The Doctor's Choice~Badlands (Contemporary Western Romantic Suspense)
Page 13
After her date with E.J., she’d slipped out of her jeans and climbed underneath the covers of the high bed.
She could smell his cologne on her sweater. He’d asked her if he could kiss her before they got out of the Jaguar and she’d said yes. It was a nice first kiss, not pushy, not grabby.
“Slut!” Cami threw back her new double wedding ring quilt and set her feet on the floor. Shadow cocked his head at her as she made a beeline for the bathroom. “I am an engaged woman.”
She filled the tub with warm water and added a squirt of lavender-scented bubble bath. She stepped out of the rest of her clothes and sank into the warm, fragrant water, sighing as she inhaled.
The bath wasn’t as relaxing as she’d wished because a few minutes later the doorbell rang and Shadow barked. She climbed out and rubbed herself with a towel before wrapping herself in her old terry robe. She ran down the carpeted stairs and saw Breck standing on the porch.
“Breck,” she said, opening the door. The cold, crisp air provided an instant freeze for her face and toes. “Come in quick.” She closed the door behind him.
“Are you naked under there?” He frowned down at her as he tossed his hat on the peg and followed with his lambskin lined jacket.
Cami pulled the collar of her robe higher around her neck. “I usually bathe in the nude. Don’t you?” She planted her feet in a wide stance and glared up at him.
“Yes, but I don’t open the door that way.”
“Well, I should have just left you standing out there on the porch.” She felt her lower jaw jut out and her fists clench.
Breck narrowed his eyes and took a step toward her, grabbing her wrists. He pulled her against his chest and kissed her. It began hard and melted into tender. He embraced her and lifted her off her feet.
Cami’s arms encircled his neck as his kisses tormented her, teased her, roiling a storm of passion from deep within her.
His hands roamed over her damp, terry clad form, as his lips devoured hers.
She couldn’t breathe, couldn’t think. “Stop. Stop right now…” She gasped for air and pushed back from the dark vortex drawing her in.
“Sorry, I couldn’t help myself. You make me crazy, Cami.” Breck set her on her feet and stepped away. “I promised myself that I wouldn’t do that.”
She tried to control her breathing as she arranged her robe. “Did you just come by to molest me or is there something you want?”
Breck grinned at her. “You always have something smart to say, don’t you?”
“You just affect me that way.”
He skewered her with a look. “I feel compelled to grab you and kiss you for the same reason.”
She took a deep breath, stepping away from his disturbing presence.
“I came over to see if you’d like to spend the day with me. I thought we could drive over to the Palo Duro Canyon and see the sights.”
“What’s that?”
“It’s the second longest canyon in the United States. It’s called the Grande Canyon of Texas. It’s especially beautiful in the spring. Wanna come?”
“Don’t you have work to do? You know, lawyer work, ranch work?”
“I’m all caught up for the moment. Go on and get dressed.”
Cami noted Breck’s eager expression; his eyes alight with mischief. Turning to the stairs, she pointed her finger to the loveseat. “Sit.”
“Yes, Miss Scarlett.”
She dressed hurriedly and pulled on her warm socks and boots. When she descended the stairs she saw Breck’s admiring glance.
“I’m glad to see I’ve taught you how to dress.”
“I don’t know how I stayed decent without your expert opinion, Mr. Ryan,” she drawled.
He held her jacket, the one she’d inherited from Aunt Silky. When she slipped her arms into it, he embraced her from behind and kissed her temple.
Cami started to protest, but his touch filled some empty place deep inside her, quenched an undefined longing. Leaning back against him, she relished the luxury of being cared for.
His lips brushed the side of her neck, sending her pulse into a crazy staccato. “We better go,” she said, alarmed that her voice sounded low and husky.
Don’t give it all away, girl.
Cami gasped in pleasure at the beauty of the canyon, gouged deep in the Texas earth. The crisp breeze bit her cheeks, bringing her a higher color and blowing tendrils of hair across her face. “This…This is beautiful! I didn’t know anything like this existed here.”
Breck grinned down at her. “It’s been here for the past few millennia, at least. They put on a passion play here at Easter. It’s pretty inspiring.” He laid a hand on her shoulder.
The edge of the canyon was both beautiful and terrifying at the same time. The morning sun cast deep shadows into the crevices making them appear sinister and threatening.
A shrill cry from a hawk soaring overhead sent a shaft of panic stabbing through her. The hawk circled, scanning the canyon raptly.
A prickle of goose flesh alerted Cami’s senses to danger. She peered over the canyons rim, experienced a wave of panic as she imagined falling to the depths below. Her boots sent a shower of loose rocks skittering down the face of a red-hued cliff. She stepped back, colliding with Breck’s solid form.
He clasped her shoulders, steadied her, pulled her back to lean against his chest. “Easy girl,” he said, like she was a skittish colt.
A whisper of fear brushed her skin. She tried to make her voice sound strong. It quavered anyway. “Does anyone ever fall in?”
“There are occasional accidents but it’s usually campers or someone rafting without proper training and safety equipment.” He pressed his lips into her hair. “Not to worry. I’d never let you get hurt.”
She swallowed, tried to breathe, tried to shake the feeling that they weren’t alone.
With her imagination working overtime, the canyon took on an eerie, other worldly quality, due in part to the strange stacked formations that had stood guard here for centuries.
“Those look like sentinels.” She pointed to the spires of rock.
Breck chuckled, his breath warm against her cheek. “They’re natural formations called hoodoos.”
“Aptly named,” she said.
“I should have brought the horses. We could have ridden down into the gorge.”
“You’ve done this before?” she asked.
“Lots of times. My dad was an avid camper. He used to bring me here all the time.” He directed her attention to the sky. “Look there’s a Harris Hawk. He’s looking for his meal.” They watched in fascination as the hawk circled and then dove with amazing speed at some target on the ground and rose again with a small struggling victim held firmly in his talons.
Cami shivered. “I know it’s a part of life, but it’s hard for me to see anything die.”
“Can’t argue with you there.”
They walked along the canyon rim for almost a mile and then returned to the truck.
“Now wasn’t this worth the trip?”
“Absolutely. Thank you for sharing this place with me. I’ll always remember it.”
Breck lightly traced the outline of her cheek with his thumb. “I hope we’ll come back here often. The next time I’ll load up the horses and we’ll go down in the canyon.”
She nodded, wondering if her future lay here or in Houston. They ate at a diner in the small town named Canyon, and drove back to her ranch by the middle of the afternoon.
When they pulled into the drive, she was shocked to see Clayton Tremont, IV, sitting in a rocker on her porch, his suitcase and a bouquet of roses beside him.
“Oh, my,” she said.
“Who is that yahoo?” Breck eyed him through a suspiciously narrowed gaze.
Cami heaved a labored sigh. “That would be my fiancé.”
Breck pulled up close to the porch and Cami jumped out. She ran up the steps, trying to sort
out her feelings. She had been happy and comfortable in Breck’s company, but that was how she’d felt in Houston with Clay before she’d ever known there was a Breckenridge T. Ryan.
Was she so fickle that she’d give her heart away at the drop of a hat…of a Stetson?
“Hello, Clay,” she said. “I wasn’t expecting you.”
“Obviously,” he intoned. “I thought I’d surprise you.” Clay bent to kiss her cheek and handed her the roses. “For you, sweet thing. You sounded so despondent when last we spoke. I thought I’d cheer you up.” He raised an eyebrow as he gazed at the tall man getting out of the truck. “But, it seems that you’ve made your own cheer, my dear.”
Her felt her cheeks burn. “Clayton Tremont this is Breckenridge Ryan, Silky’s my lawyer.”
The two men shook hands warily, neither smiling.
“I’ll be going now, Cami,” Breck said. “You call me if you need anything.” He took a few steps off the porch and turned back to immobilize her with his gaze. “I mean it now, Cami. Call me for anything.” He slammed the door of his truck and, giving them one more dark look, drove away.
She struggled with the feeling of abandonment she was experiencing as the truck disappeared from view. Swallowing hard, she forced herself to smile before turning to Clay. “I’m glad to see you.”
“I hope so,” he said.
“Let’s go inside. I’ll show you my house.” She unlocked the door and showed Clay where to hang his jacket. “I hope you didn’t get too chilled while you were waiting for me.”
“To the bone, you bad girl. And you were off with that big cowboy type.” Clay held his arms wide.
She hesitated a moment before stepping into his embrace. Clay kissed her the way he always did, but she didn’t feel the thrill of Breck’s demanding kisses or even E.J.’s tender, exploratory kiss.
Determinedly, she shook her thoughts free and tried to concentrate on Clay and making him feel welcome.
She showed him the downstairs and seated him at the kitchen counter. “How do you like my house?”
“It’s really quaint, dear one.” He smiled tolerantly. “It looks like it came from the pages of some country decorating magazine, as the ‘before’ pages. It really needs an update, but I expect you’re going to sell it in a year. There’s no point on sinking any money into it when some local yokel will love it just this way.” He laughed a little as he swiveled on the bar stool.
Cami turned around, trying to see the room through his eyes.
She loved this kitchen. The apple print on the curtains had come from a catalog to match Aunt Silky’s expensive red Kitchen Aid mixer. Other touches of red stood out against the dark gray tile countertop. She’d always thought this was the homiest room in the house.
“Let’s go for a drive,” she said, suddenly not wanting to show her house to Clay.
“Whatever you want to do.” He slid off the stool.
Cami grabbed the keys to the Lincoln and her jacket on the way out.
“Wow, this is a lady’s car.” Clay slid onto the wine colored leather seats.
“I like it,” she bit out, grinding the motor into life.
She waved to Frank who leaned against the fence, inspecting the newcomer. Frank wore his feelings on his face. Easy to tell he didn’t think Cami’s company measured up.
Clay gazed intently out the window. “How much of this land is ours?”
She blew out a breath. “It’s all my land.”
Breck was driving way too fast.
She’s going to have that yahoo in her bed tonight. He’s going to make love to her and I can’t do anything about it.
He slammed the heel of his hand against the steering wheel.
If Camryn Carmichael had been dating this Clay fellow for some time, and if they were close enough that they’d become engaged, it went beyond saying that they were intimate. But he couldn’t bear the idea of another man holding her and kissing her. He experienced a choking sensation when he imagined her getting horizontal with anyone other than himself.
He drove on for some time, oblivious to time and place. The straight Texas highway unfurled in front of him and required nothing more than him keeping his foot pressed down on the accelerator.
The sharp blast of a horn brought him out of his reverie as he swerved to avoid a slower vehicle. Breck’s truck headed off road and ground to a stop in the dirt.
The smaller truck pulled to a stop on the shoulder and the door opened, disgorging its driver.
“What the hell you think you’re doin’?” Doc Parker came stomping over to where Breck sat, frozen in place. “You tryin’ to get us both killed or somthin’?”
He drew a deep breath and peeled his fingers from around the steering wheel. His heart pounding a drum solo, he climbed down from the truck to face the angry older man. “Sorry Doc. I wasn’t paying attention.”
“Then you got no business behind the wheel.” Doc stood scowling at him from under his bushy brows. “I do not want to be doin’ roadside surgery. C’mon.”
“Lock up your truck and take a ride with me. I don’t think you should be driving a couple of tons of metal as a lethal weapon when your head ain’t screwed on right. I gotta make a house call and then I’ll let you buy me dinner.”
Breck took another breath and expelled it. “Right.” He locked the extra-cab before climbing into Doc’s truck.
Cami drove Clay around her property and then into town, knowing that he wouldn’t be impressed by the country people she had grown to care about.
“So, what’s the story with the big cowboy?” Clay asked. “He looked rather proprietary.”
“He’s just a friend.” Her knuckles tightened on the steering wheel.
“I think he wants to me more than a friend, dear Cami.”
“You could be right.” She turned the Lincoln in at Tiny’s Diner and switched off the ignition.
“What are we doing here?” he said. “This looks like a movie set from The Last Picture Show.”
“The food is good and I don’t feel like cooking tonight. You’ll fare better than if I try to put something together at the ranch.”
He looked perplexed. “Of course, dear. Whatever you suggest. We’ll be back in civilization before you know it.” He opened the passenger door and stepped out.
Cami sat for a moment behind the wheel, realizing how easy it was to get used to all that door opening. She opened her own door and stomped into Tiny’s, grabbing a booth as Clay trailed behind her.
Crystal placed menus in front of them and plastic glasses of ice water. “Hi Honey,” she said. “You’re a friend of Breckenridge’s aren’t you?”
“Yes,” Cami said, opening the menu. “What’s good tonight?”
“I can recommend the chicken fried chicken and the ribs are extra tender.”
As Cami ordered and handed her menu to Crystal, Breck and Doc Parker entered the diner together. Breck glanced at her and selected a table across the room from where she sat with Clay. He positioned himself where he could keep a surreptitious eye on her without turning his head.
Clay reached across the table and took her hand. “I suppose we better go shopping for that ring soon,” he said. “It seems that I’d better stake my claim.”
Cami visualized Clay placing a ring on her finger. The squeezing in her gut alerted her to how reluctant she felt about that eventuality. “No problem,” she said. “You’re right about the ring. I’d probably leave it at home when I’m working. A gold band is enough.”
“That’s what I originally had in mind, but with your big inheritance I thought you might like a status symbol on your finger.”
Cami considered his words. “Someone once told me that the ring was supposed to be a symbol of the prospective groom’s feelings for the object of his affections.”
“That kind of thinking went out with dowries.” Clay laughed and kissed the tips of her fingers.
�It seems that I’m delivering a significant dowry.”
“My dear,” he said, suddenly serious. “The money isn’t important. It’s you I love. You know, for richer or poorer.”
She nodded solemnly. “Especially the richer part.”
“Cami, dearest. What has put you in this mood?”
“Sorry,” she said, expelling a sigh. “Let me freshen up and I’ll feel better.” Cami went to the small bathroom in the back of the restaurant and splashed water on her face. The cold water was refreshing, but she wasn’t washing away tears, just trying to adjust her attitude.
When she opened the door, Breck’s big frame filled the doorway. A sound somewhere between a gasp and a whimper escaped from her throat.
“He doesn’t love you.”
“What?” she gasped as he pushed her back into the restroom and locked the door.
“He doesn’t love you the way I love you.” Breck trapped her face between his hands and kissed her. “No one will ever love you the way I love you.”
She made the whimper sound when he kissed her again. She circled his neck with both arms.
He picked her up and set her on the faux marble counter by the sink, pressing himself between her legs.
“Don’t worry, Cami. I’m not going to make love to you in the ladies room of Tiny’s Diner.” He grinned and kissed her again. “At least, not the first time.”
Cami laughed nervously and rested her cheek against his chest, relishing his arms around her, his hands stroking her hair.
“I don’t want to go back out there,” she said.
“I don’t want him to touch you again. I don’t want him to stay at your place tonight.”
She looked up at him. “You’re jealous?”
Breck’s eyes glinted with something dangerous. “No, but I’m going to kill that guy if he puts his hands on you again.”
“You’re jealous.” Cami grinned.
“It’s eating a hole in my gut. As long as your so-called fiancé was just some faceless guy hundreds of miles away, I could handle it. But here he is, looking like he owns you.”
“Funny, he was just saying the same thing about you.”