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His Promise

Page 4

by Eddie Cleveland

  I didn’t think people really kissed like that in real life. Now I’m starting to think maybe it’s just me who hasn’t. I pull my fingers down from my lips, so I don’t smear my lipstick.

  You’d think since the wedding is over, the stressful part would be done. Time to relax and dance. But no, now we have wedding pictures to take.

  Besides, this is Julia’s day, so an afternoon of photos and posing is worth it for her happiness. Not to mention that between the professional hair, makeup, and the stunning gown Julia chose for me, when am I ever going to look this good again? She just better send me a copy of my best picture so I can crop it down and use it for my online dating profile. Who knows, maybe my picture from this wedding will help me find the man I walk down the aisle with.

  But I’m not holding my breath.



  I thought an open bar was going to be my saving grace at this reception. After making awkward conversation with my parents this morning and then being lugged around half of New York City for wedding photos, I’m feeling sour. Luckily, my mother and father didn’t come to the party. Neither of them drinks or stays up late, so they just skipped out.

  The tension they bring into my life seems to be resting in a curled up knot at the base of my neck right now. This white wine isn’t taking away my stress like I hoped it would. Instead, my head is starting to ache along with my feet.

  Some fresh air and a cigarette will make me feel better. At least Julia is too preoccupied with Parker and all the well-wishers to give me a lecture about cancer and wrinkles and the smell of smoke and blah, blah, blah. I know her heart’s in the right place, but the speeches get old. With my clutch and wine in tow, I make my way out to the balcony. A little space from this crowd can only help.

  The cool, dark metal wrapping around the generous deck soothes my skin. If I were alone right now, I’d probably rub my forehead along the railing to soak in the calming, cool sensation. Just like how Mom used to put a cold, wrung out washcloth across my eyes and let me lie in bed when I got too worked up as a child. I remember how sometimes I would pretend to be overwhelmed just so I’d get that special time with her. The way she would sing me “Somewhere over the Rainbow” and run her hand through my hair always lifted my spirits.

  “Seriously, Lisa, I’m not dropping everything every time you have a rotten day. What do you want me to do? Please, tell me what you want for once!” The exasperated pleas of a man talking on his cell phone in the back corner of the deck interrupt my thoughts.

  Sounds like I’m not the only one having a bad night. In a weird way, that makes me feel a little better.

  “I said I can’t do this tonight. I have to go!” He sounds more upset than I am.

  Great, I lost my lighter! Snapping my clutch shut in disgust, I look at the cigarette between my fingers with longing. I guess I really am just going to enjoy the fresh air. Yuck.

  “Can I get that for you?” The irritated phone guy steps out of the shadows and grabs a lighter from his jacket pocket.

  When he catches my eye, I’m surprised. I know him. Well, know is too strong. I met him a couple years ago.

  “Isabella?” The flame from his lighter dances sensually in front of my cigarette like a private striptease. I lean in, taking a long haul as he cups his hand around mine, and my skin comes alive, tingling up my arm.

  “You remember my name? I’m impressed.” I try to be cool, but inside my stomach is jelly.

  Colt Grant remembers my name? How did he get better looking in the last two years? His body is tight, not that I’m staring or anything. I’m trying damn hard to hold back from staring. Instead, I decide to focus on his hazel eyes, glimmering under the dim light streaking out the window, casting a glow that makes me feel like I’m in a dream. I stand up straight, returning his broad smile.

  “Of course I do. How could I forget?”

  I think my kneecaps just melted. He’s smooth, I’ll give him that. And I could use a little smooth after my rough day.

  “Beautiful wedding, wasn’t it?” Pulling my eyes away from his, I look out over the black skyline and lean against the railing.

  “It was, but I was a little distracted.”

  I’m guessing whoever was on the other end of that phone call was the cause.

  “Yeah. I know I was supposed to be focusing on Julia and Parker, but I couldn’t get over how stunning you looked up there. Julia’s going to be angry that you stole her spotlight,” he teases.

  Despite my best efforts, a smile spreads over my face. “Well, I don’t think that’s true. But thank you.” I look down, unable to return the intensity of his gaze.

  Who looks at someone like that? I need to catch my breath, and I know it isn’t from smoking. “It’s nice to see you too, Colt.”

  “Ahh, so you remember my name too.”

  “Of course I do. Would you like to come inside with me and get a drink?” I tap the side of my empty wine glass and watch as his face clouds over.

  “Trust me, there’s nothing I’d love to do more, Isabella. But I don’t think I can stay. I have some things to take care of, and it’s getting late.”

  “Oh… yeah, that’s totally fine. Honestly, I should probably get moving too. It’s been a long day.” I’m fighting with every muscle in my face to hide my disappointment.

  “No, no. You’re not getting away that easy this time.” He smirks. “I’d like to get your number if you’re free. Maybe we could go out for dinner or drinks another time?” He palms his phone, hovering his thumb over the screen, ready for my dictation.

  I wasn’t expecting that. “Oh, uh, sure. I’d like that.” I watch him type my number into his address book.

  “Got it! Two-four-eight-three,” he mumbles to the screen. “Well, it won’t take as long for us to meet up again, I promise.” His smile is impossible not to return.

  “I hope not.”



  Fuck Lisa.

  Fuck her and her bullshit. I finally get the opportunity to meet someone. Someone who means more to me already than she ever could, and she calls me every fifteen minutes with her hysterical drama? Of course, me flying out to see her and Madison tomorrow at the crack of dawn isn’t enough for her. Even the fact this is the umpteenth weekend in a row I’ve done this for her isn’t enough. It’s never enough.

  Well, Lord knows I’ve had enough.

  Setting my phone to silent, I toss it in my pocket and vow to smash it before I’ll answer any more of her ranting texts or frantic phone calls. The only crazy I’m dealing with for the rest of the night will be the crazy positions I put Isabella in when I fuck her. I swirl around, already feeling twenty pounds lighter, and zero in on Isabella. Good, she hasn’t left. Now I need to keep it that way. The only way I want to watch her walk out of this place is on my arm. Not that there isn’t a lot to be said about the view when she walks away. I soak in her full hips and plump ass as I make my way through the obstacle course of chairs. However, I think I’ll enjoy it more when I have her bent over my bed.

  My stomach turns to ice, and I stop dead in my tracks. What about Madison? Is she going to be okay? There’s no telling what Lisa will do if I just freeze her out for the night. My thoughts jump on a Ferris wheel ride from hell as I spin through the best and worst-case scenarios that could come from ignoring Lisa for the next six hours. I know from the distinctive slur in her voice that she’s drunk again. Surprise. So that would make, what? Every night this week?

  I already got my mother to go over to take care of Madison until the morning, and if Lisa is drinking, the chances are she’s not even in the house with them. Maybe if I stop weathering her toxic hurricane for a few hours, she’ll pick up another one of her last-call lays and become another guy’s problem for the rest of the night. The thing with Lisa is, she doesn’t much care where she gets her fix for drama, as long as she gets it.

  Madison is fine. Lisa will live. Now it’s time you do the same. Lurching myself for
ward, I force my rooted feet to listen to me and close the gap between Isabella and me. If nothing else, I deserve to have a nice night with a woman who gets my heart pounding. And if my cock gets to do some pounding too, well then, so be it.



  The dance floor is littered with swaying bodies, from little girls teetering on their Dad’s toes to elderly couples slowly swaying in each other’s arms. In the center of the floor Julia is pressed into Parker’s chest. They look so perfect together. Their love is radiating like beams of sunshine while the guests dance around them on the floor like orbiting planets. I pause to soak the scene in for a moment; it does my heart good to see her so happy.

  It’s as if Parker has breathed vibrancy into her soul. Good things come to those who wait, my father would say. In Julia’s case, that seems to be true. So, where’s my prince charming? Maybe I haven’t waited long enough.

  Maybe my father is full of shit.

  Either way, it’s time to get my coat and head home. I’ve had enough of watching others in love for one night.

  The band kicks it up with a lively tune for the next song, and a few couples peel off the dance floor. If Julia and Parker can hear the music, it doesn’t show since they’re still softly swaying against each other in a love-laced trance.

  “You know, I was never very good at asking the pretty girls to dance.” I turn on my heel, and Colt is standing next to me, close enough that my arm grazes across his chest and my body tingles. “But I thought I’d regret it if I didn’t come over here and ask you before I have to leave.” He smiles.

  My head is still pounding, and my feet are tired, but there’s no denying I want to dance with him… horizontally… in bed. However, this will do for now.

  “I’d love to.” I smile back and watch the tiny lines at the corners of his eyes grow deeper as he beams back at me.

  “I was hoping you’d say that.” Colt extends his arm and leads me to the floor. Just as we turn to face each other, the band breaks out in a roaring version of the bird dance.

  Are you kidding me? Why do they play this at every wedding reception? Does anyone like this song?

  My question is quickly answered as the floodgates open, and we’re quickly engulfed by a crowd of enthusiastic arm flappers. Colt looks at me and shrugs, breaking into a twist then clapping along with the group. I’m staring at him, unmoving, with total disbelief, when he grabs my arm, and we start twirling around in a circle. A smile spreads across my face despite myself. I guess it’s a classic because it’s actually a lot of fun.

  The music blends into another slow song and Colt holds my wrist, pulling me in against him. His shoulders are wide, making my hand look small resting on it. At first glance, I didn’t realize how built he is. I’m five-foot-six and almost six feet in these heels, and he is easily four inches taller than me.

  As his hand wraps around my waist, I rest my head against his chest and close my eyes, breathing him in, wishing he could hold me like this for the rest of the night. Maybe even longer than that.

  As the song fades out, Colt gently tugs my hand, leading me back off the dance floor. Well, it was fun while it lasted.

  “Can I get you another glass of wine?” He nods at my empty glass sitting beside my clutch on the table.

  “Don’t you have to go?” I don’t want to sound like I’m pushing him out the door, but he did tell me he had other plans.

  “Priorities. The way I see it, I can walk out of here and tend to an issue that will still be there in the morning. Or I can stay and dance with you until the morning. I’m not much of a dancer, but I’d love to show you all my sweet moves if you want to stay.” He laughs. “Let’s see, you’ve already seen my signature dance with the bird song there. But I’ve got some pretty impressive foot shuffling and a cabbage patch”—he moves his hands like he’s stirring an invisible witch’s brew—“that will blow your mind.”

  I laugh as he shuffles around like he has a bug in his shoe. He stops and grins at me. His hair flicks down on his forehead, giving him an irresistible boyish charm.

  “I don’t know if I can keep up!” I tease, tilting my head. “That’s some pretty high-level stuff. I mean, did you take a class or something? You must be a professional.”

  We laugh, and I realize my headache along with all my tension from the day have both evaporated.

  “I did study at Juilliard,” he teases me, “so it’s understandable that you’d be intimidated.” His eyes twinkle. “How about we get a couple glasses of wine, and I’ll teach you what I know?” He touches my elbow, and my eyes are glued to his lips.

  “I’d like that.” My voice is lower as my eyes stay glued on his mouth. His perfectly kissable mouth.

  The band breaks out into another cheesy classic, YMCA, and I roll my eyes. “Ugh, who chose this music? I’m putting this on Parker. There’s no way Julia ok’d these songs.”

  Colt grins. “Awww, c’mon, it isn’t that bad. Let’s go dance. It’ll be fun.” He starts shuffling with his hands pulled in tight to his chest like he stole all the best moves from the junior high prom.

  “You must be kidding.” My feet are rooted. I have to draw the line somewhere. “There’s no way you’re getting me out there.”

  “You know, they say that on our deathbed it’s the things we don’t do that we regret.”

  “Yeah, somehow I don’t think anyone went out clutching their chest and crying that they didn’t spend enough time doing cheesy dances.” I laugh and my shoulders soften along with my resistance. The shine on Colt’s eyes is more intoxicating than this wine. It’s refreshing to see someone so full of life that it’s bursting out of them like an aura.

  Refreshing and sexy.

  He tugs my hand playfully, and I can’t resist. Within seconds, we’re mixed in with the enthusiastic crowd, flailing our arms around like cheerleaders missing their pom-poms to the YMCA. Normally I’d feel foolish dancing like this in front of a man like Colt, but with him it’s just fun.

  The music melts into another waltz, and he pulls me into him and tastes my lips, kissing me softly. The tension in my body from his unexpected movement floats away as our tongues collide in their own dance. When he pulls back, it takes me a few seconds to realize we’re standing still in the middle of a dance floor full of swaying couples. I thought we were dancing too, but it was just the room swirling around me from the head rush. He looks down at me, his eyes telling me he wants me as much as my body is begging me to go home with him. Wordlessly, we walk off the floor, knowing we’re going to head out to someplace more private. Someplace where we can kiss more… naked.



  “I have to say goodbye to Julia first.” I laugh as Colt reluctantly lets me squirm out of his arms tangled around me. My entire neck is buzzing from his lips dragging over my skin. I know he’s eager to get outta here. I can’t believe how hot he makes me. If I didn’t care so much about Julia, I’d be ducking out of here too. My pussy is already aching for him.

  “I’ll only be a minute,” I console him. “Then we can go somewhere where it’ll just be the two of us.”

  He nods but pulls me tighter and puts his hand on the back of my head as he kisses me. His muscular frame is pressed hard against me, making every chiseled inch of him obvious through our clothes. I close my eyes and enjoy the mixture of gentle longing and fiery passion in his kiss, like a sweet chili sauce on my tongue. He pulls away, but it takes me a moment to open my eyes. My lashes feel heavy as I flutter them open. I manage to look away from Colt’s smoldering hazel eyes and spot Julia. Or rather, she’s spotted us. She’s watching me with a cocked eyebrow as she holds Parker’s arm.

  “Come on.” I nod in their direction. “Let’s say goodbye.” Tugging Colt’s hand, he looks impatient but offers no resistance as I make my way over to the groom and bride.

  “Hey.” I give her a small hug with a little squeeze. I know this is the last time I’m going to see her for a month. She and Parke
r are going on an epic honeymoon across Europe. “We’re going to head out, but I wanted to say I love you and have fun on your honeymoon.”

  Out of the corner of my eye, I can see Colt congratulating Parker and shaking his hand. I look back at Julia, her half-cocked smile telling me she knows exactly what I’m up to.

  “Thanks. For everything. I’ll be in touch as soon as we get back.” She looks over at her new husband, and I swear her skin glows with love. “In the meantime, have fun”—she nods over at Colt—“but stay out of trouble.” She laughs.

  “Me? Trouble?” I hold my hand to my chest. “I’m deeply offended.” I laugh. “I’ll do my best.”

  “Okay. Well, take care.” She gives me another quick hug before Colt and I head out into the night. I’m not sure where we’re going, but I hope it isn’t far.



  “This is where you live?” I look around the condo in disbelief.

  “I know. Impressive, isn’t it?” He laughs and holds his hands out like he’s presenting a vast castle to me. “Try not to be intimidated by all of this.” He sweeps his arm around the modest room. I mean, it’s still nice. It’s not like he’s slumming it by any means with his impressive windows and even more impressive view of the Hudson, but it’s just not what I expected from a manager.


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