I didn’t see him anywhere. Looking up to Poncho, I notice he had his bridal, but no saddle. It looked like he was being prepped to ride and must have taken off.

  I was barefoot and in nothing but my nightgown. Holding the reigns, I climbed the fence leading Poncho to the side as I climbed on his back.

  “Ok big boy, I’m out of practice so be easy with me.” I patted him down along his very strong and muscular main. Digging my heals into his side and signaling the horse we moved down the side of the fence finding its opening when Poncho decided that he was ready for a short cantor that would explode into a full on gallop down the field.

  I had forgotten how exhilarating it was riding a horse. It had been years since I had. The morning air was crisp and the dew along the grass made the field look majestic.

  I knew the ride would be quick to the barns but I enjoyed every moment of it.

  “MS Holt” Tom, the owner of the property came running up reaching for the reigns. “I’m so sorry; he was being prepped for a ride this morning and got away from the stable hand. I see he found his way to your house again.”

  Tom was a very attractive man in his mid-twenties. His family was what I would refer to as “Old Money”. He was an Ivy League educated man whom just recently finished a graduate degree from Harvard. Though he had the upbringing of what would and should have him stuck up, he was very down to earth. His family owned many beautiful horses and it seemed that this was his passion. Looking down at him, he was tall and very well built. I suppose all the time he spent in the stables were the cause. His hair was a wavy golden brown that matched his honey colored hazel eyes. Attractive was perhaps an understatement. I couldn’t help but appraise him in his worn jeans and white t-shirt that pulled across his chest. He had on riding boots and my favorite, a cowboy hat. There was no doubt that he had a string of just as lovely woman waiting in line for his attention.

  “By the looks of it, it seems that Poncho had wakened you this morning.”

  Laughing, I looked down at myself, as I was in deed a woman whom was in nothing more than her nightgown.

  “Yes, he certainly did.” I laughed shaking my head at my appearance. “I truly don’t mind. It’s been ages since I’ve been up on a horse.”

  “Well, it seems Poncho here has taken a liking to you and your property.” He smiled.

  “It would appear so.” I patted the horse once more. “Tom, do you think you can give me a ride back up?”

  “That’s the least I can do. Stay up on the horse since the barn is not clean and you’re barely dressed. I’ll climb up behind you then ride him back down.”

  “Ok” he led Poncho and me over to the side stool and carefully climbed up behind me. His hands laced around my waist and reached for the reigns.

  I was fine with letting him lead the horse, as he was a better rider than I was. He held one hand around my waist holding me tight and led the reigns with the other. I reached down and grabbed a hold of Poncho’s main with one hand and held to Tom’s other.

  “I see that your pool is now finished” he spoke politely.

  “I believe they finished up while I was away. It was amazing to come home to it being finished.” I offered back.

  “The view from her of the house is pretty amazing. You’ve done a beautiful job rebuilding. I wondered what you were going to do with the property after the fire. I’m glad you chose to rebuild.”

  Looking up at the house from this vantage, I couldn’t agree more. It truly looked beautiful. “I’m glad I did too. I love this part of the county and well this is home,” I added.

  He picked up our speed from a gentle trot to a light gallop. Up and around to the fence he stopped the horse and jumped down steadying Poncho. Swinging my leg around Tom came over extending his hands and gripped me around the waist as I used his shoulders to steady myself down.

  Lowering down, he was carefully holding my along his body when my feet touch the dew of the grass.

  “Thank you Tom.”

  He smiled and nodded, “It seems it is me who owes you. I’ll do my best to keep Poncho off your yard.”

  “Oh, don’t be silly. I rather enjoyed the ride this morning.”

  “You’re more than welcome to come down to the barns anytime you feel the need.”

  If I didn’t know any better, he was flirting with me. Looking past him, it looked as if we had an audience on the patio. It was more Charlie, starring down at me holding his coffee mug. Sebastian too, seems overly inquisitive as he sat at the table watching.

  Tom turned his head up at the peanut gallery then smiled back to me.

  “It appears that you have a full house. I should let you go.” He walked over to the fence and climbed back up on the horse. I walked a fee steps turning to him.

  “Thanks for the ride.” I offered smiling at him.

  Turning and making my way up, Tom called out my name.

  “Elizabeth,” he paused as I turned back to him. “I doubt that a woman such as yourself is single, however in the off chance that you are…would care to have dinner with me some time?”

  Wow, that was interesting. Maybe this was fate working. Pulling me away from the mess that waited up on the patio.

  “I’m not single; however I’m also not exclusive with anyone at the moment Tom. Dinner sounds lovely.”

  “Are you free tonight?” he looked eager.

  “You know, I have no plans.”

  “How’s 8? I’ll come by and pick you up?”

  “Ok, 8 it is.” I smiled as he pulled the horse and made his way down the field.

  Standing a moment longer watching him down the field, I was debated. I can’t believe I just said yes.

  Turning back to the house, Charlie was still watching me, as everyone else seemed to be in conversation. Looking past him, it appeared that Patricia was leading the conversation. I smiled and silently laughed as she was definitely an A type personality.

  Making my way up and around the pool Charlie was in my path.

  “I d
idn’t know your rode?” he took a sip of his coffee.

  “It’s been years, but yes, I use to ride often.” I offered.

  “Does the horse typically find its way up to your property?”

  He must have seen the horse earlier.

  “This is probably the third time. I figured I would ride him back down. Tom, my neighbor was kind enough to bring me back.”

  “That’s not all he wanted to do for you.” Charlie commented with the undertones of a jealous boyfriend.

  “Everyone wants something from someone Charlie.” I looked up at his annoyed expression and grinned.

  I attempted to step past him when his arm came out, blocked me, and pulled me up to him. His hand on my lower back grazed the exposed skin of my back.

  What the hell was he doing?

  Looking at everyone at the table they all seemed to drop the conversation and just stare down at the two of us.

  “You do realize everyone is watching Charlie?”

  “So they are, let them.” He shifted slightly and had me perfectly in front of him as he held me tighter. I heard the release of his mug as he dropped it into the grass.

  Within mere seconds, his hand was at the back of my head and his lips were on mine. Taking what little air there was out of my lungs.

  “It’s about damn time Charlie!” Julie a bit over enthused yelled out.

  He finally released his hold and broke the kiss. I was wide eyed and in shock to his very public display. I could only suppose this was Charlie acting jealous.

  Looking at him, he had the most devious and satisfied grin plastered all over his face.

  “Your neighbor is a bit young for you Lil; I think it would be wise of you to cancel your dinner plans with him.” He commented smugly and pulled from me turning back to the house.

  “Oh really.” I crossed my arms as I yelled back at him. Forcing my feet to move I followed him up. “He is not too young for me Charlie, he and I are the same age. Hell he and I were in the same kindergarten class, not to mention he was my date to Prom!”

  He turned and looked at me quizzically. “It doesn’t matter, you’re clearly unavailable. The poor boy doesn’t need you leading him on.”

  “Perhaps, Lillian is too young for you Charlie.” Sebastian decided to add his two cents in.

  Rolling my eyes, I couldn’t believe this was now the topic of conversation.

  “Well, if that holds true than she’s too young for you as well.” Charlie glared down to Sebastian.

  “Oh hell, this is freaking ridiculous.” I walked by them both and into the house. Stopping; shit, my door was locked. I turned and walked back out and to through the patio to my bedroom.

  “Where are you going?” Sebastian yelled out.

  “To my room. My bedroom door is locked.” I yelled back.

  I could hear the amused laugh break free from Brady.

  “Uh Lil, don’t forget about the conference call we have in, oh let’s see here, ten minutes.” He called out.

  I completely forgot. Shaking my head, I picked up my pace and ran into my room. Pausing at the closet, I stripped off my gown and threw it into the hamper, pulling my drawers open. Standing in nothing but my underwear, I caught his cologne.

  “What is it with you and your brother? Last I checked this is my home and I can’t seem to get any privacy.” I pulled a black t-shirt from the drawer and pulled it over my head. Turning to him, I reached over, pulled out a pair of running shorts, and pulled them on. Looking up at Sebastian, he stood leaning into the door of the closet and simply grinned.

  “I would offer an apology, however I don’t feel the need to lie.” He laughed. “So, it seems that my brother has now laid his claim or announced his pursuit of you.”

  “Is that what that was? I thought it was more like a jealous man marking his territory.”

  “Pretty much the same thing is it not?”

  “So, where is your brother now?” I looked to him for an answer.

  “Oh, I think getting shit from Patricia in the kitchen. She truly does adore you and I think the idea of her son perusing you has her a bit in arms, since we all know his reputation and commitment issues.” He laughed.

  “Well, it would seem you and he both have the same issues.” I added smugly stepping to the door.

  “Perhaps, I can at least admit my faults. Nor do I ever lead a woman on thinking anything different.”

  “Sure, whatever helps you sleep at night?” I rolled my eyes at him “let me pass I need to get to my office.”

  “Yes, your conference calls. But before you go I feel you should at least weigh your options.”

  I looked to him confused.

  He leaned down and smiled. Ok what the hell was he up to?


  His arms circled around the sides of my head and his lips landed on mine. Without even realizing it, he completely had control and command of my lips forcing me into the side of the door. His kiss was full of passion and need.

  Even if I could stop it, my body seemed to betray me. My hands, unmoved on his chest, I could feel him push up pinning me further into the doorframe. I was so taken with his kiss; I didn’t even realize he had slipped his hand in between my legs, rubbing at my core.

  It was happening so fast, and my mind was two steps behinds what he was doing. I heard the pull and tear without understanding what it was that I heard until it was too late. My legs wrapped around his waist, as he was the one to put them there, shit, I felt his arousal pushing into me. Gasping for air, I pulled hard and fast from his death grip.

  “Stop” I breathed. “Sebastian no” his body tensed and his head lowered to the side of my head.

  Feeling his labored breath on my neck, I was about to breathe a sigh of relief when he pushed his full arousal deep into me.

  “I’m already where you need me to be,” he offered cool and seductively.

  “I can’t do this. You need to stop.”

  “Who are you trying to kid. You want me Lillian. You and I, were always meant to be together in the end.” He pulled his head up and looked down to me. “I let you and Charlie play, but that’s all it ever was. Your father wanted this for you as do I.” reluctantly he pulled out from the center of me and lowered me back down out of his hold.

  “Sebastian, don’t put value in the words of an old man. At last check, I’m a free woman to make her own decisions. My heart belongs to someone else.” I looked him straight needing him to see the truth in my words.

  “I doubt that Wesley was that successful. So who may I ask?” Sebastian stepped back freeing me of his hold. Not wanting to answer, hell, not knowing how to answer, I stepped into the closet needing to get dressed.

  Pulling a pair of jean shorts, I dressed, as he stood there waiting for my answer.

  “It doesn’t matter who, the point is it’s not you.” I pulled my lips tight and shook my head walking past him, to the bedroom door. Opening it slightly, I turned back to him as he stood there thinking hard on my words. “Whether I like admitting it to myself or anyone else is irrelevant; I’ve been in love with him most of my life Sebastian.” I opened the door fully and looked to the hall catching Charlie’s expression.

  What the hell was up now. I walked down the hall and stopped when I was next to Charlie. Looking out the patio doors shit, Brady was talking with Wesley.

  When did he get here?

  “God damn it.” I shook my head. “This is turning into the day from hell”

  “Hmm, not happy to see him?” Charlie raised his expression and let out a laugh.

  “Bite Me,” I offered, walking thru the family room and out the doors.

  “Wesley? What brings you? I wasn’t expecting you until Saturday.”

  He turned and walked over pulling me in a hug.

  “I had a few shifts in my schedule. I’m only here for a quick stop over and thought we could do lunch together. I have a dinner meeting in DC then I have meetings all day Friday. I won’t technically be back up this way unti
l Saturday.”

  “Oh, ok. Um Brady and I have a conference call.”

  Brady interrupted quickly, “it was pushed off until tomorrow. You’re free for the remainder of the day if you choose.” He smiled at me and I realized this was all his doing.

  “Wesley, make yourself at home. I need a shower. I shouldn’t be long then we can head out.” I smiled up at him.

  He reached down and kissed the top of my nose. “Take your time love.” He rubbed his thumb across my jaw line and smiled ear to ear.

  He was a nice man and appeared too really like me. If I were a smart woman, I would be chasing him. But clearly I wasn’t.

  “I won’t be too long, I’m sure Brady will keep you entertained.”

  “Lillian, you seem to have a full house? If you can’t do lunch.”

  “Don’t be silly Wesley; we’re all about to leave poor Lillian soon. I’m afraid we all crashed here as we had too much to drink last night with dinner.” Brady cut him off and answered for me.

  Shaking my head at Brady, I couldn’t get over that he was now behaving like Sebastian and Charlie. Before I could even react Sebastian stepped out, dressed in suit pants shirt, and fixing his tie.

  “Sebastian Vaihn, wow this is a surprise.” Wesley looked from Sebastian and back down to me. His expression was one I didn’t recognize.

  “Wesley Ensor, How the hell are you.”

  I watched in shock as the two pulled into a macho embrace slapping each other.

  Fuck me.

  “Wholly shit didn’t expect to see you until tomorrow.” Wesley offered. Looking back to me, he had the strangest grin on his face, and then looked back to Sebastian “So should I be concerned that I find you here?”

  Charlie walked out as well. “You should always be, where my brother is concerned.” Charlie laughed. “How are you Wesley?”

  “Honestly, at the moment a bit shocked to see the Vaihn brothers. Especially here with my Lillian.” Wesley cocked his head looking at me quizzically.

  “They’re here only because of the Wedding Wesley. Julie, my former roommate is Charlie’s sister.” I offered, hoping it would clear things up, as he definitely knew the Vaihn brothers, and their reputation. But that being said, my speculative mine jumped into caution mode. I knew they all knew one another, which begged the question how well.


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