Aaron's Fall

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Aaron's Fall Page 5

by Lee, Vivian Rose

  “Asia keep your eyes on me baby,” he ordered huskily. Her green eyes rose to meet his. Aaron wanted her to see what she was to expect. He heard her gasped when he dropped his pant and boxers.

  Nervous eyes took in his naked form. Lean muscles rippled through his skin. His shoulders broad with a perfect chest sculptured, tight muscular abs, and long hard muscular shaped legs. Asia’s eyes widened when they became fixed on his manhood, thinking there was no way he would fit in her. Her body shivered in fear and anticipation. She was not going to back out now. She needed this to happen so she could be whole this one time just in case Aaron decided he didn’t want to see her when he return, she would at least have this one night to remember in his arms. Naked, Aaron lay down beside her capturing her mouth, Asia arms around his body, accepting him fully. Aaron threaded one hand through her hair, holding her head drinking of her essences. The other hand traced down to her flat stomach stroking her skin with feather like fingertips. Aaron marveled at the silky feel of her delicate skin and the light fragrance of her body enflaming him. He could hear the soft sighs deep in her throat as she accepted and even shyly touch her tongue to his. His lips left her trailing heated kisses to her neck and shoulders again capturing her over sensitive breasts with his lips slowly and gently sucking them. Asia moaned and arched her back. His hand moved lower until it was nestled between her legs gently stroking slipping his finger between her wet swollen folds easing his in inside her.

  Aaron raised his head watching her becoming more turned on then he ever remembered. She let out another moan and lifted her hips to meet his probing finger. She felt so amazing tight. He kissed her deeply positioning himself between her welcoming legs. Asia eased her arms around his neck. She could feel his erection at the opening of her body, pressing into her slowly, only to withdraw and repeat the action.

  Aaron gazed into her face, his eyes holding her. Her mouth was parted her breathing shallow, eyes closed languidly. a rosy hue covered her cheeks, as he inched slowly inside her. She moaned and opened her eyes, to look at him. He couldn’t believe how tight she, the way she fit around his manhood overwhelming. Aaron could feel the heated, wetness of her as her tight wall pulsated around him, massaging his hot, swollen manhood. Her lovely long neck exposed to his mouth, he sucked her neck losing himself in her body, he was harder than he’s ever remember being. Feeling her wet hot body pulsating on the tip of his manhood made it hard for him not to push himself into her warm welcoming body. He heard the soft purring in her throat. For each moan, that escaped, it stripped away his restraints.

  “I didn’t know this could feel…,” she whispered, as a teary eyed. “Please,” he heard her say softly.

  She needed more of him in her. He lifted her legs around his hips to sink deeper, when he felt a blockage; Aaron raised his head and looked at her astounded, motionless.

  “You’re a virgin,” Aaron whispered stunned.

  Her eyes widened looking at his face with question. She felt it the blockage that stopped him. Aaron gently rotated against the spot, massaging it, loosening the barrier. His mouth took hers passionately, deeply, his intentions to distract the pain he knew would follow. He pressed hard inside her, gaining him entrance. Asia lay motionless, feeling the slight pinch, she gasped, breathing heavily, heart pounding. Aaron stilled, feeling her walls stretching to accepting him. Aaron pressed his face in the crook of her neck, and smiled. He pressed in. With long, gentle slow strokes in her, she felt her body stretch, felt every inch of his thickness, as he pressed deeper, as her body adjusted to the invasion. She held on to him and lifted her hips to meet him instinctively.

  The control Aaron portrayed surprised him. He wanted her to feel all he could give her. He had bedded many women, always aware of their reaction to him, cataloguing it, getting a reaction and capitalizing on it. However, right now he was so immersed in the moment experiencing her pain and the glorious rush of release, and sexual bliss. Through it all he experienced, a deeper sense of connection, a deeper meaning beneath the sensations, beneath the physical pleasure. Aaron continued to move slowly in welcoming body; her body accepting and sheathing him like a warm glove, surrounding him.

  Asia slipped her arms under his cupping his shoulders, using him as anchor so she could push her hips against him, she followed his lead, she savored the feel of him, the sounds he made deep within himself. In a small portion of her mind, that remained lucid fully expecting an intense engagement. She was spinning did not want to stop; never had she felt the many sensations she was feeling at this moment. She felt alive for once in her life. Fullness developed in her she could not explain, as if she was floating, high above everything, looking down from high. Her arms tighten around his waist as she met his slow thrust.

  Aaron knew she was there and ready to surrender him her all. Their mouths fused, his tongue doing to her what his manhood was doing inside her. She held onto his tongue, gently sucking as her walls were doing to him. He pulled his mouth from her kiss, which was his undoing.

  Aaron movements increased; he couldn’t control it any longer. Even now freed from restrictions, his body remain attuned to hers, gauging with conscious direction, responding to every pulse of her walls, to every restless movement of her thighs, the rocking of her hips as she learned to match him and meet him. It was all so deliberate, and all consuming. Never has he ever been so totally absorbed, so totally submerged in the moment, so aware. Not just the woman, but of his own body, his pleasure. Each soft moan, the tightening of her fingers on his back, the tightness in his groin, fueled the tension driving him.

  “Let it happen,” he whispered, her green eyes gazing deeply into his dark ones, and she let go, the more she moved the harder he came. Her climax startled her, surprised mixed with ecstasy. He was so deeply embedded in her, she took him with her; release swept them both in a long glorious rapturous wave. Locked together, they rode it, let it take them; fling them high into the heavens into the realms of pleasured bliss. Minutes later they lay entwined together, slowly drifting to earth, each marveling at the passion they had just experienced.

  “How?” she whispered looking into his eyes.

  He felt her arms relax around him, and with the last of his strength, he rolled from her. They both remained silently deep in their own thoughts. Slowly reality returned to Aaron. Asia was a virgin. How? She said Marcus raped her. Was that a lie? Not able to remain quiet, Aaron asked.

  “Asia if Marcus raped you how was it that you’re still a virgin?”

  Asia turned her head away confused. Marcus did rape her. She didn’t know why she was still a virgin.


  “I don’t know how I am. He did rape me, at least I thought…” she quieted now unsure.

  He leaned over her. “Tell me what happened? Aaron demanded not wanting to believe Asia lied about everything, and was conning him, not to mention Tia.

  Asia took a deep breath. “The first time he took me I fought as hard as I could until I just gave up while he put himself in me, I just laid there. It seem like he was on me for hours. Suddenly he got off, leaving me lay beaten and bleeding on the floor. After a while when he came to me, I would just lay there and imagine myself somewhere else. I never understood why he would get so angry. As time passed I became very good at it shutting myself down not feeling anything. He would be all excited when he started, but the minute he try to enter me it would be gone. Frustrated he would give up and leave me alone. That didn’t stop him, he only keep trying. When he would come to me again the same thing would happen and when the same thing happens he’d give up again blaming me and then beat me up, and after every time he touched me I would empty my stomach, and scrub myself raw trying to rid myself of his smell and touch.

  “Did he have other women?” Aaron asked.

  “Sometimes women would come with his friends; they usually went to another room. I always stayed locked in my room whenever Marcus had company which was most of the time. The one thing he didn’t allow was his friends
touching me.” Asia looked deep in his eyes, suddenly realizing why he questioned her.

  “You think I lied about being raped,” she stated. Asia tried to get up, but Aaron held her down.

  She was right. At first that is what he thought, but now it didn’t matter.

  Asia pushed away from him trying to get up. “Please Aaron let me go,” she said firmly trying to move away.

  “No Asia I won’t let you go. I believe you. You have to understand my surprise. Why didn’t he just let you go? Aaron asked.

  “I asked him that once; that was the worst beating I ever had. He told me he owned me, and it didn’t matter that I couldn’t please him I was his property.”

  Thank God that bastard is already dead; it would have done his heart good to beat the hell out of Marcus. “I’m sorry baby you had to go through all that and from now on we will not look back only forward okay?

  Nodding her head, Asia lay quietly on her back looking up at the ceiling deep in thought. She didn’t know what to say or how to feel now although happy Marcus wasn’t man enough to take her virginity, leaving her a small part of herself her, because he had taken her dignity and pride stomping on emotional and physical well-being, leaving her an empty shell that was afraid of her own shadow. She was not going to let thoughts of Marcus ruin the best night of her life. Aaron made her feel good, almost pretty and she wanted to remember this night fondly, not with thoughts of the injustice Marcus subjected her to.

  Aaron didn’t know why but he was glad he was the one honored with her unknown virginity. He had been with many women, but none pulled from him what this beautiful creature unknowingly did. His head turned to look at her face. Her eyes were closed. Slowly they opened, and rolled to face him.

  “Did I please you?” she asked timidly.

  “Did I please you?” Aaron countered.

  She looked at him wistfully. Her eyes softened. Her mouth turned up into the most amazing smile, her green eyes sparkling like her whole face glowed. She was exquisite.

  “My God Asia you’re beautiful. Whatever you do don’t ever stop smiling for me,”

  She blushed, her smile faded.

  “Stop saying that, it not true!” she said rising from he bed.

  Aaron pulled her back down on the bed.

  “Who told you, you were not?” Aaron asked confused, didn’t she know how beautiful she is.

  “If you hear your ugly enough, you start to believe it,” she replied.

  He pulled her closer to him.

  “So if I keep telling you, your beautiful, will you believe it,” Aaron said with a smile.

  She looked deep into his eyes. “I don’t know I never heard it.” Asia replied.

  “Do you know what I want now?” Aaron asked smiling.

  “No what?” she replied mildly curiously

  “You!” he said kissing her mouth.

  “We can do this again?” she asked genuinely surprised. “So soon.”

  “Yes, but different this time,” he requested, huskily, lifting her to straddle him. She felt his manhood against her. The sensation took her breath away. With his hand grasping her hip Aaron lifted her sitting down on him. He showed her how to move on him; after a while, she was in control, and loved it. They made love long into the night falling into an exhausted sleep.

  Aaron awoke early, and looked at the sleeping form beside him. This had been more then he expected. If he wasn’t careful, Asia would steal his heart, something he wasn’t ready to give. He still couldn’t rationalize how very different the interlude had been, that she, a virgin, had been the one woman in all his years and experience to shatter his control, captivate him, taking him to wherever they had been.

  Raising from the bed and smoothing her hair from her face and softly kissed her lips.

  Chapter Four

  Asia stretched languidly, a smile on her face. Aaron had been gone for about two months, and was due return soon. She missed him. Since he left for camp she lived that night repeatedly in her head. Knowing it was probably wishful thinking but she wanted him to make her feel special, as he did that night.

  She rose humming, a song she had written a long time ago. She wanted her keyboard but forgotten it at the old house, and she was going to get it. When Marcus lived there, he didn’t allow her to play it, so she hid it so he wouldn’t destroy it as he did everything she had a fondness for in her house. She hadn’t wanted to write in a long time. With the changes in her life, she felt good again, and knew she could create some beautiful music.

  A knock at the door brought her back from her musings. She opened the door. UPS driver at her door.

  “Package for Asia Brooks, sign here.” She signed and took the small package. She opened it, inside was a cell phone a note attached.

  “Hello beautiful, I’m giving you this phone so you can contact me anytime, I mean anytime you need me. My number is programmed in as well as Tia’s; I’ll be back next month to see that beautiful smile. Call me when you get the phone. Aaron

  Asia pressed the button for Aaron’s number.

  “Hi beautiful,” he said.

  “Hi, stop saying that,” she said shyly.

  “You okay?”

  “I’m fine,”

  “Are you still smiling?” Asia chuckled.

  “Good, if you need anything, call me or Tia.


  “See you next month.”

  “Aaron why are you doing this?” Asia asked, quietly

  “I care about you, and I love your smile, see you next month.”

  Asia looked at the phone, and smiled.

  Asia got off the bus a block from her house. She wanted her keyboard; she wanted to start composing again. She stopped in front of the house looking up at it. She hadn’t been back since she had moved out. Aaron even helped her put the old dilapidated house up for sale, although she thought it should be demolished.

  Asia climbed the steps and with the key opened the door. She frowned. There was someone living here. She walked down the hallway to the living room. She stopped stunned, Bass, Marcus friend, was lounging on the couch.

  “Oh, Asia so your back.” he said leering at her, a sinister smile on his unattractive face.

  “What are you doing here Bass? She asked irately.

  “This is my house now bitch.”

  Asia heart banged hard against her chest. She looked around the room, guns lay out in the open on the table, and on another was vials and bags of drugs ready for distribution. How many times had she witness this when Marcus was alive. Soon the runners would be here to pick up the drugs to be sold. Asia shook her head.

  “Now that Marcus is gone, I own this block and everything he had, including you.”

  Bass was a short stocky overweight man, dark skinned with a huge bulbous nose, dark beady eyes and thick lips. He had been Marcus’s second in command, when he was alive. He was called Bass, because of his deep voice.

  “I thought you were in prison.” Asia stated.

  “I’m out, and you wasn’t her Girl, come over here,” he said getting up from the couch, “Marcus said I can have you if anything ever happened to him.”

  Asia begun to panicked, those old feelings flooding her psyche. She backed up the hallway and turned to run. Just as she reach the door he caught her by her hair, dragging her back into the living room. Asia screamed; he punched her in the face, her head snapped back from the assault.

  “Shut up, when I say come, you come,” he said, his putrid breath in her face. He punched her again.

  “Do you understand me?” Bass yelled in her face, pushing her against the wall.

  Asia tried to get away from him, but he caught her arm, his beefy hand biting into her flesh. He slapped her again. She pulled away. He punched her again, this time she fell to the floor on her face, she remain that way for a minute, memories of abuse flooding her mind. Please God not again, she prayed silently. Bass kicked her in the back. Asia cowered in a ball against the wall, her body tense with fear.
  “Get up Bitch!” Bass yelled.

  When she did not move, he kicked her again

  Asia managed to get to her hands and knees slowly. Bass reached down and snatched her up by her hair. Asia grabbed the hair his hand, to take some of the pressure off her scalp. He backed her to the wall pinning her there, trying to kiss her. Asia turned her head. Bass grasped her face, his pudgy fingers biting into her jaws, forcing her face to his. He pressed his thick lips to hers, his tongue trying to go into her mouth. She kept her lips tightly shut, gagging feeling that nauseous sickness raise her throat, with his wet sloppy tongue trying to pry her mouth open. He released her. Instinctively Asia spit in his face, trying to get his taste from her mouth. He slapped her so hard her head snapped back hitting the wall. He grabbed her by her arms his finger bruising her upper arms. He punched her, again knocking her to the floor. Tucking her body into a tight ball waiting for the kick she knew would follow. When it landed she swallowed the scream that wanted to escape. Why God? She thought.

  “You bitch,” Bass cursed wiping the wetness from his face. He grabbed her by her hair pulling her to her feet. Her head jerked to the side from the force of his fist connecting on the side of her head.

  When he made an attempt to hit her again she raised her arms to block the next blow. He snatched her arm down holding it in a tight grip preventing her from raising it. He threw another punch directly to her eyes. She dropped to the floor black spots before her eyes.

  Bass chuckled sinisterly. “Marcus said he had to beat your ass regularly to keep you loyal. You gonna be loyal to me Asia?

  The tears flowed from her now swelling eyes. She had been through this so many times with Marcus, and she would rather die than go through this again.

  His beady eyes stared down at her, as she whimpered and cowered on the floor. “Marcus always told me you was easy to control, just kick your ass and you come crawling, he sure trained you well.”


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