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Life in a Medieval Village

Page 24

by Frances Gies

  Abbot’s Ripton, 46, 64, 109, 134, 149, 160

  abjuring the realm, 192-93

  Abovebrook, Henry, 84, 97, 181

  Abovebrook, John, 85, 175, 178, 186

  Abovebrook, Matilda, 182

  Achard, Hugh, 179

  acre, variations in, 47

  adultery, 116-17, 182

  Aethelwin, ealdorman of Kent, 24

  Aetheric, bishop of Dorchester, 24-27, 29, 156


  Anglo-Saxon, 21-22

  Bronze Age, 8-9, 19

  Iron Age, 9-11, 19

  open field, see open field system

  Roman, 11-12

  Romano-British, 19-20, 21-22

  akermen (bovarii), 78

  ale, 22, 94, 96, 103-4, 140, 153, 182-83, 206

  ale tasters, 57, 83-84, 152, 180, 182-83

  Alexander III, pope, 114, 156, 157

  Alfred the Great, king, 23-24

  Andrew, Prudence, 86

  Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, 22-23

  Anglo-Saxon invasion of England, 21-22

  Angulo, Alice in, 84, 85

  Angulo, Geoffrey in, 84, 111, 187

  Angulo, Hugh in, 84, 113

  Angulo, Muriel in, 85

  Angulo, Richard in, 139

  archeology, role of, 4-5, 8-9, 31

  assarting, 15, 64, 243

  Ault, Warren, 140-41, 142

  Avebury (Wiltshire), 39

  Bacon, Roger, 158

  bailiff, 49, 51-53, 150, 184, 243

  Baker, Alan R. H., 201

  bakers, 39, 79, 149, 150

  Ball, John, 198, 199

  ban (monopoly), 48, 77

  baptism, 117-19, 156

  barley, 9, 11, 16, 17, 55,60, 94, 95, 137, 140, 141, 153

  Barnet (Hertfordshire), 124

  barns, 37-38

  Barnwell, William of, 79, 177

  Battle Abbey, 94

  Bayeux Tapestry, 17

  beadle (hayward or messor), 56-57, 83-84, 93, 243

  Bedfordshire, 20, 103-5, 108, 125-26, 173

  beer, see ale

  Bellamy, John, 192

  benefit of clergy, 192

  Bennett, H. S., 97

  Benyt, Reginald, 132, 188

  Benyt, Richard, 76, 84-85, 187

  Beresford, Maurice, 4, 132

  Bersu, Gerhard, 4

  Birmingham, 203

  Blaccalf, John, 78, 180

  Blaccalf, Ralph, 188

  Black Death, 98, 110, 124, 196-97, 201, 204

  Blackstone, William, 140-41

  Blakeman, Athelina, 85, 116

  Blakeman, Richard, 181

  Bloch, Marc, 49, 206

  Blundel, Geoffrey, 70, 74

  boon (bene), 42, 55, 58, 87, 101, 139-40, 144, 199, 243

  Boothby Pagnell (Lincolnshire), 54

  Bowerchalk (Wiltshire), 147

  Bracton, Henry de, 67-68

  Bradford-on-Avon (Wiltshire), 23, 33, 38

  Brancaster (Norfolk), 109

  branding, 62, 147

  Braudel, Fernand, 142

  Bray, Henry de, 44, 64-65

  bread, 48, 94-95, 140, 153

  brewing, 57, 152-53, 178, 182-83

  regulation of, 57, 178, 182-83

  bride ale, 115

  Brington, Geoffrey, 135

  Brington, Reginald, 84

  Britton, Edward, 83, 84, 110, 117, 186

  Broughton (Huntingdonshire), 42, 56, 73, 83, 84, 110, 117, 140, 160, 168, 173, 186, 188

  burial, 128, 156

  Burton Agnes (Humberside), 52, 53

  butchers, 79

  Butser Ancient Farm Project, 9

  bylaws, 132-33, 141, 142, 148, 173, 183, 204, 243

  Cambridgeshire, 2, 69, 173

  Carlton (Nottinghamshire), 101

  carpenter, 149, 151

  carrying services, 42, 46

  Carter, Margery, 108, 116

  carts, 135, 142

  cellarer, 50, 93, 243

  Celtic fields, 9

  censuarii (tenants ad censum),

  75, 76, 87, 243

  Ceowulf, Anglo-Saxon thegn, 23

  Chalgrave (Bedfordshire), 108, 109-10

  champion husbandry, see open

  field system

  Chapelot, Jean, 8, 13

  Chapleyn, Aldusa, 89

  Chapman, Joan, 86

  Chapman, John, 80, 86

  Chapman, Robert, 70, 74, 79, 86, 183

  Chaucer, Geoffrey, 56, 78, 86, 157-58

  Chausey, Thomas, 81, 181

  chevage, 42, 76-77, 178, 196, 199, 243

  Chichester, bishop of, 183

  Child, Reginald, 87, 178, 183

  Child, William, 84

  childbirth, 117-18

  children, 117-20,206

  feelings toward, 119-20

  naming of, 119

  Christmas, 100

  church, parish, 3, 30, 41, 50, 159-61, 162-63, 192

  architecture of, 162-63, 200

  in Elton, 3, 39, 42, 200

  furnishings of, 163

  murals in, 168-69

  revenues of, 159-61

  services in, 164-65

  churchyard, 41, 102, 128, 163-64

  Clare, Bogo de, 157

  Clark, Elaine, 124

  claviger (macebearer), 51, 144, 184-85

  clerk of the account, 50, 55, 56, 174

  Cnut, king, 26

  communitas villae (community of the vill or village), 7

  compurgation (oath helping), 177, 188-89

  confession, 169-70

  copyhold tenure, 199

  coroner, royal, 190-91, 192

  coroner’s court, 190-91

  rolls of, 34, 103-5, 119-20

  corrody, 125, 244

  costume, 98-99, 206

  cotters, 77, 78, 143-44, 152, 244

  Coulton, G. G., 116

  Council of Trent, 115

  Court Baron, 175-77, 180


  Church, 116-17, 182, 189-90

  royal, 189-93

  (see also coroner’s court, eyres, honor court, manorial court [hallmote])

  cows, 22, 61, 142-43, 145, 149

  craftsmen, 71, 77, 78-79, 149-53, 202-3

  itinerant, 152-53

  Crane, Goscelyna, 86

  Cranfield (Bedfordshire), 123-24

  crime, 103-5, 180, 189-93

  croft, 34, 35, 41, 244

  Cromwell, Richard, 204

  crop rotation, 14-15, 131

  crops, 9, 11, 16, 17, 22, 55, 60-61, 65, 94, 131, 137-38, 203

  Cross, Alexander atte, 54, 84, 90, 97, 113, 139-40

  Cross, Alice daughter of Robert atte, 85

  Cross, Robert atte, 85, 133

  cruck construction, 33-34, 90

  Cuxham (Oxfordshire), 107

  Dacus, 26, 31, 156

  dairy production, 22, 62

  Danish invasion of England, 22-23

  Daye, John, 34, 109

  death, 126-27

  demesne, 11, 17, 31,47, 58, 71, 130, 244

  deodand, 191

  deserted villages, 4-5, 31, 200-201

  De Windt, Anne, 81-82

  De Windt, Edwin, 83

  diet, 93-98, 139-40, 206

  disease, see sickness “Dissolution” of the monasteries, 201-2, 204

  Ditchley (Oxfordshire), 13

  “Divided Horsecloth,” 123

  divorce, 117

  Dodwell, Barbara, 28

  Domesday Book, 30-31, 68, 69, 136, 156, 195

  dovecotes, 38, 39, 40, 151

  dowry, 111, 112

  dress, see costume

  drunkenness, 103-4

  Duby, Georges, 46, 69, 94, 198, 200

  Dunning, John (John Tanner), 70, 76, 152

  Durobrivae, 20-21, 24

  Dyer, Christopher, 203

  Dyer, Thomas, 48, 79

  dyers, 79, 98

  Easter, 101

  Edward I, king, 191, 192, 197

  Edward II, king, 197

III, king, 197-98

  Ellington (Huntingdonshire), 124

  Elton (Huntingdonshire), 1, 2, 3, 5, 24, 30-41, 42-43, 45, 46, 47,48,51-53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60-61, 62, 64, 65, 67, 69-87, 88-89, 91, 93, 99, 100, 101, 102, 108, 109, 111-12, 116, 117, 121, 133-34, 135, 137, 138, 147, 149-53, 156, 160-61, 173, 174, 177-79, 180-88, 191, 196-97, 199

  acquired by Ramsey Abbey, 24-27

  in Black Death, 196-97

  Elton (Huntingdonshire) in Domesday Book, 30-31

  fields of, 41, 129-31

  modern, 2-3, 205

  origin of name of, 24

  plan of, 31-42 (map, 32)

  population of, 2, 42

  in Tudor era, 204-5

  Elton, John of, 40, 72, 73, 85-86, 89-90, 149, 178-79

  Elton, Philip of, 55

  Elton Hall, 3, 39-40, 204-5

  emigration from villages, 152

  enclosure movement, 4, 200-201, 204, 205

  entry fine (gersum), 108, 112, 199, 244

  Ermine Street, 20, 27

  essoins, 178, 244

  estate management, 47, 40-58

  treatises on, 49-50, 62

  exemplum, sermon, 166-167

  Exeter, dean of, 158

  Eynsham Abbey, 161

  eyres (circuit courts), 190, 244

  fairs, 42, 48

  Faith, Rosamond, 107

  family, 106-8, 110-20, 122-26

  autonomy of, 106-7

  cycle, 106

  size of, 106

  famine, 98, 195-96, 203, 204

  famuli, 58-59, 195

  Feddersen Wierde, West Germany, 13

  felony, 190-92

  fertilizer, 16, 17, 35, 137

  feudalism, 17-18, 27-29, 45, 244

  field systems, 9, 10, 13, 15-16, 41

  infield-outfield, 131

  multifield, 131

  Roman, 13, 20

  three-field, 131-32

  two-field, 131-32

  Finberg, H. P. R., 22

  food, see diet

  Fossier, Robert, 8, 13

  Fourth Lateran Council (1215), 114, 157

  frankpledge, 179-80, 204-5, 244

  view of, 179-80, 204-5

  Fraunceys, Henry, 188

  Fraunceys, John, 177

  freedom, concept of, 67-69, 73, 152, 205-6

  Freeman, Elias, 110-11

  friars, mendicant, 166

  fruit, 11, 96

  fullers, 149, 150

  funerals, 127-28

  furlong, 15, 41, 47, 129-31, 244

  furniture, 93

  Gamel, Geoffrey, 139

  Gamel, Gilbert, 187

  Gamel, Robert, 76, 80, 84

  Gamel, Roger, 84, 183

  gang-days (Rogation Days), 18, 101, 163

  Gate, Margery atte, 112

  Gate, Muriel atte, 111

  geese, 40, 149

  Gerald of Wales, 158, 159, 161

  Gibson, Edmund, 201

  Glastonbury Abbey, 37, 97, 100, 133, 202

  gleaning, 132, 140-41

  glebe, 160-61, 244

  goats, 22, 149

  Godswein, Henry, 85

  gore (wedge of land), 130-31, 244

  Goscelin, Richer son of, 87

  Goscelin, Roger, 84

  Gower, John, 98

  Gratian, 114

  grazing rights, 132-33, 142-43

  Great Raveley (Huntingdonshire), 127

  green, village, 36, 39, 41-42

  Greenway dispute, 184-85

  Gregory III, pope, 59

  Grosseteste, Robert, bishop of Lincoln, 49, 57-58, 61-62, 64, 127

  Hale (Lincolnshire), 161

  Hallam, H. E., 97

  hallmote, see manorial court

  hamsoken, 180, 244

  hanging, 191, 193

  harboring strangers, 80

  harrow, 135

  harrowing, 62

  Hatcher, John, 7, 69

  hay, 9, 65, 138-39, 144, 196-97

  haying dispute, 144

  Healdene, Viking leader, 23

  hearth, central, 91, 92

  Hemmingford Abbot’s (Huntingdonshire), 109

  Henry III, king, 197

  Henry VIII, king, 201, 204

  Hering, John, 86, 178, 183, 186-87

  heriot, 76, 108, 109-10, 124, 199, 244

  Hermite, Andrew L’, 188

  heushire, 76, 245

  hide (land measure), 31, 245

  Hilton, Rodney H., 42, 68, 141-42, 145

  holidays, 93, 99-2, 206

  Holywell (Huntingdonshire), 47, 121, 140, 159, 160

  Homans, George C., 48-49, 183, 185

  homicide, 86, 190-91

  honor court, 42, 73, 188

  horse, 16-17, 59, 83, 136

  horse collar, 16-17, 136

  Hosbonderie, 148, 149

  houses, 11, 12, 14, 20, 21, 22, 31-34, 88-93, 200, 206

  construction of, 33-34, 89-90

  hall, 89

  heating of, 91

  interiors of, 91-93

  rebuilding of, 88-89

  size of, 34

  types of, 11, 14, 35

  Howard, Katherine, 204

  Howell, Cicely, 97

  hue-and-cry, 180-81, 192, 245

  hundred, 27, 245

  Hundred Rolls survey of 1279, 31, 42, 64, 70, 72-74, 77-78

  Hundred Years War, 197-98

  Huntingdon, 42, 52

  Huntingdonshire, 1, 2, 19-21, 27, 42, 43, 133, 173, 201, 203

  Hurst, John, 4

  Iceni Village, 12

  infangenethef, 190, 244

  inheritance, 15, 73, 107-8

  irrigation, 12, 203

  Ivel, River, 20

  Ives, Saint, 29

  jurors, 83-84, 173-74, 184-85, 188-89

  Ketel, John, 81, 85, 109

  Kibworth Harcourt, 97

  King’s Ripton (Huntingdonshire), 46, 81-82, 111

  Kosminsky, E. A., 72, 97-98

  labor services, 53, 74-75, 133-35, 154, 183, 196-97

  Lane, Henry in the, 130

  Lane, Richard in the, 76

  Lanercost Chronicle, 162

  Langetoft, Allotta of, 187

  Langetoft, Isabel daughter of Allota of, 48

  Langetoft, John of, 73, 86, 178-79

  Langland, William, 99, 114

  Laslett, Peter, 203

  lay subsidies, 82, 197-98

  Leicester Abbey, 183, 184

  leirwite, 76,85, 116, 182, 244

  leprosy, 121

  Liber Gersumarum, 112-13

  life expectancy, 121

  Lincolnshire, 69

  livestock, 9, 16, 22, 34, 38, 48, 54, 55, 62, 82-83, 136, 145-47

  London, 34, 42

  longhouse, 11, 12, 14

  lord, 44-49,62-66, 88, 111, 154, 172, 183-86, 188-89, 195, 196, 205

  capital investments of, 64-65

  ecclesiastical, 45

  income of, 46-49, 57-58, 64-66

  lay, 44-45

  life-style of, 46

  privileges of, 47-48

  roles of, 46-48, 196

  love-day (dies amoris), 178, 244

  Luttrell Psalter, 102

  maintenance contracts, 108, 122-26

  Maitland, Frederic, 68

  malt, 22, 38

  Manning, Robert, 102, 114, 115-16, 118, 122-23, 126, 161-62, 164-65

  manor, 17-18, 27, 67

  definition of, 17, 244

  “farming” of, 45-46

  identity with village, 27, 30, 45

  officers of, 49-57, 180

  manor house, 3, 36-37, 41, 51-53, 54, 151, 200, 201, 204

  manorial accounts, 31, 54-55

  manorial court (hallmote), 47-48, 51, 77, 89, 124, 172-89

  appeal from, 187-88

  fines in, 47-48, 64, 181-82, 186, 189

  jurisdiction of, 189-91

  legislative activities of, 173

  litigation in, 178-79

  procedure of, 144, 172-79, 183-87

  punishment imposed
by, 181-82

  records of, 31, 69, 70, 82-83, 86-87, 174-75

  manorial system, 17-18, 27-28, 49

  markets, 42, 48, 63-64

  marriage, 107, 111-13, 169, 206

  ceremony, 113-15

  clandestine, 115-16

  consent in, 114

  Marshal, Adam, 76

  Marshal, Henry, 180

  Marshal, Simon son of Henry, 76

  Marshal, Walter, 76

  Marx, Karl, 18

  meadow, 131, 138-39, 203

  meiatores, 61

  merchet, 76, 111-13, 154, 182, 244

  Merton, 147

  midwives, 117-18

  Miller, Edward, 7, 69

  Miller, Henry, 188

  Miller, Nicholas, 78, 111, 181

  Miller, Richard, 116

  millers, 78-79, 149, 150

  mills, 31, 36, 48, 77, 78, 149-50, 196

  money-lending, 186-87

  Montaillou, 86

  Montfort, Simon de, 34

  Morburn, Thomas of, 180

  mortuary, 109, 159, 245

  mowing, 138-39, 154, 196-97

  multure, 78, 245

  murrain, 63, 195-96

  mutilation (as punishment), 193

  Myrc, John, 118, 126-28, 159, 165, 170

  Nene, River, 2, 3, 20, 32, 79, 97, 151

  Newbold Grounds (Northamptonshire), 130

  New England, 203-4

  Newton Longville (Buckinghamshire), 203

  Nolly, John, 76-77

  Norman Conquest, 17, 27-38

  Norman Cross (Huntingdonshire), 42

  Norman Cross Hundred, 27, 30,43

  oats, 9, 16, 17, 60, 94, 137, 140, 141, 153

  oblations, 51, 56, 160

  Oculus Sacerdotis, 159, 165, 169

  old age, 121-26

  Oman, Sir Charles, 199

  open field system, 14-16, 49, 129-33, 201, 203-4

  origin of, 15-16

  operarii (tenants ad opus), 75, 243

  Oswald, saint, archbishop of York, 24

  Oundle, 2, 3, 51

  Ouse, River, 20

  outlawry, 193

  ovens, communal, 38-39, 41, 48, 77, 79, 196

  ox, 17, 22, 59, 136, 204

  Page, John, 135, 177, 183, 187

  pannage, 148, 245

  parish, 155-57

  identity with the village of, 155

  origin of, 155-56

  Parr, Katherine, 204

  Paston family, 199-200

  peas and beans, 11, 16, 17, 60, 95-96, 136-37, 141

  Peasants’ Rebellion of 1381, 86, 198-99

  Pecham, John, archbishop of Canterbury, 157, 158

  penance, 170

  pensions, old-age, see maintenance contracts

  Peterborough, 2, 3, 48, 51, 147, 152, 191

  Peter Lombard, 113

  Peverel, Pagan, 29

  Piers Plowman, 99, 144, 154

  pigs, 22, 83, 143, 147-48

  Pipewell Abbey, 65-66

  Pirenne, Henri, 152

  planting, 131, 136-38

  pledging, personal, 175, 177-78, 188, 245

  plow, 10, 11-12, 16-17, 135

  with coulter and mouldboard, 11-12, 135

  heavy, 16, 135

  scratch, 10

  wheeled, 135

  plowing, 9, 10, 11-12, 134-38

  plow team, size and makeup of, 16-17, 22, 59, 136

  poll tax, 198, 199


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