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His Devil's Mercy

Page 5

by Linzi Basset

  “It shouldn’t be a problem. We’ve got Parnell on standby, Quinlan and Ruark on board. They’re less than five minutes away.”

  “Quin’s here too?”

  “Yep, wouldn’t stay behind,” Bruce said.

  “Anyone have any ideas? I can get loose, but I’m surrounded by wolves, actual and metaphorical.”

  “Come now, Max, my boy . . . what happened to the ‘touch’ you were bragging about?” Bruce taunted him.

  “Fuck off, Bruce. The alpha has teeth the size of my thumb.” Max snorted as the two men burst into laughter in his ear. “I’m glad you find it so funny,” he muttered, looking around. “It seems that everyone is moving inside for their daily nap. What time does the sun set?”

  “Around six-thirty,” Rhone offered after a brief silence. “You have an hour-and-a-half to make friends with your new pets. We’ll land behind the dune at the back of the compound and meet you outside the west wall. Think you can make it there by seven?”

  “You’ll hear my screams if the wolves don’t agree,” Max mumbled. The sun was beating down on him, drawing the moisture from his skin. His mouth was already dry, and his lips felt parched. He hadn’t had anything to drink since early that morning. Drops of sweat made their way down his back. He dropped his gaze to the silver wolf.

  “You like me, doncha, buddy?” Max said in a deep, low tone. The wolf stared at him, like he was assessing whether he was worth his attention. He continued to talk to the wolf, keeping his gaze locked on him the entire time. It wasn’t the cleverest thing to do, especially as he needed to preserve the fluids in his body but gaining the animal’s trust was imperative if he wanted to walk away in one piece.

  It took almost an hour of cajoling and praise before the wolf relaxed his stance and lowered his huge body on his hind legs. He kept his eyes on Max, listening to the soothing tones of his voice.

  Fifteen minutes later Max was surprised to feel the warmth of a snout nuzzling against his hands. He looked over his shoulder, into the soulful eyes of the other two wolves. While he’d been concentrating on the alpha, he’d unknowingly caught the attention of the other two. He brushed his fingers over their noses, gently stroking and patting their ears as they moved around his body, begging for attention.

  “Got two of them in the bag, Goliath.” Max said in the same tone.

  “What took you so long?” Bruce asked in a chuckle. “You’ve got an hour at the most, Max. We can’t wait too much longer, especially as we don’t know where the women are.”

  Max continued the monologue with the wolf while he started working his hands loose. It didn’t take too long to snap the rope. He realized that Joanne had sliced into it while pretending to check them.

  “Come now, Zaeim,” Max continued. “Yep, that’s your name. It means the great leader. Like that, don’t you?” Max kept his hands behind him, wary of making any moves that might shatter the trust he could see in the sharp, yellow eyes centered on him. The wolf growled softly, followed by a long whimper. “That’s it. Come closer, Zaeim. I’m not your enemy. Yes, that’s it. Come over here, buddy.”

  Max coaxed the big wolf and sighed in relief when he slowly circled him, rubbing his body against Max’s legs. Max reached out and trailed his fingers over his back and ears until he pushed his snout into his palm.

  The three wolves whined and rubbed against him for attention. He glanced around but couldn’t detect any movement apart from the lights that had flickered on around the compound. Everyone was still inside and resting. He slid down the pole and started working loose the ropes around his ankle. He chuckled as the wolves attacked his face, licking and pressing their noses against his cheek.

  “Yeah, yeah, I think you’re cute too,” he mumbled as he stepped away from the wooden cross.

  “Well, now I’ve seen everything,” Joanne said quietly from the shadows. Max didn’t hesitate and ran in the direction of her voice. She stood against the side of the building waiting for him.

  “You should’ve known better, baby,” he drawled. He ignored the desire to pull her against him and devour her mouth. For one thing, the timing sucked, and his lips were drier than the desert sand, not to mention that the cut throbbed painfully. He gratefully took the water bottle that Joanne offered him and downed it in a few quick sips. It immediately soothed his parched throat and dry lips. “Let’s go.” He took her hand and dragged her with him to the west wall.

  “We’re on the move. Are you in place?” Max asked as he tapped his ear.

  “Waiting on your slow ass, as usual,” Bruce informed him in a dry voice.

  “Wait! We can’t leave, Max. The women—”

  “We’ll get to the women, Joanne, but first I need to get you out of this fucking compound.”

  Joanne skidded to a halt like a recalcitrant mule. “I’m not going anywhere without them. We need to go back, Maximilian.”

  “Stop being so hard-headed, for once in your life. We’ll get them out.”

  “How? You don’t stand a chance of getting inside without me. Stop arguing, Max. We’re wasting valuable time. The rest of the tribe is going to start waking up in less than an hour.”

  “Where are we going?”

  “Blue and white building—south-west corner of the perimeter.”

  “You guys got that?”

  “Roger,” Rhone clipped.

  “Who are you talking to?” Joanne asked. She skirted the buildings quickly, glancing behind them. “Well, look at that. You have a following.”

  Max didn’t need to look around. He’d been aware of the wolves silently tracking them. One way or the other, he was bringing them along. Rhone would just have to get over his aversion to wild animals.

  “I’m waiting for an answer, Max,” Joanne reminded him.

  “Rhone, Bruce, Quin and Ruark are here for moral support.” Max said, deadpan.

  She snorted but couldn’t keep the disappointment from her voice. “I thought Jack would have been here.”

  “He doesn’t know.”

  Joanne skidded to a halt and stared at him. “What do you mean, he doesn’t know?”

  “I didn’t want to raise his hopes, Jo, not until I knew exactly what we were up against.”

  Joanne nodded as she glanced around. “They have to wait for us at the wall. We’re going in to retrieve the women.”

  “It’ll be better to have backup, Jo. We need to get in and out quickly.”

  “I’m not an idiot, Max. I have a plan. Just tell them to wait at the west exit.”

  “Roger that. We’ll be stat at the wall,” Rhone confirmed in Max’s ear.

  “I miss Jack,” Joanne said quietly but started running again.

  “Yeah, he misses you too.” And I fucking missed you more. But it was an admission Max wasn’t ready to make. Not yet.

  But once we’re back in the States, your cute little ass is mine, Ms. Blackmore. And this time, I’m not letting you go.

  Chapter Four

  “Put these on,” Joanne handed Max a white thwab, a blue and black checkered keffiyeh and a black agal. They were hiding in the dark, just outside the building where the women were being held. “I’m going to introduce you to the guards as a potential buyer who wants to choose some concubines for the night.”

  “How generous of you, baby. I remember a time when you balked at me for just looking at—”

  “Thanks Max. I needed a reminder that you’re a jackass,” Joanne snapped. “Get dressed. You’re wasting time.”

  She narrowed her eyes warningly when he chuckled at her irate glare, not in the least fazed by her frosty reaction. His deep rumbling mirth slithered past the ironclad wall she’d locked around her heart. It thumped wildly in her chest, like it had been since the moment she’d laid eyes on him in the city. He was even more attractive now that he was older. He exuded an animal magnetism and wielded it like a master craft. She found it difficult to resist him and she could only imagine how popular he must be with subs.

  Yeah, my stupi
d heart just has to calm down. I’m not falling for his tricks again.

  Joanne might have some control over her mind and heart, but her libido spiked every time Max turned those sapphire blue eyes on her. She shook off her wayward thoughts and reached up to fix the headdress he jammed on his head.

  “You’re so sweet, baby,” he said. Their eyes met as she took a step back, watching his partially illuminated face. His eyes dropped to her chest and with complete disregard, he brazenly pushed the shirt out of the way to slip the tip of his finger under the tight binding around her breasts. “Once we’re out of here, I’m cutting them loose. It’s a sin to hide these gorgeous tits of yours.”

  Joanne shimmered with anger when her body reacted immediately to his touch. She slapped away his hand with a growl, “Paws off, Maximilian.” She pivoted around and stomped toward the door. “Let’s go. No false moves. This way we can get out quickly and undetected.”

  “Yes, Joanne,” Max drawled behind her. His warm breath brushed against her temple as he leaned closer. “Make no mistake though, baby. My paws, as you call them, are going to be all over your delectable body once we’re back in the States.”

  Joanne glanced sideways at him, enthralled by the sudden roughness in his voice and the wicked glint in his eyes. His arousal was apparent in every flex of his muscled frame. She pressed her thighs together, suddenly desperate to keep her own sexual excitement contained. The attraction she felt toward him wouldn’t recede and she was tempted to give in to a reckless impulse to yank his head down and kiss him senseless.

  “Dream on, bucko.” She opted for denial instead. “Stay.” She ordered the wolves before she walked inside the building. It was more important to get the women to safety than give in to her desires. “Bahal!” Her hoarse voice echoed against the stone walls. “Where are you? Ladayna dayf.”

  “What does that mean?” Max queried but followed her as she continued at a brisk pace toward the back of the building.

  “We have guests.”

  “Just how am I supposed to pull it off being an Arab sheikh, Jo? My Arabic is broken at best.” He glanced over his shoulder. The three wolves sat in a row just outside the entrance, watching them.

  “Speak English. Many trading sheikhs converse in English.”

  “Thought of everything, didn’t you,” Max praised quietly, impressed with her thoroughness.

  “Let’s hope so. Now, get into the role. Be superior, autocratic . . . gmphf, what am I saying—it’s your natural style. Just act . . . normal,” she instructed. “I’ll cough, clear my throat or wipe my mouth as a sign which women you have to choose.”

  “Why not take all of them?”

  “Because not all of them want to leave.”

  “Jarrah?” A burly guard appeared in a doorway. He glanced briefly at Max. He rubbed his eyes, still half asleep.

  “This is Sheikh Zayed bin Rashid from Dubai. He has expressed his desire for some company tonight. Are our ladies clean and prepared?”

  “Always, Jarrah, as you ordered.” He respectfully bowed his head in their direction before he turned to grab keys from the desk behind him and led them down a flight of stairs.

  Twenty minutes later they were on their way. Max was amazed that the guard didn’t blink an eye at the number of women he had selected for his ‘supposed’ entertainment.

  “My apologies for waking you early, Bahal. Please, go back to sleep. I’ll escort the sheikh to the palace,” Joanne said. She quickened her step as they neared the exit, hurrying the women along. They dragged their steps, not very keen on another night of debauchery that none of them were willing participants in. Joanne hadn’t had time to convey her plan to them.

  “As you wish, Jarrah,” Bahal said, only too happy to return to his bed.

  Max led the way around the side of the building with Joanne making up the rear. One of the women stopped and glanced at Joanne. “Where are we going? This isn’t the way to the palace.”

  “It’s time, ladies. This is Max Shaw. He’s come to take us home. Shh!” She said urgently when they all erupted in cries of delight. “Don’t make a noise, we’re not in the clear. If you alert the guards, we’re all screwed.”

  They dutifully suppressed their excitement and followed Max to the side wall where Bruce and Quinlan were waiting.

  “Do they know who you really are?” Max asked under his breath.

  “Yes. Most of them arrived with me a year ago,” she said shortly. “Once I managed to escape from Nadqan and secured a position here, I went back to extract as many as I could. I couldn’t chance rescuing more than one at a time. It took me ten months to get these twelve out.”

  Max didn’t respond, overcome with pride at how strong she’d been during the entire ordeal. He smiled as they arrived at the west exit.

  “Fancy meeting you here, cuz.” He thumped Quinlan on the shoulder.

  “Calista didn’t give me much choice. It seems my wife is quite taken with you,” Quinlan responded gruffly but returned Max’s smile. “Is everyone here?” He asked, gesturing to the women huddled behind them.

  “Yes,” Joanne responded. “Oh,” she gasped in surprise as Quinlan yanked her into his arms for a quick hug before Bruce followed suit.

  “Good to see you, squirt,” he said against her cheek.

  “You too, Bruce and Quin; thanks for coming to get me.”

  “Enough chit-chat. Let’s get the hell out of here,” Max urged them through the narrow gate in the wall. “How far are the birds?”

  “On the other side of the dune. It’s not too steep so we should make it there in less than thirty minutes,” Quinlan responded. He eyed the three huge animals following them. “Blow me over. I thought Rhone was kidding about them. What do you propose to do about them, cuz?”

  “Fuck me if I know.”

  The rest of the trek over the dune was conducted in silence. Some of the women started to wheeze halfway up the dune, forcing them to stop for spells to allow them to catch their breath.

  “We better hurry. There’s movement in the compound. People are waking up,” Max urged them on. It spurred the women to walk faster. He only relaxed once they crested the top of the dune and boarded the choppers.

  “Hell no, Max! They’re not getting into the chopper,” Rhone barred the way when Max tried to entice the wolves inside.

  “Come on, mate. They’re tame,” he protested.

  “No. It’s not a ten-minute flight back home, Max. Let them loose. They’re wild animals by nature. They’ll survive.”

  Max turned to the animals. “I guess you’re right.” He went on his haunches in front of them to pat their heads. “This is the end of the road, Zaeim. Go and find your pack. You’re meant to rule, my friend. Just don’t let anyone capture you again.”

  The wolf whined and tossed his head. He pressed his snout into Max’s throat briefly. With a loud howl, he turned and ran off into the dark, the two females following closely on his heels.

  “Time to go, Max!” Bruce shouted when he stood watching them run off.

  With a regretful shrug, he climbed into the chopper. “Buckle up ladies,” he ordered. He was still closing the door when Rhone took off without further delay.

  “We’re flat hatting, Parnell, below radar detection. I’m not in the mood to spend time in an Arab prison.”

  “Hell, yes. Neither do I,” Max’s voice rumbled in the confined space. He slipped his arm around Joanne’s shoulder and pulled her against his side. Before she could object, he slipped his knife between her breasts and cut through the binding.

  She couldn’t suppress the sigh of pleasure when the pressure around her breasts relaxed. The only times she’d been able to unbind her breasts had been on the monthly trips that she’d taken to the city on her own. She couldn’t take a chance to sleep without it, in case someone entered her room at night. The prospect of never having to wear it again, filled her with elation. She itched to rub her throbbing breasts but squashed the desire. It’ll have to wait until
she was out from under Max’s intense regard.

  The knowing smile on his lips warned her that he could read the thoughts milling through her mind. His next words confirmed it.

  “Don’t worry, baby,” he whispered in her ear. “I’ll massage those beauties for you as soon as we’re alone.”

  “Thank you, but that won’t be necessary. A nice hot bath would do the trick.”

  His deep and delighted rumble pricked her ears. He yanked off the keffiyeh and unwound her hair. Joanne smothered the moan of pleasure when he lightly massaged her skull.

  “Ah no, baby, where are the gorgeous blonde tresses I loved so much?” He stared at the dark hair that tumbled over her shoulders.

  “I had to blend in, Maximilian.” She fingered her hair self-consciously.

  “Fuck! We’ve been detected. Bogeys abeam, coming in fast. Parnell, buster and jink! We need to get the fuck out of here. We’re in hostile territory without permission. Alex was still working on clearing us to enter Arabic airspace when we left. If they catch us, we’re toast. We need to get across the border and fast,” Ruark grated through clenched teeth.

  Joanne could feel the power of the chopper as he cranked it to top speed that pushed them back in their seats.

  “Do you think Parnell will be able to keep up?” Bruce asked with his eyes on the radar. “He seems to be falling behind.”

  “Keep an eye on him and warn me if he goes off radar. The Sikorsky is three times as fast as his.”

  The four women huddled together, holding hands. The terror was evident in their eyes. Just the thought of being caught and returned to sexual slavery made them whimper.

  “Parnell, talk to me,” Rhone barked into the receiver.

  “We’ve crossed the border, mate. They turned tail. Just keep the fuck to international airspace. I’m not keen to be blown out of the sky,” Parnell’s voice crackled back.

  “Roger that. It should be smooth sailing to France. We’ve got permission to refuel at the 106 Military Base Aérienne in Mérignac and from there it’s straight home,” Rhone responded.


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