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Dominic: A Triple Threat Novel

Page 9

by Josephine Jade

  “Oh, you’re not done,” he said.

  He picked up off his lap then arranged her so her head was on the seat facing them and her legs were on either side of his hips, ass in the air. She was completely exposed to him.

  She cried out as he alternated slaps between the crack of her ass and her pussy, over and over again until both were throbbing. Then he repeated harder spanks against her ass cheeks and her thighs again.

  A good, cleansing, burning pain.

  When he stopped, he stretched his legs out so she could lay down against them and not have to hold her weight. She couldn’t even find embarrassment that she was laying on a slant with her ass facing up to him.

  “I love the feel of heating your ass with my bare hand. I’m always going to love that. But you can trust that from now on I’m going to make sure I have something – a paddle would do nicely – to give you what you need if you get like this.” She felt his hands massaging the tender flesh of her thighs then moved up to her ass.

  “Thank you, Dom. Thank you for giving me what I needed,” she said from where her head rested against his ankles.

  Dominic reached over and spoke into the intercom. “Titus, we can head home now. How far out are we?”

  “About twenty minutes, sir.”

  There was no way Titus hadn’t heard what had happened here, but Cassandra couldn’t do anything but lay empty and open against Dominic’s legs.

  “You hear that, Cass? I’m going to thrash you for another twenty minutes. What you’ve already had was because you needed it. What you’re going to get now is to remind you that you are never to hurt yourself again. If you need release, you come to me.”

  He kept her there hanging at a downward angle as he brought his hand down against her again. With the way her legs were sprawled, literally bottoms up, he was able to strike the most tender parts of her ass over and over. Then he concentrated on her ass cheeks and thighs again.

  Her sobs became wails as he burned her flesh with his hand. She began to grind herself against his thighs, knowing it must look wanton but unable to stop.

  “That’s so fucking hot, watching you grind right in front of me. That’s it, dirty girl, you get yourself off as many times as you can while I spank that red ass.”

  She did, rubbing and pumping and grinding against him as he continued to spank her. Soon the pain became a pleasure that left her gasping and then humming. Her body bowed with waves of intense pleasure like she’d never known. She was afraid he would stop, but true to his word he rained down blows as she rubbed herself against him until the car stopped. By then her body seemed to be just one giant orgasm. One didn’t end before another seem to be again.

  The buzzing was completely gone. She felt comfortable, if a little painful, in her own skin again.

  Once the car was parked, after letting her catch her breath, he helped her upright and fixed her dress. She glanced at him, afraid of what she would see in his eyes, terrified it would be disgust.

  His hand wrapped in her hair and brought her face to within inches of hers. “Now we’re going to go inside and you’re going to sleep because your body needs it.”

  “But, what about you? About the other things we talked about earlier?” Oh God, maybe now he didn’t want her any more. Thought she was broken. She was broken.

  “This,” he brought her hand to his crotch where there was no denying a very heft erection. “This will be waiting anxiously for the very thorough blow job you will give it first thing in the morning. The other will wait for a special night. But right now you will turn off your mind and rest.”

  There was no disgust in his voice or his eyes. Nor pity. Just resolve.

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “This conversation, what you needed here tonight, isn’t over between us. We will talk about it again. I can’t help you if I don’t understand it.”

  Cassandra nodded, but inside her, darkness grew. How could she expect him to understand something she didn’t understand herself?

  Chapter Eighteen

  Over the next month, Cassandra made sure to avoid any serious conversation between she and Dominic. It wasn’t terribly difficult; she found he could easily be distracted by her taking off her clothes or dropping to her knees in front of him. Not that he didn’t know what she was doing. But he seemed willing to let it go. Or at least accept what she was offering.

  But things also changed.

  Dominic took her out to eat. Never any fancy places that made her uncomfortable; just the delicious casual food that could be found throughout the French Quarter and all over New Orleans.

  And ice cream. Her husband — not that she would ever use that word to describe him to his face — had a sweet tooth for frozen treats. They went out almost every evening for one sort of ice cream or another.

  The deliveries stopped. If she needed something now one of Dominic’s other men took her into town. Dominic had even offered her the use of one of his cars, although she’d never taken him up on it.

  She very definitely could not be called his prisoner.

  Things changed inside his house too. After Cassandra’s success in thwarting the thieves at the gala, Dominic had given her a job besides “being available for the best sex either of them had ever had.” She worked with Titus, Dominic’s head of security, to make sure buildings belonging to, or under the protection of, the Rinaldi family were fortified against thieves. She never knew exactly which building she was studying, certainly to make sure she couldn’t double cross them, but it was nice to feel useful.

  Although being labeled “the best sex ever” wasn’t too bad either.

  It was four o’clock in the afternoon when she left Dominic’s office to go up to the bedroom and saw the red ballroom gown hanging outside the closet. She immediately began backing out of the room, only to find Roman’s hard chest behind her.

  She spun. “What is that for?”

  “We have another gala tonight. A formal dinner for the Rinaldi Foundation.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  He raised an eyebrow. “Because last time I gave you a few days’ warning of a formal event you got so worked up I had to literally beat your ass all the way home to work you out of it.” He took a step closer. “Not that I mind wailing on that sexy ass of yours. I would just prefer to do it because we both want it, not because you’re panicking.”


  “And don’t think that I haven’t noticed you trying to bypass our conversation about the topic of your panic attacks.”

  She frowned. “They’re not panic attacks. I’m just… weird.”

  Dominic stepped towards and her and ran his hands down her arms. “When you get so worked up that you have an uncontrollable physiological response to stress, that’s a panic attack. And it doesn’t make you weird.”

  “I’m just useless at these galas. I feel stupid.” She tried to shrug off his hands but he wouldn’t let her.

  “Useless? Might I remind you that last month you singlehandedly spotted the thieves and proceeded to stop them?”

  “Yeah, but tonight there’s no threat of anyone robbing you, right? So you don’t need me.”

  “But I want you there. As my date. You’re sexy and intelligent and mine. So you’re coming with me.”

  Cassandra was torn. On one hand she really did want to go with him. Wanted to be the woman on his arm at events like this. On the other hand she could already feel nervousness pitting her her stomach. Could he really not see how useless she was?

  “We leave in two hours. Does that give you enough time to get ready, but not so much time that you freak out?” He trailed a finger down her cheek. “I thought a narrow time window might reduce the need for me to cane you.”

  He really was trying to help her in the best way he knew how. She nodded and got on her tippy toes to kiss him on the cheek. “Yes. Thank you.”

  But an hour later after she’d showered and styled her hair, her hands began to shake. She could feel the crawlin
g starting under her skin. She hadn’t gotten dressed yet, nor put on makeup, only had on her bra and thong. Dominic was in the shower. Maybe she could force herself to throw up, say she was sick, get out of going. She didn’t want to lie to Dominic, but the thought of getting dressed now… of trying to be calm and composed in front of so many other people had her panicking.

  She began scratching her belly. But then stopped. He’d told her not to do that. To talk to him.

  But how did you find the words to tell the man you loved that you were so messed up that you couldn’t even go out to a nice dinner without freaking out?


  He stood, towel around his waist, in the doorway of the bathroom watching her. He gestured towards her abdomen where red marks could be seen. “Not going so good?”

  “I—I need…” She couldn’t get any further words out.

  She didn’t have to.

  “Lay on your stomach on the bed, legs together. Grip the headboard with your hands. Eight with the cane, Cassandra. You don’t need twelve. Eight will be enough to get you where you need to be.”

  Her breath hissed out as she sat down two hours later, but her hands were steady and her skin wasn’t crawling.

  “You bastard,” she said when he grinned at her. “Did you choose this dress knowing I’d be covered in welts?” Her red dress, although lovely, was a mermaid cut. It hugged her ass and thighs — providing a constant torturous friction right where he’d caned her — before flaring just above the knees.

  And when the dress wasn’t rubbing her welts, his hand was. He took great delight in reminding her of the pain on her ass and thighs.

  By the time she’d had five blows with the cane, two across the top of her ass, three across her thighs, she’d been screaming, having never felt a fiery pain like that. It took all her will to keep her hands locked on the headboard. He’d done the last three quickly and efficiently, right in her tender sits area.

  As she’d attempted to compose herself, he’d brought in a cool wash cloth and laid it on her heated flesh. “Brave girl,” he’d whispered in her ear. “Hold on to the pain and let’s have fun tonight.”

  He’d helped her get up, helped her wipe her face, helped her get dressed. And he’d been right. Holding on to the pain allowed her to relax. Gave her something else to focus on.

  Even now, surrounded by people, expected to be able to tell which of the thirteen pieces of cutlery she was supposed to use for the appetizers, she wasn’t panicking. She looked over at Dominic.

  “Thank you… Dom.”

  His whiskey colored eyes heated at their secret code. “I want us to find another way — a different way — if we can, to work through situations like this. But until then, it’s my pleasure to hear you gasp in pain every time I touch your ass.”

  Like the last gala, she stayed close by his side. After dinner there was dancing, which she survived thanks to his ability to lead. She found herself actually having fun.

  After more dancing and dessert, Cassandra felt in control enough to excuse herself from him and go to the restroom.

  “Sure you don’t need any help?” he asked.

  She rolled her eyes. “It’s going to hurt enough without you along to poke at your handiwork.”

  He laughed and still patted her ass right where he knew it would sting as she left the table. Bastard.

  She was out into the hallway and almost to the restroom when she heard her name called softly. She turned, wondering if Dominic really had followed her, to find her stepfather stepping out from behind one of the large potted plants that lined the hall.

  Cassandra froze, every muscle in her body going stiff. “Gordon. What are you doing here?”

  “Can’t a father check on his own daughter?”

  “Not when that stepfather sold that daughter off to certain death.”

  Gordon gestured at her dress. “And yet it looks like you’re doing very well for yourself. Ended up back with Rinaldi. Should’ve known.”

  “I’ve got nothing to say to you, Gordon. Leave me alone.”

  “Maybe I should have a little talk with Rinaldi. Just make sure he knows all the details about his wife.”

  Cassandra felt the color drain from her face. Gordon was just trying to cause problems. But that didn’t mean Dominic wouldn’t agree with some of her stepfather’s points. “Dominic doesn’t trust you, Gordon. He doesn’t even trust me. So just stay away.”

  Gordon grabbed her arm. “Well, you better make sure he trusts you. Because I’m going to be calling on you to do a few favors for the family.”

  She yanked her arm, but he wouldn’t let it go. “I’m not part of the family anymore, remember? I’m too useless.”

  “Then you do it because I tell you to.”

  A woman walked by, giving them a concerned look. Gordon dropped Cassandra’s arm and years of conning had them both automatically smiling like nothing was wrong. The woman smiled back, obviously reassured, and went on her way.

  “I’ll be in touch with some instructions soon,” Gordon said. “If you know what’s good for you, you’ll follow them.”

  Then he was gone.

  Cassandra walked numbly back into the ballroom, the need to use the restroom completely forgotten. Dominic wrapped his arm around her, and even kept his hand high on her waist.

  “You’re pale as a ghost. Restroom break must have been much more painful than you though it would be.”

  More painful than she could’ve imagined.

  Chapter Nineteen

  She decided not to tell Dominic about Gordon showing up at the gala, hoping her stepfather would soon grow tired of the game. And besides, there was nothing Gordon could tell Dominic that wouldn’t get him into even more trouble than her.

  Although it would still mean the end of their relationship. Every time Cassandra saw Sarah and how the men in the family doted on her because of her pregnancy, Cassandra knew she would lose Dominic if he found out the truth about what had happened seven years ago.

  So she would just never let him know. It wasn’t like Dominic had any plans to make their marriage a real one anyway. She would enjoy the time she had in the safety of his house, and his arms, for as long as it lasted. Would enjoy every night that he woke her in the middle of the night by sliding into her heat, and even when he paddled her while putting a conference call on mute.

  A week after the gala, while Dominic was over at Roman and Sarah’s house, a package arrived for Cassandra. She came in from working in the garden to find a box from a local high-end lingerie boutique. She couldn’t keep the grin off her face as she washed her hands before opening the box. It wasn’t the first item Dominic had bought her from that store.

  The black lacy teddy did not disappoint. She wondered if he’d get this one off her body in one piece or rip it like he had the last one.

  Her heart fluttered when she saw the small envelope inside, the words “My Cassandra” written on the outside. Dominic had sent her a note with the gift. That was a first.

  But she dropped it as though it burned her when she saw what was inside.

  The teddy had been ordered by Dominic but the note was from Gordon.

  A tiny USB drive was tucked into the corner of the envelope. The note merely read: Put on Rinaldi’s personal computer.

  She stared at the device in horror. She knew exactly what it was; they’d used similar ones multiple times before when stealing from a mark electronically.

  The drive would download computer mirroring software — spyware — and transmit the data to Gordon offsite. Gordon would be able to access Dominic’s finances, schedules, anything he kept electronically filed.

  Cassandra took the USB drive and the envelope, balled it up and stuffed it under the mattress until she could take it to a public trash receptacle. She wouldn’t do it. She didn’t care what Gordon threatened to tell Dominic. She wouldn’t spy on him and give Gordon information that could be used against him.

  She was waiting on the bed dr
essed only in the teddy when Dominic arrived home a few hours later. She gave him her most sexy smile, until she saw the bleeding gash on his forehead.

  “Oh my God, what happened? Are you okay?” She rushed out of the bed to his side.

  Dominic wrapped an arm around her. “I’m fine. Damn brakes on my car completely gave out. Fortunately I was able to manhandle it out of traffic. Still hit a street lamp though.”

  He kissed her hair then let go of her to walk into the bathroom. She followed. “Your brakes just failed?”

  He shrugged as he stripped his shirt off. “I’ve got the mechanics looking at it. I’m going to have somebody go over all the vehicles, make sure there aren’t any routine maintenance problems. If you had been driving that car…” He shook his head and wrapped an arm around her again. “I don’t think you would’ve been able to keep it from plowing into incoming traffic.”

  Dominic’s brakes failing on the exact day she received the mirror USB from Gordon? Cassandra didn’t believe in that sort of coincidence. Gordon was sending her a message: Dominic wasn’t invincible.

  “Hey.” He ran a finger down her cheek. “Don’t look so concerned. I know my line of work can bring out a certain type of danger, but I’m sure this is just a case of bad luck. And I’m fine. This cut looks worse than it actually is. I’m going to take a shower, then I’m going to take advantage of you in that teddy.”

  He took off the rest of his clothes and turned on the water.

  “I’ll give you a massage when you get out.” That would at least give her something to do with the panicked energy rolling through her.

  “On second thought, I don’t think I can wait.” He wrapped and arm around her waist and pulled her into the shower, teddy and all.

  His mouth dropped to her breasts. “I love the look of these pretty nipples when they’re encased in lace.” He nipped at one with his teeth while pinching the other between his finger and thumb.

  Cassandra’s breath caught, but she wanted it harder, wanted him to chase away the thought of Gordon manipulating her. But if anything, Dominic just got gentler. His lips moved to her throat and instead of biting, he nuzzled. His hands, as they moved around from her breast to her back, was tender.


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