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Seducing the Succubus

Page 5

by Cassie Ryan

  Lilith held on to Gabriel like a safe haven in a storm and rode out the sensations that pounded against her as she sped toward her peak.

  Each time pre-come would leak from Raphael’s cock and touch her inner flesh, her body would absorb it and a flash fire would erupt through her veins, speeding outward along every nerve ending in a breath-stealing rush. Gabriel’s cool fingers continued to skim over Lilith’s back and sides before dipping into her hair and massaging her scalp, while the Archangel’s teeth, tongue, and lips suckled at her neck.

  Her body steadily tightened until her overtaxed system hovered on the fine line between pain and pleasure.

  It was Uriel’s hoarse cry and the sudden scent of his come as it hit the air and not Lilith’s pussy where his essence belonged that pushed her over the edge.

  She screamed into Gabriel’s neck as her orgasm slammed into her, the walls of her pussy squeezing Raphael’s cock as it continued to pound into her.

  Mere seconds later, Raphael grunted as his cock convulsed inside her, his come shooting forward to set off a bright white explosion of energy behind her eyelids as if she’d been suddenly plugged into an electrical socket.

  Dimly she was aware of Gabriel stiffening beneath her, the energy from the Archangel’s orgasm adding to the churning maelstrom inside Lilith while Raphael continued to pump inside her through his release.

  An undetermined amount of time later, awareness trickled back into Lilith’s mind and she realized she was warm and more sated than she’d been in much too long. Strong arms held her close, the musky scent of nighttime deep inside the forest surrounded her, and she blinked open her eyes to find Raphael staring down at her.

  “Lilith?” The steely concern lacing his voice was obvious.

  She pushed away from his hold at the realization of what she had done, and what Uriel had watched—two of his fellow Archangels, who were closer to him than any family could ever be, had taken her together—and she’d enjoyed it. In fact, she felt more alert and alive than she had since the night she and Uriel had . . .

  “Are you all right?” Raphael tried again.

  She nodded and glanced past him looking for Uriel.

  “He’s gone.”

  Pain slashed through Lilith, squeezing her heart until she was surprised it still beat. She swallowed hard, pulling her composure around herself like a protective blanket before she raised her gaze to look into Raphael’s intelligent hazel eyes. “I think the energy from three Archangels at once was a little ambitious after surviving on less for so long.” She forced her lips to curve and hoped Raphael saw a smile rather than a grimace. “I think next time I shall ask Uriel to only watch me and one of you.”

  Raphael’s gaze darkened, and he seemed about to say something, but then his lips firmed and he nodded once. “I shall return if asked in order to help Uriel meet his vow.” He stood, and as he dematerialized Lilith resisted the urge to cry.


  As Jezebeth glanced up and realized what Noah had suggested, she couldn’t help but giggle. A truck stop could very well be a Succubus Smorgasbord.

  The sound of her amusement came out weaker than she’d like, but the fact that she still had enough energy to laugh gave her the freedom to wait and choose who she took sustenance from.

  Noah had already made his disgust of her and her survival needs very clear back in the parking lot—even though she could smell the musky scent of his arousal that wafted through the cab of the truck. Her skin ached with longing in response to the scent. It was too bad he felt that way because the glowing aura of nearly white energy that surrounded him like a pulsing mist looked as if it could totally heal her even with minimal contact like a deep kiss.

  He was attracted, but also repulsed.

  Interesting, but definitely irrelevant.

  Jez had never been ashamed of what she was and what she had to do to survive. That would just be a waste of time since there was nothing she could do to change it. But for some reason, Noah’s distaste as he’d looked at the two men lying in the truck had stung. He’d risked his life to help her, and for that she found she wasn’t willing to broach the subject of taking Noah’s energy unless she was near death and didn’t have any other choice.

  She was used to seeing men only as a means to an end—survival. For the most part they were predictable, easy to manipulate, and totally uninteresting. But so far Noah was a puzzle that intrigued her.

  She mentally shrugged and concentrated on conserving her energy for the task ahead.

  “What’s so funny?”

  Even in the near darkness, she could make out his small scowl of confusion.

  “You said the truck stop is a Succubus Smorgasbord if I’m willing . There’s no ‘willing’ to it. I’ll take whatever we can find at this point.” Her words were still weak, but she was glad to hear an underlying thread of strength that hadn’t been there before. Pure stubbornness might help her hold out long enough to find more energy.

  When the next exit loomed, Noah took it and drove toward the large truck stop that sat on the side of the freeway—a halfway point between nowhere and nothing.

  Jez tipped down the visor and checked her appearance in the tiny mirror. Dark circles rode under her hazel eyes, which looked too big for her pale face. She looked like she’d had a hard night of partying and hadn’t recovered yet.

  A large sigh escaped. She’d been in worse forms and still found those willing to offer her their sustenance. She combed her fingers through her hair and used most of the rest of her energy to remove the blood from her arm and clothes until she slumped back against the seat, wishing she could just close her eyes and sleep.

  Noah pulled around to the back parking lot and parked among the large semitrucks scattered in the extra-long parking spaces. He turned off the ignition and pulled out the keys before glancing toward Jezebeth. “So, how should we do this?”

  “We?” She gave him her best sardonic smile. “You’ve already made it quite clear how you see my need for energy.” Her words came out more cutting than she’d intended, but she was surprised when Noah winced. But when she glanced again, his expression was haughty and unforgiving, convincing her she’d only imagined it.

  “Yes, we. I promised I’d take care of you and get you back to Lilith safe and sound. You’re nearly out of energy, so the least I can do is help you . . . find some.”

  Jez huffed out a breath of sarcastic amusement. “Don’t go all noble on me. I’m sure the night of hot sex with Lilith was well worth everything you’ll have to go through to pay for it.” She reached for the door handle. That was usually Lilith’s side of the equation, and got the succubus queen whatever she wanted in return.

  “I didn’t have a night of hot sex with Lilith.” Noah’s words were defensive and low.

  Jez popped open the door and glanced back at him. “Don’t worry, when Lilith gives her word or makes a deal, she keeps it. You’ll get your night when this is done.”

  Noah frowned as he studied her. “Why would I want to be just another fuck among billions? This is my payment for not spending the night with Lilith.”

  Jez frowned trying to understand the meaning behind his cryptic words. She was tempted to ask him for clarification, but she was already light-headed and needed to find energy fast. Besides, the distaste in his voice was obvious, and his words echoed through Jez’s mind like an accusation.

  Why would I want to be just another fuck among billions?

  She winced as anger burned through her. Who the hell was this guy to judge her and her kind? He was a mere human, and while his aura was distractingly clean and white, she was sure he hadn’t taken any vows of celibacy or morality. “Then you’ll be relieved to know that I’m a bit more discerning than my mistress. You’ll never get any type of offer from me.”

  Noah snapped his mouth shut as if she’d surprised him, and she enjoyed a small surge of satisfaction as she slid out of the truck and closed the door behind her.

  The cold night air hit her
from all sides, stealing her breath and slowly leaching her low reserves of energy. She leaned heavily against the truck as she gathered her strength for the walk into the truck stop.

  Noah cursed as he jogged around to her side. She thought she caught the words “stubborn fricking woman” within his mumbles as he stopped in front of her. “Let me help you get inside. You’re still weak.” He took her arm in his and pulled her close against his side.

  His body was warm and firm, the muscles of his torso flexing against her as he moved.

  Why would I want to be just another fuck among billions?

  She stiffened and pulled away from him. “I’m fine. It’s time for me to go look for one billion and one, so if you’ll excuse me.”

  Noah recoiled as if she’d slapped him, an expression of surprise flashing across his features.

  “Miss? Do you need any help?”

  Jez turned to find a tall, lanky man in his mid-forties wearing a thick flannel shirt, jeans, and boots approaching them, his keys jangled in his right hand. He had dark hair, piercing blue eyes, and a kind expression. But even more important, the hazy mist surrounding him was thick enough to call to her like a dark promise, and yet dark enough to show her that he might not take too much convincing to give her the sustenance she needed right here in the parking lot.

  She didn’t look back at Noah, but instead willed her legs to hold her weight as she walked carefully forward toward the newcomer. “Actually, I could really use some help, if you don’t mind.” Jezebeth smiled up at him. “Maybe a ride?” She let her meaning show clearly in her gaze as it traveled down his body to center on the growing bulge just behind the fly of his jeans.

  “Jezebeth . . .” Noah’s voice was a low warning behind her, and she ignored it, hoping he took the hint and shut up.

  The man’s gaze flicked past her to Noah, and she could sense his primal protective instincts kicking into high gear. Humans were very territorial—especially about women. “Don’t worry about him,” she soothed the newcomer. “He just can’t accept that I’m not interested.”

  Jezebeth could’ve sworn she felt a blast of cold air coming from Noah’s direction—an outward sign that her mark had hit home. But she knew that was only her own fancy at work. After all, he was only human.

  The man held Noah’s angry gaze for a long moment before he said, “Of course, darlin’. My truck is right this way.”

  “Actually, the lady is just fine.” Noah stepped forward placing his body between Jezebeth and the newcomer, wrapping a possessive arm around her waist.

  Her mind sent a signal to her body to object and pull away, but her body refused to respond. Noah was warm and pulsing with energy, and before she could do anything further, he’d pulled her close, cupped her cheek in his large, warm hand and lowered his head to kiss her.

  The shock of his warm lips against hers rocked her system, and she froze.

  He continued to hold her, kissing her gently but firmly until Jez’s traitorous body melted against him.

  The parking lot and the entire world fell away as her lips softened under his attentions, and he slipped his tongue inside her mouth.

  He tasted like dark, warm spices and the taste only increased in intensity as his energy seeped into her and pulsed through her system like tiny explosions that did nothing to help her light-headedness. Liquid heat seeped through her body, energizing and arousing her until she slid her arms around his neck, thrusting her fingers into his hair and holding him close.

  He expertly kissed her, coaxing her body to respond and arch against him until a low moan escaped from her throat and she pressed greedily against Noah’s growing erection.

  When he gently reached up and grabbed both of her wrists from around his neck and stepped back out of her embrace, Jez fought not to stumble against the sudden lack of sensations.

  After a few long moments of her mind reorienting, she glanced up to see him watching her carefully, a small furrow between his blond brows.

  The world came crashing back like someone had tossed a cold bucket of water over her and heat burned into Jez’s cheeks as embarrassment warred with the arousal still skyrocketing through her system. So much for her controlling herself and showing Noah she didn’t need him and his condescending, bossy ways.

  Noah continued to gently hold her wrists until she was steady on her feet, and then she pulled out of his grip to glare up at him, gathering her scattered dignity around her like a cloak of protection. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” She nearly cursed as her voice came out shaky and soft.

  Noah swallowed hard before speaking.

  At least it looked like she wasn’t the only one affected here.

  “I was giving you energy. You shouldn’t be going off with strange men.”

  She couldn’t help the laugh that welled up from inside her throat at his statement. “You do realize that’s the bulk of what I’ve done for countless millennia, right? I’m a succubus, Noah, not a virginal debutante.”

  He continued to study her with an intensity that nearly made Jezebeth squirm. “I’m here to take you back to Lilith safely, so there’s no need for any of that. I have the ring to protect me—”

  “So that’s what this is about? Protecting the population from the big, bad succubus?”

  Noah huffed out a breath, irritation plain in his expression. “That’s not it at all. I just—” He stopped midsentence and paced away, running his hands through his hair and leaving it to stand up in sexy tufts before he paced back to face her. “Damn it. Has anyone ever told you how frustrating you can be?”

  His comment seemed to deflate her anger, and she stared back at him. “Not recently.”

  He sighed. “Well, they should.” He shook his head. “By the way, do you realize you’ve changed forms again or have I totally gone insane?”

  Gabriel materialized between two large trees inside Central Park and smiled as she looked out over the Lake. Moonlight dusted the calm waters and a cool breeze ruffled her hair until it latticed across her face. She brushed the white blond waterfall back and tucked it behind her ear.

  The scent of sulfur and scorched flesh filled her senses and she slowly turned to face Semiazas. He stood seven feet tall, his skin cherry red, his talons sharp and black. Two thick black horns grew out from his forehead and his leathery lips were curved into an evil leer.

  She laughed as she looked him up and down. “Apparently the costume shop ran out of all the good ones before you got there.”

  “You don’t approve my form?” His voice was deep and cultured—everything his form was not.

  Gabriel didn’t bother to answer and instead cocked her eyebrow at him and waited.

  A long moment later, his form shimmered and reformed into the one she was familiar with since the time of their creation. He stood a few inches taller than her own five foot eleven, his dark hair tousled by the gentle breeze, his piercing blue eyes too shrewd to make him handsome, although as a fallen Archangel, he still retained his grace and beauty.

  “Better.” She resisted the urge to hug him as she’d done each time they’d greeted one another before he had followed Lucifer in the rebellion against God. Instead she stepped back as the scent of cinnamon and sex twined through the air. She frowned and glanced around them, but only animals were nearby.

  “Your form is luscious, as always, Gabriel.” He slowly circled her, his blue gaze raking over her blatantly. He stepped close and sniffed her hair, not bothering with subtlety. “And freshly fucked from the smell of it.” He finished his circle and faced her. “Although not by a cock.” He leered at her and stepped close. “It’s been a long time for me. How about a nice thick cock to tide you over until you meet your girlfriend again?” He cupped his own large erection while he stared into her eyes.

  The faint scent of burnt cinnamon and female arousal that still clung to him told Gabriel he was definitely exaggerating his claim to “a long time.” With relief she realized the burning jealousy that used to assa
ult her barely even registered. She’d mistakenly given into her urges where Semiazas was concerned once he’d rebelled. After all, by definition, a fallen Archangel was no longer bound by the rules of the faithful. What a mistake that had turned out to be.

  She raised her chin, refusing to step back or let Semiazas’s theatrics make her uncomfortable—probably the reason he kept at it. “How did you break out?”

  He squeezed his cock once more and then pressed himself against her stomach. “No answer to my generous offer?”

  When she stood stock-still giving him no reaction, he finally stepped back, a flash of irritation marring his calm features. “Your loss, my sweet. I’ve been building up quite the stamina while caged these last seven hundred years.”

  “And since your punishment was for ten millennia and not just under one, I’ll ask again—how did you break out?”

  “You don’t think they let me out for good behavior?”

  She let all the derision and disbelief she felt show in her face. “No, I don’t.”

  “Pity. You and I would get along famously if you were more gullible.”

  “Get to the point, Semiazas, or I’m leaving. I only agreed to meet you because you were once very dear to me.”

  He snarled, the animalistic sound coming from his mouth seeming at odds with the superficial beauty of his true form. “Don’t speak to me of that time. You betrayed me! If you and the others would’ve supported us, Lucifer would be on the throne, and—”

  Anger flashed through Gabriel, and as if her body was on autopilot, she grabbed a handful of the front of Semiazas’s designer button-down shirt and slammed him against the nearest tree. “Don’t you dare speak of betrayal to me.” Her gaze burned into him and she let all the anger she’d harbored over the eons show in her expression.

  “Still angry over that, pet?” He smiled, but whereas before his betrayal of their Father, his smile could brighten her entire world, now it was empty and made her feel the same way.


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