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Jordanna [Eminence Shifters 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 4

by Ashley Malkin

  “Once this interview is over, we’ll help you picture nicer things, sweetheart,” Rowan said. He kissed the top of her head again, and this time she definitely felt it.

  “You’re a very affectionate paramedic, Rowan.” She tilted her chin up to look in his direction.

  “Only with you, Jordanna. Only ever with you.”

  The Alpha and his brother, Hunter, entered the room, leaving the other members of the pride who’d accompanied them in the corridor. Drake knew they would need them soon. Jordanna was looking in the direction of the voices. He couldn’t imagine how awful this must be for her. To be surrounded by strangers in an unfamiliar place.

  “I’d like you to meet the sheriff,” Doc said, “then we’ll begin. Is that all right, Jordanna?”

  Drake was impressed with Doc’s sensitivity and care. He’d never once excluded Jordanna. He’d follow that example and make sure she never felt separate from anything that was occurring around her just because she was unable to see it.

  “Thank you, Jason. I don’t know how good I’ll be at remembering everyone.” She sat up straighter on Rowan’s lap and held tightly to his hand. Drake’s cat grumbled a satisfied purr that she was reaching out to him for support.

  “My name is Hunter Frederick, I’m the sheriff of Eminence. It’s nice to meet you, Jordanna.”

  “I’m Finn Frederick. We’re all very sorry you’ve been hurt. We will endeavor to have this completed as quickly as possible so your men can take you home to rest.”

  “Everyone has been very caring, thank you.” She held his hand tightly and Drake squeezed it back in reassurance.

  “I have reviewed your scans,” Jason said as he came to stand directly in front of Jordanna. “There is still a considerable amount of swelling in your brain, particularly around your optical cortex. This has caused what is known as cortical blindness.”

  “Is this type of blindness permanent, or will it go away once the swelling goes down?” Jordanna asked, her voice was calm but Drake could feel her trembling.

  “I’m afraid I can’t tell you definitively right now. However, I’ve consulted with a specialist and we’re both of the opinion that the loss of blood flow you’ve already sustained to your optical cortex means the blindness will most likely be permanent.”

  Jordanna’s only reaction was a shuddering breath and silent tears running down her face. “We’re all going to help you, Jordanna,” Drake said, clutching her hand to his chest.

  “Will nothing help?” he asked, knowing Doc understood his unspoken meaning. He’d seen the curative properties of shifter DNA heal grievous injuries in the other mates. He could only hope that their mating marks would heal her, too.

  Chapter 6

  Jordanna felt as though she was suffocating inside her own body. She wanted to run away and leave her broken self behind. But that wasn’t an option. She’d felt like this before, and knew that railing against the world for all the shit it heaped on her would do no good. Years spent in an abusive marriage had shown her the truth of that.

  “I see,” she said, in response to Jason’s diagnosis. Then she realized what she’d said. She may never see again. “Sorry, I mean I understand. Thank you for all you’ve done, Jason.”

  The bubbling panic rose again. She had to run. She had to escape this nightmare. But she took a deep breath instead and tried again to reach for the calm, quiet resignation she needed.

  “It’s not over yet,” Rowan said, breathing the words into her ear as a whisper. “We have a lot to tell you, sweetheart.”

  He hugged her tighter against his massive frame. She wished she could see how big he was. She just knew that he felt huge. She was seated on thick muscled thighs and his arms around her waist were wide and hard.

  “I know that this is terrible timing,” Hunter said, “but I need you to tell me everything that happened last night.”

  “It’s fine, I understand that you have a job to do.” She pulled herself together, for now, and told them what happened after she left the restaurant last night. It was a short statement. Her whole life altered in the space of a ten-minute walk. Don’t go there yet. Being a blubbering mess will not make me sound credible.

  When she got to the part about the man changing into a wolf she paused. Who am I kidding? They’re going to think I’m nuts.

  “I don’t know how to tell you the rest.” She withdrew her hands from Gabriel’s and Drake’s hold.

  “Just tell us what you saw, Jordanna.” Hunter’s brother Finn spoke for the first time since their introduction. His tone of voice so compelling that she blurted the rest out without hesitation.

  “You’ll think it was all due to my head injury, but this happened before I was hurt. I saw one of the men change into a giant wolf. It killed the other man by ripping at his throat with its teeth. When I screamed, it came after me.” She shuddered as she recalled the blood dripping from its jaws as it stalked toward her.

  “A werewolf chased me when I ran. That’s what attacked me.” She was actually glad she couldn’t see the expressions of disbelief that must be on their faces. The room was quiet, no one even moved. She imagined them all looking at each other in amusement. They were probably gesturing that she was crazy.

  “I don’t care if you think I’m crazy. I know what I saw,” she said, trying not to sound too defensive.

  “We know you’re not crazy,” Gabriel said, taking her hand again. Her hand was lifted and she felt him kiss the palm. Electricity shot down her arm at his touch. Her skin heated and tingled at the point of contact. “I clearly scented wolf when I attended to you and the other victim last night.”

  “I think we’ve come to the point in our interview where we need the rest of your guests,” Finn said.

  Jordanna’s brain was obviously malfunctioning. He scented wolf. What the hell? Were they werewolves, too? That was the only explanation she could think of.

  “No, we’re not, honey,” Caine said. She felt a hand stroke down her cheek. “We’re going to explain everything in just a minute now.” She felt the brush of lips over hers, her lips tingling at the light contact. Her body wanted more. Her mind screamed for her to run.

  “I know this is all overwhelming,” Drake said, “but we’ll always be honest with you. We can’t ever lie to you.”

  “We wouldn’t want to even if it were possible, angel,” Gabriel said. She felt a warm hand press against her sternum. “Feel it in here, we won’t ever hurt you.”

  She felt her chest burn where his hand touched her through the hospital gown. Her mind continued to fight against her burgeoning trust of them. She heard people entering the room and felt the air move as they walked past her.

  “There are quite a few people here to meet you, Jordanna,” Caine said. “They are also here to help us explain what you saw last night.”

  She wanted to run. She was frightened that no one was who they said they were. But logically, if they’d intended to kill her they could have done that when she was unconscious. She suddenly felt claustrophobic. She was trapped and wanted desperately to scream.

  Cool hands gently clasped her face. “Breathe, Jordanna. You are safe. No one has deceived you.” The voice was a woman’s. She had a raspy voice that held authority and confidence.

  “Who are you?”

  “My name is Shana. I am an elder here in Eminence.”

  “My name is Peata,” said another female voice. “I’m here with one of my husbands, Calder. Say hello, Calder.”

  “Welcome to Eminence, Jordanna. I’m sure you and the other mates are all going to be good friends.” His voice was deep and grumbly. It came from the other side of the conference room.

  Jordanna thought she probably looked ridiculous, swinging her head in all different directions, when she couldn’t see anything anyway. But surely it would be rude if she just stared straight ahead.

  “You’re doing really well, sweetheart,” Rowan whispered in her ear.

  “I’m not. I didn’t understand a thing
anyone just said except their names.” She was trying to remain calm, but her fear was spiraling out of control again. Husbands—plural. An elder, and what the hell was a mate?

  “That’s because we haven’t told you anything yet,” Peata said, her voice light and reassuring.

  “Shana, I think Jordanna needs to hear from you first,” Finn said.

  “Yes, Alpha. As you saw last night, Jordanna, there are people in the world who can change forms and become that of an animal. A wolf, for example.”

  “A werewolf,” Jordanna murmured. At least they don’t seem to think I’m crazy.

  “Strictly speaking, we are shape-shifters. Most of the things you know about werewolves from films and books is nonsense. Wolves are one type of shifter in the world.”

  “We?” Jordanna said, her voice coming out as a squeak. They were all werewolves, shifters, whatever.

  “Breathe slowly, angel,” Gabriel said, giving her hand a reassuring squeeze. “You’re going to pass out if you continue to hyperventilate.”

  He was right: her ears were already starting to ring. Rowan and Gabriel’s words were somehow still reassuring. She trusted them, despite what she was hearing. Consciously slowing her breathing she focused on what Shana was telling her.

  “We are all from a pride of mountain lion shifters that has lived around Eminence for hundreds of years. Finn is the leader of our pride and we call him by his title, Alpha.”

  “I only found out about shifters nine months ago,” Peata said, “when I was rescued from a fire by the men who are now my husbands. My mates.”

  “You’re married to more than one shifter?” Jordanna had so many questions already but that had been her first. That’s because all four of the paramedics make my toes curl.

  “Calder and his brothers are my mates. Shifters only have one mate in the whole of their long lives. We will never want anyone else now that we are mated,” Peata said. “Because I’m human, they married me as well. But being a mate is more binding than any human marriage. No divorce. The love between them is so strong that they die when she does.”

  “Fate often gifts siblings with the same mate,” Shana said, holding Jordanna’s face again in her cool hands. “A mate is precious. The added protection ensures them all a longer life together. A mate is also the only one who can give them children.”

  “We know that you witnessed a shifter kill a man,” Finn said. “Violence, however, is not the norm for our race. It is also forbidden to reveal ourselves to humans.”

  Jordanna was momentarily seized by panic, but then she felt the reassuring squeeze of Rowan’s arms around her waist. They wouldn’t have bothered keeping her alive like this just to kill her for finding out that shifters existed. As she relaxed again she allowed her other senses to give her information.

  There had been no tension or anger in the voices that had spoken to her. They’d all been kind and sympathetic. They’d revealed themselves as shifters when they needn’t have. If she had to describe how she felt at this moment, it would be safe. But there was a reason she’d been told everything about these people. She just didn’t know what that reason was.

  “Why did that shifter kill someone and attack me?” she asked.

  “We don’t know that yet,” Drake said. He raised her hand and she felt him kiss the palm.

  “Gabriel said the other victim was also a wolf shifter,” Caine said. “We suspect you were attacked because you saw the murder. Hunter will liaise with the Sheridan police and continue to investigate.”

  “Gabriel said he’d brought me here for my safety. Am I still in danger?”

  “Yes,” Finn said. “We have the entire pride here to protect you. You would be defenseless back in Sheridan.”

  “That’s not the only reason she’s here, Alpha,” Shana said. “She knows we didn’t reveal our nature as shifters for her protection.”

  Jordanna couldn’t suppress a smile. “Either you’re psychic, Shana, or I have a terrible poker face.”

  “I don’t believe I’m psychic. I’ve just learned to read people very well in the last three hundred years or so.”

  “Oh my God, you mentioned you had long lives. But are you really three hundred years old?”

  “She won’t say how old she is,” Peata said. “According to Finn’s parent’s she’s been saying she’s three hundred since they were children.”

  “And my parents are a hundred and fifty,” Finn said.

  “My age is not the reason we are all here this morning,” Shana said calmly. “We needed to inform you about shifters because of your relationship with the four young men of the Prentiss family.”

  “We know you’ve only just met them this morning,” Peata said.

  “Which is why I don’t have a relationship with them,” Jordanna said firmly. She heard the growls from Drake and Gabriel, and felt Rowan’s chest vibrate against her spine. She didn’t feel the same fear as she had earlier. The wolf wasn’t in the room.

  “Of course you don’t,” Shana said soothingly. “But you must admit to feeling some sort of attraction to them. All of them.”

  “That’s why I’m here,” Peata said. “Perhaps we should talk in private for a few minutes?”

  * * * *

  Caine watched Rowan reluctantly place Jordanna on a chair as they all left the clinic’s conference room.

  “We’ll come back whenever you need us, sweetheart,” Rowan said. “We have exceptional hearing’ even when we aren’t cats. Just speak our names and we’ll hear you.”

  “Really, Rowan,” Shana said sharply. “I think she’ll be fine without you for a few minutes.”

  Caine would have laughed at Rowan’s behavior if he hadn’t felt equally reluctant to leave Jordanna’s side. He scented anxiety from all his brothers. They would remain insanely possessive like this until the mating bond was complete. Or maybe forever, if Calder’s behavior was anything to go by. Calder looked ready to kill someone.

  As he took another step away from a furious Calder, his thoughts drifted to completing the mating bond. Of marking Jordanna as he made love to her. His cock was hard in an instant.

  Drake spoke the instant Caine had closed the conference room door. “Will the mating cure her eyesight, Doc?”

  It was a tight fit in the corridor with seven huge shifters standing there, but Caine had no intention of moving farther away from Jordanna. Calder was right by his side. Peata was only a few weeks away from delivering their first cub and he was feral in his protectiveness of his mate.

  “Thank you for bringing Peata,” Caine said, acknowledging the man’s discomfort. Calder just nodded. He was still a prickly bastard with everyone except Peata.

  “I have seen the shifter DNA heal grievous wounds, Drake,” Doc said.

  “But will it heal this sort of optic nerve trauma,” Gabriel said.

  “Does it matter to you either way?” Finn said sternly.

  “Jesus, Finn,” Gabriel said, his eyes starting to glow. “I wouldn’t care if she was born blind, I want her so badly my body actually hurts. I was thinking of how hard life was going to be for her like this.”

  Finn growled low in his throat and Caine saw the fire instantly drain from Gabe’s eyes. “I am still your Alpha, Gabriel Prentiss. I have a duty to care for all of my pride and that young woman is now its newest member.”

  “I think there’s a chance she could recover at least some of her eyesight, Gabriel,” Doc continued as though the heated exchange hadn’t occurred.

  “We’ll just have to wait then?” Rowan said, thumping the back of his head against the wall. “Is time a factor? I don’t want to rush her into the mating. She needs to get to know us.”

  “I can’t answer that with any certainty, but it doesn’t matter, you can’t suggest she be your mate just to regain her eyesight.”

  Caine wasn’t alone when he directed a snarl at Doc. He would cherish his mate for the rest of his life. He wouldn’t have her feeling coerced into their mating in any way. His abho
rrence to the mere suggestion had Caine’s cat punching its claws from his fingertips.

  “I suggest we don’t mention the curative properties of your saliva then,” Doc said calmly, seemingly oblivious to the fact he had four pissed-off cats glaring at him.

  “I don’t think you’ll have to wait long,” Finn said with a small laugh. “The mating musk seems to cause a powerful and undeniable attraction between mates.”

  * * * *

  Jordanna missed the strength and heat of Rowan’s embrace the minute he sat her on the chair. She heard them all leave and felt strangely adrift.

  “They are just outside the door, young one,” Shana said. “They won’t be able to leave you for long, so I suggest we get straight down to business.”

  “It must be frightening to have lost you sight, Jordanna,” Peata said softly, as she sat next to her and grasped one of her hands.

  “It hasn’t fully sunk in yet, I only woke up a couple of hours ago.”

  “We need to explain what a mate is,” Shana said. She placed a cool glass in her hand. Jordanna drank the water immediately, only then realizing how thirsty she was.

  “Are you sure you’re not psychic?”

  “You should see how spooky my mother-in-law is,” Peata said, and Jordanna felt her shudder. “I think it’s a shifter thing.”

  “Yes, Neva has a gift.” Shana cleared her throat. “Jordanna, I’m certain the loss of your vision won’t have affected the attraction you feel toward to your men.”

  She opened her mouth to deny any attraction, but closed it again.

  “It hits you hard when you’re the one,” Peata said. Jordanna imagined Peata had a dreamy look on her face by the wistful tone of her voice.

  “Male shifters secrete what is called mating musk if they are lucky enough to meet their mate,” Shana said. “It is an instinctual response that they have no control over.”


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