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Fire of the Wolf [The Gray Pack] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 18

by Lori King

  Tina made a split-second decision when she realized that Barton wasn’t going to give up on Caroline yet, and she swung her bat at his head. His strong jaws snapped the piece of wood like a matchstick, and he turned back to Caroline. Without a thought to her own safety, Tina jumped on the wolf’s back, drawing his attention back to her. Caroline saw Barton’s teeth graze Tina’s arm as he threw the poor girl off of his back. She hit the wall with a dull thud, and she just lay there, stunned.

  Caroline couldn’t stop to check on her because Barton was now stalking toward her. He was the predator, and she was his prey. If she could just slow him down long enough for the guys to get inside. She howled in pain as his huge wolf form suddenly landed on her back and brought her to the floor. She felt his teeth puncture the skin on the back of her neck as he bit into her to hold her still. She fought him, twisting and turning. Shaking her wolf’s body until she worked loose of him, she was able to turn her head enough to bite into his ear. She felt his rage as he smashed her face back into the floor, and then, just as she felt him beginning to mount her in wolf form, Caroline heard loud crashes behind them. Several terrifying growls preceded Barton being lifted free from her prone body.

  She rolled to her side and felt the blackness trying to swallow her as pain screamed through her body. Before she passed out, she saw the two huge black wolves tearing Barton into pieces, and Tina trembling in the corner of the room with tears rolling down her cheeks as Liam held her in his arms tightly. Caroline sighed with relief that they were both safe, and let the darkness consume her.

  Caroline came back to consciousness a little while later, wrapped in a large blanket. Devin pulled her into his arms tightly and held her. “Devin?” she whimpered.

  “I’m here, sugar, it’s okay. He’s not going to hurt you anymore. We have you.” He soothed her with his hands, and kissed her head gently as she came back to reality.

  “I’m so sorry I ran away from you,” she cried.

  “Shh…We can talk more at home. I know why you left, and I understand it. Rest now,” he murmured.

  “I thought he was going to kill me!” she exclaimed.

  “Not a chance, darling,” Damon whispered into her ear as he kissed her temple and stroked his own hands over her body, trying to soothe her.

  She smiled at his words and then sighed, letting herself drift back into oblivion, wrapped tightly in his strong arms.

  Tina watched as the man kneeling in front of her gently bandage the bite wound on her arm. He was beautiful. He had short black hair and icy-blue eyes that seemed to see more than she wanted him to. The glint of gold in his eyebrow gave him a dangerous look, but his touch was so soft that she felt safe with him. His gaze seemed to burn her skin when he looked at her, and she was having trouble thinking straight. He said that he was a fellow firefighter with Caroline’s boyfriends, and she couldn’t shake off the memory of their first interaction by phone. He had flirted with her then, causing her to blush, and it was damned hard to make her blush.

  “Thank you, Liam,” she said to him. He paused, and looked up meeting her eyes.

  “You’re welcome. Are you in pain?” he asked. His voice was a deep baritone that rumbled through her, causing her insides to quiver.

  “No. Just shaken up a bit. Not every day a girl participates in an epic wolf battle.” She laughed, and stretched her back muscles, trying to ease the ache there. The heat that flared in his eyes as he watched her sinuous moves made her nipples ache. She swallowed hard and squeezed her thighs together.

  “We don’t usually allow humans to see us in wolf form, but I guess this falls under collateral damage,” he said, shaking his head and looking back to where he was taping the gauze to her arm.

  “Collateral damage? Hmm, just what every woman wants to be. Well, thanks for the Band-Aid, but I think I need to go over and check on Caroline.” She pulled away from him, trying to stand. Her legs shook and her stomach tumbled. She put her hand to her forehead, trying to calm the nausea the sudden movement caused.

  “Caroline is fine. She is with her mates now, and they will take very good care of her. You need to rest for a little while. Please, let me take care of you,” he said, putting one hand lightly on her hip while he tipped her chin up with the other, forcing her to look at him.

  “I can take care of me without help, hotshot. Thanks. I need to go back in the house and clean up the mess. There was blood and guts everywhere. I think I need to take an aspirin, too.” She didn’t pull away from him even though her words were dismissive. She had never felt herself respond like this to a man. Not even her now deceased fiancé had turned her on just by touching her.

  “It is already taken care of. My cousins finished cleaning it up while I was checking your head and back for injuries. I don’t want you to go back in there right now. You will come and stay with me tonight, that way I can take care of you. I need to watch you to make sure you don’t have a concussion.” His tone was determined, and she blanched.

  “Huh? Wait a second. I appreciate that someone else cleaned up because I don’t have a lick of energy left, but that doesn’t mean I will just do whatever you want. I’m not about to sleep in a stranger’s house out of some strange urge you have to take care of me. Besides, I’m a nurse so I know the signs of a concussion. If I thought I had one, I would have gone to the hospital.” She crossed her arms in front of her, and leaned back to glare into his eyes. His gaze narrowed at her obvious challenge, and he growled softly. She wondered for just a moment if she should be scared of him. She had just seen him as a wolf not an hour ago, and God knows what he could do to her if she pissed him off.

  “I know, but after the emotional scare you had this evening, I think it is best that you stay with someone, and the only one with the right to be that close to you is me,” he said.

  “You? Why do you think you have any right to be close to me?” She was stunned, and pissed. The trickle of fear in her belly was now more apprehensive and anxious than scared. This man was sexy as hell, and his dominant words were making her wet she was so horny. But I’ll be damned if I will just roll over and play the easy fuck for him, she thought to herself.

  “Because you are my mate,” he replied, and she felt her all of the blood drain from her face just before the ground came rushing toward her.


  Caroline ran through the forest on four paws, and enjoyed the feeling of the soft grasses beneath her and the huge trees overhead. It had been a month since that terrible encounter with Barton Diego, and she was now enjoying her wolf to its fullest extent. The first time she had shifted intentionally had been about two weeks ago when she had done it out of spite because Damon was teasing her. When she had changed, she had not expected the two men to stand there staring at her completely dumbfounded, and she had quickly shifted back.

  After a few tense moments they had explained with their hands and bodies how delicious her wolf form was to them, and she had since embraced her wolf. She enjoyed the feeling of freedom she had when she was in animal form, and she enjoyed the animalistic desire that came over her men when they saw her wolf.

  That first couple of days after the attack, Caroline had spent in a daze, and she had pulled away from everyone around her. When she finally broke out of it, she had gone looking for her men. They were waiting for her with open arms, and they listened as she dumped all of her thoughts and fears on them. They had been honest with her about wanting to marry and start a family, but they also understood that she wouldn’t give up her career right now. They had soothed her fears about her debts and responsibilities, and even offered to help her pay off the bills so that she wouldn’t worry anymore. They knew that she would decline their help, because she needed to prove to herself she could finish what she started. She needed to pay the bills off to complete the grieving process.

  After a fantastic weekend of reunion sex, the men had proposed to her again, but in a more traditional way this time. It had been decided that she would marry Devin
legally, because he was the oldest and the Alpha, but she knew that she was actually marrying them both in her heart. In her public life, she would present Devin as her husband, and Damon as her brother-in-law. In their private life and in their pack life, she would honor them both as her husbands. She now wore a stunning engagement ring made out of two bands that were braided together, one silver and one gold. The delicate bands met in the middle, and were held together by a large white diamond. They explained that they chose it as a symbol of the two of them held together by her, their mate, their sole reason for existence. She cherished the ring, and looked forward to presenting them with rings of their own on their wedding day. The wedding was being planned, and she had already asked Tina to be her maid of honor.

  She laughed to herself when she thought about the wedding. She had wanted to go ahead and just elope, but Devin and Damon wanted a large wedding in front of the whole pack. They said that they wanted to show her off, and make a statement of their joint commitment to her. They had even pushed her into planning a shopping trip next weekend for a wedding dress. It was a sweet gesture, but she hoped they would understand her new need to speed plans up.

  She had gone back to her job at the hospital after her vacation time was up, and she and the guys had decided to continue living in town, and just visiting the den when their shifts at the firehouse allowed. The night of the fight, they had all been stunned to find out that Tina was Liam’s mate. Caroline laughed as she remembered the look of shock and pure desire that had turned her friend’s face white and then bright pink when Liam had announced that Tina was his mate, and would be going home with him instead of staying in the home where she was attacked. He was already very protective of his mate, just like the twins were of Caroline. She wondered how long it would take him to gain Tina’s trust. Tina carried a lot of baggage from her past, and had created a lot of defensive walls around her heart. She also wondered if Liam had shared his own personal tragedy with Tina yet. She knew that Tina was pushing him away, but she could see the sparks between them when they were together, so she had hope for them. They had a long road to walk, but they would find their way to each other, just like Caroline found her home with Devin and Damon.

  As she ran through the trees, she heard the pounding of paws behind her, and she slowed a bit. She wanted them to reach her, and quickly. Her men caught up to her, and she came to a stop whipping around to greet them. Devin shifted first and slowly stalked toward her, completely nude. Damon followed suit a moment later.

  They were grinning like Cheshire cats, and she knew that her quick call via telepathy had ripped them from whatever tasks they were doing a few moments ago. They certainly hadn’t hesitated to come find her!

  “Hey there, beautiful, did you need us?” Damon asked her as he placed on hand on her jaw and she kissed his palm. He couldn’t restrain the passion in his voice as he stared into her eyes. She nodded, and opened her arms to him. He took her mouth, sucking the air from her lungs, until she felt like he was breathing for her. She could feel Devin’s hands gripping her hips as he came to stand behind her, and his mouth kissed along her shoulder up her neck to her ear.

  “Good. Show us,” Devin rumbled right into her ear, and her knees buckled. She slid to the ground between them, and ran her hands across their naked cocks. She loved the feeling of velvet over iron strength, and she let herself tease them. Licking first one and then the other, she watched them enjoy her touch with pure and passionate abandon. Her thighs grew damp with her juices, and she felt her own clit throb as she tasted them.

  Devin broke first and grabbed her hair in his fist, directing her to swallow his cock deeper into her throat. She groaned at the dominance in his gesture and purposely tugged her head a bit to get him to grip her hair tighter, and push her farther. Behind her she felt Damon on his knees, pressed against her naked ass. His fingers slid through her wet lips, and he stroked her from clit to ass and back, repaying her teasing in kind. She shuddered when he finally pushed his finger into her tight rosebud, and thrust his cock hard into her pussy. His head hit her cervix before he reared back and shoved forward again, forcing her farther down Devin’s hot length.

  “Suck me, sugar. Take me deep.” Devin’s voice had deepened with his passion, and she could hear Damon growling behind her as he fucked her harder. Her spine arched in a show of submission to them, and she gagged slightly on Devin’s cock as she climaxed. Wave after wave of fire rippled through her body, and Devin let her pull away from him. She heard herself growl when Damon pulled away from her, too, leaving her empty and alone.

  “Hold on, beautiful, we aren’t done yet. Come here and ride me.” Damon had dropped to the soft grass beside her and was spread out waiting for her. She threw her leg over his hips and used her hand to guide him until he was lined up. She sank down slowly, relishing the electric shocks that went through her at the contact. She felt a hand on the back of her neck, pushing her forward over Damon until her breasts were smashed to his chest and her ass swayed open in the air. Using her own juices, Devin’s fingers slipped easily into her ass, and she could feel the two of them move gently in a rhythm, bringing her back to the edge of an orgasm.

  It hit her, and she screamed when Devin’s teeth sunk into her shoulder to hold her steady as his cock replaced his fingers. Pushing past the tight ring of muscles, he sunk all the way into her. Her feeling of fullness was completely overwhelming, and she whimpered.

  “Please. Please…” she moaned into Damon’s chest.

  “Fuck, you’re tight,” was all Devin could grind out, and he started to pull back gently. The two men set an easy pattern together, and took Caroline on a violent roller coaster of orgasms. She couldn’t imagine how they were holding back their own climaxes when they kept driving her body farther and farther.

  Damon released his seed into her womb first and dug his fingers deep into her hips. The feeling of him spurting into her hot passage drove her over the last peak, and she felt darkness swallow her as she heard Devin’s release into her ass. She let herself collapse onto Damon again, completely sated.

  When she woke a couple of hours later, her men still held her tightly. Her head was pillowed on Damon’s stomach, and her legs draped over Devin’s lap. She caught Devin’s eyes and held his gaze. He grinned at her easy blush and chuckled.

  “After all of that passion, you can still blush? Damn. I love you, sugar.” His voice was wrought with emotion, and Caroline’s eyes filled with unshed tears.

  “I love you, too.” She slowly lifted off of the men, and stood, brushing grass and dirt from her back. Taking a deep breath, she spoke, “I need to tell you something…”

  Both men were on their feet in a second, and Devin lifted her chin until he could look deep in her eyes. Concern etched his features. “What’s wrong, sugar?”

  “Nothing. Everything is perfect.” She paused and lifted her mouth to his with a gentle kiss. Then she turned to kiss Damon as well. When they both looked slightly scared, she giggled, and pulled their hands to her belly. “Remember how you talked about wanting to have a family…”

  “Oh my God! You’re pregnant? Really!” Damon yelled at the top of his lungs, hugging her from the side when she nodded. Devin laughed out loud, and pulling her from Damon, he spun her around. She couldn’t hold her own peel of laughter as she felt her feet return to the grass.

  “Damn, sugar! That’s the sexiest thing I’ve ever heard. I can’t wait to see you swollen with our pup.” His mouth met hers passionately, and she could taste the love on him. While Devin kissed her mouth, Damon knelt in front of her, kissing her naked stomach.

  “I guess we will have to move the wedding up just a little bit?” she whispered into Devin’s mouth.

  “Done. Just so long as you’re the bride, and I’m one of your grooms, I don’t care when we get married.” Damon spoke against her belly, and they all laughed together.

  Knowing that their child rested deep within her made her love for them swell to the surface, and sh
e let it soar free as the two men surrounded her. As they made love again in the grass and shadows of the forest she thanked God for bringing her back to life, and now allowing her to create life. In eight months or so, she would have a completed family again, and she couldn’t wait.




  I’m your average woman that juggles children, a husband, a job, and everything that goes along with it. Over the years I have used writing to ease my stress, clear my head, and ignite my passion. Writing books is a natural progression of my incessant addiction to romance. I love romance stories, and I look for a Happily Ever After in every story.

  My characters speak to me, and let me tell you when a sexy dominant man is whispering in your head for months, you have no choice but to submit to his request and tell his story. That’s how I wrote the first story of The Gray Pack. Devin and Damon Gray just wouldn’t take no for an answer. Call me crazy, but don’t doubt me.

  I love to hear from fans, and even from people who aren’t fans. Please feel free to share your thoughts and feedback via my blog, and I will do my best to respond!

  Don’t forget to Live, Laugh, and Love like today is your only chance!


  Siren Publishing, Inc.


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