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Alphas Prefer Curves

Page 121

by Unknown

  She opened her eyes and found Jax and Hunter standing over her like two sentinels, dark eyes watching her intently with arms crossed, waiting. Zoe came to her senses and scooted on her rear to a sitting position, a bit of that earlier fear returning. She licked her lips and said, “Thank you?” Was that the appropriate response for a mind-blowing orgasm? The first she’d ever had in her life? Thank you seemed hardly enough. “That was awesome.”

  Jax and Hunter exchanged amused looks. “So who are you really?”

  She supposed there was no way she was going to be able to cling to the falsehood that’d gotten her into this room but it was a bit disconcerting to be naked as a jaybird in this particular circumstance. “Mind if I get dressed?” she asked in a timid voice. “It’s a little drafty.”

  “We’ll warm you up after you’ve answered a few questions,” Jax assured her and she actually shivered a little. “Who are you and what are you doing here?”

  “You might not believe me if I told you,” she started, crossing her arms over her breasts, feeling self-conscious. Hunter frowned and shook his head, gesturing at her arms. She slowly released her breasts and her cheeks immediately heated. “This isn’t exactly ideal…not the way I usually conduct interviews.”

  “Interviews? For what?” Hunter asked.

  “Okay, here’s the real deal, no more lies. My name is Zoe Delacourte and I work for the Courier. I’ve been trying to get my editor to believe that I can write something of substance but he keeps throwing these shit assignments my way, like How To Find The Right Potted Plant For Your New Apartment, and I’m ready for something bigger and better.” She glanced around and added in a small voice, “This room would do well with a succulent, by the way. They’re very hardy. I’m pretty sure a fern would die in this room. Not enough light.” She drew a deep breath. Was she really giving him advice about plants? “Um, as I was saying, I think I’m ready for the bigger stories and I thought to prove it to him, I would deliver the real story behind the hit of one of your club brothers, William “Roach” Simms.”

  “The real story?” Jax asked, his gaze narrowing. “And what exactly is the real story?”

  She swallowed. “Well, it didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that Simms was likely killed by someone in the Road Dog crew, right? There has to be a reason for that kind of hit. From what I understand, The Kings and the Road Dogs have been coexisting fairly peacefully for years…so what’s with the sudden gangster stuff?”

  “You’re asking questions that could get you killed,” Hunter warned. “Little girls shouldn’t play games when they don’t know the rules.”

  She frowned. “I’m not a little girl and I don’t scare easily.”

  “You’re asking for trouble.”

  “I won’t stop asking questions,” she told him stubbornly. “This is my chance to prove myself. This is how the real journalists are separated from the posers. I refuse to write another story about houseplants!”

  “And what makes you think you have a story at all? No one else is writing about it.”

  “Exactly. And why is that? This was no ordinary murder. It was execution style, like mobster style.”

  “And you know this, how?” Hunter asked.

  “I promised to go out on a date with a morgue intern…he let me take a peek at the autopsy report.” She forgot about her nakedness — which was pretty interesting given the fact that she barely knew these men and she wasn’t exactly an exhibitionist — but she was too focused on getting what she needed to back down now. “Originally, I thought I could write an undercover expose about a motorcycle gang life told from the inside but then I realized there’s probably no way I could pull that off, not even if I got a tattoo, so I went with a different approach and granted, I hadn’t really thought it through when I committed to it and here I am, admittedly, definitely not how I envisioned this interview going down.” She gasped and covered her mouth in mortification. “I didn’t mean to reference what you did…oh goodness…this is awkward.”

  “A damn reporter,” Hunter muttered, perplexed. “Of all the dumb ass bad luck.”

  Zoe bristled at his tone. “And you’re a law-breaking felon, most likely, so don’t be so judgy, if you please. The true art of journalism is being lost in the haze of technological gadgetry. Smart phones and the Internet are pretty awesome until you realize that they’re replacing a nation with former readers and thinkers with drooling automatons who believe anything they read on their social media.”

  “Drooling automatons?” Jax repeated, mildly amused. “Interesting.”

  “Interesting? How do you mean?” she asked, her gaze darting between the two. “What do you plan to do with me now that you know the truth?”

  “Oh honey, my plans haven’t changed one bit,” Jax answered, unzipping his jeans and pulling them from his muscular legs right before her astonished eyes. Good lord, what a body! Every nerve ending tingled in warning — and anticipation, if she were honest — but all she could do was stare until Hunter followed Jax’s lead. Suddenly, there were two sexy, dangerously hot and NAKED guys staring down at her as if they were hungry cats and she were a delicious canary and she knew exactly what they planned to do with her. Maybe she ought to stop staring at their jutting appendages and start protesting a bit!

  Averting her eyes, she said, “Would you mind putting on some clothes? It’s a little distracting to have your…thing in my face.”

  Hunter and Jax laughed. “Our thing? You mean our cocks? I don’t think that’s the problem,” Jax corrected, eliciting an unsure frown on her part. “I think you want our cocks in your face but you’re embarrassed by your desire.” He leaned down, pressing her against the cushion. “Did someone tell you you were a dirty girl for being curious about a man’s body?” he asked, somehow zeroing in on her secret past. How’d he know about that? “You need immersion therapy, sweetheart. A cock in your face is exactly what you need.”

  Zoe risked a shaky laugh, trying to seem unaffected by his suggestion. As if! Cocks in her face. What kind of therapy was that? “As tempting as that may be, I’d rather just be on my way. Obviously, I wasn’t thinking clearly when I hatched this plan and all I can do is apologize for taking up your time.”

  “Are you a virgin?” Hunter asked, ignoring her comment.

  “No,” she answered quickly, amending to add with a small, prim sniff, “Technically, no.”

  “Technically?” Jax repeated, intrigued. “Explain.”

  Zoe huffed a short breath and actually glared. “And why would I do that? That’s highly personal.”

  “Wasn’t my face buried in your pussy a few moments ago?” Jax reminded her casually and she wanted to sink through the cushions straight to China. “And didn’t you just come all over my tongue? I’m pretty sure that was you.”

  “Okay, yes, that was me,” Zoe admitted, her cheeks burning so hot she thought her face might catch fire. “But that’s not very gentlemanlike of you to bring it up.”

  “Oh sweetheart, you should know that neither of us are gentlemen,” Hunter said, laughing. “Tell us about your technical sexual experience.”

  “That’s not what I came for,” she reminded them, straightening as much as she could in the slouchy couch. This thing was probably murder on your back, she noted. Absolutely no support for the lumbar. Yes, let’s focus on what’s important, a dry voice in her head quipped, causing her to refocus with a subtle frown. Forgive me for being a little flighty under the circumstances! “You have to understand…desperation will cause people to do all manner of crazy things, impulsive things. I just wanted someone to realize that I have more talent than I’ve been given credit,” she pleaded, trying to find a way out of the pickle she’d put herself into. “Surely, you can appreciate that?”

  Both men surprised her by flanking her on either side. Their naked thighs rubbed against hers and she felt that sweet heat flooding her insides again. Oh dear…her will power was slipping like an unintentional fart after too much dairy. Wh
y were they so beautiful? Perfect male specimens…a real testament to the human race. Good genes, likely.

  “I can appreciate that you’re hotter than you realize and you really shouldn’t walk into a lion’s den and not expect to get eaten,” Hunter warned her, moving in to nibble on her neck while Jax watched with a small smile, clearly appreciating how easily she was distracted.

  “That’s not fair,” she moaned, unable to believe this was happening. Maybe she was in a medically induced coma and this was one messed-up, anesthesia-fueled wet dream. Or maybe she was actually being coerced and seduced by two dangerous bikers who were hellbent on destroying her will to resist their advances. Ohhhh, no, not the breasts! But Hunter had moved to latch his mouth onto her right nipple, sucking and teasing until she was panting and groaning, causing her to momentarily forget that she needed to get out of there.

  “You done wandered into the wrong lion’s den, sweetheart,” Jax said softly while Hunter kept her at a disadvantage. “The situation is this…I don’t know if you have the talent you think you have but I do know that if you start asking questions like that around certain people, you’re gonna put your pretty ass in a sling and that would be a real shame considering you have the sweetest ass I’ve ever seen. I’m not saying you’re right…but I am saying that you need to back down — you’re in way over your head.”

  She panted, “I won’t stop! Tell me off-the-record, give me something to work with! I’ll keep my sources confidential, I swear it!”

  Jax laughed and Hunter chuckled against her flesh and she knew they wouldn’t be making her any deals nor were they going to let her waltz out the door without taking their price. Disappointment caused her eyes to well briefly but it was hard to think terribly straight when everything in her body hummed and tingled, aching with the need to be touched and teased. They were like a drug in her system — a newly acquired taste for something exotic and likely to kill her — but she couldn’t quite stop her hips from undulating in short, needy movements as she hungered for that next fix. “What are you going to do to me?” she asked, already knowing the answer. Jax’s heated smile matched the hunger in his eyes. To be taken by these men…she’d never be the same. There’d be no turning back after an experience like that, right? Her pathetic dating history flashed before her eyes and a tiny bubble of laughter followed.

  God, a small part of her ardently hoped not.


  Hunter didn’t like reporters — they’d never had anything nice to write about an Ericksen in all his life — but this one…she was different. She tugged at his need to protect, which was fucking foreign as all get out considering Hunter had never been the protector-type. Historically, he’d mostly been the fuck-em-hard-and-leave-em-wet type. The fact that he felt the slightest bit of something for the woman was enough to make him want to run the opposite direction but damn, it would take an act of God to get him away from her after watching her come with Jax.

  “When you roll the dice with the bad guys, the chances you take might just shock you,” Jax said silkily before tweaking her left nipple and popping a squeak from her lips. “Now tell us about your sexual experiences.”

  “Why do want to know that? It was embarrassing,” she grumbled, her pretty cheeks coloring. “And why do you care who I’ve slept with? Should I ask you the same?”

  “Humor us.”

  She drew a deep breath and closed her eyes before starting. “It was my senior year in college and I was ready to lose my V-card but I wasn’t exactly high up on the dating chain so I went on this dating site and found Teddy. He seemed nice enough, if not a little doughy in the face and stomach but who was I to judge, right? Long story short, we went back to my place, fooled around a little and then, he was doing his thing. It was very…different than I imagined it would be.”

  “Did you come?” Hunter asked with keen interest. The idea that someone else had made their little reporter shatter was enough to make him want to punch something.

  “I don’t think so,” she answered sheepishly. “But it felt sort of good for a minute or two.”

  “That’s the saddest thing I’ve ever heard,” Jax said, shaking his head. “Did it hurt?”

  “No, not really. I kept waiting for it to hurt but it didn’t.”

  “Maybe his cock wasn’t big enough,” Jax joked and all Zoe could do was shrug. “Is that Teddy guy your boyfriend?”

  “Oh no, he left shortly after making a mess on my stomach and I haven’t seen him since. I don’t really have time to date. You know, busy girl trying to make a name for herself in the cutthroat world of investigative journalism.”

  “What an idiot.”


  “Not you, sweet stuff…that guy you gave your V-card to. Fucking idiot,” Hunter said and she relaxed. “So…other than Teddy…what other sexual experiences have you had?”

  “Um…not so many.”

  “Such as? Give me a number?”

  “You mean not counting what just happened?” She pretended to count but then gave up all pretense and admitted, “two and that’s including what just happened with you and your brother.”

  “Tragedy. A woman with a body like yours is made for fucking,” Jax said, shaking his head. “You know, we’re not exactly known for our charitable works but we’re going to do you a solid tonight because you’re too damn cute to go the rest of your life only knowing Teddy. Tonight, we’re going to ruin you for other men.”

  “Oh, that’s very sweet but not necessary. I think you’ve already done a bang up job of that already,” she said with a shaky laugh. “I mean, I’ve never had anyone do that thing to me that you did with your mouth.”

  “Did you like it?” Jax asked, moving in to brush a kiss across her lips and she quivered with awareness. “I think you did. I think you liked it more than you want to admit.”

  “Yeah, I liked it,” she said in a small voice. “But I’m not sure I want you doing it again.”

  “Really? That’s too bad because I’m going to do a lot more than that.” He rolled away before adding, “But first, it’s my brother’s turn.”

  “Come here, sweetness,” Hunter said, surprising her when he pulled her onto his lap, forcing her to straddle him. Even though it wasn’t her first time, he’d go gentle…at first. Jax went behind her and filled his hands with her breasts, gently rolling the nipples in his fingers as she moaned and leaned into him. Hunter popped his finger in his mouth and then went searching between her folds to find that sweet spot that Jax had already coaxed into performing and she was soon grinding against his finger, her hips undulating of their own accord as if she had an inner porn star just waiting to emerge. Quivering and panting, she gave little resistance when Hunter pulled her down onto his cock. Inch by inch, she accepted his thickness, wincing a little as she stretched to accommodate his length and girth, but she took him in like a champ. Something inside of Hunter shifted and expanded and he knew it was more than just the hot sex…and if he hadn’t been cock-deep inside Zoe…he would’ve pushed her out the door. He didn’t have time for anything more than a good time but damn…there was something about Zoe that made it hard to just hit-it-and-quit-it. She was gonna be trouble.


  “Look at that…she’s a natural,” Jax crooned, kissing her neck as she rode him in slow, sensual movements. “Damn, she’s so hot…” His fingers left her breasts and suddenly a finger toyed with her backdoor and she squeaked in alarm but Hunter was quick to occupy her attention elsewhere when his thumb rubbed her clitoris in sweet, teasing circles. “That’s a girl…ride that cock. I promise you’re going to love this…”

  The scent of something slippery and herb-like caught her senses and she realized it was oil and Jax’s well-lubed finger rubbed and played with her backdoor in the most shockingly arousing motion that she never would’ve imagined as pleasurable. She groaned when his finger slid past her sphincter, gently easing that opening until he managed two fingers and then a third, all the while Hunter�
��s cock slid in and out of her tight wetness. Who was she? She’d never been that insatiable sex queen who did these kinds of things but here she was! Riding a giant cock while another played with her other hole. Good lord! That was heavenly! And then just when she thought she couldn’t handle anything else, the blunt, spongy head of Jax’s cock was pressing against her backdoor, insistent and achingly brutal. She didn’t have time to protest, to cry out, because within seconds she was completely filled! Her teeth chattered as both men buffeted her with their cocks, each taking from her as she took from them, accepting them into her body as if she were made to do so. Hunter filled his hands with her breasts and squeezed as he thrust against her. The bone-crushing pleasure came at her from all angles. This was insanity but she was a willing participant even if she knew this was the most reckless thing she’d ever done. “Oh God…” she couldn’t breathe, couldn’t get the words past her lips but that was okay because words were useless anyway. Something big was barreling her way, forcing its way through her body and rattling down the pipes to pool in her groin. Starburst exploded behind her eyes as the most extreme pleasure made soup of her brain. Her mouth went slack even as her entire body stiffened and clenched, rocketing the brutality of her orgasm straight into the heavens, and within seconds warmth flooded her from both sides as both Jax and Hunter pumped her full of their seed. She seeped and oozed their fluids as it mixed with her own and for a long moment all she could do was gasp for air. Zoe fell forward and Jax eased himself free from her backdoor while Hunter lifted her from his softening cock to gently return her to the sofa. The sound of their harsh breathing mingled with the muffled sounds of the bar on the other side of the door and Zoe couldn’t help but laugh at the absurdity of the situation. “I’m not laughing at you,” she rushed to clarify when both Hunter and Jax looked at her strangely. “It’s just that if you knew me a little better you’d know that I never do stuff like this. I mean, ever. This is so outside of my wheelhouse.”


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