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Page 16

by Sara Humphreys

  Kerry saw the old man hunched over at the table, and something inside of her stirred. Mesmerized by the odd sense of familiarity, she moved toward him as if in a dream. He looked up, and as soon as he spotted them he began to pack up his table. As the four got closer to Joseph, his panic slammed into them with ferocious intensity.

  Dante squeezed her hand more tightly than usual. I don’t like this. He’s obviously upset that we’re here.

  Kerry shot him an irritated look. Well, wouldn’t you be if four shapeshifters came charging at you all at once? We’ve already determined that he doesn’t care for you very much. He’s not going to help us if we bully him. Dante nodded his reluctant agreement and asked Sam and Malcolm to keep their distance for the time being.

  Kerry knew that this old man was connected to her somehow. Boldly, she sat down in the chair across from him as if he weren’t trying to run away, and she was just another customer. Dante stood next to her protectively, his face dark and serious. Kerry stayed there for several seconds, while Joseph ignored her and continued to pack up his wares. He averted his eyes, refusing to look at her.

  “Excuse me?” she said in the sweetest voice she could muster.

  “I’m closing up for the night,” he barked. “No more readings.”

  “I think you should sit tight, old man, and show my mate some respect.” Dante’s voice, low and deadly, cut through the air mercilessly.

  Joseph’s gaze flicked briefly to Kerry. For a moment, she could swear she saw something that resembled tenderness. However, it was quickly replaced with a mask of stone. He looked at Dante, completely unfazed by his thinly veiled intimidation tactics. He narrowed his pale gray eyes and looked Dante up and down.

  “I’m not afraid of you, boy. I told you earlier today that I want nothing to do with any of you. I suggest you go away and leave me alone like I said.” He proceeded to dismantle his table, forcing Kerry to get up from her chair. He wordlessly placed the folded chairs and table against the stone wall.

  “Do you know anything about someone called the ‘Punisher’?” Kerry asked.

  He stilled for a moment, but said nothing and continued packing up his bag. Kerry knew that she needed to touch him and see what secrets he held inside. Dante touched her back reassuringly. Go ahead. You can do it. I’m right here if you need me.

  “Please, Joseph. We need your help.” She reached out to touch his arm, but he picked up his bag and stepped back quicker than a snake.

  “Don’t touch me,” he spat. “I suggest you leave here, young lady. Get out of New Orleans as fast as possible.” He nodded toward Dante, fear and panic undulated off of him relentlessly. “If your young man here really cares for you, he’ll take you away from this place tonight.”

  Before Kerry could say more, he shuffled away. They watched him scurry off, and Dante wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her into the shelter of his body. When Joseph reached the end of the street, he turned around and shouted one last message.

  “Don’t trust anybody. You hear me? Nobody!” Then he rounded the corner and disappeared into the dark Louisiana night.

  Chapter 13

  They walked back to their hotel in thoughtful silence. None of them understood why Joseph harbored such ill feelings toward the Amoveo. In fact, no one uttered a word until they reached their floor of the hotel. Dante finally broke the silence with unabashed anger and frustration.

  “This doesn’t make any goddamn sense,” Dante seethed. “Why is he so dead set against us and so completely unwilling to help? He must be involved in all of this.”

  Samantha shrugged, and her voice stayed steady. “It’s anybody’s guess. But I agree with you. He definitely knows something.”

  Kerry nodded. “Absolutely, he’s hiding something. I could feel it. He was terrified of us, but he also seemed fearful for us too. I don’t think he’s dangerous. At least, not for me.” She made a loud sound of frustrated disgust. “I can’t explain it.” She sighed. “Lately, I don’t have a logical explanation for anything.”

  “Let’s get some sleep,” Malcolm suggested. “Tomorrow while you’re at the shoot, Samantha and I will reach out to Davis and some of the other Vasullus to see what we can find out about our friend Joseph. I’d rather not bother the prince with all of this nonsense, especially since Salinda is pregnant. I don’t want to take him away from her in her delicate condition.”

  Kerry and Dante bid their friends good night before heading into their suite. The instant the door closed behind them, an ice cold ripple of dark energy streamed through Kerry’s body. A wave of dizziness came over her, and she grabbed Dante’s arm to keep from falling over. She looked up at him with wide, startled eyes.

  “Someone’s been in here,” she whispered. Panic threatened to overtake her, and darkness started to close in. Someone had been in the suite when they were out. She could feel it. The energy they left in the room was thick and sticky, like molasses. “Oh my God. I feel like I’m going to pass out. Why is this happening?”

  “Breathe with me,” he coaxed. “Close your eyes, and filter it out. Your psychic abilities have intensified since our mating was completed.”

  They stood together, face-to-face, her hands clasped tightly to his thick, muscular arms. Slowly, the dark sick energy faded and was replaced by Dante’s tender, soothing musings. Her breathing slowed, and her heart beat once again at a normal pace. Kerry let out a long slow breath and loosened her vice-like grip from Dante’s arms.

  “I’m okay now,” she said slowly. Kerry looked up at him with gratitude. “It just took me by surprise, that’s all. God, when did I become such a girl?”

  Steady on her feet once again, she slowly surveyed the living room. It looked completely undisturbed. Nothing had been moved or seemed out of place, but an intruder had most definitely been in their suite.

  “Someone was in here, Dante. I’m not crazy, and I’m not talking about housekeeping. Someone bad was here. They must’ve been.” Kerry shivered and rubbed her arms in an effort to warm herself. “It’s like they left some kind of residue.” Her voice trembled with a mixture of awe and fear.

  It fascinated her that her psychic abilities were now amplified after her mating with Dante, but it unnerved her as well. She had never felt so completely uncertain, and she began to feel like a surprise lurked around every corner. Kerry made her way into the bedroom, and her blood went cold at the sight before her.

  A bright red envelope lay on the pillows of her bed. Looking at it, she couldn’t help but conjure up images of blood. The twisted gift sat there, mocking her. She didn’t have to read it to know there was nothing good going on inside that note. It had to be from the Punisher, which meant that the sick bastard had been in her room.

  “Dante!” She’d meant to yell it, but it came out more like a squeak. She cringed for sounding as helpless as she felt.

  Dante pushed past her, and his eyes shifted harshly when he saw the unwelcome surprise. Anger pulsed from him wildly, and Kerry sensed every muscle in his body go rigid. His breath hissed out in one massive rush as he snatched the envelope. It hurt her to see him so upset, but it was even deeper than that. His anger raced through her and around her, and her own fear was immediately replaced with an urgent need to soothe him. She knew his anger stemmed from his fear for her safety.

  Kerry reached out and connected her mind with his. She eased in with a gentle, soothing touch to calm the raging fury that threatened to boil over. His body relaxed a bit, but his anger remained.

  Dante ripped the offending envelope open and withdrew the note inside. Side by side, her arms wrapped around his waist, they read the ugly words that screamed up at them from the page.

  The bitch will die first while you watch.

  Then it’s your turn—traitor.

  Death is coming for you.

  —The punisher—

  Dante shook with anger. Kerry shuddered and hugged him tighter. She buried her face in the warm hollow of his neck. She breathed in his disti
nctly male scent. He threw the hateful message across the room and wrapped his arms tightly around her. Dante kissed her hair and rubbed her back reassuringly.

  “He won’t come near you. So help me God, Kerry. I won’t let anything happen to you.” His voice, raw and gruff, enveloped her in a blanket of security. He rocked her softly and stroked her hair with exquisite tenderness. Kerry closed her eyes and allowed herself to float in the security of his embrace. The deep baritone of his voice rumbled through his chest and along her cheek. “We need to tell Samantha and Malcolm about this immediately.”

  Kerry convinced Dante that it would be far more appropriate to knock on their door like a couple of regular people, opposed to just materializing in the middle of their suite. Based on her experience with Dante, she doubted they were over there playing Scrabble.

  Sure enough, a surprisingly gracious Malcolm answered the door clad in the hotel bathrobe. “What’s going on?” Malcolm gestured for them to enter the suite and ran a hand through his tousled hair.

  Kerry stifled a smile. Oh yeah. No Scrabble playing over here.

  “I’m sorry to bother you both,” Dante apologized. “But when we got back to our suite tonight, we found this waiting for us on the bed.” He held up the crumpled paper. “We thought you should know about it before you speak with Davis and the others.”

  He handed the note to Malcolm and immediately pulled Kerry into the hard shelter of his body. Her arm fit perfectly around him, and her other hand rested on his chest. His heartbeat thrummed strong and steady beneath her fingers. Strong and steady. Kerry smiled and hooked her thumb through the belt loop on his jeans. Those were two words that fit him perfectly, but he couldn’t hide his feelings from her. He glanced down at her with a tight smile. She knew it was meant to reassure her, but there was no use trying to hide his concern. She could see it and feel it.

  The bedroom door clicked open, and Samantha emerged, looking equally tousled. She went directly to Malcolm’s side and read the note with him. Concern rippled from both of them, and the lines in their faces deepened.

  “This was in your room?” Malcolm wrapped his arm around Sam’s waist and handed the note back to Dante.

  “Yes,” he hissed.

  “I knew something was wrong when we got into the suite,” Kerry said quietly. She looked at Sam. “It was like they left behind some kind of residue. It was definitely an energy signature, but not like any that I’ve ever encountered.” She made a sound of frustration. “It was thick and dark and very strong.”

  “Evil,” Sam whispered.

  Kerry nodded solemnly. “Definitely. But there was something else.” She paused for a moment and closed her eyes in an effort to recapture the moment from earlier that night. “There was an extra layer to it,” she said quietly. “The darkness, the ugly thickness of it, was blanketing something—no, someone else.” Her eyes flew open, and she looked up at Dante. “There were two of them.”

  “Are you sure?” he asked gently.

  Kerry nodded furiously. “Yes. That’s it,” she exclaimed. “There were two of them. That must be why it was so strong, so overwhelming!” Her smile faded, and her momentary pride at figuring it out was quickly replaced with the reality of their situation. “Well, shit. One person wanting to kill me is bad enough. But two? Well, that really sucks.”

  “As disturbing as all of this is,” Malcolm began. “It is helpful. The person writing these notes is referring to a ‘traitor.’ This obviously means that we’re dealing with a Purist.” His somber gaze landed on Kerry. “Could you tell if they were both Amoveo?”

  Kerry’s face fell, and she shrugged one shoulder in defeat. “No. I’m sorry.” Well, so much for feeling like she had figured anything out.

  “Hey,” Samantha said sternly. “Don’t you dare start to feel badly about yourself or your abilities.” Her eyes softened, and she looked at Kerry through loving eyes. “You’re the one who confirmed that we’re definitely not dealing with a single player.”

  “You should listen to your friend. She’s a smart cookie,” Dante said with a wink to their friends. The levity in his voice quickly faded, and his face grew somber. “You two should watch your backs as well. If we’re dealing with more Purists, then none of us are safe.”

  Malcolm nodded his agreement. “We’ll go back to Westerly tomorrow and touch base with Nonie and Davis. There must be something that can help us from the experience with Sam’s parents, and our own encounter with the Purists.” He ran his hand through his hair and looked lovingly down at Sam. “Maybe there was something we overlooked. Some clue as to who else has been involved in all of this.” He turned to Dante with serious eyes. “Did you ever find anything in your father’s papers? After all, his job on the Council was to see if he could identify other humans who might be able to mate with our people.”

  Dante’s jaw clenched, and his back straightened at the mention of his father. “No,” he said tightly. “My mother and sister have been handling all of my father’s effects.” His voice dropped to almost inaudible tones. “They haven’t had much contact with me since his death. I’m afraid that they blame me for not being able to save him.” He cleared his throat, obviously struggling to contain the raw emotions that still hovered beneath his strong exterior. “It doesn’t matter. To them, he’ll remain a hero. I don’t ever want them to know that he was a traitor.”

  Kerry’s heart broke for him. He was clearly still deeply wounded by his father’s betrayal, and it was compounded by the fact that he couldn’t even be honest with his mother and sister. As the rest of them mulled over the last few details about tomorrow, Kerry remained focused on Dante. He was amazing. Not just because of his devastatingly good looks or rock-hard body—which were unquestionably drool-worthy—but because of the man he was on the inside. He would rather let his mother and sister hate him than ruin their image of his late father.

  Incredible, she mused. Who would’ve thought that the sexiest thing about this man would be his heart?

  They said their good-byes and agreed to meet the next day to compare notes. Before Kerry could walk to the door and leave in a traditional way, Dante picked her up and through a wicked grin whispered, “Verto.”

  The odd sense of displacement was accompanied by Samantha’s laughter as they vanished from the room. Within seconds he had visualized them back into the bedroom of their suite. He promptly placed her on unsteady legs and cradled her hips with his hands.

  “Are you alright?” he asked and placed a soft kiss on the corner of her mouth.

  Kerry let out a slow breath and nodded. “I have a bit of a head rush.”

  “You’ll get used to it after a while,” he said as he kissed his way down her neck. Kerry leaned her head to the left to allow him easier access to her sensitized skin. His hands slid down her rib cage, along the curve of her hips, and cupped her ass.

  “That I’ll get used to,” she breathed. “But I hope I never, ever, get used to this.” Kerry ran her hands along the muscles of his broad chest and slipped her arms around his back. She held him to her and floated in the cradle of his touch, his body, and his heart.

  She sank into him and closed her eyes as the image of his fox filled her mind. The sweet honey of his soft ministrations chased away the fear and carried her in a cloud of warmth. Safe. She felt safe with him. Death threats, Purist Networks, Caedo, none of it mattered. She knew deep in her soul that he wouldn’t let any harm come to her. The reality of her feelings for him hit her brutally.

  She loved him.

  Her heart ached with loving him, and that was terrifying.

  Kerry took a deep breath and lifted her head to look him in the eyes. The instant she captured his gaze, her eyes shifted to the eyes of her clan. She licked her trembling lips nervously and searched for the courage to say three words. The three words she’d never even considered uttering to a man. They were just three little words. Right? Then why the hell couldn’t she bring herself to say them to him?

  He stared ba
ck intently, his warm amber eyes searching hers for answers. “What is it?”

  Losing her nerve, she smiled and nuzzled his neck once again. “Nothing. I’m just glad you’re here with me. You make me feel safe. I trust you, Dante.”

  She wanted to tell him, to scream at the top of her lungs how much she loved him. That she craved him and needed him with every fiber of her being. However, looking into those searing eyes and wrapped in the shelter of his arms, she still didn’t have the courage to say it out loud. She wondered if she ever would.

  Dante stroked her back softly and held her body tightly against his. Soon his gentle strokes became more insistent; her heart fluttered as his body hardened against hers. His desire for her pressed insistently against her. Hot, hard, and demanding. He trailed his fingers along her spine, leaving little licks of fire in its wake. Kerry moaned softly in response and placed a warm soft kiss against the base of his throat. She didn’t think she’d ever get enough of him. She ran her hands up his strong arms and took his head in her hands. She locked her heavy-lidded eyes on his, and a slow smile spread across his face.

  Dante grabbed her ass, held her tightly against him, and ever so slowly ground himself against her. She kept her gaze locked with his as she reached down between them and released him from the confines of his jeans. Feeling a new sense of bravery and confidence, she wrapped her fingers around the hot length of him. A low growl of pleasure rumbled in his throat. She watched with satisfaction as the sensations washed over him and became deeply etched in his face. He threw his head back as she stroked his hot shaft with surprising skill. She loved the power of being able to give him this kind of pleasure. She wanted to give him more, everything she possibly could.

  Kerry dropped to her knees, placed her hands on his hips, and looked up at him with a nervous smile. I’m new at this. She nibbled her lower lip.

  Dante reached down and held her face in one hand. You don’t have to do that. I don’t want you to do anything you’re not comfortable with.


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