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Just One Taste (Oh Tequila Series Book 2)

Page 8

by C. A. Harms

  And he wasn’t lying, it was so, so good.

  Chapter Seventeen


  Inviting Cat back to the house probably wasn’t the best idea I’d had. I’d told myself I would be a gentleman and take things slow, but after our interaction in the changing room at Ginnie Springs I was a fucking walking hard on. I had never been so turned on in my life.

  So here we were, in my bed no less, as she lay curled up on her side, in the center, her hip cocked out, her ass arched back.

  I was in hell.

  Dark haired, pouty lips, and ass that won’t quit hell.

  I was burning; I swore I had a fever.

  “I can’t believe I’ve never watched this.” She regains my attention and for the first time in the last five minutes I wasn’t staring at her ass. “It’s addictive.”

  “You must’ve been living under a rock if you haven’t seen Lost.”

  “My television time is limited,” she said without looking away from the TV. “My mom is always watching sitcoms or reruns of stupid reality shows, and Carl, he prefers DVDs.”

  She looked back over her shoulder when I didn’t respond. “He’s a perv, and I avoid the living room whenever he has control over what’s playing.”

  I didn’t miss the uncomfortable look that flashed over her face before she tried to hide it.

  “Are you telling me he watches porn?” She nodded, refocusing on Lost. “He sounds like a tool.”

  “Yep.” She rolled over onto her stomach, propping up her head using her hands. “The most useless tool ever.”

  “I take it the two of you don’t really get along.”

  All I’m offered is a shake of her head.

  I could hear noise outside in the hall and tried to just ignore it. Whatever the guys had gotten themselves into I knew I didn’t want any part in it. My door handle rattled and both Catherine and I looked toward it. Only nothing happened.

  A few seconds later it rattled again, followed by the sound of someone snickering outside the door.

  “You do know that whatever they’re doing out there, it can’t be good.”

  I mulled over her words thinking she was right, but it was better they were doing it out there instead of in here. The longer I sat there, the harder it was to not know what the fuck they were up too. Cat was right, it couldn’t be good.

  I climbed over her body, making sure she got a feel of me against her in the process. I’m a guy, and it’s what we do. I moved across the room, twisted the lock, and turned the handle only to have nothing happen. The harder I pulled, the louder whoever it was on the other side laughed.

  “What the fuck, assholes?” I pounded on the door. “I’m not in here alone.”

  “We know.” It was Clayton speaking. “You can thank us later.”

  “Thank you for what?”

  “Barricading you in with the kitty Cat.” I wanted to yell and argue, but I had to admit the idea of being locked in my room didn’t sound all that bad. They forgot I had a shared bathroom with Isaac’s room though.

  Turning around, I noticed Cat was now sitting up on the bed, but she didn’t look worried. Instead she was smiling. “I told you they were up to no good.”

  “They forgot one thing.” Quickly I moved through the bathroom and once I had the handle to Isaac’s room in my hand I jerked it and found the same resistance. “Motherfuckers.”

  I heard a soft giggle behind me and I whipped around to come face to face with Cat. “You afraid of being trapped in here with me?”

  “Nope,” I said without hesitation. “If you’re good with this then I won’t fight to get us out.”

  “I don’t have to work until tomorrow night,” she said, backing up into my room once more. “So I’m good.”

  Did I mention I loved when she was playful?

  “I have a fridge, a bathroom, and a gorgeous girl, what else could I need?”

  “I can’t think of a thing.”

  She spun around and began to walk back toward my bed, wiggling her ass. As she climbed up onto my mattress, my eyes were once again glued to the roundness as she hiked it up. She did a cat crawl before slowly lying down on her stomach once more, looking back at me over her shoulder with that “come hither” look girls get when they’re trying to be all seductive. Only on her the shit actually fucking worked.

  I wasted no further time reclaiming my space next to her. I curled my arm around her and pulled her body into mine. I buried my nose in her hair and breathed in a familiar scent of honey and something floral.

  She turned just enough that I could see she was smiling, and something about that made my chest feel tight. I’d never enjoyed a girl’s happiness as much as I enjoyed hers. I wasn’t an asshole, I knew how to treat a lady. Aunt Meg would beat me to within an inch of my life if she thought I was showing a female anything but respect, but with Cat it was different. There was this constant urge to do whatever it took to make her smile, hear her laugh, and hell, even gain her sass.

  “I thought we were watching this?”

  “I’d rather watch you,” I replied quickly. “Besides, this is on Netflix and we can watch it anytime. Right now I feel like kissing you.”

  “I don’t know.” She wrinkled up her nose. “I’ve kissed you so many times already, yet I’ve never seen this.”

  “Are you telling me that I’m competing with Lost?” I didn’t give her a chance to argue before I began tickling her. She squealed with laughter and began to twist from side to side as if she thought she could wiggle away.

  “Stop,” she practically screamed the word out as she continued to laugh. “Okay, you win.”

  “I what?”

  “You win, I would rather kiss you. Oh my god, stop,” she added, still twisting around like a fish trying to get free.

  She was on her back, panting as if attempting to catch her breath and her legs were parted enough that my hips fit securely between them.

  “You’re evil.” Her voice was breathy. “I hate being tickled.”

  “I could see that.” I was slightly distracted by the way her breasts rose to press against my chest every time she took a breath. “It got you exactly where I wanted you though.”

  “And where might that be?”

  “In the perfect position to kiss you.” Before she could argue I leaned in and pressed my lips to hers. I’d meant for it to be a simple kiss but when she lifted her legs to wrap around my waist and used them to pull me in tighter, I deepened the kiss.

  Her hands slid over my shoulders before going around to the back of my head and slowly pulling the rubber band from my hair. It fell free and she began to comb her fingers through it slowly.

  “I love this,” she said while tugging just enough so I could feel the pull.

  I loved it too, but I couldn’t pull away from her long enough to tell her that. I wanted more, I needed to have her mouth on mine, her tongue tangled with my own.

  “You’re right,” she mumbled against my lips. “This is so much better than Lost.” I smiled with my lips pressed to hers and slid my hand along her side, my fingertips catching the edge of her shirt and skimming over her skin. Her back arched, her tits pressing even more firmly to my chest.

  “Mmmm,” she moaned.

  I rested my forehead to hers and we took a moment just breathing together. I closed my eyes tight and attempted to rein in my hormones. I didn’t want her to believe this was something I had planned, because it wasn’t. Now if I was asked to be truthful about my feelings of being trapped in a room with a gorgeous girl, I would have to say unquestionably I was not disappointed. In fact, this could most definitely be logged as a prank gone bad. This was a god damn gift.

  “So I know I said I didn’t want to bring it up…” She paused for a moment and I lifted my head, wanting the chance to look her in the eyes.

  “Bring what up?”

  “Last night,” she whispered, “the dancing, the touching, even after.” Her cheeks reddened. “I wasn’t completely drunk,
I do remember some things. I just thought I was dreaming them, but come to find out they were all real.”

  “What exactly do you remember?”

  “You kissing my neck.” As she says this I leaned in closer and did just that. “Your hands on my waist, sliding over my body.” Fuck, I could feel myself growing hard as she continued. The raspy way her voice carried made me fully aware that she was as turned on as I was. “I remember asking you to take me home with you.”

  “I wanted to,” I confirmed. “It was one of the hardest things telling you that I thought we should save that for another night.” I had cursed myself for thirty minutes while I stroked myself in the shower wishing it was her instead.

  “It’s another night.”

  “That it is.”

  “And we’re locked in here together.” She lifted her head just enough to press a kiss to my jaw before whispering in my ear. “I can think of so many things we could do with our time alone.”

  That was one of those praying to the gods above moments. I think I thanked everyone I knew and even those I didn’t that I had been blessed with this moment. Fuck, I was performing an award-winning speech in my head.

  “Or are you going to shoot me down again?”

  She didn’t just taunt me and challenge me. She couldn’t have.

  “If you would rather—”

  I didn’t let her finish before I linked my fingers through hers and slid our hands above her head. I looked down at her, our lips hovering only inches apart and grinned.

  “There’s something you need to know.”

  “I already know.” I kept my eyes locked with hers and waited for her to continue. “I heard about the piercing.”

  I chuckled because that wasn’t even close to what I was referring to, but I guess I should have suspected my dick and his jewels would have already been a subject shared among the guys and those they were around.

  “I wasn’t talking about that, baby, but I guess that will eliminate the awkwardness when you see it later.”

  Her cheeks reddened and I pushed my hardness against her, bringing her back to the moment. “What I wanted to tell you is that I never back down from a challenge.” Her mouth parted slightly. “I let the opportunity pass last night only because I didn’t want you waking up thinking I was the type of guy that would take advantage of a drunken girl. I wanted our first time together to be something we both remembered every detail of. But this time there is no way I’m letting it slip away.”

  “Good,” she smiled, “because had you said no, I was fully prepared to take advantage of you.”

  I chuckled and she reached up to fist my shirt, pulling me closer. “So don’t keep me waiting, I’m dying to know what it feels like.”

  I knew she was talking about my jewel, but she’d have to wait just a little longer for that. I had every intention of stretching this out for as long as possible.

  Chapter Eighteen


  Oh my god, I should have felt shameful, only there was no room for shame. No, it was tucked away someplace deep, hidden by all the pleasure and lust I felt.

  Oh my god, wait, I already said that. Holy fucking tongue. There that’s better.

  I was crazed, riding his face like I was a wild beast.

  I blamed him; it was his fault not mine. He should be doing that, oh yes that right there. He shouldn’t be twisting his tongue so skillfully.

  My head was spinning, my legs felt numb, and if I pulled his hair any harder I was afraid he’d be forced to explain bald spots to everyone he knew.

  “You have to…” I started to say, only it turned into a long stretched out moan.

  “Have to what?” he spoke, his lips teasing my already sensitive center.

  “That, this…” I tried to speak as he continued to suck on my clit and taste everything I offered. “I’m going to lose my mind.”

  “That’s my goal.”

  “Working.” I let go of his hair, fearful I’d hurt him and gripped the sheets at my side instead. “It is so working.”

  I swore I heard him chuckle but my mind was so very hazy I was unsure. My back arched, my legs tensed, and suddenly I was thrust into the depths of darkness. The only lights I saw were flickers here and there, as if the intense orgasm inflicting me had me seconds from passing out.

  My body hummed; it felt like it stretched out for so very long.

  “Wow”,” he said as he kissed along my hip bone, across my stomach, continuing to rise higher and higher. “That was incredible.”

  Yes it was. Only I didn’t say that aloud, I couldn’t. I was out of breath, out of my mind, and still lost in the clouds.

  The moment my mind cleared and vision focused I found him watching me. His body was pressed to mine and his erect cock tucked between us, nestled firmly against my already sensitive clit. It felt amazing, and as if he could read my mind, he shifted, only managing to apply more pressure.

  I gasped, he covered my lips with his own and repeated the movements twice more until I could barely take it any longer.

  “I want you.” I was clawing at his back feeling as if I couldn’t get close enough. I’d never craved anything or anyone more than I did at that moment. In such a short time Eli managed to make me feel things I’d never experienced. It wasn’t just physical, it was an emotional connection I didn’t know could exist between two people.

  “Please,” I was begging, and not ashamed to admit it to anyone who asked.

  Eli didn’t say anything, only rose up, sitting back on his legs as he lifted the condom that appeared out of nowhere to his lips. I watched in awe as he tore off the corner and carefully removed the latex. As his hands moved to his cock, I followed his actions. I knew my eyes grew wide with shock when I got a full view of him for the first time.

  It wasn’t just his impressive size that shocked me but the metal rod that penetrated his shaft grabbed my attention too. I had never seen one, only heard of them. My mind raced as he slowly and very carefully covered himself, pinching the end of the condom between his fingertips.

  Once he was covered, he didn’t move, but lifted his eyes to meet mine and for a moment we stared at one another. There I was laid out before him, hiding nothing, and I had never felt more safe.

  “You’re sure about this?”

  I nodded and he slowly began to lower his body back over mine. I swear I held my breath when I felt him press firmly against me. “Breathe, baby,” he whispered while fisting his cock and lining himself up against me. “Just breathe.” And I did as he slowly and very gently began to enter me.

  Gasping, I arched my back when I felt his piercing hit me so deep.

  “You okay?”

  “I am more than okay.” I lifted my hips, urging him to continue. Eli was so gentle, though I could tell he was fighting the need to move, he remained still until I encouraged him to resume with a nod of my head.

  With each shift of his hips I felt like every nerve ending in my body was alive. I wanted him closer, but he couldn’t get closer. I had never experienced the need I felt. It was controlling, consuming.

  Together we moved as if it wasn’t our first time; our bodies knew what the other’s wanted. Everything else faded, nothing else mattered.

  My fingernails bit into the flesh of his shoulders and he growled as he pushed into me harder, making my breath hitch. “Yes,” I spurred him on and he continued to move, harder and faster.

  I could feel myself building and lifted my legs to wrap around his waist, giving him the perfect angle to hit exactly where I needed it most.


  “So good,” I confirmed just before he kissed me.

  My body ignited, squeezing him firmly. He lifted his body and gripped my hips; it was as if the fire inside him was set free. He began to hammer me over and over. I wasn’t sure if I was screaming or if it was all in my head, but I let go and the moment he came I was mesmerized.

  His head was thrown back, his jaws tensed. His fingers still dug in
to my hips as he held my body to his own.

  His chest glistened with sweat and his hair was slightly damp. Everything about our time shared was unbelievable and close to perfect.

  When his body collapsed next to mine we both lay silent for a moment, trying to slow our breathing.

  Suddenly Eli began to chuckle and I turned my head just enough to look at him. “Why are you laughing?”

  “I just never pictured you as a screamer.”

  The smile I wore only seconds ago faded and my mouth fell open slightly. He only laughed harder. “I was hoping it was all in my head.”

  “Nope.” He rolled to his side and lay his palm against my stomach. “That was loud, free, and no holding back.”

  I covered my face with my hands and he immediately pulled them away. “I didn’t say it to embarrass you, that was amazing, all of it. Just figured you should be prepared because I know there’s a big chance that someone in this house will bring it up to you.”

  “I’m leaving through the window and never coming back.” I looked away from him and he reached out to cup my face. Turning my head slightly, he pressed his lips to mine.

  “All it proves is that you and I are good together.”

  “I’ve never screamed,” I said without thinking.

  “Don’t want to hear about your past encounters. That is not normally something a guy wants to share with his girl, for a variety of reasons.” He crinkled his brow. “Nope, don’t want to know. But I do like knowing your reaction was one of surprise. Like I said, we are good together.”

  He slipped from the bed, disappeared into the bathroom, and I heard the shower kick on.

  A few minutes later he appeared in the doorway, his arms stretched wide, bracing himself on the frame. He looked like a glorious god, wearing nothing but a smile. “Thought you might like to join me in the shower.”

  For a moment I remained still, watching him, almost in a haze. He was gorgeous.

  “Is that a no?”

  Smiling, I crawled from the bed and walked across the room, pausing only a few feet away. Feelings of desire rushed through me when I watched his eyes scan my body. How one look from one man could make me feel so very powerful was something I might never understand.


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