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Unrestrained Behavior: The Pleasure and Risk of Choice (The 'Un'missable Series Book 3)

Page 9

by Jerry Summers

  “Well, I asked you about Kenneth Quan, and you told me you didn’t know him when in fact you did.”

  “Well, detective, you asked me if I knew Mr. Quan, and I answered the question correctly. I don’t know him. I have never met him and I have only had one very short telephone conversation with the man. I hardly think that qualifies as knowing someone. Now if you had asked me if I knew of Mr. Quan, then my answer would have been misleading and untruthful. So you see, you asked the wrong question for the information you were trying to uncover. It’s basic English.”

  Detective Adams bites the inside of his cheek to keep from chuckling. “Well, then I stand corrected and I’ll be much more specific from now on.”

  “Wonderful, thank you.”

  “Why did Mr. Prichard come to see you on Tuesday?”

  “That is confidential and without a release from Mr. Prichard I cannot disclose anything about any of our discussions. Did you happen to get a release from Mr. Prichard?”

  Adams doesn’t bother to repress his sigh this time. “No, we didn’t.”

  “That is unfortunate. Is there anything else I can help you with?”

  “Not at this time.”

  Wendy stands up and motions the detectives towards the door. “In that case, thank you for stopping by. In the future, it’s best to make an appointment, because my schedule fluctuates drastically from day-to-day and I wouldn’t want you to have to wait hours to see me. I’ll assist in any manner I can, if you need anything later.”

  After they walk out of the office, Preston Adams turns to Beau. “What a bitch! She is the reason I hate dealing with counselors.”

  Beau laughs. “That may be so, but it was funny to watch your reactions, especially when she told you it was basic English. How did that make you feel, with your English degree and shit?”

  Adams gives him a dark look. “It pissed me off, that’s how it made me feel. Especially because she was correct.”

  “Well if it helps any, you handled it well. I don’t think I would have been so gracious.”

  Preston shakes his head. “Well, what do you say we get some breakfast, then camp outside her office. When Mr. Prichard walks out, we can hit him up for a release and if we get it then we go back in and shove it down her smart ass little throat?”

  “Wow, she really did piss you off didn’t she?” Beau asks tauntingly, then shrugs. “I’m game and I’ve got your back. Besides it will be great entertainment, even if nothing else comes of it.”


  Mike walks in for his eleven o’clock appointment looking tired and weary. Wendy offers coffee which he gratefully accepts and sits down.

  After a moment, Wendy opens the session. “Is anything wrong? You look exhausted and bit out of sorts. How was Los Angeles?”

  “Los Angeles was great,” Mike says, but there’s no conviction in his voice. “Both producers liked what they saw, and I’m expecting one or both to make an offer by next week.”

  “That’s terrific, but it doesn’t sound like you feel that way.”

  Mike shrugs. “We won’t need to work on a safety plan any longer.”

  “I was afraid of that. Detectives Adams and Rogers came by this morning asking me a bunch of questions about Kenneth. They mentioned something happened to him. What’s going on?”

  “It’s awful! I got home yesterday and found Kenneth tangled up in the pool cover on the bottom of the pool. He was dead on arrival at the hospital.”

  “How horrible for you. I’m so sorry.”

  “So why were the detectives here to see you?” Mike asks quietly.

  “Well, Kenneth called me on Wednesday, demanding that I go to the house to meet him or he wouldn’t let you speak with me again. I told him I couldn’t talk to him without your permission. Apparently he was looking for his cat and was mad about Hercules harassing it. He said it he didn’t find his cat he was going to kill the dog… Oh, my God, is Hercules okay?”

  Mike nods. “Yes, Hercules and the cat are both fine. He would always threaten things like that but I never felt he was serious. I think the cops suspect me of killing him.”

  “Why on earth would you say that? You didn’t, did you?” Wendy asks calmly.

  “Of course not. It’s just that they found your card in Kenneth’s night stand and figured I was the abusive one because you’re a domestic violence counselor. When I explained to them that Kenneth had been abusive they pointedly brought up the fact that now he’s dead,” Mike chokes off and takes a moment to pull himself back together. “At that point I told them to leave the house or arrest me.”

  “That explains why they were in my office first thing this morning. I told them I couldn’t speak with them without your consent and asked if they had a release from you. When they didn’t we discontinued out conversation as well.”

  “What should I do?” he asks sadly.

  “Did you tell them everything you told me about your relationship?”


  “Then I think you should sign this release and let me speak with them. My policy is to only confirm or deny what you have told them, but with the release you authorize me to answer any and all of their questions. Since our conversations have been so short and I can’t tell them anything you haven’t already told them, I think it will look good; and it’s always good to cooperate with the police during an investigation.”

  Mike looks at the release Wendy hands him and signs it. Handing it back to her, he asks, “Now what?”

  “I want you to relax. Let’s continue counseling for a few more sessions because I want to work with you on the issues that allowed you to get into an abusive relationship in the first place. Hopefully if we address them now, you’ll never find yourself in another situation like this again. After a few more sessions you can determine if it’s worth continuing or if it’s best to discontinue counseling all together.”

  “That sounds good to me.”

  “Good. Why don’t you tell me how you’re handling this?” Wendy asks.

  “I think that’s a good idea,” Mike says, and continues talking about his feelings and perceptions.

  Wendy looks out her window and notices the detectives driving into the parking lot. As she sits feigning interest in Mike’s conversation, she wonders what they’re up to now and skips through a bunch of possibilities. None of them ring quite true until it suddenly dawns on her that they knew Mike was coming in for a session this morning, and they are probably going to try to get a release from him to allow her to speak with them.

  As the session progresses, Wendy attends to what Mike talks about and suggests some good points for the next session, then clears her throat. “Mike, would you do me a favor?”

  “Sure. What is it you need?”

  “I have a feeling the detectives will be in the waiting room when we finish and will ask you to sign a release. If I’m right, I would really appreciate it if you would tell them no and walk out of the office. That way I can speak with them about disturbing my clients in a place that is supposed to be safe for them. I’ll present them with your release and tell them what they want to know, but they need to understand that staking my clients is inappropriate.”

  “You got it. Detective Adams pissed me off last night anyway.”

  Wendy smiles. “Perfect.”

  Wendy explores several areas about Mike’s life and past relationship choices, why he was single for so long, and why he was attracted to Kenneth before time runs out for the session.

  As they are finishing up, Mike notices the detectives getting out of their vehicle and heading for the door.

  He motions to Wendy. “Well, you’re right. The detectives are coming toward the office now.”

  “Well, let’s make sure we have some fun with them, shall we?” Wendy asks, and Mike smiles.


  They get up and head to the outer office reception area to find Detectives Adams and Rogers walking through the front door.

  Wendy looks at them a
nd smiles. “To what do I own two visits from San Diego’s finest in such a short time span?”

  “We are actually here to speak with Mr. Prichard. May we use your office for a moment, Ms. Stevens?”

  “Sure, go right ahead.”

  Wendy sits down in the reception area and listens intently, trying to hear if Detective Adams is requesting Mike to sign a release. She doesn’t hear much, but finally hears a fairly loud refusal, and then watches Mike walk out of the office. He gives her a wink on his way out. Both detectives come out of her office and start heading towards the door as well, but Wendy asks to have a brief word with them before they leave. Preston shoots a quick glace to Beau as they head back into her office. She closes the door behind them and asks them to be seated.

  “I’m just curious gentlemen. What makes you think it is okay for you come into my office to harass my client and disturb the confidentiality I hold so dear with him?”

  “It’s not like that, Ms. Stevens. We came to get the release you require in order to speak with us,” says Detective Adams defensively.

  “And did you get your release, detective?”

  “Uh, no we didn’t.”

  “Well, as I believe I said in our previous meeting, next time I would appreciate you calling before just showing up. Believe it or not, I can and will assist you, if you will pay me the common courtesy of a heads-up. For instance, you failed to get a release from Mr. Prichard because I have already gotten one for you. What would you like to know?”

  “What are you talking about?”

  Wendy hands him a copy of the release. “Surprised, detective?”

  Adams shakes his head, folding the copy of the release and tucking it away. He then relays what they have been told by Mike.

  She thinks for just a moment then nods. “Yes, it sounds like everything he’s told you is accurate, and I can confirm it if you need. Mike thinks you’re going to arrest him because you think he killed Kenneth. I asked if he drove back to the house during the time he was supposed to be gone, and he assured me he was in L.A. the entire trip. I told him if he was being truthful he has nothing to worry about.”

  “If, in fact, he’s telling the truth he will be eliminated as a person of interest.”

  “So I didn’t overstep my bounds by attempting to ease his mind?” Wendy asks, looking concerned.

  “Not at all. Would you be willing to answer a few more questions from us, since we’ve had a chance to consider some follow-up questions from our earlier discussion.”

  “Sure, go ahead.”

  “Thank you, Ms. Stevens. May I call you Wendy?”

  “Absolutely, I don’t really care for formalities.”

  Detective Adams reiterates his initial conversation with Mike and asks if there was anything missing in the statement to the police.

  “Yes, there is. What he told you is exactly what he mentioned to me with the exception that Kenneth was always irritated with Mike’s dog, Hercules, for chasing his cat. Mike explained to Kenneth multiple times that Hercules loves to play with cats and would never harm one. He has always been very gentle.”


  “Kenneth didn’t believe Mike.”

  “Alright, thank you. We discussed the telephone call you received from Kenneth on Wednesday morning earlier where you refused to speak with him without Mike’s consent.”

  “Yes, I remember.”

  “After you hung up, what did you do for the rest of the day?”

  “Well, I helped with the phones until Mona left the office around eleven thirty. She recommended I lock the office door, and I notified the answering service I would be doing client billing and not to disturb me unless there was an emergency. I returned any calls after I was finished with the billing.”

  “So you didn’t leave the office?” Adams asks, making a note of that fact.

  “Not from eleven-thirty till after three. I finished my billings, put them on Mona’s desk, and began returning calls at around one-thirty, I think. I had a client come in at two for about an hour, and after that I can’t remember what time I called it a day, but I know I left the office sometime shortly after Mona, so maybe she has a more specific time.”

  “Was anyone else here?”

  “I was alone while Mona was at lunch, but other than that she was here or I had clients. Why?”

  “Since you were one of the last ten outgoing calls on Mr. Quan’s cell phone we just needed to verify your whereabouts. It sounds to me like the only time you didn’t have someone with you was the two and a half hours you were in the office alone.”

  “That’s correct. Well, and after Mona left for the day. I can make copy of my weekly calendar for you if you wish?”

  “Thank you, but that won’t be necessary at this point. If we need further clarification after the medical examiner’s report, we can always come back and get it, correct?”

  “Absolutely. I’m always here to help, detectives.”

  “Well, then I think we’re done here today,” Adams says, standing up.

  Wendy shakes both of their hands as they get ready to leave.

  Detective Adams stops in the doorway, turns, and says, “Thank you for your assistance with Mike. I apologize for not respecting your relationship with your clients, and I won’t make that mistake again.”

  “That’s quite alright. Next time I wouldn’t be as polite,” she replies with a wink.

  He smiles. “I understand. Thank you again for your cooperation.”



  After the detectives leave her office, Wendy sits behind her desk analyzing their conversations and wonders if they suspect her story isn’t true in any way. After a few moments, she decides they won’t find any flaws. She goes over the details in her head one more time, just to be sure. She drove the back roads to Mike’s house so as not to be picked up on any street surveillance camera. Mike’s house and driveway are situated in a manner that provides maximum privacy, and she didn’t see any other neighbors arriving or leaving so unless someone saw her from inside their home she doubts she attracted any attention at all. She decides if confronted with evidence that she was, in fact, at Mike’s home, she’ll claim she lied because her behavior was unethical and she feared professional sanctions.

  Mona watches Wendy from the doorway for a few moments before she clears her throat and startles Wendy back to the present. “Excuse me for the interruption, but there is a smoking hot guy in the lobby asking for you, and he smells wonderful.”

  Surprise creases Wendy’s forehead. “Oh, really? Just who is this wonderful smelling man?”

  “I don’t know. He wouldn’t give me his name. All he would say is that you will recognize him when you come out to meet with him.”

  “Well that’s horseshit! Go see what he is selling before I come out to meet him.”

  “Already asked. He says he isn’t selling anything except maybe a good dinner invitation.”

  “Well, now I’m intrigued. A dinner invitation from a great smelling, smoking hot guy. Okay, I’m coming.”

  Wendy walks out of her office and makes eye contact with the mystery man. She begins laughing.

  “Mona, I’d like you to meet Jim Bush. Jim is the Vice President of Business Development for Stevens Environmental Restoration Fund.”

  Jim shakes Mona’s hand and they exchange greetings. As Jim turns back to Wendy, Mona waves her hand in the air behind him, like his handshake burned it, and mouths, “Damn! He’s hot!”

  Wendy represses a laugh with effort, then turns her attention to Jim.

  “I’m in town speaking with some of Mark’s contacts on behalf of SERF, but I’ll be flying back to Sausalito tomorrow after my breakfast meeting. Since I’m in San Diego for the evening and it’s your town, I’ll buy dinner if you show me a good place to eat. What do you say?”

  Wendy smiles at him. “What kind of food do you like besides sushi? I should probably warn you, my tastes in dining aren’t nearly as sophisticated
as Sean, Jessica, or Bonnie’s.”

  “I’ll take that as a yes then. I’m in the mood for a really different type of dining experience, as long as the food is good.”

  “Then I have the perfect place. So yes, I’ll have dinner with you tonight. I’ll drive and bring you back here to your car later. Mona, would you please call the place I took Jill the other night and see if you can get us a reservation on such short notice?”

  Mona snickers, picks up her phone, and works some magic to get them a reservation in thirty minutes.

  “Thank you, Mona,” Wendy says, then turns to Jim. “The restaurant is a short drive from here, but you can buy me a drink before dinner after a day like today.”

  “Fair enough. Do I need to keep this tie on or can I lose it for dinner?”

  “You can definitely get rid of it. Actually, lose the jacket, too.”

  He raises his eyebrows. “If you say so.”

  Wendy smiles and turns to Mona. “Please lock up and go home. Today has been enough for both of us. Have a great weekend.”

  Mona just gives her a wink as Wendy walks out of the office with Jim.


  Wendy watches Jim’s reaction when she pulls into the restaurant’s parking lot and smirks when she sees him twist uneasily in the passenger seat of her car. She ignores his reaction initially and gets out of the car, watching through the corner of her eye as his uneasiness turns to apprehension.

  As they get closer to the front door, Wendy stops and says through her laughter, “I’ve been watching your reaction this whole time, and I suspect you’re wondering what the hell you’ve gotten yourself into. Trust me, this place is fantastic and the food is divine, even though the external appearance leaves much to be desired.”

  He chuckles. “If you say so.”

  “I promise this experience will not be disappointing,” she says playfully.

  His eyes lock on hers. “I’m going to hold you to that promise.”

  After a moment, Wendy clears her throat and keeps walking toward the door. “I thought you had an adventurous spirit.”


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