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Alphas Prefer Curves

Page 153

by Unknown

  She moved again, burrowing closer and groped for the covers.

  “Are you cold?”

  “Yeah, a little.”

  He pulled the blanket over them both and wrapped the fabric around her waist, his fingers brushing the soft skin of her leg. She sighed in appreciation, a sexy sound no man on earth could resist. Kane worked his hand underneath her shirt and touched the heated flesh of her waist. He spread his fingers in the curve there, thinking how well she would fit him. He continued a path to her slightly rounded stomach where he swirled around her belly button. For a split second her body tensed before relaxing once again in his hand.

  He touched her ribs and hesitated at the point he’d expected to touch her bra. She didn’t have one on. He stilled his fingers, willing them not move, but the knowledge that everything he’d dreamt of for weeks was right here in his grasp was too heady an enticement. He couldn’t have stopped now unless she told him to, and even that was questionable. Based on the subtle increase in her breathing and shift in her scent, however, she wouldn’t stop him.

  He moved forward and traced the under curve of her breast. Around and under he continued, but purposely not touching her more sensitive spots. He smiled when she quietly sucked in a breath and held it. She wanted him to keep going.

  “We can’t,” she murmured.

  “Don’t think, Lara, just feel. Unless, you really don’t want me, and if that’s the case then you need to tell me now.”

  She didn’t say anything else, she didn’t need to. She covered his hand with her much smaller one and pulled it to cover her breast, scraping against the ice hard nipple.

  He groaned at the exquisite feel and roughly flipped her onto her back so he could get better access. Her hair fanned out around her head, and her skin seemed to glow in the dim light of the room. This was everything he’d dreamed about when his conscious self shut down. Underneath the evil he’d perceived in this woman was a softer, sweeter side he craved.

  “What do you want, Lara?” Without waiting for her answer he shoved her shirt up and out of the way and got his first look at the lush, full breasts topped by the tightest little nipples he’d ever seen. He dipped down to nip at one and then the other, licking and biting as he went.

  Her eyes popped open and caught his gaze, and for a moment he saw an unguarded lust that took his breath away. Hunger met hunger like never before. His tongue traveled between her breasts and up her neck, pausing at the little hollow in the center for a few extra nibbles and licks. Lara’s body shivered beneath him and the scent of her arousal flooded the room. His nostrils flared as he inhaled deeply, letting her fill his lungs. When her shirt got in his way, he lifted it over her head, stretching her arms, and tossed it to the ground. His gut clenched at the scene she presented. He loved the look of her with arms held up and looking a little helpless.

  Kane opted to keep them there by grasping her wrists together with one of his hands. “Damn, that’s hot, babe.” She started to speak, but he kissed her quiet. He didn’t want her to say anything that would distract from his plan. Her honeyed taste drove him so wild he was sure it would be addictive. With a low grown he slid his lips further along hers, tangling with her tongue until they both broke apart gasping for breath.

  “You’re mine now.” Kane slid his hands down her smooth torso to the edge of her waistband. He wanted her naked and underneath him right now, no more games. With a quick twist of his fingers, he had her shorts unbuttoned and the zipper edged down as well. His breath caught in his lungs when he spied the tiny tuft of silky black hair that covered her mound. A rumbling in his throat sounded again. Damn woman got his motor running, that was for sure. He couldn’t remember feeling this out of control with another female.

  His fingers moved through the soft thatch and her moist, silken folds, circling her clit but not quite touching it.

  Her gasp caught his attention and he turned to look at her face to see her expression. Her eyes closed tight and her mouth formed a sweet little circle, giving him all kinds of devilish thoughts of taking her there. His hardening cock pulsed against his leg as he imagined sliding it between those luscious lips. Fuck, he was going to die if he didn’t have her soon.

  Drawn magnetically back to her sex, he dipped a finger inside, reveling in the tight sheath heating him as he stroked the soft skin of her pussy. He grazed her clit with his thumb and she jumped enough that he thought she was going to fly off the bed. He loved how responsive and eager she’d become.

  He worked a second finger inside, getting her ready, ’cause damn, she was tight. Again her skin beckoned to him and his beast fought for control. His canines lengthened on a sudden urge to bite and mark her. Careful not to hurt her, he touched the razor sharp points to her soft stomach and scraped lightly around her belly button. She groaned and bucked, close to an orgasm if her ragged breathing and little cries indicated anything.

  She cried out, “Oh, Kane. So close.”

  A loud pounding sounded at their door and Kane and Lara both leapt instinctively away from each other, springing off the bed on each side. Adrenalin surged, leaving him alert and ready for whatever was happening.

  “Open up.”

  Chapter Five

  Lara’s heart raced as she fixed her shorts and hopped around, looking for her shirt. Crap, what the hell had she been thinking? The banging on the door continued and Kane motioned for her to go into the bathroom. She pulled her shirt back on and shook her head. No way in hell would she cower in the other room waiting for someone else to protect her.

  “Like fucking hell. Why don’t you go wait in the bathroom and let me take care of it?” she whispered.

  He arched his eyebrows. “That wasn’t a question.”

  She moved swiftly around the bed and pushed her face inches from his. “Don’t even go there. This is my room and no one else knows you’re here. You are going to stay out of sight until I see what is going on.”

  “I’m not going in there, either,” he stated sullenly.

  “Fine. Then get behind the door and let me handle this.” She walked away from him; they’d have this out later. She attached the wall chain to the door and opened it a few inches.

  “You can stop banging anytime now.”

  Two hulking men stood outside her door dressed in black jeans, black t-shirts, and black boots–she knew right away what they were even if she didn’t know exactly who.

  More fucking cats. “Ma’am, where is he?”

  “Ma’am?” She rolled her eyes. “Where is who?”

  “We’re here for you and Kane.” That took her back. What had Kane done when he’d made his phone calls? Called in reinforcements?

  “What’s going on?” Kane had come around the door and questioned the men. “Dave, what the hell are you doing here?”

  “Friends of yours?” She looked at him waiting for an explanation.

  “We’ve come to help you bring her in.” Dave looked down at Kane’s state of undress and arched his brow.

  “Since when do I fucking need help?”

  “Whoa, wait a minute. Bring me in? Kane, what the hell is he talking about?” This was far quicker than she’d expected She should have just killed him when she had the chance. God, and she’d let him touch her.

  Kane snarled. “You guys wait outside I’ll be with you in a minute.”

  The men took a few steps back and Lara sensed their fear. She should have made more magic.

  “I was going to tell you when I came in, but you were already dozing.”

  “God, where have I heard that before?” She shook her head and paced across the room. “I don’t know what you’re planning, but I ain’t going nowhere with you. Especially now.”

  Why the hell had she listened to him? She fucking knew better. Since when did she let a hot body control her? Ugh. Now she was trapped in a tiny motel room with three cats watching her every move. Damn. Damn. Damn.

  “We have to go back. If we don’t then I am expected to carry out my orders.�
�� His voice lowered. “I heard you out and I’m taking a huge risk on you, now you need to do the same for me.”

  “I should have listened to my instincts.”

  “What? And kill me? Is that what you still want? Look at me, damn it.” She reluctantly turned her head. “There’s something going on between us.”

  “Yeah, we were on our way to sex, big deal.”

  “Neither of us really wants to kill the other. At least not yet, but tempt me again with another statement like that and you might just get what you expect.”

  “So says you. Now that I have three of you to contend with, killing is sounding like a pretty damn good idea.”

  Kane sighed. “We have to find out what happened. Both our futures depend on it now.”

  Lara sat down hard on the corner of the bed and put her head in her hands. Not five minutes ago she’d been about to fuck him and probably enjoy every damned second of it. Now she fought some inner demon wanting her to find her way to freedom any way she could. Her flight or fight instinct didn’t say anything about going along for the ride.

  “What’s to say someone won’t shoot me dead as soon as I walk back onto clan land?”

  “No one, and I mean no one, would dare cross me like that. No clan member wants to be marked for death by me.”

  The way he said those words, with the hostility shining in his eyes, sent chills down her spine. The pure malice in his tone even frightened her. Until now she had pretty much mocked the whole black cougar myth. Now she wondered if she hadn’t thought it through completely.

  “Why do we need to go back? Why can’t I stay here while you investigate?”

  “It’s not that simple. There has to be a tribunal. The council must convene and reopen the case against both you and your mother. “

  Dread filled her at his words. From his mouth this did not sound like a good idea at all; in fact, it was probably the worst idea she’d heard.

  “What if I refuse to go?”

  He stared at her without responding. He didn’t look too happy at the thought of her not going along with him. Seconds ticked by with both of them staring each other down.


  “You will go,” he growled.

  “You’re a cold hearted bastard, Kane.”

  “Sometimes, when I have to be.” He redressed and headed for the bathroom. “Get ready. We leave now.” His he-man attitude really annoyed the hell out of her. First thing on her list would be to find a way to correct it. She packed up her few things, then pulled a different outfit from her bag. She opted for black leather pants, a matching vest top that gave her more than a generous amount of distracting cleavage, and her combat boots.

  She strapped a knife to her leg and easily covered it with the leather of her pants, and even managed a couple of throwing stars in her pockets. No way she’d walk into their den unarmed. While she didn’t think Kane planned to harm her at this point, a girl could never be too prepared.

  The cats outside seemed a lot less friendly, and there would probably be a lot more of that where she was going.

  Kane stepped out of the bathroom just as she pulled her bag over her shoulder and positioned it across her back. He took one look at her and froze.

  “What the hell?”

  She bit back a satisfied smirk and instead turned as innocent a look as she could muster his way. “What?”

  “Don’t what me, you little minx. You have any idea what seeing you like that does to me? Will do to them?” He pointed the the outside wall.

  Good, she hoped they all suffered. “I don’t care.”

  “You will when I’ve got you against the wall, sliding between your thighs.”

  “Dream on.” Damn, his words slayed her, and the arousal she’d finally cooled flared to full heat once again. So much that his nostrils flared when he caught her scent.

  “We’ll see. But first, I have to get you past the others without them pouncing on that heat of yours and you slitting their throats.”

  “Good idea, ’cause if anyone makes a move against me that is exactly what will happen. In fact, you’ll be the first if I find out you’re playing me.”

  Kane rolled his eyes at her and walked out the door. She trailed after him, a sense of dread settling over her. She didn’t care how confident he was in his clan, this was not going to be a cakewalk, and she’d have to be on guard every minute. Even then it seemed unlikely they’d all get out this without bloodshed.


  Two hours later, Lara still sat in the passenger seat, not speaking to him. She’d demanded to drive her own car and he’d flatly refused. When she’d discovered that he’d lifted her keys when she wasn’t looking, he thought she would leap at him. She’d even bared her teeth. She acted very much like one of them, strong instincts and fast moves. He’d finally informed her either he drove or her car would be left behind. She’d glanced at the men surrounding her and he practically saw her brain calculating the odds of her starting a fight and taking any of them out before they could subdue her. At least, she had no idea how much that turned him on.

  She’d climbed into the car on her own, but the tension buzzing through and around her was palpable. Things were going to get interesting. How would she handle the blatant hostility coming her way when they arrived?

  They were already driving through clan owned lands and they’d arrive at his cabin in a few minutes. He hadn’t considered any other place to take her. No way did he want her in the general population. Some of the females would likely tear her from limb to limb before he got a word in edgewise. While the clan would ultimately follow the rules, if someone provoked Lara he suspected she’d strike out without thinking. One violent outburst and her appeal would be over.

  Yes, it would be much easier to protect her out here. He, like the rest of his brothers, valued their peace and quiet and preferred to live away from the rest of the clan. This way they socialized when they wanted and stayed hidden when they didn’t.

  When he turned off the main road onto the dirt lane that led to his place, the other vehicle following them continued on its way. He would deal with them later. He’d have to kick Nick’s ass for telling Dave and his crony where he and Lara were located. But first, he had to settle and soothe the angry female sitting next to him.

  The dense trees and bushes made it slow going the last mile, especially since he didn’t want to scratch up her beloved car. When he slowed to a crawl she looked at him with a curious glance. He maneuvered them the last hundred feet and the brush cleared to an open grassy area and the log cabin he’d labored over for years getting just right.

  “Wow. Where are we?”

  “My home.” Unlike his brother Lucas, he’d been meticulous about every detail. He liked to think he was conscientious about where he lived, but Lucas called it anal.

  “Fancy place.”

  “I like it.” He pulled the car to a stop behind his home where he had a garage attached to both the house and the mountain behind it. More importantly, there was a network of caves through the mountain he could access via his garage. If it came down to anything happening around here he would always have an escape route.

  “I thought we were going to the clan gathering area.”

  “It’s a little late tonight, and besides, I’m going in there first to find out what the hell has been going on while I was away. Those men should not have surprised us like that.”

  She grabbed her bag and climbed out of the car, and he did the same. Damn, it was good to be home. He couldn’t wait to get some sleep in his own bed instead of cheap motels and grassy patches in the forest. Maybe even curled around a warm female body he was burning to touch again.

  When he caught up with her on the porch she held out her hand to him.



  “My place doesn’t open with a key. A code and an infrared scanner.”

  “Paranoid much? I wasn’t talking about your fancy place here.”

  It took
him a second before he realized she meant her car keys. He laughed. “No way, I’m not making it that easy for you to run.”

  She gave him a hostile glare and pushed past him into the house. He had to admit it was kind of fun to see her get so worked up even in anger, although not nearly as exciting as her lust. He stood proudly as her gaze surveyed the room.

  From the suede couches to the artwork on the walls, he’d carefully chosen every piece in this room to reflect as much of the outdoors as possible. He may like human comforts, but his animal often wanted to be in the wild. So, he’d taken the time to combine them both.

  Now it just felt good to be home. He toed off his boots and removed his socks so his feet could sink into the plush green carpeting. He hit a button on the wall and music filtered throughout the house. A nature CD, actually, with sounds of a forest and a soft melody in the background. Sure, he liked rock and roll and various other kinds of music, but at home he preferred the soothing sounds of nature.

  He padded up behind Lara and spoke quietly. “It’s late now. I imagine you’re tired. Maybe after some rest you won’t find this situation so repulsive.”


  Lara sighed. She had a hard time holding onto her anger when he got so close; her hormones went crazy around him. Fear, on the other hand, was a completely different story. She had no one but herself to make sure this situation came out okay for her, and his hot body and wandering hands distracting her could wind up costing her a lot more than she could afford.

  Still, when his hands touched her shoulders and began a slow, methodical massage of the tight muscles there, she didn’t tell him to stop. She’d never been in a home like this, never even thought of a house as a restful place, but that’s sure what Kane had created here. A haven to rest a weary soul. His fingers continued to her neck and she eased back into his hands.

  “Good lord, woman, you seriously need to relax.” Lara couldn’t remember the last time she’d done something so frivolous. She lived in a perpetual state of single-minded focus on revenge, and every move she made daily had some motive behind it that would get her there.


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