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Brother's Best Friend for Christmas: A Bad Boy Second Chance Romance

Page 5

by Amy Brent

  So, I got an idea.

  I slid my foot close to his underneath the table. I rested my ankle beside his as his eyes slowly stole up to mine, and then I began caressing the side of his leg with it. The fire that burned in the pit of my stomach roared to life when I saw that familiar flash of devilish pride behind Tyler’s eyes. Memories of that stare came drifting back as my pussy pulsed for him. I slowly slid my foot back just as our food was set on the table, and like clockwork, we both reached for the salt shaker.

  “Sorry,” I said.

  “Here you go,” he offered.

  I took the salt shaker from him and our fingertips connected once more. I had to bite down on my tongue to keep from whimpering at the way his taut skin seemed to electrify me, and I stayed silent the rest of the dinner. I couldn’t get him out of my mind. No matter what I thought about, my train of thought always reverted back to him.

  So, when I left the family dinner and went home, I couldn’t wait to get into the shower.

  I turned on the warm water and let it cascade over my painfully puckered nipples. I soaked my hair and allowed the water to turn my body the type of red it wished, and I pressed my thighs together in order to get the friction I desired. Tyler looked so delectable at dinner, even with the bullshit my mother threw his way, and suddenly I saw myself sitting on that strong jawline of his.

  I saw myself rocking back and forth on his lips while his tongue slipped across my slit. I saw myself grasping the headboard as I reached for the showerhead. I slid to the bottom of the bathtub as I slung my leg over the side, envisioning what it would be like to have Tyler’s tongue rake across my pussy again.

  I reached down and parted my dripping folds. I thought about what it would feel like to have his thick cock slide into my body. How it would feel to have my pussy gulp him down as he pounded into my hips. In college, he was a wild man. He pinned me to every surface, bent me over every available desk, and even played with me in the corners of restaurants. He had ignited a side of me I didn’t realize existed, and no man had ever fit me the way he had.

  That flowing waterspout found my aching clit, and with every pulse it made my hips jump.

  “Fuck, Tyler,” I breathed. “Holy shit.”

  I saw those dark brown eyes peek up from my pussy as he gulped down my juices. I clung to those rippling back muscles as he sunk his dick deep into my body. I felt his strong chest underneath my hands as I slammed my hips down onto his, and soon my hips were shaking in midair as I called out his name in my bathroom.

  “Tyler! Yes! Lick that pussy. Lick it. Oh, fuck. I’m going to treat you right. Holy shit. You’re incredible.”

  My legs pulled taut as the water battered my wanton clit, and soon my body released its pent-up pleasure. It shot juices from my pussy as it slid down my ass, and my eyes clamped shut as his face appeared on the backs of my lids. I saw his smile, painted on a sharp jawline that trickled down into a chiseled body I wanted to rake my tongue across.

  Every time I saw him, he had a new muscle bulging from his body.

  I wanted to memorize the things about him he didn’t possess all those years ago.

  My back collapsed to the shower floor, and the showerhead danced between my legs. I heaved for air as the steam swallowed my body, immersing me in a wetness I’d only experienced at one other point in my life.

  The last time I was ever with Tyler.

  I wanted him. I wanted him more than I could stand, but I knew he’d break my heart. That was the only precedence he had in my life. He’d fuck me, he’d get me attached, and then he’d leave. He had a business to run, and his business partner just happened to be my brother, and if my brother were to find out I’d fucked him—even in the past—it would be all over.

  He’d try to beat Tyler to a bloody pulp for defiling his sister.

  But Kelly was right. I needed to fuck him. I needed to fuck him, get him out of my system, and move forward.

  The issue was, I didn’t even realize I hadn’t moved forward until he showed up in my childhood home a few days ago.

  What other secrets was my heart keeping from me?

  Chapter 7


  I got up that morning with my body a bit more sore than usual. I had to take a cold shower last night just to get my dick to calm down, but by the time I laid down in bed, Amber was right back at the forefront of my mind. This woman had a hold on me I couldn’t shake, and I knew the only way I could was to sink my dick between those legs I couldn’t get out of my head.

  It’s what I did in college, and it worked. I fucked her out of my system, then didn’t give a second thought to her when I left for New York City. She was fun, she was new, she was teachable, and then she was a nice send-off.

  Except now, I couldn’t stop thinking about the sassy woman she’d grown into.

  She had no issues standing her ground with her family even though they trampled all over her, and she still had no problem walking with her head held high despite the woman her mother was trying to shape her into. Part of me was confused as to why she was pissed when she had a family that cared, but part of me understood maybe she had a family that cared in the wrong way for what she needed.

  Their caring seemed to come off as abrasive, and I could see it wearing down on her.

  I dreamed about her that night, and I woke up with the most painful morning wood I’ve ever experiencing. I had to take another cold shower just to get it to calm down before I could take my morning piss, but I knew if this shit kept up I’d have to find myself a private, quiet space I could yank my meat in.

  At this point, it wouldn’t take me very long anyway. Especially with those tits at the forefront of my mind.

  I wandered downstairs to the smell of coffee and saw Luke sitting at the kitchen table. I walked over and grabbed a mug before I made myself a cup, then I walked over to the table and sat with him.

  “Morning, man,” I said.

  “So, what the fuck is up with you and my sister?”

  The mug of coffee I was holding stopped halfway to my lips as I looked at Luke from across the kitchen table.

  If I wasn’t awake before, I was awake now.

  “What the hell are you talking about?” I asked.

  “I’m not an idiot. I think with my dick sometimes, too. Have you fucked my sister?” he asked.

  I brought the mug the rest of the way to my lips just so I had something else to concentrate on. Had he caught what I was doing last night? Did he overhear a conversation Amber and I had? Had Amber told him something?

  What the fuck was with the third degree?

  “No, dude. I haven’t fucked your sister,” I said, swallowing my coffee. “Though, to be fair, she is hot.”

  “Stop that shit right now. Everyone can feel the fucking tension between the two of you,” Luke said.

  “Yeah, because your family has some serious issues to work out,” I said, smirking.

  “Dude, the sexual tension. I’m not a fucking idiot, and neither is the rest of my family. My sister’s off limits to your little escapades,” he said.

  “Luke, your sister has a nice rack and all, but I’m not about that,” I said. “Sorry she can’t stop staring at me, not my fault. You know how the ladies are. I warned you about it before we set up this little trip.”

  “My sister deserves better than that,” he said.

  “What the fuck does that mean?” I asked.

  “She deserves someone who’ll settle down with her and support her dreams. Not some guy who sticks his dick in everything, sticks around for a bit, tells her whatever the fuck she wants to hear, then leaves.”

  “I don’t do that shit,” I said.

  “That shit’s all you know. And it’s fine, I don’t care about it. But, my sister deserves better than that. That’s all I’m saying,” he said.

  “And what if your sister doesn’t want that?” I asked.

  “Stay away from my fucking sister,” Luke said.

  “I hear you, man. I�
�m just saying, I see your family constantly dictating what they feel is right for your sister, and it’s obviously pissing her off,” I said.

  “I know. Mom wants her to marry rich, and Dad wants her to take over his stupid company. But, I’m not pushing her to do something that’s not good for her. I’m making sure she gets what she deserves,” he said.

  “Funny. I think your parents tell themselves the same thing,” I said.

  “There you two are!” Darlene exclaimed. “I was looking for you two.”

  “Hey, Mrs. D,” I said, smiling. I could see the anger in Luke’s eyes, but all I did was wink at him. This family had a weird way of trying to dictate Amber’s life, and if there was anything I could do, I could at least bring it to their attention.

  “Tyler, you’re a good-looking boy. You seeing someone during this business venture?” she asked. “I can’t seem to get Luke to understand that he can date as well as pursue his career.”

  “Not really. I’m just playing the field,” I said.

  “Mom. Stop,” Luke said.

  “Now, Luke,” I said mockingly. “That’s not very nice. Let your mother speak.”

  “Thank you so much, Tyler. My gosh, you’re such a wonderful boy,” she said.

  “Well, thank you, Mrs. D,” I said, grinning.

  “How much do the two of you make a year with this business, anyway? It must be decent, especially if you two are going to be expanding,” Mrs. D said as she came to the table with her coffee.

  “Mom. Seriously. Stop. You’re not hooking up Amber with Tyler,” he said.

  “And why in the world would you think I was doing something like that? There are a couple of girls at church that could use a good man like Tyler here,” she said.

  “Oh, did you hear that, Luke? Church girls,” he said, smirking.

  “So, just give me the ballpark,” Mrs. D said.

  “Well, if you take out the costs I pay out of pocket to operate some things, it’s around—”

  “Morning, you guys.”

  Amber came walking around the corner into the kitchen, and my eyes automatically flew to her. She looked like she was dressed to sit on the couch and watch television all day, and I saw Mrs. D balk at what she was wearing.

  “You are not going Christmas shopping like that,” Mrs. D said.

  “It’s either this or I go home and go back to bed,” she said.

  “What happened to that cute little Christmas sweater I bought you last year? The one with the snow girl on it?”

  “You want me to wear an ugly Christmas sweater that has a snowman with boobs on it?” she asked.

  “Do the boobs sit on your boobs? Because that could be a funny sweater,” I said,

  “Shut up, Tyler,” Luke said as he tried to kick me underneath the table.

  “Oh, my gosh! Tyler. You are too funny,” Mrs. D said, giggling.

  “Seriously. Are we going shopping or not?” Amber asked.

  “Well, if that’s the only way I can have you today, then I suppose it’ll do,” Mrs. D said.

  My eyes caught Amber’s, and she cleared her throat before she looked away. I could feel Luke’s stare on the side of my face, and he nailed my shin underneath the table.

  “Ow. What, dude?” I asked.

  “So,” Amber said. “Where are we headed?”

  “Well, I’ve got a few places in mind. I haven’t started my shopping yet, so we’ll probably be out for a little while. And I have a feeling as to what I’ll be getting you for Christmas,” Mrs. D said.

  “More snowman cleavage shirts?” she asked.

  “Really, just clothes in general,” Mrs. D said.

  “Oh, she looks fine. You should take it as a compliment to how you raised her, Mrs. D. She’s so confident in herself she doesn’t give a shit about what other people think of her. It’s a confidence not found in women today,” I said.

  I caught Amber’s stare again, and it had softened slightly. I could’ve sworn I saw the shadow of a grin tick her cheeks, and I nodded in her general direction before I picked up my coffee mug and brought it back to my lips.

  “Well, it wouldn’t kill her to take a bit of pride in her appearance,” Mrs. D said.

  “Says the mother who bought me a shirt that has a booby little snowman on it,” Amber said.

  “Would you please quit saying that word?” Mrs. D asked.

  “Tyler said ‘shit’ earlier, but I can’t say boobs?” she asked.

  “He’s not my child. You are,” she said. “Now, come on. Apparently, I need to get you some soap for that mouth, too.”

  Amber’s groan made me chuckle as I turned my gaze back to furious Luke. His face was flushed, and his shoulders were pulled back, and I could tell I had really pissed him off with my interactions with his sister.

  It was kind of funny since she was struggling as much as I was.

  “Remember what we talked about, dude. I know too much,” he said.

  “What was that?” Mrs. D asked.

  “Okay. Mom, you ready to go?” Amber asked, hurrying her mom away.

  “Yes, yes. We need to get an early start. Now, you boys behave today, alright? We will see you for dinner,” Mrs. D said.

  Luke bid them goodbye, but all I did was stare. He was genuinely upset at the attention I was paying his sister, and he got up to see his sister and mother out the door. Obviously, I wasn’t hiding this as well as I thought I was, which was going to make this a lot harder.

  I wasn’t leaving LA without feeling those legs wrapped around me again.

  I just didn’t know how I was going to accomplish that without Luke getting any more suspicious.

  Chapter 8


  “Let’s go dancing tonight,” Kelly said.

  “After the bullshit shopping trip Mom took me on, I’m up for anything,” I said.

  “Ah, the infamous shopping trip. How long were you guys out this time?” she asked.

  “Six hours,” I said, groaning.

  “Holy shit. That’s awful. Does your Mom even know what the internet is?” she asked.

  “I don’t think so. And if she does, then she apparently elects to torture me for obvious reasons,” I said.

  “I know, I know. Your mom’s out to destroy your life,” she said.

  “She’s out to marry me off and gets pissed when I tell her no. She’s like an incessant teenage boy who keeps getting rejected by every girl in the school,” I said.

  “Your mom wants to stick her dick in things?” she asked.

  “Shut up, Kelly. You know what I mean,” I said.

  “Well, the dancing will help tonight. Plus, you can get drunk. Which will really take the edge off things,” she said.

  “That sounds fucking perfect. When are we heading out?” I asked.

  “Pick you up around 9?”

  “I’ll be waiting.”

  I dug through my closet of endless clothes trying to find something appropriate to go dancing in. I finally settled on a pair of skinny jeans, a sparkling bra I had to wear in one of my performances in college, and a black crop top that fell off one of my shoulders. I mussed my hair around, curling it slightly before spraying it down with hairspray, and I even decided to put on a bit of lipgloss and some mascara. I wasn’t really into the whole makeup scene unless I was getting ready for a performance, but I figured tonight could be an exception to the rule.

  I was ready to forget about the insanity that had become this holiday season, and if I got drunk enough I could find a man to bring back that would help me forget all about Tyler.

  Kelly honked her horn, and I went running out in my peep-toe heels, and she squealed when she saw me. I got into her car before I fluffed my hair out, and we rolled down the windows as we pulled out onto the main road. Music was blasting, and the wind was whipping our hair everywhere, and we couldn’t stop singing at the top of our lungs as we barreled into the heart of downtown LA.

  There was a club that tailored itself specifically to people who
could dance, and it was known in the community for pulling in legitimate dancers who wanted to have a good time. Frequently, there would be group numbers that performed for fun and dance-offs that would take place for the hell of it, and I came here every time I needed to be reminded of my dreams and where I was taking my life.

  “Figured you could use a little pick me up,” Kelly said, smiling.

  “Thanks, girl,” I said as I threw my arms around her.

  It took us 20 minutes to get into the club, and I headed straight for the bar once I was in. I was a simple girl when it came to my alcohol: I enjoyed cider beers and the occasional rum and Coke.

  And tonight, I was feeling the hard liquor.

  I took Kelly’s hand after she had gotten her bright green drink and the two of us headed to the dance floor. We held hands while we sipped on our straws, our hips swaying and bobbing to the beat. Some people in the corner were rehearsing dance moves, and I recognized them from the studio up the road. There was a massive ballroom dancing crowd on the opposite end of the city, and they were all here tonight dancing with their partners and rehearsing their routines.

  “One day you’ll have it, Amber,” Kelly yelled in my ear. “Just keep your head up!”


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