Aaron's Fall

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Aaron's Fall Page 3

by Lee, Vivian Rose

  The trip to Asia’s new home was in silence. Aaron’s was not sure she would respond if he talked to her. He glanced over at her, she kept her head lowered, and her hands clasp tightly in her lap. Still he is wondering why he was so attracted to her.

  He pulled into the driveway, opening the door for her, she look around before she placed her hand in Aaron’s hand. Aaron walked her up the long stairway to the loft. Still holding onto his hand, Asia opened the door and went in. Aaron stood on the threshold. Asia turned to look at him; he could see the fear in her eyes.

  “Stay with me,” she said so softly he wasn’t sure he heard her correctly. Aaron went into the loft with her and closed the door.

  “Asia you don’t have to be afraid, you’re safe here.” Aaron said reassuringly.

  She move to the few boxes stack near the wall.

  “I have blankets we can lay on them,” she said looking through boxes; “I have pillows, she said pulling out the linens.

  “Asia!” Aaron called.

  She stopped, turned to look at him. His heart ached for her, again wondering what happen to her. Aaron instantly realized she did not feel safe and needed too. Right now, she did not.

  “Okay Asia, I’ll stay,” he said taking the pillows from her arms. She spread the blanket on the platform, where a bed would go. Asia lay the pillows down and sat on the platform, Aaron sat beside her.

  Breaking the lull in the room, Aaron asked. “Asia, why are you so afraid of the dark?”

  She looked into his eyes wondering if she could trust this man, this stranger she met only last night. She trusted Tia, but this handsome man was another matter. He was here with her, and he has not tried anything with her. Could she trust him a little?

  Overall, Tia, Martin, and Aaron have been very nice to her; she at least owned them the truth about her background. Asia took a deep breath her hands clinched tightly on her lap.

  “I was with this man, at one time, he was the neighborhood drug dealer. One night we were coming out of my house, and a car stopped in front of us and started shooting, he died, I got shot in the shoulder, I guess I never recovered from the incident.”

  Asia looked at him searching his handsome face for some react to what she had just revealed.

  “Did you love him?” Aaron asked.

  “No,” she answered shaking her head. Marcus just sort of claimed me one day.” She shrugged her shoulders. “You didn’t tell Marcus no. In the neighborhood Marcus owned the block, and anything and anyone he wanted.”

  Aaron took her hand in his; he felt her trembling. Her head lowered. Aaron raised her chin, listless green eyes looking up at him. Aaron heart ached for her. His head moved closer to hers, her eyes closed. Aaron’s lips lightly touched hers. He knew he shouldn’t kiss, but he couldn’t resist. She jumped but didn’t move, and she didn’t kiss him back. Aaron raised his head, her eyes remained closed, a single tear slipped from the corner of her eye.

  “Asia,” Aaron called her name softly frowning.

  “So you want to have sex now?” she asked her tone desiccated. She was wrong about Aaron. He was just like Marcus.

  Aaron looked at her frowning, confused. “No I don’t… why would you think that?” he asked harshly, rising swiftly from the platform beside her. “What happen to you Asia?” he said frowning, perplexed.

  Her head lowered. He went to her lifting her by her shoulders; she pulled away and moved to the other side of the room, fear clearly on her face.

  “I’m sorry,” she said frantic.

  She started removing her clothing, “Just don’t hit me please, I’ll hurry,” she said lifting her shirt over her head, with trembling hands quickly pulling down her jeans.

  “I’m sorry, I’ll hurry,” she repeated standing before him in plain white bra and panties.

  Aaron watched her dazed wondering, what happen to her?

  “Asia no, what are you doing?” He went to her.

  “I’m hurrying, please,” she said fearful desperation, as she reached behind her to unhook her bra.

  “Asia no!” Aaron grabbed her arms. She stilled and looked up at him. She stood; tears flowing from her eyes. Aaron put his arm around her shoulder leading her to sit on the platform.

  Still stunned Aaron asked. “Asia what happen to you?” He handed her the shirt, she pulled it over her head.

  “Who did this to you?” he asked with concern in his voice.

  Asia took a shuddering breath before she spoke, her eyes trained on the wall across from her. This was the first time she ever told anyone about her past. She dropped her head and sighed deeply gathering her nerve. She had never spoken to anyone about her involvement with Marcus. She raised her head and glanced briefly into Aaron’s soulful dark eyes before turning away.

  “When I was sixteen my mother died; I’ve been alone ever since. I kept from the authorities that I was alone, so they wouldn’t send me to a foster care. I attended school, did everything to keep it a secret that I was alone, I worked after school to support myself, and when I graduated, I held three jobs to make ends meet. Everything was okay until Marcus came to the neighborhood. I was twenty-three then.

  She took an uneasy breath before she continued remembering the day she met Marcus.

  “I was coming home from one of my jobs, it was late; Marcus was sitting on my stoop, he told me he wanted me. Said he noticed me around the hood. I laughed and told him I was not interested. He slapped me then forced me into my house. He raped me, told me if I tell anyone he would kill me.”

  Asia glanced at Aaron for a reaction; his face held no reaction.

  With another shuttered breath, she continued. “When ever he wanted to have sex, he would kiss me and tell me to take off my clothes, if I didn’t I got beat, if I took to long I got beat, but he always had sex with me anytime he felt like it. After he raped me, he started living there, dealing his drugs from my home. If I complained about what he was doing, he would beat me. Violating me was a daily occurrence, I could no longer fight him, and so I did as he wanted. If I was not home at a certain time, I got beat, so I quit my other jobs. One night I didn’t come home, I stayed at the hotel where I worked, so I didn’t have to go home to him. The next day he came down to the hotel, and forced me into his car. When we got home, he beat me so badly; I had to stay home for weeks because my face was so badly bruised and swollen. Marcus didn’t care when or where he abused me. If one of his friends would tell him to stop, he accused me of sleeping with them, and I was beaten again. I went through this for two years; then the night Marcus got shot, all I could think about was, I was free. It didn’t matter if I died that night, all I knew was I was free. I don’t know any other way to live, but afraid.”

  “Why didn’t you go to the police, get protection?” Aaron asked horrified by what she told him.

  “I was scared, Marcus never left me alone, even at work he had someone watching me. I didn’t know what to do anymore, so I lived with it.”

  A rage filled Aaron so strong, it scared him. If Marcus was still alive he would have killed him, with no questions asked.

  ‘When Marcus died, I had to bury him.” She continued chuckling mirthlessly. “Ironic isn’t it, to bury the man that kidnapped, raped, and beat you daily. The money I made from singing for Tia finally paid off the funeral home, which I realized makes me truly free of Marcus. That’s it; that’s what happened to me Aaron, that’s my life, dark.”

  Aaron listened, and watched as she spoke. His body tensed instantly angry. How anyone could want to hurt this beautiful person, he wondered. Aaron put his arm around her shoulder; she tensed.

  “I don’t like the dark, bad things happen to me at night.” Asia admitted quietly.

  The need to protect Asia overwhelmed him. His heart pounded in his chest from this foreign emotion he was undergoing.

  She took his hand into hers, looking up at him with desolate eyes.

  “Thank you for not…” she said softly.

  “Lay down Asia,” Aaron said

  She nodded. “Will you still stay with me?”

  “I’m not going to leave you.”

  Asia lay down and was instantly asleep.

  Aaron sat up watching her as she slept. Her t-shirt she had on had risen up, revealing her rounded hips, and strong shapely legs. Her long hair splayed across her face. Aaron gently pushed the hair from her face. She was beautiful he thought smiling gently at how peaceful she appears while she slept. After hearing her story, he now had a deeper understanding of the fear and mistrust she harbored. Watching her gave him such an overpowering sense of right. She had endured a lot and survived.

  Aaron rose went to the light switch turning them off, and then lay down beside her. He spooned his body around hers, put his arm around her, and closed his eyes. He thought he heard her sigh.

  Asia awoke to the sun brightly shining in the large room of the loft; she sat up groggily and looked around at her surroundings. The unfamiliarity of the room vanished when she saw Aaron lying beside her. Quickly she rolled away rising from the platform. Asia looked back at him, breathing a sigh of relief when he did not move. Grabbing towels from the boxes, she went to the bathroom to shower. Feeling revitalized, and ready to start the day, she peeked out the bathroom; it appeared Aaron still slept. She came out, a towel wrapped around her. With her back to him, she dropped the towel and quickly put on her underwear.

  Aaron awoke quietly watching her. He knew he should avert his eyes, but he could not seem to take his eyes off her. She is perfect, he thought. Her body was what women would probably kill to have. Although she was not tall she had long shapely legs, rounded hips, full rounded behind, men drooled over, and a small waist he could probably span with his hands. Aaron felt heat in his loins. Damn, he curse, and averted his eyes.

  “Good Morning” he said sitting on the side of the platform putting on his shoes, his back to her.

  Asia turned sharply startled.

  “Good Morning, she returned the greeting shyly. Thanks for staying with me,” she said pulling on an overlarge T-shirt and pulling up her jeans. Aaron smiled, nodding.

  “Hungry?” Aaron asked coming to his feet.


  “I’ll take you to breakfast, okay.” Aaron said going to the bathroom.

  She nodded. “Thank you,” she said putting on her sneakers.

  There was a knock at her door. Asia frowned, wondering whether she should open the door or not. No one knew where she was, except Tia. Thinking it Tia, Asia pulled the door opened. A man standing at the door with a clipboard in his hand.

  “Ms Brooks.”


  “Your furniture is here.”

  . “Furniture,” she repeated confused. “I didn’t buy any furniture.”

  The man looked at his clipboard. “This is 211 Decker St.”

  “Yes, but I didn’t buy furniture, there must be some mistake.”

  Aaron came from the bathroom. Asia looked over at him frowning.

  “Aaron they say I brought furniture, I didn’t get furniture.” She repeated.

  “Bring it in,” Aaron told the deliveryman.

  The deliveryman looked at Aaron, recognition in his eyes, grinning broadly. “Hey you’re Aaron Harrison, of the Buteo‘s?”

  Aaron nodded, shaking the man’s hand. “We’ll bring it right up sir.”

  Asia looked at Aaron. “Why did you buy this furniture?” she asked perplexed.

  “Because you need it, please don’t turn it away.”

  “I can’t accept this,” she stated nervously. “Why did you do this?”

  “You needed furniture,” he said simply.

  “When did you…” Asia turned away not knowing what to do or say suspicious of why this stranger would buy her furniture.

  Aaron reached out and touched her shoulder, Asia moved away. Aaron frowned.

  “Asia?” he said her name cautiously. She turned to him, but didn’t look at him.

  Her head rose. “Why?” she asked softly.

  “It’s a gift.”

  “Gift?” she repeated frowning. “Please I don’t want your pity, I can get my own furniture,” she said softly. Eventually, she thought.

  “Is it because of what I told you last night?” she asked now embarrassed

  “I got this when we were at the furniture store, I didn’t know about that then,” Aaron said to her. And I don’t pity you,” he added, “I just want to help you get started, am I wrong for doing this?”

  “No ones ever given me anything, I mean, until I met Tia. I don’t know what to say.”

  “Say yes,” Aaron coaxed smiling.

  “Only if you allow me to pay you back,” she said.

  Aaron nodded, knowing he would never accept any money from her, he agreeing so she would take the furniture.

  “Thank you,” she replied quietly.

  Aaron winked at her, pulling open the door for the men.

  Asia stepped aside while the men move in the furniture.

  A couple of hours later, Asia stood in the middle of the room, looking at everything, and loving running her hand over the crème loveseat. She couldn’t believe all that had happen to her in just one night. It was like a dream, a wonderful dream. A new safe home, this handsome man staying with her, buying her furniture she would have never been able to afford, and more importantly, he didn’t try to have sex with her.

  Aaron watched her, and the emotions displayed on her face. She was confused at first, then amazed, then confused again. Aaron shook his head.

  “Come on, we can arrange things later, I’m hungry,” Aaron said smiling.

  She stared at him puzzled. “Why Aaron?” Asia asked again, glancing at him. “You don’t even know me.”

  “We went over that already, come on woman, I’m hungry,” Aaron said laughingly taking her hand.

  Tia arrived at the loft to see how Asia was making out with the move and was surprised to see Aaron standing on a ladder putting up blinds. To her astonishment, the place was fully furnished.

  “Hi Asia,” Tia said looking skeptically over at Aaron. “Hello Aaron well aren’t you the handy man.”

  “Hi Tee,” Aaron called cheerfully from on top of the ladder.

  “Aaron been helping me move in, Asia told her looking over at the furniture. “Aaron gave it to me, but I think too much I have to pay him back,” Asia whispered to Tia.

  “No Asia I don’t it’s too much, think it’s just fine!” Tia whispered smiling back.

  Asia nodded moving away. “I made lemonade, would you like a glass?” Asia offered. Tia nodded thanking her.

  Tia went to Aaron who was coming down the ladder, looking up at him suspiciously.

  “What?” Aaron said.

  “Aaron, I’m watching you.” Tia warned him.

  “Don’t worry, Tia, you were right, she fragile, more fragile than you know.”

  “What do you mean?” Tia asked seriously.

  “She’s had it very hard, and I’m not here to make her life worst, just better.”

  Tia smiled, satisfied. One thing she did know about Aaron, he was not a liar, and he did not purposely go out of his way to hurt people. It was true he loved women, or women loved him. She was also aware that he never got involved with a woman who could not abide by his player rules, as he called it. Once she asked him what the rules were and Aaron was more than pleased to tell her what the rules were. He informed the women that he dated, he didn’t do serious relationships from the beginning, he didn’t take woman to his home, and he supplied his own condoms. Tia chuckled and shook her head. She also knew that he treated his many admirers with the respect due them. She had to agree, it was not his fault if the lost their heart to him, if they abided by his creed.

  Tia smiled wryly, “I always knew you had a heart Aaron Harrison, be careful that you don’t lose it.”

  Aaron shrugged grinning. “Never.”

  Aaron smiled at Asia, taking the glass of lemonade handing it to Tia.

ia raised her brows in surprise. Usually when she said that to him, he’d start telling her how ridiculous she was, and he was a bachelor for life.

  Tia smiled. We shall see Mr. Harrison, she thought.

  Tia gazed around the room, “You and Aaron have been busy,” Tia said to Asia, looking around the room, “Its looks good.”

  “Yes, it really does look good,” Asia agreed looking around the room. “I want to tell you how I really appreciate all you have done for me Tia. I mean no one has ever…” she said softly her eyes tears filling with tears swallowing the lump in her throat blinking the tears away.

  Tia took her hands, “You deserve a good life, Asia,” Tia said gently smiling.

  Aaron stood behind them leaning on the kitchen counter sipping his glass of lemonade.

  Asia turned and looked at Aaron. Tia could have sworn she saw a bit of a smile as she looked at him.

  “Aaron why don’t you bring Asia to the cookout tomorrow?” Tia requested smiling. Asia looked at Tia frowning.

  “Hey that right, is that tomorrow?” Aaron said. He had forgotten about the annual Buteo’s cookout.

  “Asia, you want to go?” Aaron asked.

  “Oh no, I can’t, too many people, I don’t have anything to wear to something like that, no, I don’t want to go.” Asia shaking her head vigorously.

  “Come on Asia, it will be fun, we can go get you something to wear, the ladies usually wear bathing suit and sarongs, plus Martin and I will be there. Come join us,” Tia implored. Asia looked at Aaron. Smiling, he nodded.



  Asia slept restlessly still unaccustomed to her new surroundings. However nervous she was, she knew this was the best decision she could have made and would give Tia her undying gratitude. She didn’t miss the old neighborhood; was glad the house was on the market, not that she expected it to sale. If she had her way she would have it demolished along with her nightmarish memories.


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