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Lucca: Azzarra Crime Family Book Two

Page 10

by Kiara Woodson

  I put my hand over Bianca’s mouth. “Be quiet,” I said in a low voice. “We don’t want to be caught.”

  She nodded her head and moaned quietly. “I know,” she whispered. “But goddamn, you know how to use your tongue. Lord. You better not start giving this to Izzy. If you do, I’ll cut your dick off.” She smiled seductively to show me that she was joking, if not really.

  I pulled down my pants and exposed my cock. I looked down at her pussy, which was glistening wet and knew that she was ready for me. I closed my eyes, knowing that I wasn’t entirely ready for her, though. I didn’t have a condom with me, of course. There was no way that I was going to know that something like this was going to happen.

  Bianca looked at me and she understood. “Here,” she said, opening up her clutch purse, which was next to her on the vanity. She brought out a condom and ripped open the package with her teeth. She slipped over the head of my dick and, in one smooth motion, she sheathed me completely. “Now fuck me,” she said, throwing her legs up higher behind me.

  As I entered her, I felt like I was experiencing just a slice of Nirvana. Her pussy was so tight, her walls gripping my cock. She was pulsating inside, and, as I moved further and further into her folds, she groaned louder and louder. I kissed her, partially because I needed her to be quiet, and partially because I just had to do it. Her lips were so pillowy, so kissable, so soft. I pulled her hair, bringing her head down, and I buried myself as deeply as I possibly could inside of her. Because of her position on the vanity, she was really open, and I could put my cock inside so far that my balls slapped the back of her ass.

  I looked over and saw, for the first time, that there was a lounger right there in the restroom. I picked her up and carried her over to the lounger, my dick inside of her the entire time. I laid her down on her stomach and straddled her from behind. She moaned as I looked at her beautiful firm ass. I spread her cheeks and my tongue swirled around her opening. She was tight, so tight, and surprisingly enough, she tasted amazing.

  I massaged her naked cheeks while I continued to straddle her, and my hand slapped her right cheek hard. She bucked up and moaned. It was a sound of ecstasy, not one of protest, and I knew that I might have found a kindred soul. I slapped her left cheek just as hard, and she bucked up again and moaned louder. Her feet started to kick me, but it definitely wasn’t a sign that I should stop. Her feet were kicking because she was showing her excitement. That much was clear.

  Just to be sure that she was being pleasured, I turned her over so that she was facing me again. I saw the look in her eyes, the passion that burned there, and I knew that I was right. She was loving everything that I was doing, and she was wanting more.

  She was wanting more and I was going to give her more. I was going to give her as much as she could take.

  I kissed her, my lips grazing the top of hers, and I entered her again. More slowly this time. I wanted to make this last, because I didn’t know when we would have this chance to be together again. She screamed my name, over and over again, as my rock-hard cock slid in and out of her swollen and soaking pussy.

  I finally finished, right after she did, and I pulled out. I felt spent, like the entire room was spinning on its axis. Bianca was laying beneath me, her fingers caressing my chest, her eyes examining all my tattoos. She swallowed hard. “You’re an inked man,” she observed. “Do these tattoos mean anything?”

  I took a deep breath, as I felt myself coming back to earth. Earth, at this moment, wasn’t the most welcome place to be. Earth was a place where I was married to this gorgeous woman’s sister. Earth was a place where Bianca’s father could have me killed for what I was doing. He forced me into this union, but I had to admit that the union benefited both Benito and me equally. It certainly wouldn’t do to have everyone in that hall talking about Bianca and me.

  “Of course,” I said, pointing to one of my tattoos. “This tattoo,” I said, pointing to one on my arm, “I got the first time I went to prison. I was only 18, and I finished my first job for Mario. He was the capofamiglia of the Vittorio family in Sicily. My Uncle Franco got me that job when I was only 16. He taught me how to shoot a gun, and he told me stories about the Mafia life. I didn’t know at the time that I actually was the heir to this empire. I didn’t know about my roots at all. I never knew my father, never knew that I had a brother and another sister. I only knew my Uncle Franco and my Aunt Maria. And, soon enough, I had an entire brotherhood in prison.”

  The tattoo that she was looking at was a scroll and dagger and the words morta prima disonore, which translated to “death before dishonor.” That was the credo of the Vittorio family, a very common one, and it was one that I took very seriously. My other tattoo, right above my right nipple, read vida loca, which meant “crazy life.” These two phrases were perfect for the kind of person I was. My life was crazy, of course, as I never knew if I would live to see another sunset, and I hadn’t had that knowledge for many years. Most people assumed that they were going to live another day, but I could never assume that. That, in and of itself, made me feel like my life was a spinning top that always threatened to fall down.

  As for “death before dishonor,” that was a credo that most Italians had. Compared to other ethnic mafias, the Italians ran their organizations with honor. We never killed anybody unless the person really deserved it, or if the person was dangerous to the entire family. Everything I did was in furtherance of the business, in furtherance of the bottom line, and in the best interest of everyone who depended upon the organization’s largesse. I would never do anything that would bring shame to my family, and that was always how I lived my life.

  Even what I did with Bianca was justified in my head. I knew that my marriage to Isabella was a sham. She knew it too. I didn’t consider myself married in the eyes of God, and that was really how I had to look at it.

  I could rationalize anything, I realized, which made me human.

  “You went to prison, huh?” Bianca asked me, her eyes searching mine. “At the age of 18. That must have been rough.”

  “Not so rough. I spent about six months behind bars before Mario bribed a judge to approve my appeal. He explained to me that he let me rot behind bars for so long to teach me a lesson. That lesson was that I needed to do things cleaner. I hit a judge and I got caught because I did something stupid. Because I did something stupid, that hit was considered almost unforgivable by Mario, so he didn’t have me sprung right away.”

  “I see.” She shifted her leg and stroked my back with her foot. “What stupid thing did you do?”

  I sighed. “I didn’t wear gloves.” I shook my head. “That violated rule one that Mario had for me. I always had to wear gloves when I hit anyone. My fingerprints were all over the judicial chamber, and I got sent down for life. I was afraid, too, that I really was going to spend the rest of my life in prison. You can imagine how relieved I was when I won my appeal, and, of course, Mario let me know just how I won that appeal. Lesson learned.”

  “Yeah, lesson learned.” Bianca’s fingers ran through my hair as she looked me in the eyes. “Thank god you don’t have to do things like that anymore. You don’t have to actually hit anyone anymore. I know that. You just have others do it for you. I know that better than anyone, because of my father.”

  I bowed my head. “That’s true.” Then I looked at the clock, which was on the wall next to the sink. It looked like Bianca and I had been in this restroom for the better part of an hour, and I knew that we both were going to be in trouble. “But if I don’t want your father to hit me, I think that we both need to get dressed and get back out there.”

  She swallowed hard, and I saw in her eyes that this encounter meant more to her than sex. Much more than sex. “Yes,” she said, and, to my surprise, she suddenly had tears in her eyes. “Let’s get out there.”

  “Hey,” I said, looking at her. I kissed her cheek and tasted the salt on my tongue. “What’s wrong?”

  She shook her head, and, just like t
hat, Bianca was back. “Nothing.” She sat up straight and went over to her dress, which was laying on the floor. “Now get those clothes on and let’s blow this place.” Then she smiled. “We can blow this place and, maybe later, I can blow you.”

  I took a deep breath, feeling my cock harden again. No matter, I had to get back to Izzy. Everyone was going to be talking as it was. “Sounds like the best thing I’ve ever heard,” I said.

  I got dressed in record time and left Bianca behind. We had to keep up some kind of appearances, even if I knew that there was a huge chance that people were missing us. That, combined with the fact that I couldn’t ever take my eyes off of her beautiful ass, and I knew that I was probably going to be in big trouble when I faced everyone.

  I walked into the hall, where Izzy was in the middle of the dance floor. She had a bottle of champagne in her hand and she was drinking it straight out of the bottle. I glanced around, looking for Benito, wondering why he was allowing Izzy to act a fool, and I saw him in the corner. He was deep in conversation with four other men, and I realized that Benito probably didn’t even notice Izzy acting that way. I wondered if he ever noticed Izzy at all. Or Bianca for that matter. He certainly didn’t take notice of Nico, who was at the party with his husband.

  I looked around, half expecting people to look at me with mass stink-eyes, but nobody even seemed to pay me much mind. Half the people in the hall were surrounding Izzy, clapping their hands and throwing dollar bills at her while she danced around. The other half were at their tables, eating food, knocking back drinks and talking.

  “Hey,” a dark-haired guy said upon seeing me. “Lucca. Izzy’s been looking for you. You’re supposed to take off her garter and throw it.”

  I groaned. This was my first wedding in America, yet I still knew all about the garter tradition. And that was the last thing that I wanted to do. I didn’t want to touch Izzy’s leg and remove her garter. Not after all that had happened in that restroom with Izzy’s sister. I was still hard from that encounter, and all that I wanted to do was to go back to the restroom and see if she was still there so I could fuck her some more.

  Izzy came up to me and threw her arms around my neck. “Come on, hubby, take off my garter.” She raised her leg up on a chair that was in the middle of the floor, exposing her bright red garter.

  I carefully removed the garter as The Stripper played over the loud-speakers. Once I had it my hand, I threw it, and about 10 guys lunged for it. I smiled, always wondering why it was that guys wanted that thing. Most men that I knew weren’t exactly chomping at the bit to get married. My brother Gianni was the notable exception, as he was so dying to marry Grace that he stepped down from his position as capofamiglia. Which was good and bad. Good because I got the job, which led me to Bianca. Bad because I was forced into marrying Izzy to save my hide and the hide of the entire organization.

  I clapped my hands together as I left Izzy standing there in the middle of the floor. I wanted to find Bianca, but I knew that we were pushing things too far as it was.

  I decided that, instead of finding Bianca, I needed to find Gianni.


  Gianni was the person that I wanted to speak with, because I needed his advice. The way that I was feeling about Bianca was so strong that it seemed comparable to how Gianni felt about Grace. He did something drastic to assure that he could be with his true love. I needed to know how I could do the same.

  I found Gianni and Grace sitting in the back of the hall. They were holding hands, and Grace was feeding her new baby, Giorgio. Since the baby was named for my father, I felt somewhat sad at seeing him. I never knew my father. Once I figured out the truth about why I never knew my father, I admit that I went through a period of reckoning. He rejected me, Sofia and Juliette. There really wasn’t any other way of looking at it. Yes, he had his reasons, but they didn’t seem like good reasons to me.

  Yet I was happy that Gianni felt close enough to our father to name his child after him.

  Trina was sitting in her high chair, eating little crackers and drinking juice. Gianni and Grace smiled at me as I approached them.

  “Hey,” Gianni said to me, spreading open his arms. He stood up and embraced me. “How does it feel to be a married man?”

  I glared at him. “Not funny.” I rolled my eyes. “How did I get into this mess?”

  Gianni looked guilty. “It’s my fault. I shouldn’t have left you with the bag like that. I knew that the Fattores were going to try to pull some shit after I left, and, sure enough, they did. I know that it might seem like a huge sacrifice right now, being married to that girl, and it is. I hope that you can maybe make the best of it, though. Our men depend on you.”

  I felt like cracking Gianni’s skull, even though he was my brother, and we had grown extremely close. “I know what you’re saying, but you got your happy ending. What about mine?”

  Gianni looked at me quizzically, not quite understanding what I was getting at. “Well, maybe Isabella is your happy ending. You know, our grandparents had an arranged marriage in Sicily. They were married for 70 years. Our grandmother died of a heart attack at the age of 88, and our grandfather died of a broken heart not six months later. So it can happen. Izzy might be your soul mate. You never know.”

  I sighed. “I do know. I know that she’s not. I know that she’s not because her sister is. Her goddamn sister is my soul mate. If there is such a thing.” I knew, after that encounter in the bathroom, that there was no way that I was going to be able to stay away from Bianca. And that was a dangerous game to play.

  Grace’s eyes got huge when I said that. “Uh oh.” She shook her head. “This doesn’t sound good.”

  “What would happen if I decided just to stand up to Benito and tell him the truth. Tell him the truth and ask for an annulment?”

  Gianni shook his head. “Don’t do it. Not right now.” He lowered his voice. “I’ve been in touch with Pagolo, who is extremely in favor of this union you made with Isabella. He’s told me that by your marrying Izzy, it’s calmed the waters quite a bit with the De Lucas and the other families. I don’t think that you know what’s going on out there. Pagolo has ears in just about every family in the area, so he knows what’s going on behind the scenes. The word is that the De Lucas, the Romanos and the Mancinis all are backing off because they don’t want to have to deal with both you and Benito. It seems that your union with Izzy is having the effect that Benito had hoped for.”

  I sighed, gazing at my hands. “And what about if I marry Bianca? The woman that I really want? Wouldn’t that have the same effect of calming everyone? Won’t they understand that if I marry Bianca that they can’t get to me without pissing off Benito, and they can’t get to Benito without pissing off me? Seriously, wouldn’t that work much better?”

  Gianni put his hand on my shoulder. “No. You forget one thing, the one thing that seals this whole deal. The heir. The baby that she’s carrying. Once it’s widely known that she’s pregnant with your child, it’s going to make everyone that much more scared to do anything against you. It really does make this entire thing stronger.” He took a sip of his scotch. “Besides, if you back out now and make everyone know the truth about you and Isabella and the fact that you aren’t the father of that baby, Benito will probably kill you.”

  Benito would probably kill me. Yes, that probably was going to happen. Especially if I embarrass him by letting everyone know the truth. I wouldn’t be able to marry Bianca because I probably wouldn’t live long enough to do so.

  I looked over at Izzy, who was dancing wildly in a group of girls. Her shoes were off and she was stomping around the floor, as if she were making wine by stomping on grapes. She raised the bottle of champagne high in the air and made wooping sounds while her friends surrounded her and laughed.

  “I’m married, bitches!” she screamed so loudly that I could hear her over the din of the music. “You all thought I wouldn’t get married, but I am, bitches. I am!”

  I laughed a
t her antics. She was funny in a ridiculous kind of way. If it weren’t for the fact that I was the groom, I probably would have been very entertained.

  But I was the groom, and I wasn’t entertained. Not in the least.

  Then she got up on the chair that was in the middle of the floor, the same chair that she used for me to take off her garter. She danced around on the chair and then promptly fell off. I couldn’t see her on the floor, so I worried about her for a split second. I quit worrying when she popped up immediately, laughing hysterically and singing along to the music.

  I looked over at Gianni who was suppressing his own laughter at seeing the out of control Izzy on the dance floor. “Well, you certainly do have your hands full. Listen, brother to brother. I know how you feel. I’m sorry that all this has happened in this way. But you have to lay low and take one for the team. Just remember, if something happens and Benito cuts you off, you’re going to be vulnerable. Pagolo has informed me that the word is that the Azzarra organization is weak because of all the personnel changes at the top. I realize that I’m responsible for this perception, and believe me, I feel like shit about it. But there’s nothing that anybody can do it about it right now. Please, Lucca, please make this sacrifice.”

  As much as it didn’t seem fair that I was going to be called to make this sacrifice, because I was in this position because Gianni couldn’t make his own sacrifice for the good of the company, I knew that he was right.

  I was going to have to stay married to Izzy and try to ignore Bianca.

  For the rest of my miserable life.



  I was going to have to find a new place to live. In the meantime, I was going to have to try to stay with Nico. God knew I couldn’t stay with Izzy and Lucca. After what happened between Lucca and me in that bathroom, I couldn’t ever trust myself to be around him again. It was too dangerous – if my father got wind of what happened, he was going to set Lucca straight and it wasn’t going to be pretty.


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