Aaron's Fall

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Aaron's Fall Page 4

by Lee, Vivian Rose

  Aaron picked up Asia. When she opened the door he was stunned. He knew she beautiful, but hot damn he didn’t realize just beautiful she was. Her long hair loose hanging past her shoulders. The pink floral bathing suit with matching sarong and wedged sandal she wore on her dainty feet complimented her flawless honey coloring. Their eyes met and he felt a shock go through him, along with a strange tightness settled in his chest. If any of his teammates tried to get next to her, he would have to crush them. He groaned. What was he thinking? Just the thought of that happening bothered him more than he cared to admit. He had never been possessive of any of the women he was seeing. Why now, and why Asia.

  “You look very pretty,” Aaron said to her.

  Her cheeks turned rosy. “Please don’t say things like that Aaron,” she said seriously looking down at her hands.


  “It’s not true,” she said sitting down in the car. Aaron smiled shaking his head.

  They arrived at Calvin and Tracy to a packed backyard. Asia held on to Aaron hand tightly. She looked for Tia, finally she saw her playing cards with four of the largest men she has ever seen, Martin coming towards them.

  “Hi Asia,” Martin said smiling, Tia said you were coming, I’m glad you did.”

  “Hi,” she said softly.

  “Hey Aaron,” Martin said shaking Aaron hand.

  “How’s your new place?” Martin asked Asia.

  “It’s great.” She said shyly.

  Martin couldn’t help but notice right away how Asia held on to Aaron’s hand. Tia saw them and waved coming to where they stood.

  “Hey Asia, you look pretty, come on I want you to met my guys and Tracy.”

  She took Asia’s hand pulling her from Aaron. Asia looked back at Aaron her eyes wide with fear.

  “I’d better go with them,” Aaron said, worriedly.

  “Let her go, Man” Martin said looking at his friend. Aaron was not his usual jovial self. He has always been the life of this barbeque, now it seems his best friend is all grown up.

  “What’s going on with you Aaron? Martin asked studying his friends face.

  “What?” Aaron said watching Asia.

  Martin looked at his friend. “Aaron she not some stray for you to protect, she’ll be fine with Tia.”

  “Yeah, I know Martin, I just understand why she’s the way she is, she told me everything.”

  “When?” Martin said frowning.

  “I stayed with her that first night, she asked me to.”

  “You didn’t?”

  “No, I didn’t,” Aaron replied gruffly. ‘She‘s had it tough Martin.”

  Martin said glanced over at Aaron, surprised at his protectiveness towards Asia.

  “Is she alright?”

  “It was long ago, but she scarred.”

  Martin looked at his friend closely. “You really like her?”

  Aaron looked in Martin’s eyes and didn’t hesitate in answering him. “Yes I do,” Aaron replied leaving Martin to join Tia and Asia.

  When Aaron stood beside Asia; she looked at him relief on her face, and took his hand.

  The band that supplied the music started back up, playing ‘Midnight Train to Georgia,” Asia watched mesmerized for a minute. As if she was in a trance, Asia went to stand in from of the band, pulling Aaron along with her. Out of nowhere, Asia started singing. The surprised band member caught on and starting singing back up for her. Aaron stood watching her as she sang melodiously her voice heard over the backyard. Some guests were dancing while the other guest crowded around the bandstand. Asia sang the song as if written only for her. When she finished everyone applauded and cheered. Asia looked around surprised, and step closer to Aaron. Tracy stood beside Tia.

  “Aaron’s new girl?” Tracy asked mockingly.

  “Oh no, I won’t allow Aaron to use her, she a nice girl.”

  “Do another one!” someone shouted. Asia looked at Aaron. He nodded smiling.

  The musician playing the bass, handed her a microphone, and Asia lost herself in music. Whatever the band played Asia knew the words; followed their arrangement as if she had rehearsed with them for years. Coz, the leader of the band, gazed at her admiringly and impressed. Not only with her ability to follow them, but the girl blow.

  Before Asia left the stage, she had sung six songs. Finished she looked around the yard and didn’t see Aaron, Tia, or Martin. Groups of the partiers came to her complimenting her how well she sang. A panic started in the pit of her stomach; she didn’t know these people. She had to get out of here; she looked around the crowded yard, no Aaron or Tia. Her panic threatening to overwhelm her.

  Asia walked around the large backyard searching for them. Turning suddenly she bumped into a large hard body. Asia told a step back and looked up into the giant’s face. She took another step back. The giant reached out and caught her hand as she turned to leave.

  “Hello pretty lady with the beautiful voice,” the man said slightly slurring. Asia tried to pull her hand from him, but his grip tightened. “What is your name?”

  Her heart pounding, she muttered, “Please let me go.”

  “Not till you tell me your name,” he giant said leering at her.

  “Please just let me go, I’m looking for…” she started saying.

  The giant pulled her into him, his arm clasped around her. Asia started to struggle, pleading with him to let her go.

  “Not til’ you give me a kiss, little nightingale,” the man said laughing.

  Tears well up in her eyes. “Please just let me go.”

  “Get your damned hands off her Troy,” Aaron bellowed rushing toward Asia.

  Troy did let her go, but held onto her arm. “You can’t have all the women Aaron, she with me, aren’t you sweetheart?”

  Asia tried to pull away from him.

  “Don’t make me repeat myself Troy.”

  “Troy! Tia yelled, joining the Aaron. “Didn’t we have this conversation a couple of years ago,” she said hands planted on her hips frowning fiercely at Troy.

  “Tia, I ain’t hurt her, I just wanted to know her name.”

  “Let her go Troy,” Aaron warned. Martin could see Aaron was ready to attack. He of all people knew Aaron temper. Especially when a woman was being mistreated.

  “Just let her go Troy!” Martin said fiercely.

  Troy loosed the hold on Asia. She trembled uncontrollably.

  Aaron took her hand in his, gently pulling her to him.

  “Troy you really have to stop grabbing any woman you want,” Tia scolded.

  “Why does Aaron get all the good ones?” Troy said turning away.

  Aaron walked Asia to the side of the house; he could still feel the tremble in her hand. Asia turned and fell into his arms; Aaron could feel her heart pounding against his chest, holding on to him.

  Damn you Troy,” Aaron muttered holding her close.

  Martin and Tia joined them.

  Aaron frowned over her head, concern on his face. His eyes met Martin’s. “Its okay, I’m here.” Aaron said soothingly.

  “You okay Asia?” Tia asked concerned.

  Moving out of the security of Aaron’s arms, Asia nodded.

  “I’m so sorry, Troy is a Neanderthal, but harmless. Come let’s go inside and freshen up,” Tia offered. Asia and walked away arm in arm.

  Martin watched with great, interest. In the span of two short days, Asia was becoming attached Aaron; he just hoped Aaron didn’t do anything stupid. Martin chuckled. He had a feeling Asia was the one who would make Aaron fall.

  After the girls left them, Martin turned to Aaron.

  “What’s going on Aaron?”

  “I told you, she’s had it rough.” Aaron responded watching as Asia and Tia disappeared in house.

  “What happened to her?” Martin asked.

  Aaron knew he could trust Martin. Quickly Aaron briefly told Martin what happened to Asia.

  “I could kill him, if he were not already dead.” Aaron added.
  Martin thought he would probably help him. She had to be a strong woman to live like that for two years. He now understood Aaron’s protectiveness towards Asia, yet Aaron still had to be careful with her.

  Martin slapped Aaron on the back. “I just going to say one thing AH,” Martin begin, using Aaron nickname. “If you have no intention of dating her, don’t lead her on, I don’t think she would be able to handle it when you get tired of her.”

  “What the hell does that mean Martin, I would never hurt her intentionally, not knowing what I know,” Aaron stated heatedly.

  “I know that, you never do intentionally AH, but Asia different and you know it, already she seems to be attaching herself to you,” Martin sighed, “I’m just saying don’t lead her on if have no intention of being with her.”

  Aaron knew Martin was right. Asia is different; she made him feel things he never felt before with any other woman. A dark memory flickered in his head. A memory he had pushed back into the recesses of his mind a long time ago.

  Aaron face became stormy, and Martin knew what that meant.

  “You’re remembering your Mom aren’t you?” Martin asked concerned.

  Aaron nodded curtly, trying to calm the pounding of his heart that pounded against his chest. Trying to squash the need to go over and knock Troy on his ass.

  “It’s over now AH, the girls are coming back, don’t let it Asia see you like this” Martin advised.

  Aaron took a cleansing breath, and smile, just as the girls reached him. He took Asia hand. “Okay?” he said smiling.

  Asia nodded, the couples left to join the others.

  Chapter Three

  For the next few weeks, Aaron was over Asia’s everyday. He sometimes took her to work and pick her up in the later in the day. Many times, she tried to tell him she could get herself to work and back home, but he would override her decision and would be outside her job waiting for her. Lately she found herself taking stolen glances at Aaron when he wasn’t looking and the sudden nervousness and joy when he was around were signs she was falling for Aaron.

  Aaron’s plan was to use the time they spent together to acquaint himself with her. If only to see where their friendship was headed. It seemed he needed to see her everyday. When he would rise in the morning she was his first thought and at night his last. He even went so far as to convince himself that he would give her space, but some how he would end up at her loft each time. They talked or rather he talked, she listened, sometimes she would ask questions, but she never volunteer any conversation, but they were getting to know each. They were sitting watching a movie when Aaron looked over at her. He turned the volume down on the television. Asia looked over at him frowning.

  “Asia, I won’t see you for a while,” he informed her, “I have to go to training camp for three months.”

  Asia gazed at his handsome face. She had no doubt she would miss him. For the past few weeks, she was with him everyday, and most evenings. They talked; well Aaron talked. Sometimes he would try to make her laugh, which she never did. She didn’t think she knew how anymore. It has been a long time since she had any reason to laugh. When her mother was living, she laughed all the time. They didn’t have much but they were happy. Aaron was always the perfect gentleman. After that first time, he never tried to kiss her again, or make any advances towards her and she like him even more. She knew she was beginning to become too attach to Aaron. She couldn’t prevent it from happening. She had never been treated so kindly. Excitement filled her with the anticipation of his daily visits. His presence gave her joy, something she couldn’t remember experiencing in a very long time. She felt a warm glow flow through her every time she saw him. She knew there could be nothing more than friendship; they were from different backgrounds. He a wealthy football player and lawyer, she a nobody, just trying to survive. If he remained her friend, she would be just as happy. As the days passed, she found that she trusted him with all her heart. It had to be trust. He was the only person she ever told about the shame and humiliation she suffered at the hands of Marcus. He was the only person she let get close to her.

  “I know, Tia told me,” she replied quietly.

  “You’ll be okay,” he said confidently, “Soon as I get back, I’ll come right over, I promise.”

  Asia gazed at is face, and realized there was still a chance for her to grow completely again, why not grow with Aaron, she felt good with him, not afraid.

  “Stay with me Aaron tonight,” Asia said softly, her head lowered.

  Aaron gazed at her. He hadn’t stayed with her since the first night she moved in, those few weeks ago.

  “Look at me Asia,” Aaron requested gently, taking her hand.

  Her head rose, her beauty intoxicating him. Her green eyes shimmering in the dim lighting of the room. Her eyes, how he loved to look into them, how he loved the soft feel of her hair, when it brushed against his hand when he touch her back. He had developed an unusual habit of rubbing the silky texture of her hair between his fingers, like a child with a blanket. Moreover, many nights with her head on his shoulder, she would fall asleep, he would simply lift her and carry her to bed; and every night he’d go home to take a cold shower to squash the desire he felt for her growing in him for her.

  He looked into her green eyes. “Alright,” he agreed. Asia exhaled and went to take a shower, while he watched television.

  This was not like him; he would have had a woman in bed in no more than two nights of seeing them. He had all but abandoned other women since meeting Asia. They would call, and he would put them off. After a while, they just stop calling, but not Shanna Bentley. Beautiful, calculating Shanna was very persistent. He had been dating Shanna off and on for some time. Shanna gave the pretense that she had the same nonchalant view about relationships as he, but he knew better. Shanna was in for the duration, with the intention of breaking him down with the hope that he would marry her. Oh yes, he knew the game well. Shanna loved the life style he could give her and nothing more. He may not be anxious to walk down the matrimonial aisle yet, and if he were Shanna could never be the woman for him. He already decided if he couldn’t have the love his parents hared he didn’t want it at all.

  At present, all he knew was he wanted Asia and not just in his bed. He felt an urge to protect, take care of, or just simply make her happy. These emotions were not something he felt with any other woman. Aaron sighed and laid his head back on sofa, eyes closed. If she wanted him to stay, that’s what he would do. He would miss her the three months he was away. Why not stay he decided.

  Showered, Asia stood in the vanity mirror looking at her reflection with a critical eye. She knew what she wanted. She wanted to feel; know what it was like to have someone hold her, to love her like she saw in the movies, or what she read in romance novels. The only experience she had was with Marcus, and what he did to her had nothing to do with love.

  Asia sighed. She didn’t know how to seduce a man. Then a thought came to her, maybe Aaron did not find her attractive in that way. After all she really wasn’t. He never tried to kiss her again, after that first time. In her eyes she was just plain, with her high yellow oval face, which she thought was too wide, her nose too small for her face and her mouth she couldn’t decide whether her lips were to thin or too full. Her eyes traveled lower to her nude body. Would he find her appealing, she wondered as eyes gazed at her nude body. She took a deep breath and wrapped the towel around herself leaving the bathroom. If he rejected her now, her humiliation would be complete; would she be a fool to believe there was more to their relationship other than friendship.

  Wrapped in a large bath towel, her hair in a loose knot at the top of her head, Asia returned and stood in front of Aaron. Aaron looked up at her.

  “Asia?” he said frowning.

  “Show me Aaron, what it feels like,” she said dropping the towel.

  Aaron breath caught in his chest. Damn she was beautiful, he thought as his eyes took in her body. Aaron turned off the TV.
r />   “Asia, are you sure about this?” Aaron asked looking into her face.


  Gently taking her hand, Aaron pulled her on his lap, feeling the slight shiver in her body. His eyes traveled the length of her body as she lay naked on his lap. Her full breasts, her flat stomach to the junction of dark curling hair between her legs. Her sexy honey skin was exquisite; he could wait to feel her beneath his hands. He touch her lightly, caressingly her skin felt so silky smooth under his fingertips as he trailed his hands down her lovely body.

  “Asia, you are beautiful,” he said softly, loosing her hair so it fell over his arm.

  She sighed. He gazed into her green eyes, as he lowered his face to hers. His lips lightly touched hers, her mouth parted beneath his, feeling her sweet breath on his lips. Aaron kissed her, and this time she responded, her mouth opened more to accept his tongue; he heard a moan in her throat, when his hand cupped her full breast. Leaving her mouth, he trailed kisses down her neck continuing lower to her full breasts. Her head fell back over his arm, when his mouth found her breast.

  Aaron let his hand caress down her flat abdomen, to the apex between her thighs. His hand cupped her rubbing her there, his fingers, slowly, gently caressing the core of her pleasure; her legs fell open, giving him more excess, opening her and slipping his finger in her, feeling the tight swollen wetness of her. Asia’s body melted as he loved her with his hand, her face serene, her breathing deep, as she sighed moving against his hand. Her body burned with a desire she never experienced before. She has never felt anything like this in her life. She felt breathless as if she were afloat, as if she had no control over her own being. It was wonderful. She felt free, really completely free.

  Aaron took her mouth kissing her deeply as his manhood hardened, her bottom rubbing against him as she moved on his lap. Asia moaned deep in her throat as a flood of moisture pooled between her legs.

  Aaron rose easily with her in his arms, taking her to the bed. Gently he laid her down in center of the bed. Aaron moved away from her lifting his shirt over his head, unbuckling his belt, and unzipping the jeans pushing them and his boxer to the floor. He couldn’t remember ever wanting woman as badly as he wanted Asia. His eyes stayed trained on her as he removed his clothes. Her eyes lowered.


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