Aaron's Fall

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Aaron's Fall Page 17

by Lee, Vivian Rose

  “My God,” Trevet said, “She a star,” he said in awe. They all started talking at once.

  “So Son, what did you think?” Trevet asked Aaron.

  “She’s good Dad, I’m going home, see everyone,” And he was gone.

  Aaron lay in his bed wondering whom Asia was seeing. This was a big night for her, and she was around the people she has the most in common with. Which big entertainer was going to sweep her off her feet, who was she going to fall for? She was beautiful tonight, and he was sure every man in the audience was drooling over her. He certainly was. If only he could go back in time to the day when he pushed her away. He made so many mistakes when it came to the woman he cared about. Aaron groaned and punched the pillow, wondering if he hasn’t made the biggest mistake in his life by allowing Asia to leave him.

  Asia lay in the hotel suite. She and Benny flew out of LA, and back to Atlanta, right after the show, she didn’t want to go to any of the after parties, she just wanted to go home. She went to her loft, but it was surrounded with paparazzi, and she was too tired to fight them, plus the Marauders stayed in LA with the rest for the parties. Benny suggested she stay at the Ritz-Carlton for the night. She was exhausted she just wanted a hot bath and a comfortable bed. They arrived in Atlanta about two in the morning. She missed Aaron, and she wanted him, needing to feel him close her. She lifted her phone.

  “Hello,” Aaron said sleepily.

  “Aaron,” Asia said softly.

  “Asia,” he said surprised to hear her voice.

  “Yes,” she paused. “Come to me, I’m at the Ritz-Carlton Suite 2001,” she said then paused.

  “Aaron” she repeated his name.

  “Yes,” he replied.

  “Only if you want me,” she said and hung up the phone.

  Aaron stared at the phone. He thought for sure she would be still in LA partying with all those entertainers. Aaron sat up in the bed. He was wide-awake now. Of course, he wanted her, he wanted her more than she knew, he thought of nothing else. He didn’t delay; he was out of his house, and in his car.

  Asia prayed he would come. Its been almost four months, and she was leaving in the morning for England, than Japan, and stopping in Miami. She put on a lace teddy, her hair loose around her shoulder; she lay on the bed waiting. Fifteen minutes later, she heard the knock she was waiting for.

  She opened the door. “Hello Beautiful,” he said lifting her from her feet, kicking the door shut, his mouth on hers.

  Later they lay in the afterglow of their lovemaking, both silent. Aaron rolled to his side. “You okay?” he asked quietly.

  “I’m great,” she said softly.

  “Do you regret this?” Asia rolled to face him.

  “I’ll never regret loving you Aaron.” He looked deeply into her green eyes.

  “I don’t deserve you Asia,” he stated solemnly. She smiled rising from the bed.

  “I have to get dressed Aaron,” she said, “I’m leaving in a few hours.”

  “Where are you going?’

  “England, than Japan.” she told him rising from the bed.

  “How long?”

  “Three weeks,”

  “But not in Atlanta?” he asked disgruntled.

  “I’m still on tour, maybe three more months.”

  “I’ll be back in Atlanta then,” she said.

  “I don’t think I can wait another three months for you Asia”

  “I don’t expect you to, but I could wait a lifetime for you Aaron,” she stated and went into the bathroom closing the door; she leaned against it and cried.

  This was the last city, Miami, and Asia was exhausted, lately she felt sick on the stomach, just a little queasy sometimes. She just needed rest, that’s all. She lay on the lounge in her dressing room, trying to settle her nerves.

  Chez, Wilson and Rhonda came in. She lay with her arm thrown over her eyes. She looked up at them and wondered why they were there so early, she wanted to take a little nap.

  “Baby, we need to talk,” Chez said. Asia sat up.

  “Now girl, we’ve notice some changes in you, and you know we know you through and through, your putting on weight. Asia frowned.

  “Weight, that’s not good, huh.” she said.

  “Well now sweetie, why are you putting on weight, that’s the question you should ask yourself?” Chez said, always dramatic. Asia frowned again.

  “What are you talking about?” she asked looking from one to the other.

  “Just give it to her, Chez,” Wilson said. Chez handed her a box. Asia read it.

  “Pregnancy test!” she said in shock, looking up at them.

  Asia laughed. “You think I’m pregnant.” She asked incredulously. The three of them nodded.

  Just take the test, if we’re wrong, we’re wrong, but if you are, you’ve got some explaining to do.” Chez stated with his hand on his hips.

  “Okay, but I know I’m not.” She stated confidently.

  Asia went into the bathroom, read the instructions, and proceeded with the test. A minute later, she came out holding the wand in her hand staring out in front of her, a shock express on her face. She looked at the three of them.

  “This can’t be right, get me another one.” she stated.

  Wilson handed her the box. She looked at him in amazement, “You really came prepared,” she said turning and going into the bathroom.

  She came out staring at the wand, and sat heavily on the chaise lounge looking at the plus sign for the second time. She looked up at them.

  “Alright Missy, who are you seeing? Chez asked. He rolled his eyes upward, clutching his chest. “I hope its not that bass player in England, please say its not.”

  “I haven’t been intimate with any of the men we met on tour.” she stated firmly.

  “Well, who?” they all said together.

  Asia mouth dropped open, she covered it. “Oh no,” she said rising, “Oh no,” she said looking at them.

  “What?” they said.

  Remember after the show in LA,” they nodded. “I went to Atlanta, I called Aaron,” she said wincing.

  “Well alright,” Chez said taking a deep breath and exhaling.

  “No, you don’t understand, he said he can’t wait for me, its really over now, Chez, what am I going to do, should I tell him anyway, or no,” she started pacing.

  “Call him, feel him out see what’s going on with him, that all.” Wilson advised.

  Asia picked up her phone and dialed his number.

  “Hello,” a female voice said.

  Asia looked at the phone, to check the number she dialed, it was Aaron’s number.

  “Is Aaron available.” she asked apprehensively.

  “No, who calling,” the female voice said.

  Asia became silent.

  “Is this Asia, girl it Shanna,”


  “Yeah, Aaron in the shower we were on our way out, but I’ll tell him you called.

  Asia chest started to ache.

  Asia you there,” Shanna said in the phone.


  “Well since you and Aaron are just friends now, I guess I can tell you, Aaron and I are getting engaged, its not official yet, but we’re getting married.

  “Aaron proposed to you?” Asia asked.

  “No not yet, but I found the ring, and he doesn’t know I saw it, but he taking me to dinner tonight, so I’m hopeful, I’ll tell him you called, bye.”

  The color drained from Asia face. He’s going to marry Shanna.” she repeated shocked. Asia lay back on the chaise.

  “Are you sure, I don’t trust that heifa,” Chez said.

  “How could it not be, he’s always with her.” Asia replied.

  Asia sat up quickly. “He can’t know, I don’t want him to know, he made his choice, he chose Shanna, I won’t upset his life with a child.” she stated firmly.

  “If he finds out Asia, what are you going to tell him, you can’t hide for long,” Wilson said.
/>   “I’m not going back to Atlanta, that’s all, I move down here, I like Miami” she stated simply.

  “What about Brie and Trevet, you can’t keep them in the dark Honey, their like your parents.” Rhonda said.

  “I have to for now, please, keep my secret, please, until I can figure out something, but Aaron must not know, at least until after he’s married.”

  They all agreed begrudgingly, promising to keep the secret, although they knew it was a bad idea.

  Asia didn’t hide that she was pregnant, but she didn’t advertise it either. She moved to Miami; Benny found her a condo, and Asia moved in. Football season had started, so they wouldn’t be around her, she finished touring, and she could do her recording in Miami. She thought of everything.

  She call Brie and Trevet every day, she didn’t ask about Aaron, and they didn’t mention his engagement. Benny didn’t schedule any tour dates, just a few appearances here and there. When she started to show she would stop that also. Chez, Wilson and Rhonda would travel when she needed them, they all returned to Atlanta.

  It has been six months and she round as a butterball. The doctor told her she was having a girl, Asia was thrilled. She wanted so badly to share this with everyone, but then she would be in jeopardy of ruining Aaron new life. He should be busy planning his wedding now or maybe married. She couldn’t mess up his life with Shanna, if he was happy now. Asia sighed; she had to get ready for this taping for some local talk show. The last she would do until after the baby came.

  Martin and Aaron were sitting in the hotel lounge having lunch. They were in Miami getting ready to play this Sunday.

  “Heard from Asia?” he asked.

  “Nope,” Aaron answered. Aaron lately was always sullen and moody. He refuse to talk about Asia with anyone. The life of the party has lost its fizz. He played football, then go home or either to the hotel room; he didn’t hang out anymore.

  “Call her man, you know you miss her.”

  “I can’t we decided its over, she calls Mom and Dad, they say she fine, that enough for me,” he stated.

  Aaron your miserable without her, you need to get her back,” Martin told him.

  “I’m fine.” The lounge TV was on.

  “Hey there’s that beautiful singer, what’s her name, oh yeah Asia Brooks, damn I could do her all night long,” someone said in the lounge.

  Aaron tensed. Aaron and Martin turned there attention the television. She was sitting a seat beside the host.

  “So Asia, how do you like the fair city of Miami?” he asked.

  “It nice here, I’ve been here six months, still getting familiar with everything.”

  “We know your not performing, but you are recording?”

  “Yes, this is my third CD, and it more Jazz and Blues, some of the old singers Etta James, Dinah Washington, Billie Holiday.”

  “Asia will sing a cut from her new CD when we return.” The host announced before commercial break.

  “Aaron she in Miami, go and see her.”


  “Why?” Martin asked frowning at his stubborn friend.

  “I’m going to leave things as they are, it obvious she moved on, its like you said, if I waited to long I would lose her, well I lost.”

  “You love her, that’s all that matters now.” Aaron looked at Martin.

  “Yes I do, but like I said, she moved on, I’m not going to disrupt her life again, it been six months.”

  “Welcome back,” the host said.

  “Asia going sing a cut for us from her latest CD when we return,” the host announced.”

  Asia stood, her rounded belly protruding in front of her. Martin and Aaron’s mouths dropped open, both staring at the TV screen.

  “She pregnant,” Martin said astonished.

  “Damn her! Aaron said through clenched teeth. “Damn her! Martin looked at Aaron.

  “Wait Aaron, don’t go thinking...”

  “What Martin, that she moved on, that’s why she didn’t come back to Atlanta, because she knocked up, probably from some joker on tour, and she is to ashamed to come home, what the hell else am I suppose to think.”

  “Come on Aaron, we have to find out where she is in Miami, come on man call her,” Martin pushed.

  Aaron started pressing buttons on his phone. He was so angry his hands trembled. Martin took his phone and looked for her name; he found Asia number and pressed the button.

  “It’s ringing.” Martin said watching Aaron.

  “Hello,” Asia said.

  “Hello Asia, its Martin.”

  “Martin, hello, how are you, is everything okay?” Asia replied, surprise heard in her tone. Aaron snatched the phone from Martin.

  “Where the hell are you!? Aaron yelled in the phone.

  “Aaron,” she said shaken.

  “Damn it Asia, tell me now!”

  “I can’t,” she said softly.

  “Asia you can’t do this to me!” She was quiet.

  “Asia! Asia! Tell me now!” Aaron shouted into the phone.

  “Okay,” she said and gave him the address.

  Asia paced the floor to her living room waiting and wondering what she was going to say to Aaron. She had forgotten they played Miami this weekend. Asia heard the doorbell ring, and inhaled a nervous breath. She heard Aaron familiar voice, asked the housekeeper where she was. Not waiting for a reply, he called out to her.

  “Asia!” Aaron voice boomed.

  “In here Aaron,” she calmly replied.

  Aaron came into sunroom.

  Words failed her since Aaron astounded her. Aaron looked so good, and was as handsome as she remembered more so; she especially liked the neatly trimmed beard he was now sporting. He was always gorgeous turning the heads of the female species wherever he went. The six-month absence didn’t diminish the raw masculine sexuality he carried around him like a cloak. Martin following behind him. Aaron’s eyes trailed her body, her face was a little pale, but still as beautiful as he remembered. His eyes stopped at her swollen belly. Aaron went straight to her and grabbed her arm, forcing her to look at him.

  “How could you do this to me Asia?”

  Asia pulled away, frowning and quietly asked, “Do what to you, Aaron?”

  “Who’s the father, some quickie on tour?” he said crudely.

  “Same old Aaron,” she said turning her back to him, feeling his eyes boring into her.

  “Answer me Asia!” Aaron yelled.

  She turned to him. “Does it really matter now?” she said coolly, moving past him.

  Aaron halted her exit, grasping her arm. Asia stumbled, trying to pull away from him.

  Be careful Aaron,” Martin warned. She snatched away from him, angry now.

  “Get out Aaron!”

  “Who’s the father, some dude in between tours, or a band member, who Asia!” he barked so loud, she jumped, the baby moved, and she clutched her stomach.

  Tears burned in the back of her eyes. She didn’t want to cry, yet it seemed that all she did lately. She turned from him again.

  “Does it matter who it is Aaron?” she said defeated.

  Aaron sighed, calming a little. “Asia just six months ago, your declared you love me, and would wait a lifetime for me,” Aaron reminded her.

  She looked at him then. “Yes Aaron I did and you said you couldn’t wait three months for me, well Aaron I changed my mind, a lifetime is too long to wait for anyone, when the other could not return the same feelings,” Asia countered bitterly. “The ironic thing I realize is I have yet to even hear you say you even liked me, yes your action showed it in the past, in bed, but the words Aaron, just to hear the words meant a lot six months ago. From me Aaron, I gave you what you wanted, your freedom to pursue whomever you wanted, I wanted you to be happy, although it hurt to say the words, I let you go so you wouldn’t have to, it was easier to accept if I said it, so Aaron I’ve accepted it and your decision, so please just go.”

  Aaron stared at her. “I can’t be
lieve just a short six months ago, you loved me, so now you’re telling me you stopped loving me so soon.”

  Asia turned away, afraid he might see she still loved him. “What does it matter now?”

  “Do Mom and Dad know your six months preg…,” he frowned. “Whoa, wait a minute,” he said thinking with a furrowed brow, and started to count on his fingers. Aaron looked over at Martin, a frown on his face.

  “The key words here Aaron, is six months ago,” Martin replied.

  “Asia, this is my child, isn’t it?” Aaron replied loudly. Aaron grabbed her none to gentle, turning her back to face him, his large hand biting into her upper arms causing her to cringe in pain.

  “Aaron, let her go!” Martin bellowed, rushing to him. He dropped his hands.

  “You would let me believe someone else father my child, because you’re hurt Asia, I never would have thought that of you!” He said angrily. “Damn you, we lost a child together Asia, my God, to keep this from me!”

  “Shut up Aaron, stop trying to playing martyr, you didn’t tell me about your wife, so go home to your wife!” She screamed at him.

  “Wife!” Martin and Aaron uttered in one accord.

  “Get out! Get out! I don’t want you here! She yelled, leaving from the room.

  “Asia!” he yelled, going after her, Martin behind them.

  Aaron caught her. “What wife?” Aaron asked confusion on his face.

  “Shanna was thrill to tell me you proposed, I will not be a married man mistress with his bastard child, I’ve put up with many things from you, I won’t stoop that low,” she told him sternly.

  “What in the hell are you talking about? I am not engaged to Shanna.” He replied firmly.

  “I called you Aaron to tell you about the baby; Shanna answered your phone and told me, since we’re all friends now she can tell me you and she was engaged!” Asia yelling the last part.

  “Get away from me!” she said pushing him, moving away from him. Asia turned to face him, enraged.

  “I’ve loved you a long time Aaron, but you couldn’t even tell me you liked me, but you proposed to her, I hate you Aaron. I hate you! She screamed.


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