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Red Blooded (Red Hot & Blue)

Page 6

by Cat Johnson

  The ridiculousness of worrying about food poisoning when most likely they’d both end up shot to death by the gun-wielding limo driver was not lost on her.

  Pushing that thought out of her mind, she finally settled on salad and pizza, although pizza in a foreign country was probably more risky than the fish. Hopefully they imported it frozen from the States.

  Armed with that illogical belief, she placed the order with an accommodating phone operator who, thank goodness, spoke at least some English.

  That done, she began rifling through the one suitcase again. Might as well dig deeper and see what other surprises were in there. She didn’t even want to think about what kind of lingerie Candi the former stripper wore.

  What she discovered was an embarrassingly small see-through thing she supposed could laughably be called a nightgown in some circles.

  She was standing with the item in question dangling from one fingertip, wondering how she was ever going to put this on and sleep with Trey in the room when the bathroom door opened.

  The nightie was forgotten immediately when Trey emerged, dressed in nothing but a towel draped low on his hips. Her gaze followed the trail of damp hair that led from his chest, down his belly, directly toward his . . . She swallowed hard.

  He walked to the suitcase and picked through the choices left in the bag. He stood so close she could smell the hotel soap and shampoo on him.

  Trey raised a brow when he noticed what she still held, forgotten, in her hand.

  “Dressing for bed?” He smiled broadly and grabbed a pair of black silk pajama bottoms out of the jumble of clothes. “Good idea.”

  Without any hesitation, he dropped the towel, leaving a lot more than just his torso exposed this time. As he pulled on the pants she got quite a view before she forced her gaze away.

  She rushed to speak and cover for the shock his sudden and total nakedness had caused. “Um, I think I’ll wait a bit and get changed after I eat.”

  Just in time, a knock on the door announced the room service delivery.

  “You stay here and finish what you’re doing. I got it.” Trey, only half-naked now, moved toward the door.

  She got his unspoken message. He wanted to answer the door in case there was trouble waiting on the other side instead of room service. That knowledge just added to her already heightened nerves.

  When he opened the door and she saw the food cart, Carly could finally breathe again.

  It helped that Trey was all the way across the room and not totally nude. She had never welcomed the arrival of a pizza delivery so much in her life, and it wasn’t because she was the least bit hungry.

  Trey and his bulging pecs returned to her, rolling the room service cart. “You ordered pizza? Wasn’t there filet mignon or lobster on the menu? We’re not paying for this, you know. We’re guests.”

  “What can I say? I’m a simple girl.” Carly shrugged, grabbed a slice and shoved it into her mouth so she didn’t continue to stare at Trey’s still-bare chest. “Don’t you think you’d better put on a shirt?”

  He raised a brow. “Why?”

  “I just wouldn’t want you to get hot cheese on your chest and burn yourself.” Yeah, sure. That was the reason.

  Trey grinned. “Thank you, sweetheart, for worrying about me.”

  He grabbed a slice and carefully held a napkin under it while he bit the end off.

  When he still showed no sign of covering up, Carly bit into her own slice. It was going to be a very long night.


  It was going to be a very long night. Trey lay in the bed next to Carly who was dressed in a scrap of lace that didn’t even pretend to cover her.

  She was currently rolled on her side, facing away from him and pretending to be asleep. Or maybe she had managed to fall to sleep from sheer exhaustion.

  Sighing, he wished he could do the same.

  This waiting was killing him. Not that he could do much with the team while he was undercover as John Smith, but hearing at least whether Jimmy had been located would help.

  He needed some military action on this op to keep his mind from thinking about another kind of action with Carly. This “sit around and wait” was unbearable.

  Trey listened to Carly breathing next to him.


  Although he had to admit things had gone extremely well so far. She hadn’t broken character, not even when he’d dropped his towel and changed in front of her.

  She looked a little shocked, yeah, but he hoped no one would notice that but him. Certainly not a security guard bored to tears watching them on a tiny black and white monitor in a windowless room somewhere.

  There had been one moment he feared she would give them away. He had walked into the bathroom to find her scrubbing the stripper’s toothbrush with hot soapy water. Obviously, she didn’t want the used apparatus in her mouth, not that he could blame her.

  He hadn’t even considered dental hygiene when they assumed possession of the Smith’s lives and luggage. Jeez, he’d been on ops where he didn’t even see a toothbrush for a week, much less running water, but women were different, he guessed.

  Unsure about what to do about her obsessive brush-washing, which was too obvious to ignore, he’d questioned her about it with a casual, “What are you doing, sweetheart?”

  He had to hand it to her. She covered for herself on the fly with a plausible excuse when she said, “Some makeup got on my toothbrush in my bag, so I had to wash it.”

  She’d done well and he’d been free to return to the other room to worry about the next problem. How in the world was he going to avoid having sex with her while still acting like a newly married couple for their observers?

  Trey was still considering this when she came out of the bathroom and headed for the suitcase, avoiding eye contact with him the entire way.

  He’d gotten up and went into the bathroom to brush his own teeth . . . with John Smith’s toothbrush. Trey tried not to think about that fact, but since she had already raised the issue in his mind, he used extra hot water to rinse it first.

  By the time he emerged from the bathroom, Carly had already changed into the nightie and was curled on her side and pretending to be sound asleep.

  Thank God. She was either really on the ball or just desperate to avoid any more physical contact with him.

  Either way, it was the perfect solution to his dilemma. It would simply look like she was tired from traveling and he, being the understanding husband, had let her sleep.

  As long as they were here for only the one night as planned, he could definitely get away with it. It would look realistic . . . he hoped.

  He’d never been married, but judging by what the guys with wives said, sex got less and less frequent the moment they said I do.

  Although, glancing at the curve of Carly’s body, he couldn’t imagine not jumping her every night of the week if they were together, married or not.

  Trey sighed again. There was far too much down time, leaving him ample opportunity to think about the one thing he needed to avoid. Sex.

  Punching his pillow, he repositioned himself.

  What the hell good was the communication device implanted in his damn head if he couldn’t even ask them a question without being detected by the bad guy’s surveillance?

  He’d never felt so cut off from the team in all his time with them. It was with that very disgruntled thought in his mind he started to drift off.

  “Trey. Hey, Williams. Wake up.”

  Trey controlled the urge to sit straight up in the bed as the voice in his ear startled him out of that restless place between being awake and asleep.

  He had wanted to know what was going on with the team. Be careful what you wish for.

  Clearing his throat softly, he let Matt know he was awake and receiving.

  “We’ve got action here, big boy. We found Jimmy. The target has him confined in some sort of holding area right here in the basement of the hotel.” Matt’s voice radi
ated excitement.

  Trey’s heart rate doubled knowing the action was so close to him. Right here in the hotel.

  “The bad news is they’ve worked him over pretty badly and we don’t think they’re done yet. We’ve got to get him out, but the area’s swarming with the target’s men.”

  His heart fell at that news. Jack must be freaking out and there was not one damn thing Trey could do to help in his present situation.

  “We need your help, buddy,” Matt continued.

  Maybe there was something he could do. Trey waited for Matt to explain and give him his orders.

  Trey only wished Carly wasn’t involved. He’d kill or die to save Jimmy for Jack, but he wasn’t willing to risk Carly’s life in the process. She was a civilian under his care. Her safety was his priority at the moment, even over the success of the mission.

  “Here’s the deal, Trey. They have the surveillance room set up next to where Jimmy is being held. The guards have been sitting around watching the video feed from your room since you arrived. They’ve taken a liking to your bride. They particularly enjoyed when she changed into that thing she’s wearing to sleep in. Even the guy sitting inside watching Jimmy got called in to watch her put that on.”

  His jaw clenched in anger at that revelation.

  “Trey, I need a diversion and I need it now. We’re in place to sneak in through the rear and take Jimmy out, but we need every guard in the area glued to the monitor of your room.”

  Trey tried to control his breathing when Matt said what he was afraid he would say. “You’ve got to use Carly as a distraction. It’s the only way. Do you copy?”

  He cleared his throat again.

  Oh boy. Just when he was all smug thinking they’d get away from this op fairly unscathed.


  Trey knew Matt was right. They needed a distraction to get in and out unseen. The team could go in hot with guns blazing but it would be bloody for both sides.

  He knew what kind of diversion would keep the guards riveted to the screen. What he didn’t know was how Carly would like it.

  The different scenarios ran through his mind. It could go a number of ways. He could make a move on Carly and she could break character. Slap him or yell or something. With their cover blown, they would have to use all the firepower they had to grab Jimmy and get the hell out of Dodge.

  Or Carly could actually go through with this thing. In that case, he’d have to deal with the fact he’d gotten physical with the girl his best friend thought he might be falling in love with.

  Trey would have to find a new best friend and a different place to drink when he got home to base. Neither scenario was very appealing.

  Then there was the reality nagging his brain and parts lower that he was trying like hell to suppress. The truth was he wanted nothing more than to be with Carly right now. The idea of giving into the sexual attraction and sinking into her was extremely appealing. Consequences be damned.

  He didn’t want a girlfriend, he reminded himself again for the umpteenth time, but dammit, he wanted Carly.

  Apparently he didn’t care how he got her and that made him feel even shittier.

  Worse, the fact his teammate plus a room full of terrorists would be watching them together didn’t even put a damper on his desire. In fact, it made it all the more exciting. That reaction scared him half to death.

  Now was not the time to over-think his sudden desire for exhibitionism. Jimmy was possibly being tortured while he delayed.

  Trey had left the bathroom light on with the door ajar so he could see, but he’d need more illumination for his audience’s sake.

  He reached out into the semi-darkness until his hand hit on the light switch. After turning on the bedside lamp, he rolled toward Carly.

  The nightie was cut very low in the back. Actually, in the front too, but he couldn’t see that in her current position. Trailing a finger lightly down her exposed spine, he felt the shiver run through her.

  Leaning closer, he dipped his tongue into the whorls of her ear.

  He slid his hand down under the sheet and along the lace to her thigh where he started the return trip upward.

  Pressing against her back with his bare chest, he could feel her start to tremble. He could only hope it was from the anticipation of wanting him and not fear.

  The pulse thundered in her neck against his lips. Nearing the point of no return, he could either let her continue to pretend to be asleep and let Jimmy be tortured to death or he could roll her over and give the terrorists a show they would remember for the rest of their miserable lives, however short they may be.

  He’d already made the decision about what needed to be done, but Matt’s voice in his ear reinforced it. “They’re taking the bait, man. They even got up to refill their coffee mugs and make microwave popcorn. They’re fighting over front row seats and settling in for the show like it’s a damn movie. We’re in place, Trey. You keep them entertained and Jimmy will be on a transport to the military hospital in Germany tonight.”

  That settled it. There was no more internal debating to be done.

  Trey rolled Carly over and covered the surprise on her face by pressing his lips to hers. She responded well to his kisses. They’d practiced this. He’d dare say they were damn good at it. It was her reaction to the rest he was worried about.

  Dammit. Truth be told, he was just as worried about his own reaction to it. If he sank himself into this woman he was not going to forget it easily.

  Trey reminded himself he was a professional. He was supposed to be able to do things like this without any emotional ramifications. They’d all been through psychological training for situations like this one.

  They’d been through the prep, but Carly hadn’t.

  What the hell would this do to her if they had to go through with it and actually have sex?

  She was an adult and a bar owner, but this was not some drunken one-night stand she chose to have. He wasn’t giving her a choice at all. She knew making a scene could cost them both of their lives.

  More importantly, what if she did start dating Jack when they got home? How would Jack feel about the fact his teammate had enjoyed the pleasure of being with his girl before him?

  Now was not the time to think about any of that. Matt might as well have issued a direct order. Trey knew the situation and it was in his and Carly’s power to help the team get Jimmy out of trouble.

  Throwing the covers completely off them, he hoped the sight of Carly in her nightgown would be enough of a distraction to keep the guards’ attention off Jimmy.

  As he ran his hand over the fabric again, traversing a path from the curve of her waist down to the hem at her thighs, her eyes opened again.

  “Mmm.” He pressed his mouth against her ear. Knowing the sensitive audio surveillance Matt had told him about would pick up his words, he spoke like John Smith, hoping Carly understood the underlying message. “Candi, baby, I was going to try and let you sleep, but I can’t keep my hands off you. I’m sorry.”

  He’d used her fake name so she knew this was part of the show, not him being a horny dog. Even though at the moment, he totally was.

  Shifting her so she lay on her back and he could see the dark traces of her nipples through the sheer fabric, he truly was sorry, but this was necessary. The guilt would be considerably less if he hadn’t already gotten aroused from simply thinking about what they might have to do.

  His hand reversed direction and started a path up her thigh, pushing the short nightie up her legs until the matching panties she wore were exposed.

  Carly’s breath caught in her throat. Dare he pull those panties off her? What the hell would she do if he did?

  Putting that next move off for a bit until he could gauge her potential reaction, Trey rolled on top of her, hoping the camera wouldn’t pick up the nervousness apparent on her face.

  Settled between her legs, trying to ignore the erection she no doubt felt pressing against her, he weighed
the options.

  Could he fake making love to her? Maybe pull the sheet over them and feign the motions?

  Would Carly get it and go along with the charade? More importantly, would some movement hidden beneath the covers be enough to capture and hold the guards’ interest enough for the team to extract Jimmy?

  Probably not.

  He was starting to despair when a stroke of brilliance hit him.

  “Hey, baby. Get up and dance for me the way you used to.”

  Her eyes opened wide and he feared she might slap him.

  He remembered their conversation on the plane when he teased her.

  Just don’t expect me to dance for you.

  We’ll see.

  That’s what he got for joking around on an op as important as this one. He opened his eyes wider and shook his head slightly. Hopefully his movement wasn’t noticeable enough for the terrorists to pick up on it.

  “Don’t look so mad, sweetheart. I know you gave that life up when we got married, but it turns me on. I really need you to do it for me right now. Okay?”

  He could see by the expression on her face she was confused as hell by his request, but had remembered the surveillance and knew she couldn’t question him.

  The muscles in her throat worked as she swallowed. “Okay, baby. Anything for you. I just don’t know how good I’ll be. You know, without my costumes and music and all.”

  She was nervous and a horrible actress under pressure, but he had to believe the guards watching them wouldn’t notice once they got a good look at her body in motion.

  “The camera is behind the mirror on the wall opposite the end of the bed.” Matt’s voice in his ear reminded him again just how public this whole situation was.

  So why was he rock hard at the thought of it?

  Trey got out of bed and, ignoring the tent in his pajamas, walked to where Carly had abandoned the high heels earlier. He picked them up and carried them to where she still lay.

  Extending a hand, he took hers and pulled her upright. While she sat on the edge of the mattress he kneeled. Taking one delicate foot in his hand, he drew it toward his mouth and kissed the arch of her instep.


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