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Purge (Death Crusaders Motorcycle Club)

Page 12

by Sandy Kline

  “Now it might get rough?” I ask incredulously. “What was that back there?”

  “That was a hiccup. Now shut up so I can concentrate.”

  “A hiccup my ass…”

  I look around the back of the van for something to grab onto but there’s really nothing. The only thing is the wire mesh that separates the driver’s compartment from the back compartment. I hook my fingers into the tiny holes and hope for the best.

  Our van comes to a screeching halt, mashing me up against the mesh screen before the driver jams on the gas again as he turns left as sharp and the van will allow. I squeeze my fingers painfully during the U-turn but lose my grip completely when he punches the gas as we come out of the turn. I go summersaulting backwards into the double doors at the back of the van. To my shock and utter amazement they fly open on impact and I land hard on the pavement below.

  I’m told that if you are about to be thrown from a moving car or train you should tuck in your limbs, wrapping your arms around your head to prevent further injury. I had no time to prepare and when I go flying out I look like a monkey with all four limbs shooting out in opposite directions. Fortunately we weren’t going very fast. The driver had just hit the gas seconds before so we maybe were going twenty when I spilled out.

  My first instinct is to just lie there examining my body for wounds but I have to get out of here. Mark is going to realize I fell out in two seconds and they’re going to come back for me. I get to my knees, then I slowly force myself to a standing position. I look down the road and sure enough, the white van skids to a halt. I turn to run and just about bowl over a man with a cell phone.

  “I saw it all.” He says. “Here’s my card if you need a witness.”

  “I just need your phone.” I reply, taking it from his hand.

  I quickly dial Blade’s number but no surprise, it goes to voice mail. I turn to the man while keeping one eye on the approaching van.

  “Sorry.” I say to him and sprint for the edge of the road and a cluster of houses.

  Maybe I can lose myself there and direct Blade to me before Mark shows up. As I run I dial Blade again. This time he answers.

  “Who’s this?” He barks.

  “It’s me you moron! Don’t hang up.”


  “Who else?”

  “I didn’t recog-”

  “Shut up. I’m at the corner of Larkin and Van Ness and I’m on foot but Mark is looking for me.”

  “Gimme that back!” The man shouts, snatching his phone from my shaking hands.

  “But I just got kidnapped.” I plead.

  “And I called 911. You have to go back to the intersection so the police can find you.”

  I kick him in the balls. He bends over, dropping his phone and sinks to his knees on the hot pavement. I scoop it up and take off running again. I expect to see the white van bearing down on me any second now. Mark had to have seen the road I ran down. I pause long enough to dial Blade again.


  “I’m on Larkin and Spring now.”

  “Can you stay put? I can’t input the streets in the GPS fast enough to find where you are. Just stay put for ten seconds.”

  “Are you really that slow at typing?” I ask.

  A sudden screech of tires makes me look up in panic. I start to run when I realize it’s the Land Rover. I am so relieved I just about collapse right then and there. Blade jumps out and scoops me up into his arms covering my faces with kisses. I can’t believe I’m safe at last. He finally set me down on my own two feet to get a good look at me just as the man I kicked runs up.

  Blade steps in front of me drawing his gun. “Who the fuck are you?” He demands.

  I grab Blades arm forcing it down. “It’s okay, I just borrowed his cell phone.”

  “Oh…why’s he so pissed off then?”

  “She kicked me in the nuts!” The man yells.

  “Well I’m sure she must have had her reasons.” Blade replies.

  “She tried to steal my phone and when I wouldn’t give it over she kicked me.”

  “It was an emergency.” I argue. “I had to cal-”

  The squeal of tires and the wine of an engine cuts short my complaint. The white van is rapidly approaching. A hand appears out the driver’s window and as I turn to run towards the Land Rover I hear the bark of a 9mm. Blade grabs my arm propelling me in front of him. We run around behind the Land Rover so that we have something solid between us and the white van. The back driver’s door opens and out climbs Piper and the little boy we found in the bathroom.

  Chapter Fifteen


  “What the hell is he doing in here?” I ask as they crouch down beside us.

  “I couldn’t leave him there.” Blade replies. “We have to keep him safe.”

  “What you thought it would be safer to bring him to a gun fight?”

  “Give us the boy!” Mark shouts from the white van.

  “Go to hell!” I shout back.

  “How many guys are in that van?” Piper asks me.

  “Just the two of them.”

  “Hey Mark!” Blade shouts.

  “What’s up Blade?” Mark yells back.

  “We aren’t giving up the kid so why don’t you just walk away from this one.”

  I turn to look at Blade. “What? You can’t let him go. He’s the one the girl ID’d as the shooter. He killed Alex.”

  “I realize that, but this is bigger than him. He may have pul-”

  “May have?” I hiss. “Whose fucking side are you on now? He pulled the trigger. He killed my best friend. I don’t give a damn who ordered it. Mark killed Alex. How many times I gotta say that. He doesn’t walk.”

  “The kid Blade. Give up the kid and she walks and we never go after her again.” Mark yells.

  “Sorry Mark. The lady says the kid stays with us.”

  “Did you find out who died on the construction lot?” I ask Blade.

  “Yeah it was the kid’s uncle. The dad’s MIA right now and we need to find him before your friend over there does so we need to get a move on.”

  The second Blade finishes talking Mark and his buddy open up again. We hit the dirt and wait as Blade’s beautiful Land Rover is chewed up in a hail of lead. When it stops again it felt like it lasted five minutes but it was probably more like five seconds. Piper presses something in my hand; it’s a small handgun.

  “I know it’s tiny.” Piper says. It’s actually my backup weapon.”

  “What is it?”

  “It’s a .380.” He explains. “It’s kinda hard to conceal this.” He says, indicating his Beretta.

  “Are they still there?” I ask Blade.

  From my position I can’t see a thing.

  “Yeah, they’re still there.”

  “What are they waiting for?” I ask. “They are waiting for something aren’t they? Why else just sit there?”

  I move around so I can see by looking under the Land Rover’s carriage. If I was a good shot I could probably hit somebody’s ankle from here. I’m not a good shot. We wait another couple long minutes before Mark breaks the silence again.

  “Time’s running out Blade. Come one Jen, this is really between me and Blade and Piper. Why don’t you just go? Walk out of here and no one will try to shoot you. Go over to Main Street and hail a cab. Save yourself girl.”

  “How is it time’s running out Mark. You know what I think? I think you guys are almost out of fire power. Seems to me time has run out for you.”

  Before he can answer an unmarked car enters the intersection and parks right by Mark’s van giving them another vehicle to hide behind.

  “Looks like reinforcements just came.” Says Blade grimly.

  “That car actually looks kinda familiar.” I say to Blade.

  “It should. It’s your basic unmarked police cruiser. No we really got a problem. You can bet whoever is in there has brought some real firepower.”

  “Jennifer Clarkson, are you st
ill there?” Asks a familiar voice.

  Oh shit. I know that voice. The last time I heard it was the night Officer Regan was being murdered. Well. I thought she was being murdered.

  “I’m here Officer Regan.” I call out. “Why don’t you show your face you murderous bitch!”

  “Come on Ms. Clarkson, there’s no reason we can’t be civil here.”

  “What are you doing here?” I ask.

  “We need the boy.” She replies.

  “Why? He’s not even the eye witness.”

  “He’s the last person left who knows what really went down that night. I’m sorry Jen, but he’s just a casualty of war. When you think about it, it’s really Blade’s fault he’s in the middle of this.”

  “What? Now I know you’re a crazy bitch.” I yell back. “What has Blade got to do with anything?”

  “His club came back and forced the war with the Advocates and the Sleazebags. If they hadn’t returned this would have never happened so if you still need to point a finger at someone point it at Blade. He may not have been president then but he sat at the table where decisions were made and he wholeheartedly supported the war.”

  “So are you trying to tell me that Mark did not kill Alex?” I ask.

  “Oh no, he killed her alright but he was following my orders.”

  It’s a long fucking shot but I have to try. I can barely see her legs in a tiny gap between vehicles. I hold my breath and squeeze off two shots. They go sailing over the car nowhere near her.

  “Save your ammo.” Blade advises.

  “That woman used me to find the girl. In fact she’s probably been following us all day. Here people had to have been responsible for killing Mikey’s family.”

  “So we’ll get her, but not today Jen. We’re outnum-”

  Suddenly the air erupts in flying lead. Piper’s Land Rover shakes and vibrates from the impact of the rounds. It lasts for maybe twenty seconds before it stops. All four tires are flattened and there’s not a single window left intact.

  “What the hell is she shooting?” I ask.

  “Probably an M-4 or an M-16.” Piper replies. I used both of those guns in Afghanistan. It’s gotta be one of those.”

  “Do we even have a plan here?” I ask. “Or are we just going to sit here until our only cover disintegrates?”

  “I got a buddy that lives in Cave Junction.” Piper replies. “He’s on the way but we gotta hold out for a few more minutes.”

  “So when he gets here we attack?”

  “No,” Piper replies. “When he gets here we get our asses out of dodge; that’s what we do.”

  “And we let them walk?” No fucking way! That’s not acceptable.”

  “If we stay we’ll certainly die.” Blade cuts in. “Remember, we have to protect Mikey and get him into witness protection. That’s the only way this has any kind of happy ending. I’m sorry Jen but for today Mark and that woman walk.”

  “Fuck! Fuck…fuck…fuck!”

  Out of pure anger I point my tiny gun and just blast away in the direction of the unmarked car. I just keep pulling the trigger over and over again until the slide locks back and the gun is smoking and empty.

  “Angry much?” Blade asks.

  “Shut up!”

  Mark and his buddies use this exact moment to open fire again. The three of us huddle behind the engine block; the only part of the car that offers us any real protection. The truck rocks with every round that strikes. I can feel fragments of metal and glass falling into my hair. I look down at Mikey. He’s leaning up against the wheel well with his eyes closed and muttering under his breath. I’d imagine he’s praying.

  When the unholy din finally dies out Officer Regan calls out to us. “Last chance to walk away alive Jen. I advise you take it. I’ll give you 90 seconds to make up your mind. After that we won’t stop shooting until the four of you are dead.”

  “Where’s your friend?” I hiss at Piper.

  “We still need more time.” He replies. “Try reasoning with the woman Jen. Sounds like she really doesn’t want to kill you. Just keep her talking. If she’s yapping her mouth she’s not shooting so…”

  “Got it.”

  “Hey uh…Regan. How about I walk out of here with the boy? I’ll go back to Be…to Mexico and take him with me. You’ll never see either one of us again.”

  “Can’t do that Clarkson.”

  “But he’s not even a witness. It was his sister and you already murdered her. Let me walk with him. I swear to god you’ll never see us again.”

  “Sorry bu-”

  “But why not?” I plead, interrupting her. “The boy is not a credible witness. He didn’t see anything and he’ll say anything to-”

  “This is not just about what his sister witnessed that night Clarkson. He can ID his mom’s shooters. He can’t walk. It’s too much a risk.”

  I’m running out of ideas to keep her talking. The second she stops talking it’s all over for the four of us. Blade elbows me in the ribs.

  “Say something.” He urges.

  “I don’t know what to say.” I reply.

  As the seconds pass the more despondent I feel. Today I die. I mean I could just walk away and save myself but that’s not me. I have to stay.

  “Walk away.” Blade advises.

  He must have been reading my mind. I shake my head.

  “He’s right.” Piper says. “You can go free. You’re the only one of us who can. Even if we gave up the boy, and we won’t, they’re still going to kill Blade and me. Save yourself Jen.”

  I shake my head emphatically.

  “Please Jen.” Blade pleads. “Save yourself. When I die I want to know that you’re back in Belize enjoying life again. You belong there and not dead in some street in Cave Junction.”

  “I can’t. No way I’m leaving you guys.”

  Blade addresses Officer Regan. “Hey lady officer. I want to make a deal with you.”

  I grab Blade’s arm. “No way, you don’t make deals for me with her.”

  “What’s your offer?” She yells back.

  “We turn ourselves in and you let Jen walk.” Blade hollers.

  “Done.” Officer Regan replies.

  “You can’t do this.” I hiss at him.

  “Relax Jen,” Piper replies. “He’s just buying us some time. My buddy will be here any second.”

  “Come on out.” Officer Regan instructs.

  “Just a second. I need to say goodbye to Jen.” Blade says.

  “Then say them and be done with it.”

  “Just got a text.” Piper says. “He’s two blocks away.”

  “Alright,” Blade begins. “We empty our weapons now. Aim for the tires not for them. We take out the tires and we’re home free. On my count. Three…two…”

  I hear the squeal of tires behind us.


  Blade and Piper start blazing away. I watch as the van and the sedan rock from the impact. Almost immediately the van loses two tires.

  “Let’s go!” Blade shouts, as he grabs my arm and propels me backwards toward the waiting pickup.

  Piper is literally dragging Mikey with him. The driver’s window of the truck is down and someone is shooting steadily at the unmarked car. All four of us clamber into the pickup bed as the driver continues to fire. I can hear the heavy rounds from the M-16 walking its way towards us. As our getaway vehicle peels out several rounds impact the side of the truck. Two holes appear inches from my head and go all the way through and out the other side of the bed. The engine screams as Piper’s buddy redlines the engine in a last ditch effort to get us out of harm’s way. As we speed down the road our driver begins to weave. As time passes it becomes dangerously erratic, sideswiping a parked car and narrowly missing a telephone pole before screeching to a halt half into someone’s front yard.

  Piper hops out and runs around to the driver’s door. I hang out of the bed watching. Piper yanks the door open and to our surprise a man falls out on the gro
und at Piper’s feet. I look back behind us. So far no one’s following. Piper bends down and checks for a pulse. He stands motionless for a few seconds before shaking his head. Piper climbs into the cab, slams the door and steps on the gas. I flatten myself into the bed of the truck, one arm protectively around the terrified Mikey. Blade in turn puts his arm around me. I expect to feel the bite of a bullet any second now as Piper winds through side streets in an effort to lose anyone that might be following us. If we managed to disable Marks van and the unmarked car they’ll still call for backup. We need to put some miles between us and this dusty town.

  I’d say a good half hour passes before I actually am able to relax a little. I look over at Blade. I can tell from his expression that he feels much better. We’re still not out of the woods. The four of us have to disappear. Cops are going to be looking for us and they won’t stop until we are either in jail or dead and I seriously doubt jail will be an option for any of us.

  “Where we going?” I ask Blade.

  “Somewhere safe.” He replies.

  “You mean like a safe house?”

  “It’s a stash house actually but yeah, it’s safe.”

  “But won’t Mark know about it?”

  “Not this one Jen. The only persons alive that know about it are me and Piper. It has no connection to the club so we’ll be safe there as long as we need.”

  “How long do we need?”

  “Long enough to get four sets of ID’s, passports, and such.”

  “And then?”

  “We go somewhere really safe.”

  “Where would that be?” I ask.

  “Belize of course.”

  For the first time since I have been back I have something to feel good about. We’re going to Belize! I actually smile at him. Maybe, just maybe this little story of ours will have a happy ending. I look over at Mikey. Now there’s someone who could use a happy ending and I’m going to make sure he gets it.

  It’s nearly dark when we get to the ultra- safe, safe house. Before I can relax I make sure Mikey is settled in. The house is actually a three bedroom, two level log cabin set alongside a small lake. There’s a single dock with a small row boat tied up. The air smells fresh and clean and I realize that for hours I have been either breathing in blood or gunpowder. To actually breathe clean air is almost overwhelming.


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