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Just One Taste (Oh Tequila Series Book 2)

Page 10

by C. A. Harms

  Instead I ignored her.

  “So you aren’t working this weekend?”

  “Nope,” I said, already knowing there would be backlash when my check came in short. But I’d deal with that later. Nothing was going to ruin this weekend for me.


  Chapter Twenty-One


  “Yeah, I’ll bring her,” I told Aunt Meg for the third time. “She should be here soon and then we’ll run over.”

  “You’ve been telling me you were gonna bring her over so I could meet her for the last three weeks.” I could almost imagine her placing her hand on her cocked hip and that narrowed-eye look she gave when she was displeased. “Yet, here I am still waiting.”

  “You’ll meet her today.”

  “Does she know this?”

  “Nope,” I said, the grin obvious in my voice. “It’ll be a fun surprise.” I looked up when I heard the sound of tires against the hot asphalt. “And here she is.”

  “Great, now get moving.” Meg didn’t even wait for me to say anything further, just ended the call.

  I hurried off the porch toward Catherine, though I preferred calling her Blake. We’d get there, though. I’d snuck it in a time or two but wasn’t sure she’d caught it. She was a little preoccupied at the time. I chuckled at the thought of her head thrown back, her back arched, and her eyes squeezed tight as I whispered her name.

  “What are you smiling about?” she asked with her own matching smile.

  “Happy to see you.” I leaned in and kissed her softly. “Looking forward to our weekend together.”

  “Me too,” she whispered just as I pulled back.

  “Also, my aunt is waiting to meet you.”


  I shrugged as I dragged our bags to my car. I ignored her concerned and questioning expression and tossed them into the back seat. Her bag, the one she’d borrowed from me, was stuffed to the brim. “What the hell did you pack? We’ll only be gone for a couple days.”

  “I didn’t want to under pack and be unprepared.”

  I opened the passenger door and guided her inside. “You most definitely are not under packed.”

  Ignoring her glare, I made sure she was safely tucked inside. Hell, I even buckled her seatbelt before kissing the tip of her nose and closing the door before she had the chance to say more.

  Of course, she waited until I was inside, buckled, and backing out of the driveway to start panicking.

  “Why do they want to meet me? What if she thinks you can do better? Hell, you can do better.”

  “Enough.” I hated when she did that shit. Putting herself down without actually calling out any faults. To me she had no faults; they were all characteristics and quirks which I fucking loved. They all made up the girl who challenged me and triggered all sorts of shit inside me that I was still trying to sift through.

  “I’m just saying that it makes me nervous,” she mumbled, which only made me feel like an ass for interrupting her ramble.

  “Aunt Meg, she loves everyone. I don’t think the woman has a mean bone in her body. She’s going to adore you just as much as I do.”

  I looked over and saw her grinning. Though she attempted to hide the joy she felt from me saying I adored her, I saw it clearly.

  Five minutes later we were pulling into my aunt and uncle’s driveway and I couldn’t help but chuckle when I saw Meg sitting on the porch. An eager look on her face, she stood and moved down the front stairs.

  Catherine and I climbed out of the car at the same time and began moving toward the house.

  “Gee, woman, slow down,” I tell Aunt Meg as I leaned in to hug her. I said it loud enough for Cat to hear as well. It was a way to break the ice. “You’re gonna have her running away thinking you’re some type of stalker or a lonely old lady looking for a friend.”

  “Oh you stop it,” she said, swatting at my chest. “I’m just excited to meet the Catherine I’ve heard so much about. Or is it Blake?”

  I caught the surprise on Cat’s face as she looked to me quickly before returning her attention back to my aunt. I didn’t butt in; I allowed her to take the reins on this one.

  “My name is Blake Catherine.” She seemed nervous as my aunt stepped closer to her. “I’ve just always gone by Catherine or Cat. More my mother’s doing than anything because my father’s name was Blake and they didn’t get along much when he was alive.”

  “Elijah told me about your father. I’m sorry to hear of him passing.”

  “Thank you.”

  In true Meg fashion she embraced Cat. I couldn’t help but smile proudly at her compassionate reaction to my girl. She gently rubbed Cat’s back as she said how happy she was to finally meet the beautiful girl she’d heard so much about. That seemed to surprise Cat and she looked over at me curiously.

  “We’ll let Eli get the camping gear while you and I go have us some girl talk.” Meg dragged Cat off and I stood there watching as they disappeared inside the house.


  “He’s always been our little bulldozer.” I stood just inside the front door, quietly listening to the conversation between my aunt and Catherine. “He used to stand right there in that open doorway, bent at the waist and holding one of the couch cushions under his arm as he took off for the living room. I don’t know how many times he tackled the recliner, or heck there was one time he tackled his uncle just as he entered the door from work.”

  I could hear Catherine laughing as my aunt relived my younger years.

  “Then he hit high school and the coaches flocked to him, he was their key to a winning year. Miles was ecstatic but I was terrified. He may have been a big boy but the idea of him out on that field where anything could’ve happened terrified me. He may carry himself like the Hulk,” I rolled my eyes at how she referred to me, “but he is still breakable.”

  “My gentle giant,” Catherine said. I had no fucking idea why but it warmed me to hear her call me that, especially when she referred to me as her gentle giant.

  I began to move toward the kitchen when I decided I’d heard enough.

  “Okay, ladies, you can stop talking about my delicate body.” I playfully flexed my muscles as I walked by and opened the refrigerator, grabbing the grape Gatorade Meg always had ready for me, and turned around to face them. “Good to see the two of you getting along so well.”

  “Of course you knew that I’d love her.” Meg smiled brightly. “We already have an appointment for nails and facials with Francine next week right after I cut and highlight this beautiful girl’s hair.”

  My aunt and her friend Francine owned a salon. They had since before I could remember.

  “Cut and highlight?” I arched a brow, wondering what “cut” actually meant. I knew I was panicking just a bit but I loved Cat’s hair. It was just long enough to grip, wrap around my wrist, and tug on when she was bent over before me and we were—

  “Just a trim,” Catherine interrupted my thoughts. “And a few lighter streaks throughout.”

  I didn’t miss the smirk on Cat’s lips like she read my thoughts from only moments ago.

  If my aunt had things her way, Catherine and I would have stayed all day, but the guys were getting antsy. They continued to call and text, telling me they were leaving in twenty with or without us.

  With an exchange of hugs, we climbed into my car and headed back to the frat house. Catherine seemed happier, relieved even, and the idea of her spending time with my aunt didn’t terrify me a bit. I actually loved the idea of her being around my family. It made everything between us feel so fucking real.

  It was real.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  “That’s like the mansion of all tents.” I had to agree with Clayton as we stood looking at the monstrous display before us. “I mean come on, Red, we know you’re a big dude, but that could seriously fit ten people.”

  “Twelve,” Eli interjected and I snickered.

  “So it’s a par
ty at Red’s place.” I wasn’t sure who yelled that out from behind us.

  “There’ll be a party but I only gave out one invitation.” He looked over at me and winked, making my cheeks heat.

  “Good, she’ll scare away the wild animals,” Clayton chuckled. “Ain’t no one gonna mess with us when they think we’ve got a wild hyena with us.”

  I shot him a horrified expression.

  “A hyena.” I crossed my arms over my chest and those around us stopped to watch. “I do not sound like a hyena.” I practically shouted the words, which was completely dumb. Those who hadn’t heard the initial part of the conversation were fully aware of it now. Those who weren’t looking had stopped what they were doing. Everyone was watching us.

  Forget horrified; I was mortified.

  Kill me now.

  “Okay fine.” Clayton also crossed his arms over his chest, squaring his shoulders. He didn’t scare me; he only triggered a fire inside me. “I take it back, you don’t sound like a hyena.”

  I lifted my chin higher as if to say “ha,” only it backfired.

  “It’s actually more like a tortured cat, which makes perfect sense. Cat,” he held out one hand, “and cat.”

  “You are a dickhead.” All movement had stopped around us. “Take it back.”

  “Seriously we need to record that shit, all ‘Yes, yes, oh yes! Ahhh!’” He spun around in a circle holding out his hands and gaining a few nods from a few of his brothers.

  Xavier even nodded, but Morgan elbowed him in the stomach so he’d been warned enough.

  “Clayton,” Eli said in warning but I shot him a glance assuring him it was okay. I got this.

  “What’s wrong, Clayton? Never heard a woman sound satisfied before?” I spoke loud enough for everyone around us to hear. “I’ve heard a few rumors around campus. Seems you have a little bit of a problem,” I said as I lifted my pinky and wiggled it, indicating his crotch. “Maybe you should get yours pierced too, it might help. You’re so used to the sounds of yawning during sex that when you hear anything other than that you feel inferior, and you should. My screams are the sounds of a woman’s enjoyment. Too bad that’s something you’ll never experience.”

  He stood there staring at me, his mouth hanging slightly open. He looked behind me, I assumed at Elijah. I also assumed that he knew better than to say anything more.

  “You’re a sassy little shit.”

  I shrugged. He shook his head and a few seconds later walked away. A few of his brothers started slapping him on his back, calling him things like “pinky dick” and “tiny.” I didn’t feel bad one bit; he started it.

  “Babe.” I spun around to find Eli only a few inches away and bumped against his chest. He wrapped me in his arms and closed the last few inches of distance. “You do realize you just told everyone who didn’t already know that my dick is pierced.”

  My eyes widened as realization hit. “Wait, there’s a video, remember?”

  He chuckled before leaning in and pressing his lips to mine. “I love that you’re vocal.”

  “I need a muzzle,” I mumble as I attempted to step back, only he stopped me.

  “Keep that shit up and I’ll make you scream now.” I narrow my eyes at his warning. “Only it won’t be from the usual way I inflict it.”


  He shook his head just as he looked toward the water on the other side of the trees.

  “Don’t you dare,” I said again, trying to back away.

  That playful smile of his that I adored covered his lips. He bent at the knees then suddenly I was over his shoulder.

  “Eli,” I screamed as I smacked at his back. He chuckled so hard his shoulder shook, vibrating against my stomach. “Elijah Ray,” I yelled even louder and he stumbled a bit. He hated his middle name.

  But there was something he hated me calling him more. “Red!”

  He stopped suddenly and lowered me to the ground. He didn’t mind everyone else calling him that, but he was Eli to me. It was more personal. Just like when we were intimate he whispered Blake to me, though I wasn’t sure he realized he was doing it.

  “Woman.” I laughed when he tried to sound vicious.

  “Please, you don’t scare me.” I pushed past him and began walking back to the enormous tent he brought. That saying about men going big to compensate for inadequacy was definitely not a factor for Eli. It was quite the opposite.

  “Come on, my gentle giant,” I hollered out over my shoulder. “We got work to finish.”

  Carefree, more than I’d ever been, was what it was like to be with Eli. It was the best feeling in the world. It was something I never wanted to lose.


  I reached out to take the third s’mores made for me. Marcus and I hovered by the fire. Morgan was just a few feet away on the phone; I assumed she was talking to her little brother. I’d heard a lot about him and thought it was amazing the love she showed not only him but the guys in the house too. Elijah had mentioned Turtle Man or Toby a few times since we’d been together.

  Altogether, it still seemed strange considering we had never really discussed a relationship, we sorta just fell into it. Like everything else with Eli, it felt natural.

  I turned around just enough to observe the guys behind us as they played some weird little game involving a bean bag. I thought it was called bags or something like that.

  “How are things going at home?”

  The question surprised me, as I turned back to face Marcus. He knew very little, but his concern was always there, ever since that night I called him to pick me up after my car wouldn’t start.

  “Wanna explain that red mark you had on your cheek couple weeks ago?”

  My stomach felt like it dropped and fell right out of my ass.

  I looked over my shoulder, ensuring no one was close and looked toward Morgan too.

  “No one heard,” he assured me. “I wouldn’t have brought it up had anyone been near.” I knew that to be true; Marcus had become a best friend. “I just know that story of the door hitting your face was false. So, here I am, tell me.”

  I looked ahead, focusing on the fire, the rise and slight fall of the flames, feeling my heart race. That familiar ache in my stomach that always seemed to hit whenever I thought of my home life. Lately things had gotten worse, but it was easier to just forget all about it. Maybe I was living in a dreamland, but pretending that part of life didn’t exist was how I was able to get through each day with my head held high.

  “Was it her?”

  Without hesitation I shook my head.


  For a moment I remained silent, again watching the orange, yellow, and red flickers before me. The warmth of the fire felt good on my chilled skin. The popping of the wood and the shifting of the coals was easy to get lost in.

  I finally nodded and I heard what resembled a hiss seep from his lips.

  “I’ve been talking to Morgan about you moving in with us.”

  I quickly shifted my gaze toward him and shook my head. “No.”

  “You can’t keep living there. I know you’ve been saving to get your own place, but—”

  “I’ve got to do this, Marcus.” I could feel tears threatening to surface and I fought against them. “I’m not gonna let you and Morgan support me. I may only be able to put back a very small amount of each check, but I’ll get there. I’ve hidden about four hundred so far and…” He held up his hand and I stopped.

  “Hidden?” He repeated my word, and I felt stupid for referring to it as such. It only opened up a whole other round of questions. “Why the hell are you hiding your money?”

  I looked away from him, trying to come up with a reason why I’d referred to it that way. “So I won’t spend it.” The words flew out of my mouth and I felt even more stupid.

  You hide it, dumbass. It would be easy for you to get it because you know where it’s at.

  “Are you actually telling me that they make you give them your check?”
  No, you are just apparently great at reading between the lines.

  Only I didn’t say that aloud, but then again, I didn’t have to. He already knew.

  I heard a shuffle of feet approaching from behind and straightened my back, taking in a calming breath.

  “What are talking about over here?” Eli asked as he sat behind me and slid in close. “Looks pretty serious.”

  Thinking fast, I held up my s’mores in front of me. “We’re discussing the best part of a s’mores. Marcus here believes it to be the chocolate and though chocolate is amazing, especially melted, I say it is the marshmallow.”

  With my eyes I pleaded to Marcus to just let it go and was thankful when he did.

  “Chocolate, creamy melted chocolate is what makes the s’mores. It’s that rich sweetness that pulls it all together.”

  I looked back at Eli as he stared at the yummy goodness in my hands. Suddenly he wrapped his hand around my wrist and moved our joined hands toward his mouth. I watched in awe as he wrapped his lips around the snack and took a bite, licking his lips as he pulled away. I looked over at Marcus and found he was just as amazed as I was.

  “I don’t know, babe,” Eli finally spoke, regaining my attention. “Our boy here may have a point.”

  Oh how cute, he called Marcus our boy.

  “I think it’s the chocolate too.”

  I agreed it was the chocolate, but my plan to redirect the conversation and eliminate Elijah’s earlier curiosity had worked. So I had let the both of them believe I loved the marshmallow most.

  Later when everyone moved toward the fire and we were all sitting around smiling and laughing, I was able to forget about that conversation with Marcus. I knew it would hit again later when things got silent, when the only thing I had was my mind telling me to do something about it. I’d again go through all my fears of both staying and going. I’d go through all the doubts I fought daily that one day I’d be my mother, forced to drop out of school and go to work to make ends meet, ending up a bitter person who blamed everyone but myself for the hardships in my life.


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