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Hazed: A New Adult College Romance (Palm South University Book 6)

Page 9

by Kandi Steiner

  And with a waggle of her brows and a dazzling smile, she’s off.

  It only takes me a moment to shake off her words once she’s gone. If this was me even a year ago, they might have crippled me to the point of not being able to hold it together for the rest of the event. But I’ve learned a lot in my short life, and one thing I knew for certain was that the show must go on.

  And giving power to someone in your past does nothing to grow your future.

  Still, even as Jeannie gently touches my elbow and guides me to the next group of guests, I can’t help but ruminate on her words.

  That rumination grows substantially when I realize Brandon is in the group I’m approaching.

  I’m surprised my legs manage to keep working once I spot him. I’m surprised my heart doesn’t stop beating at the sight of his warm eyes, crinkled at the edges as he laughs at something the woman next to him said. I’m surprised his brilliant, megawatt smile doesn’t steal my breath, that the delicious way his tailored navy suit hugs his shoulders and biceps doesn’t make me audibly moan.

  He is, in every way, the absolute picture of elegance and power. Strong and confident, enigmatic and sure. It’s the kind of aura a king might possess, or a billionaire greeting guests on his private island, or the captain of a championship team.

  But I’m holding it together, holding everything steady and confident, myself, even in his midst.

  Until the very moment his eyes find mine.

  They flick to me easily, accidentally, a casual glance up at the crowd around his little pocket of people as he takes a sip of the amber liquid in his glass. I just so happen to be in his line of vision when he does, and at the sight of me, his hands pause, glass hovering just away from his lips.

  I could look away. I could turn to Jeannie and pretend I have something to ask her. I could smile as I pass one group on my way over to his. I could look anywhere else than right back at him.

  But I don’t want to.

  I love the way his gaze burns, like a candle flame I can’t help but hold my hand over. It’s enough to sear my flesh and leave a mark, but it’s a price I’ll pay to keep this warmth as long as I can.

  “Are you going to be okay, talking to your ex-boss?” Jeannie whispers as our heels click along the tile. “I can steer you the other way and avoid them, if you prefer.”

  I blink, and it’s as if that notion snaps Brandon back to reality. He finally sips his drink, and then his eyes are back on the man across from him, and he’s smiling like he’s been following along the entire time.

  “No,” I answer confidently. “I’ve got this.”

  The small group parts like the sea for Moses when Jeannie and I approach, and everyone is a bustle of greetings and smiles. They congratulate me on a fantastic event, compliment me on the décor and entertainment, and almost immediately, I’m roped into the conversation that was occurring before we came by — how the Super Bowl will be held in Miami next year, and what that will mean for our event industry.

  Jeannie and I slide right in, joining the circle and the conversation with ease, and while I chat business with the various executives, I can feel Brandon’s eyes on me.

  Part of me doesn’t want to give him the satisfaction of looking back.

  But dammit if I can’t help it.

  There’s a lull in the conversation when I finally peel my eyes up to meet his, and when I do, the muscle in his jaw tenses, his grip tightening around the glass in his hand.

  “Mr. Church,” I greet with a smile. “It’s so lovely that you could join us this evening. I know how busy it must be at Okay, Cool with the launch of the work share space downtown.”

  His Adam’s apple bobs hard in his throat, but he manages a smile. “We wouldn’t miss it.”

  I don’t miss the we instead of I, and at that very moment, the woman standing next to him casts a shy smile his way.

  Though my heart is sticky and sluggish at the sight, I smile wider. “I don’t believe we’ve met,” I say to the woman, extending my hand for hers. She’s older than me, but still young enough for me to be impressed that she’s at this event, and while she wouldn’t capture my attention if I walked past her on a crowded street, she has a girl-next-door kind of charm about her. Her dark blonde hair is pulled back in a tight bun, warm brown eyes friendly and kind, freckles dotting the pale skin of her cheeks. “I’m Ashlei Daniels.”

  “Oh gosh, I know who you are,” she says with flaming red cheeks, but she shakes my hand confidently. “Your reputation proceeds you.”

  I smile. “Well, hopefully it’s a good one.”

  “Very much so,” she says on a breath. “My name is Colleen Sparks. I’m the new lead account manager at Okay, Cool. Just moved here from New York.”

  “Ah,” I say with what I hope is a pleasant smile. “My replacement.”

  The color drains from her face. “Oh, well… I… I, uh…” She looks to Brandon with a grimace like she’s said something she shouldn’t have, but his gaze is apathetic. He takes a sip of his drink with those eyes burning a hole into the side of my skull.

  “We’ll have to collaborate sometime,” I say to ease the discomfort I’ve brought to the group. I can almost feel the collective breath of relief when I do. “I love the Okay, Cool team, and I know you have talent over there. Together? There’s no telling what we could create.”

  “We’d be honored to work with you,” Colleen rushes out.

  “If there’s time,” Brandon says just as quickly, and I can see straight through his forced smile. “It’s a busy quarter for us.”

  Code for: Don’t you dare come back into my life.

  Part of me shrivels up at the rejection, but it’s a small part. Sure, I still feel guilty for what I did. And sure, I still love that grumpy man and miss him something terrible.

  But I’ve got the power buzzing under my skin, the kind that can only come from putting on a perfect event and knowing I’m the head bitch in charge, too.

  I know I hurt him, but he hurt me, too.

  And where I would have stayed to fight for us, he fled.

  So no, I don’t feel even a little bit sorry when I stand even taller, offer him a pleasant smile and say, “Of course. I understand. Collaboration with the new kid on the block can be scary.” I shrug as the group exchanges knowing looks and grins. “But my offer stands, should your schedule clear up at all.”

  With a smile and a tip of my glass, I excuse myself from the group, then, and it’s not until we’re on the other side of the pool that I drain every drop of gin from my glass.

  Jeannie smirks a little, taking the empty glass from my hand. “I’ll refill this.” She pauses, arching a brow. “Nice work over there. Mrs. Landers would be proud.”

  I just wink at her, and once she’s gone, I press a hand to my stomach to catch my breath.

  I can feel it still, Brandon’s laser-sharp gaze, and when I casually turn to survey the party, I find him staring at me through the gaps in the crowd. Every now and then, someone will walk in front of him or in front of me, somewhere in the way, but all the while, his gaze stays fixed on me.

  And it stays that way all night.

  No matter where I move, no matter who I’m with, if I look in that general direction, I find those hazel hues locked on me.

  So, toward the end of the night, I decide to give him something to stare at.

  I know it’s juvenile. I know I’m playing a game similar to one I would have in college. I’m also completely aware that Brandon is an adult, and it will likely not have the desired effect on him that I’d like.

  But I don’t care.

  I still waltz my ass up to the hottest guy I can find and drag my fingertip down the sleeve of his suit jacket. I still laugh at his stupid jokes and lean in closer when he talks business and draw attention to my lips with every sip of my drink. I still push my cleavage together a little as I find the shell of his ear and whisper we should go somewhere more private, and I still let my gaze flick to Brandon’s when
that man takes my arm in his and steers us toward the exit.

  You’re doing just fine without me? That’s great.

  Because I’m doing just fine, too.

  I don’t care if it’s partially a lie. In that moment, with the adrenaline and power running through my veins and an incredibly fine specimen pressing his warm palm to the small of my back, it feels true.

  And I hope the smirk on my lips as I leave Brandon behind is convincing enough that he believes every bit of it.

  “YOU JUST CAN’T GO wrong with Key West,” Skyler says matter-of-factly.

  “I know, but come on — we’ve done Key West. Many times. I think we should switch it up.”

  Skyler nods. “Fair. The cruise was a hit.”

  “Again, we’ve done it. I think we need something… more. Something unexpected.”

  Skyler’s legs are in my lap, both of us sprawled out on a blanket in the back yard of the Kappa Kappa Beta house. It’s a beautiful day, sunny and warm, and Skyler has her bikini top paired with her shorts to make the most of it. We’ve both been busy since school started back — Skyler with presidential duties, me with partying it up my last semester.

  And, if I’m being honest, trying not to drive myself insane with thoughts of Erin.


  But now, we’re down to the wire to hammer out Spring Break details.

  “You thinking like international?” Skyler asks, swiping through Spring Break designations on her phone. “We could do Bahamas… or go all out and hit Hawaii.”

  “Hawaii would be cool,” I agree, looking through the options pulled up on my own phone screen. “But… expensive, considering we’re in Florida. It’s basically halfway around the world.”

  Skyler sighs. “I keep coming back to Key West.”

  “It’s senior year. This is it, Sky. Our last Spring Break.”

  At that, Skyler looks up at me with a pouty lip and big doe eyes. “I know that, but when you say it… it makes it more real.”

  “We’ve got to do it up big.”

  “Well, if we’re there, it’s guaranteed to be a shit show.”

  I laugh. “True. We could always go to Pittsburgh.”

  “Wanna make out on the roof again, Bear? Because I think my boyfriend might take issue with that.”

  I bark out a laugh just as my phone screen fills with my little brother’s face, all goofy and smiling and sweaty. He sent me the picture last season after they won their conference championship.

  “I must have conjured you,” I say when I answer the video call. “We were just talking about Spring Break and I mentioned Pittsburgh.”

  Clayton wrinkles his nose. “Ew. Why on earth would you ever want to come here for Spring Break?”

  “It was a joke, trust me,” I say just as the phone is stolen from my hands.

  Skyler pops up to sit on her knees next to me. “Hey, Little Bear!”

  “Skyler Thorne,” Clayton muses, running his fingers over his chin in appreciation of the view filling his phone screen. “Look at you, hot as ever. That boyfriend of yours still treating you right?”


  “Well, if that ever changes, you let me know. I’ll kick his ass and then sweep you off your feet.”

  She laughs, sliding her sunglasses down her nose enough to arch a brow at me. “You’ve really taught him all you know, haven’t you?”

  I throw my hands up. “Hey, this is all him. Kid’s got more game as a high school sophomore than I’ve had my whole life.”

  “Still juggling two girlfriends?” Skyler asks.

  “Nah, I’m single. Why be tied down when there’s so much fun to be had?”

  “No arguments here,” I chime in. Then, my chest tightens, because Mom walks into the frame behind him.

  “Hey, sweetie! Oh, you two look like you’re having fun.” She smiles, drying her hands on a towel before tossing it over her shoulder and hanging her hands on her hips. She’s smiling bigger than she has in years, and she still looks healthy.


  Which is a good sign.

  Even though we made up over break and really worked on us as a family, I can’t help that suspicious part of me that sparks to life any time I see her or hear from her. Part of me wants to believe that she’s sobered up, that she’s here to stay.

  The other part of me is waiting for the day Clayton wakes up to an empty apartment and nowhere to go.

  “How are you, Mom?”

  “Good! Work is going well. And I’m getting to spend lots of quality time with this guy,” she adds, smiling down at Clayton as she squeezes his shoulders. “When he’s not out causing trouble with the girls, that is.”

  “Just wait until I turn sixteen and get a car,” Clayton says, putting his hands together in prayer. “These girls ain’t ready for Clayton Pennington on wheels.”

  “You better get yourself a job if you want a car, little bro.”

  “Details,” he says, waving me off. “Hey, guess what?”


  “Mom and I are coming to see you for Family Weekend!”

  The light on my little brother’s face could have illuminated a dark gymnasium, but I can’t help the way my stomach sinks at his news.

  Skyler gently elbows me out of camera view to snap me back to the moment.

  “That’s… wow. Really?”

  “If it’s okay with you,” Mom says sheepishly. “I know we didn’t really talk about it first. But I booked us flights and a hotel, made sure they were refundable, too.” Her smile is sad. “Just in case.”

  “No, no,” I say quickly. “Don’t cancel them. I’m happy you’re coming.”

  “Really?” she asks.

  I smile and nod, and Clayton throws his fist into the air.

  “Yes! I can’t wait to scope those college hunnies.”

  “Um, you’re still a minor, Little Bear,” Skyler reminds me. “Look, but don’t touch. Especially if it’s one of my sisters. I don’t need anyone getting arrested.”

  “Yeah, yeah,” he says. “I’m still waiting on Kip to mess up, anyway.”

  We all laugh at that.

  After a few more minutes of chatting and going over trip details, we end the call, and then Skyler and I are back to planning.

  “It’ll be fun,” Skyler says when I’m silent for a long while. “And if your mom pulls any shit, I’ll be here.”

  “I know,” I say, taking a deep breath. “It will be fine. She seems… better. I’m just…”

  “Still wary?”

  I nod guiltily.

  “I think that’s normal. She’s put you through a lot, Clinton. You don’t erase pain and betrayal like that overnight. But hey, at least this way, she’ll get to see more of the place that’s been your home the last four years. And meet your other family.”

  “Yeah,” I agree. With a shake of my head, I start scrolling through Spring Break destinations again. “How’s Kip’s show going?”

  “Ugh,” Skyler says, reclining again. She tosses her phone aside, seemingly done with scrolling for inspiration, at least for the moment. “It’s going great. He’s amazing, as usual, and the whole crew seems inspired by him. They finally started filming after getting all their ducks in a row.”

  “Why do you sound so angry about it?”

  She forces a breath. “Well, I’m ninety percent sure the girl he casted to play me has the hots for him.”

  I chuckle. “Come on, Sky. You’re not actually threatened by some wannabe you, are you? Kip couldn’t look at another girl as anything more than a friend if he tried. He’s obsessed with you and has been since the first night he laid eyes on you. Or, should I say, the first night he laid a line of tequila, salt, a lime, and his tongue on you.”

  She flicks me off, but it’s with a grin. “I know I’m being ridiculous, but you haven’t seen her around him. I liked her the first time we met. Hell, I’m practically the reason she got the part. And as soon as she did…” She makes a little notion with her ha
nd that looks like a snake, and the noise came next. “She came right up and bit me in the ass.”

  “Has she made a move on him?”

  “Oh, no — girls aren’t that conspicuous.” She shakes her head as if I should have known. “But I know the games we play, and I know another player when I see one. I’m not too threatened, but I’m on guard.”

  “I’m sure she just wants to impress him and make a good show, Sky.”

  “And I’m sure that if she so much as touches my man, I’ll rip her hair out.” She smiles widely. Then, she wipes away a streak of sweat from her neck. “Ugh. It’s freaking February and already it’s too hot to be outside without a pool nearby.”

  Her assessment pops an idea into my mind, and I grin, rolling over onto my stomach next to her. “I got it.”



  Skyler frowns. “As in, the ski town?”

  “The very one.”

  Skyler wrinkles her nose. “But it’ll be cold. And snowy.”

  “That’s kind of the point,” I say with a laugh. “Think about it — we could get cabins with hot tubs, have big firepit parties at night, ski during the day. It’d be different than the usual beach shit — which we do all the time anyway, since we live in paradise.”

  At that, Skyler pops up to rest on her palms behind her. “I actually kind of like the sound of this.”

  “And I didn’t even mention the best part yet.”

  She arches a brow. “Cute ski bunny outfits?”

  “What? No.” I shake my head, leaning in to whisper, “Legal marijuana.”

  Skyler pulls her sunglasses off completely, then, her eyes wide, mouth gaping. “Oh my God, Bear, you’re an actual genius.”

  “Think our brothers and sisters will go for it?”

  Skyler grins. “Once we give them our sales pitch? Without a doubt.”

  “Spring Break Breckenridge, here we come.”

  With an excited squeal and clap from Skyler, the deal is signed. “Alright, let’s talk transportation and lodging. I think we could charter a plane. There would be enough of us. And Jess’s dad has some hookups that…”


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