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Fire of the Wolf [The Gray Pack] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 5

by Lori King

  She watched them both warily, but neither spoke. Their green eyes followed her nervous hand up to tighten at the opening of the towel, ensuring it stayed closed. “I guess I’ll get dressed now. I can do that by myself I’m sure.”

  Damon stood up out of his chair, and their towering frames surrounded her. They had to stand at least a foot taller than her, and the muscular heat of their bodies was impossible to ignore.

  Damon lifted her chin to look into her eyes, and he kissed her. It was the best first kiss—after the one she shared with Devin—of her entire life. It was a kiss that was hard and soft all at once. It seemed that she was an appetizer on a plate to be devoured by him. Her soul seemed to reach out from her to grab ahold of his, trying to hold on for the wild ride. She pulled her small frame up against his body, and with his hand, he pressed her pelvis against his obviously hard erection. She moaned into his mouth, and let go of her towel to grip his biceps. Her fingers curled around his hard muscled arms, and her brain turned to mush. She couldn’t think, and all she knew was this was where she wanted to stay. His tongue danced with hers playfully, and he nipped her bottom lip, drawing a soft moan from her as her pussy clenched.

  Behind her she heard Devin clear his throat. His voice came out tight and almost sounded angry.

  “Enough, Damon! Give her some breathing room.”

  As Damon pulled back from her, she felt the towel slip, and he reached out to grab it to protect her modesty. As his fingers skimmed the top of her breasts, her knees weakened and she stumbled. Four strong hands helped her to sit back down on the edge of the bed, and then silently Devin retrieved her bag of clothing from the bathroom and set it next to her.

  “Are you sure you don’t need any help, sugar?” he asked her, watching her carefully. Afraid to speak and beg them to touch her, she just shook her head and reached for the bag.

  After another long pause, the two men each kissed the top of her head and then quietly left the room. It was several minutes before Caroline managed to put herself back to get and get her control back. She was now more determined than ever to get her answers from Devin and Damon. She had just realized that she craved them both desperately.

  Chapter 5

  “It’s only a few minutes away from here,” Damon reassured Caroline as he settled her into the front seat of his mustang. “We will get you home and comfortable so that you can relax.”

  She smiled at him because he seemed almost clumsy as he tried to help her buckle her seat belt.

  “Damon, I can handle my own seat belt. I’m not broken,” she said in what she hoped was a firm voice, and he looked up at her.

  “I know, beautiful, but then you wouldn’t let me get this close to you,” he said, his eyes drifting to her breasts.

  “That’s what you think,” she muttered, and then her eyes widened when she realized she had spoken out loud. His breath caught, and his pupils dilated when he processed her words. Instead of speaking, he laughed and kissed her on the nose, stepping back from her car door.

  She took a deep breath and chided herself for thinking out loud before she turned to wave good-bye to Tina who still stood on the sidewalk.

  “Caro, call me and let me know how you are doing, or if you need anything. Take care of her, fellas. She needs some TLC right now. I will call you in a few days to check in and see how you’re feeling. Maybe you will be ready to jump back on that bike, and take it for a ride?” Tina smiled wickedly at her, and then at the twins who grinned back. Caroline shook her head and smiled to herself with the warm affection she felt for her friend as she went back into the hospital. Fidgeting in her seat, she watched as Damon hurried around the car. He stopped to say something to Devin, who waited next to them in a huge black pickup truck to follow the two of them home.

  Home? Caroline wasn’t sure she wanted to think about that, and what it meant. For now she was going along with their plan for her to use their spare room, but she intended to make other arrangements as soon as possible. She just didn’t know how, or with what money she was going to start her life over. Being an emergency room nurse paid the bills, but the student loan debt that she carried was immense. Add to that the debts that her parents left behind when they died, and there wasn’t an extra penny in her piggy bank. She almost laughed out loud at this thought, because she didn’t even have the funds to go get a new piggy bank! She was stuck between a rock and a hard place…or in this case a stunning piece of man candy, and his identical twin brother.

  She turned to look at Damon as he drove her home, and wondered to herself what kind of a man takes a strange woman home with no promises? What kind of man declares a woman his the day that he meets her? And what kind of a man is willing to share a woman with his brother? She wasn’t sure that they wanted to share because there always seemed to be a silent communication between them when one of them had her attention. She didn’t really sense any competition though. She wanted desperately to ask, but her gut told her she wasn’t ready for the answers yet. Still, she would have to have this conversation soon, because she knew her future depended on the answers.

  “You okay, beautiful?” Damon looked over to catch her staring at him, and flashed her a confident smile. “We can order something in for dinner tonight, pizza or Chinese, whichever you like? Or we can go out to dinner if you feel up to it. Devin and I don’t cook, so I won’t scare you off by suggesting that.” He laughed out loud, and she couldn’t help but giggle, too.

  These guys sure were sure of themselves.

  “Thanks. Pizza sounds perfect, and a cold beer if you have it,” she said hesitantly, and looked back out to the road. Why do I feel so shy around him? I’m never shy with men. I tell them what I want and don’t take no for an answer. She hated the feeling of arguing with herself.

  “Damn, I knew you were my kind of woman,” Damon said, and reached over to caress Caroline’s knee. He felt her tense a little, and the fragrance of her arousal hit him in the gut. He couldn’t stop the low growl that came out of his throat. She wanted him, and he needed her. She just needed to trust him and Devin enough to give in. Damon knew he needed to claim his mate, and soon, or he might lose his mind to lust. Patience was never his strong suit. Devin could flirt with the best of them, and he loved to be the dominant in his relationships, but Damon was all heart and wanted to please his lover as much as possible. Sure, he flirted just like his brother, but in a more casual way. He loved to just have a good time, and keep things rolling. Finding his mate was a wonderful but completely unsettling dilemma.

  Damon couldn’t wrap his brain around how it was going to work to share Caroline, or how they were going to tell her their secret. How would she take the news that her mates were werewolves, and that they needed her to make love to her, in order to claim her as theirs? Would she run screaming into the night, or would she embrace it like he hoped? What if she just plain didn’t want them? What would he do if she tried to leave? Shaking himself mentally, he told himself he wasn’t going to even consider that she might. This had to work out.

  “Thank you, Damon. For letting me stay at your place for a few days. I really do appreciate it,” Caroline said quietly.

  “Beautiful, there is no thanks necessary, other than me thanking you for giving us a chance to help you.” Damon wanted to argue with her, about her few days comment, but knew it would do no good. He needed to show her that he and Devin meant forever when they asked her to stay with them. “Are you doing okay? Hurting at all?”

  “I’m sore, but okay. That bruise on my hip hurts the most. They gave me some pain pills at the hospital just in case I need them.” She rubbed her hip as though thinking about it made it ache more, and her gaze drifted to the passing landscape. Damon wasn’t sure what else to say to ease her mind. She seemed tense, and he hated that she was uncomfortable.

  “Do you and Devin do everything together?” He was surprised when she spoke.

  “Mostly. We are very close, and like hanging out. You would think I would get tired of his
serious ass, but I don’t. He is my best friend. We work the same shift at the station, so we’re usually off at the same time. We share the same friends, and interests for the most part, so we end up spending a lot of time with each other. We are twins after all. They say there is a unique bond between twins.” He paused and glanced over at her to judge her reaction, and when she didn’t respond, he went on. “Do you have any siblings?”

  “No, I’m an only child. My mom had a tough time during my birth, and my dad didn’t want her to go through it again. It bothered me when I was young, but I got over it. Tina is like a sister to me, and Molly and Tyler were close enough to be my family. How long have you guys been firemen?” she asked. Damon felt a spear of heat in his gut when he looked over at her and she smiled at him. That smile could stop traffic.

  “Since we got out of school. That’s all I ever wanted to be growing up, and it keeps us close to home and our family. Why? Do you like firemen?” His tone changed as he spoke, and his voice got slightly more playful. He wiggled his eyebrows at her, and Caroline gave a quick laugh.

  “What red-blooded woman hasn’t fantasized about a hot fireman? All that strength and masculinity wrapped up in a uniform…” She tapped her chin with her index finger as if she were deep in thought over a difficult puzzle.

  “Beautiful, I promise you I will help you fulfill whatever wicked fantasies you have about firemen, and then we can make some new ones.” He moved his hand in a firmer caress higher up her thigh, and let his hot gaze drift over her.

  Caroline shivered slightly under his scrutiny, and then she flipped her long hair over her shoulder in a nonchalant gesture. “Promises, promises. I don’t make promises I can’t keep, and you shouldn’t either.”

  “I don’t. And this is one promise I can’t wait to keep.” He laughed when her eyes widened just a bit. It was the only crack in her otherwise solid armor, but he could tell that he was getting to her. He couldn’t wait to get her home.

  Caroline quieted after Damon’s last statement, trying to keep her body in control. She wished he wouldn’t say things like that because it made it harder for her not to jump on him and kiss the breath out of him. Her body was revolting against her, and she wanted to let go and just enjoy the ride, but her type-A personality was fighting the reaction hard.

  She watched Devin’s large black pickup truck behind them as they drove, and couldn’t help but grin at how perfectly the vehicle matched his personality. Strong, dependable, and oh so masculine. Damon’s dark-blue mustang seemed to fit him just as smoothly, with speed and flash, and a definite sex appeal. As she watched Devin following them, she noticed that there seemed to be another vehicle following him. This one was a white SUV with tinted windows, and there were definitely a couple of people in it. Why would someone be following them from the hospital? She blinked and laughed internally. Now she was imagining a stalker? It was probably just a coincidence that that vehicle was following the same path. She couldn’t keep her eyes from straying to that SUV though as they reached the twins’ home, and she watched it pass behind them slowly as if continuing on to their destination. Her puzzled thoughts were broken as they parked, and she got her first glimpse of her temporary home.

  It was a pretty little ranch-style house that had a beautifully manicured lawn, and a cute iron bench on the small front porch. Small, neatly kept flower boxes holding red and yellow geraniums hung from the front windows, and four glorious rosebushes were blooming along the front walk. It was lovely, and gave her a sense of peace about coming to stay with these guys. Axe murders weren’t flower gardeners, right?

  Devin reached Caroline’s car door as Damon shut off the ignition, and she blinked up at him. How did he get over here so fast? He held his hand out to her to help her stand, and his lips quirked up when he saw her tremble as she felt his touch again.

  “This place is great! I love the flowers.” She pulled away from him a step just to keep herself from running her hands over his perfect chest, and looked around.

  “My secret hobby is gardening, but don’t tell anyone. We wouldn’t want to ruin my rep,” he said, and she had to do a double take, because she thought she saw him flush as he shared this with her. She was surprised that this manly man would take the time to tenderly plant flowers and maintain them. It spun her opinions of him completely off track.

  “Well, you obviously have hidden talents.” She breathed out roughly, and immediately she felt herself become horny again as many other possible talents rushed her mind. Stop it right now, Caroline told herself. These men are just trying to be nice to you, and you will accept their hospitality without raping them. She took a deep breath and marched forward up the walk.

  Both men grinned at each other over her head as they moved toward the front door. They had noticed her struggling with herself. She was clearly horny, and they were enjoying every second of it. Devin walked behind her, watching her rounded ass sway as she moved. He loved the glints of gold and burgundy that flashed from her hair as it swept the top of her jeans. He couldn’t wait to wrap his hands up in all that hair as he pressed against her ass, while she rode the hell out of Damon.

  Wait. Where did that image come from? he thought to himself. He had never shared a woman with his brother before. Though they had slept with a few of the same women, it was never a ménage situation. He was usually jealous of his partners and not much of a sharer, but for some reason the image of Damon fucking Caroline hard and fast slithered through his brain and turned his cock rock hard.

  Cool it, Devin, I can’t think if you keep planting those images in my brain.

  Sorry. It’s not like I can help it. You should see her ass in those jeans you bought her. I want my hands and cock in her so bad I can hardly stand it.

  I feel your pain! Did you see how that shirt shows her tits? I had to bite my own tongue to keep from drooling on her in the car.

  We have to control ourselves or we will push her away.

  Damon could see Devin shake his head as if to clear his brain of the dirty thoughts. He, too, wanted to do sexy things to Caroline, but he had already pushed her too hard once, and he couldn’t risk scaring her away.

  They stepped into a bright foyer, and Caroline paused to look around her. There was a hallway to her left and a doorway to the right. A coat closet stood in front of her, and Devin stood directly behind her. She wished she could just relax into his heat as she stood there, but she forced herself to step to the side a few inches, putting space between them.

  “Your room is this way, Caroline,” Damon said over his shoulder as he led her down the hallway from the front door. He stood aside after opening the door at the end to let her go in first.

  Caroline absorbed everything in the room as she entered it. It was simple with a queen-size bed that had an old quilt on it, and a tall wooden dresser next to what appeared to be a closet door. Both the bed and the dresser were a lovely dark wood, and looked like they were antiques. The quilt was obviously handmade, and just begged her to snuggle under it on the soft mattress. There was another door on the other side of the dresser that led to a small bathroom with a glass-enclosed shower. The two rooms were fairly undecorated, but the bathroom sported a set of luxurious white towels on the hooks that Caroline would swear were brand new. She could also see the edge of a pink bathrobe sticking out from behind the bathroom door where it was hung. The bedroom was as big as her whole apartment had been, and it was simply perfect. She visibly relaxed as she looked around, and then turned back to the men in the doorway.

  They dominated the room, shrinking it in size just by being there. The air rushed from her chest. She could feel the edge of the bed at the back of her thighs and had to use every ounce of control to stay standing. She could sense that falling back onto the mattress would be an open invitation that she wasn’t quite ready to make.

  “Thank you, this will be wonderful.” She gave them both a warm smile.

  “I’m glad you like it. Damon hung a robe in the bathroom for you, and
there are fresh towels if you want to take a shower.” Devin watched her with an amused smile as she took in her new surroundings. She felt slightly awkward standing in a bedroom with two huge slabs of sexy man meat watching her and talking about buying her a robe and showering. Images of showering with both men swamped her brain and her knees grew shaky. “If there is anything else you find you need, let one of us know. We can take you over to the apartment building to see about your car tomorrow.”

  “Yeah, I will need to go to the mall and pick up some clothes I guess. Now that I don’t have anything left. My renter’s insurance should cover some of that, I suppose. I need to call the insurance guy, too, huh?” Her voice was sad, and her hands trembled with emotion. Devin reached out and took her small hands in his and pulled her to him. Caroline let herself fall against his chest and rest her forehead there as his large hands stroked up and down her back.

  “Don’t worry so much, sugar, it’s all going to work out. You’ve got Damon and I to help you. We can take you to get whatever you need tomorrow. But for now you need to just relax and rest.” He voice was low and took on a husky quality.

  Caroline shivered, and he pressed her closer to him. She could feel the ripped muscles of his abs and chest against her breasts, and his scent enveloped her, muddying her senses. She felt Damon reach a hand out to pet her hair, and his fingers caught in the curls. The slight tug on her scalp as he pulled his hand away made her moan, and the two men froze briefly, watching her. Gently, Damon wrapped his hand more tightly in her hair, and tugged until she lifted her face to look up at him. Her eyes had darkened with desire, and he watched her body melt deeper into his brother’s embrace. He brushed his lips gently across hers, and shuddered when she moaned against his mouth. Instead of deepening the kiss, he pulled back from her, and his gaze met Devin’s. The two men stood with her between them, and Caroline could feel her thin strings of control ready to break. Without even speaking, they both simultaneously pulled slightly away from her, and waited for her response. Irritation that they stopped, and then embarrassment that she didn’t stop them herself stabbed through her. She could sense that if she said yes, they would make love to her, and her body wanted them to desperately, but she needed more time before she could let herself be in this kind of fling. She wanted a forever kind of love, and children. How would she do that with two men?


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