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Private Tuition

Page 14

by Jay Merson

  The professor began to build as did the two girls. Faster he pumped and faster the wonderful feelings passed through the two girls. Louise made a few muted sounds that affected Paula, bringing her orgasm home, crashing through her as she felt the professor's sperm jetting deep inside her. Louise's shudders of climax intensified Paula's orgasm and she drank in the delights that it brought to her, the kiss continuing long after the climaxes ended.

  "Your training is now complete, Paula. As with all things in life, once the training is completed, then is the time to start learning,” the professor said withdrawing and standing.

  "You mean there's more?” Louise gasped in amazement.

  "Dear Louise, there is a whole world of sexual pleasure out there waiting for you. A world made up of many countries and we, so far, have visited very few of those countries."

  "My god!"

  Paula was still recovering and wasn't really listening, concerned more with the burning ache in her anus and how this might affect her enjoyment at the guest night.

  "Off you both go now,” he said, dismissing them as he went to the bathroom.

  * * * *

  "Tonight's the night!” Louise said excitedly as she leaned close to Paula's ear. The university canteen was crowded and whilst the background noise level was high, she didn't want anything she said to be overheard. She stood next to the table at which Paula sat reading and drinking her coffee. This was the arrangement they had, whoever finished their lectures first would wait in the canteen.

  "Great isn't it! It seemed like it would never get here. A bit like Christmas when you're a kid. It seems a lifetime away when you're waiting.” Paula looked at her friend as she towered over her.

  "If you've finished your coffee shall we walk outside?"

  "Good idea Louise, this place seems to get everyone talking at once, you can't hear yourself think at times."

  Under the big oak tree in the centre of the grassy area outside the main block they settled down onto the cool grass. The shade was welcome in the hot mid-day sun. Many students had taken similar advantage of the shade that the trees offered and were dotted around the thick trunks in various parts of the open area.

  "Wish the weather was like this every year, I could easily get used to this,” Paula offered laying back and resting her head in her hands.

  "Yeah kind of makes you feel different about life doesn't it."

  "More like laying here instead of studying I know that!"

  They both enjoyed the open air after the stuffy lecture rooms that they had endured that morning and for most of the hot spell that the weather had lasted.

  "I know where the place in Buckinghamshire is,” Louise stated casually.

  "What?” Paula asked, unsure that she hadn't misheard her friend.

  "I got Paul Aiken to follow him, the professor."

  Paula sat bolt-upright.

  "You silly idiot!” she snapped. “You could blow everything! And using that twat Aiken—whatever possessed you to do such a thing?"

  "Thought you'd be pleased,” Louise said, the hurt that she felt all too apparent in her voice.

  "Pleased?” Paula repeated holding her hands to her face. “What did you tell Aiken?"

  "Nothing, don't worry. I just asked him to do me a favour. In the strictest of confidence of course."

  "What reason did you give him?"

  "Told him that this old bloke had made a pass at me and that I needed his home address to be able to tell his wife if he ever tried again. Nothing to worry about, Paul won't tell anyone."

  "Let's just hope he doesn't for both our sakes!"

  "You worry too much. Don't you want to know where it is?"

  "Won't mean much to me even if I did want to know and I don't! I Still can't believe that you did that Louise."

  "Well it's done now and nothing anyone can do about it is there?"

  "Seems not, except to live in the knowledge that our comfortable lifestyle could end at any moment. We had things under control and now you've put that in question,” Paula said seriously.

  "Sorry,” Louise said mournfully and lapsed into silence. Many minutes passed before she spoke again. “Anyway if the professor did kick us out, there are at least six other similar situations we could walk into."

  "His guests you mean?” Paula said, dismissing the suggestion. “We don't even know who they are."

  "We will by tonight. We also now know where in Buckinghamshire to contact them, don't we!"

  Paula sat thinking quietly. “You're right, you little bitch,” she said at last, her tone and the mood lighter.

  "The dynamic duo strikes again,” Louise said, giggling.

  "It does certainly give us a back-up if you'll forgive the pun."

  "How is it now, your bum?"

  "Okay, no problem at all,” Paula replied, the tone of her voice indicating that she didn't want to discuss it further.

  Louise lay back on the grass supporting herself on one elbow.

  "About tonight, feel okay for it?"

  "Mmmm, I'm really looking forward to wearing our outfits for them."

  "Yeah me too! The thought of getting them hard gets me. We'll have to change the subject or it's off to the loo for a quick rub."

  "Understood sexy bitch, understood and agreed,” Paula said, laughing and lying back lazily to ponder on the night ahead of them.

  Louise read her notes from the lecture one final time whilst Paula rested quietly. A long time passed, then, packing the notebook into her bag Louise broke the silent calm of the open air.

  "We could extend our activities, you know."

  "Pardon?” Paula raised herself to sit and cuddle her knees as she looked around her.

  "The professor doesn't own us, we are free agents. You know, in the place where we want to be, with others or with him."

  "Slow down, slow down Louise. I get your meaning but aren't we rushing ahead a bit?"

  "Do you think so?"

  "We don't really know the set-up do we? It's not a bad idea for later, but for now let's just consolidate what we have."

  Louise thought for a moment. “Couldn't we have the best of everything though, spread our wings a little?"

  "Where do we get the time, eh? Our studies and degrees are most important, they will suffer if we try to spread ourselves too thinly for now."

  "Yeah you're right, you're always right, Paula."

  "I do think that you have really hit on something there though. Just picture us, having graduated and living and moving in the same circles as the wealthy. Having to work doesn't really come into it does it?"

  "Wouldn't you want to use your degree once you get it, work I mean?"

  "Sure, but we would have the option wouldn't we and our social and sex lives would be well catered for."

  "That's for sure,” Louise said absently. The possibilities were beginning to turn over in her mind. Both girls lapsed back into silence and lay thinking about what had been said and the night that lay ahead of them.

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  Both the girls were dressed and ready, special care been taken and much attention given by both of them as they had dressed each other. They wore the same leather outfits that they had tried on a few days previously following their shopping trip.

  Paula inspected Louise's make-up carefully. The blood-red lipstick glistened on her full lips, giving them a sensual and inviting look, adding to the overall devastating effect of the outfit on her lovely body.

  "Perfect, absolutely perfect,” she sighed, standing back a little to gain a better perspective.

  "Now me,” Paula said eagerly, and Louise repeated the process on her friend, closely looking for any flaw in the well made-up face; there were none.

  A soft knock at the door made them both look at each other; the time had arrived.

  "Paula first,” came the professor's voice through the closed door.

  "Good luck,” Louise said as Paula went out of the door and walk
ed into the lounge where the professor now stood next to his seated friends.

  The silence was deafening as she entered. Looking taller in her high-heeled boots that emphasised her slim thighs, she walked confidently into the centre of the room. A terrific charge soared through her, exciting her vulva and making her swallow. She stood proudly before them, the leather bra and panties tightly hugging her slim body, her black stockings showing the white of her flesh at the top of her thighs, the shiny black straps criss-crossed her waist and back, and in her hand she held a thick leather thong attached to a stout leather-bound handle.

  She drank in the hungry, surprised looks on the men's faces. The professor's mouth had dropped open as he looked her over with lust filled eyes.

  "Fabulous!” someone at last exclaimed, breaking the silence in the room.

  Without waiting to be asked, Paula walked slowly up and down between them, rolling her hips, her shoulders back and chest pushed forwards. She simply ached in every part of her body with the charge she was receiving. Her erect clitoris rubbed against the soft leather of the panties as she walked. Her heart pounded and there was a throbbing ache in her nipples as they cried out for attention.

  Comments were coming thick and fast now—she didn't hear them all, for the power that she felt over them was filling her thoughts. She inspected each face in turn, teasing and tantalising the reddened and aroused men, savouring the hungry looks they were giving to each and every part of her body. All of her flesh covered or otherwise, came under their scrutiny.

  "You have excelled professor, you really have!” one man said loudly. “You will be a certainty for promotion to Elder after this."

  Paula stopped and, placing one heeled foot against the coffee table, she gave one great shove with her leg and pushed the table forcefully out into the middle of the room.

  "Who's first?” she asked in a husky voice, holding the thong across her body with both hands. Menacingly she slapped it in the palm of her other hand.

  "Wait!” the professor shouted quickly, then softened his voice as all heads turned to face him suddenly, surprised at his out-burst. “The surprises are not yet over gentlemen."

  He moved to the hallway and called out loudly.

  "Louise, Louise, come now."

  A series of murmurs filled the room as the men talked between themselves. Louise entered confidently and smiling broadly. Excited gasps filled the room. Two men rose to their feet as she walked so sexily to stand beside Paula.

  Louise was wet, her pussy aching as she revelled in the attention that was being lavished upon her. Turning and posing she moved for their delight. The many shouted comments from the men confirmed their approval. The professor stood staring as Louise thrilled the men.

  She stood tall and erect, her smile parting the bright red lips and flashing her white teeth. Her slim waist was pulled even tighter by the black leather bodice, the long black boots shaped her thighs so well. The skimpy panties, cut high on the hip, made her long legs seem never ending and her blonde hair fell about her shoulders. She looked lovely, a mixture of beauty, radiance and simmering sexuality, and she had a slightly menacing look that ensured that all the men present were now fully hard.

  The veins in her throat pulsed as the hungry eyes covered her, from her legs to her crotch and then to her breasts. She ached with the sexual excitement that pumped through her.

  The two leather-clad beauties stood side-by-side, friends and temptresses together, awaiting their sexual delights and satisfaction, but today it would be on their terms, that much was certain.

  Louise walked slowly forwards and between the men, her neat hips passing close to their eyes. They looked her over as she passed through them. On reaching the professor, she gently prised the cane from his fingers, smiled warmly and walked back to rejoin Paula as the centre of attraction.

  "Strip!” Paula barked, pointing to the nearest man.

  "All of you!” Louise added sternly.

  A moment's hesitation turned into a flurry of activity as all the men present, including the professor, began to undress quickly.

  An assortment of body shapes began to be revealed as they stripped. Long cocks, fat ones and one or two small ones, all were hard and sticking up expectantly. Over-large stomachs were thankfully in the minority; for their ages the men seemed in surprisingly good physical shape. To the girls, in their high state of arousal, it didn't matter, their sexual high made any size differentials irrelevant.

  When all were naked Paula looked across at Louise and nodded. Louise went to the drawer of the wall unit and came back with the short lengths of soft cord. She began tying the men's hands, each one in turn, pressing herself against them and ensuring, as she bound their wrists tightly behind them, that their hands brushed against her tightly covered mons. She thrilled at the way she was exciting them, sensational feelings pulsing through her, urging her excitement ever higher. The total control that she and Paula had over the men just added further to the sexual thrill.

  When they were all bound and standing expectantly, Paula indicated that the man she had pointed to was required to step forwards. He did, willingly. Again Paula kicked the table aside to clear the space that she required.

  "Kneel,” she ordered the man simply. He knelt, his face close to her body and looking up at her like a little lap dog that wanted his dinner. Paula moved forwards and pressed her mons against his face. The tight leather panties pushed hard against his mouth.

  Louise raised the cane and landed a stinging blow to his buttocks, bringing a grunt of pained pleasure from him. Again she struck and then again, each blow harder than the one before, biting deeper into his flesh. The men all watched spellbound as Paula grabbed his hair roughly and ground his face into her groin.

  The kneeling man was grunting and groaning, his little cock twitching with excitement. Paula's own excitement urged her to slip the panties down over her hips and drop them to the floor, exposing her downy mons to all.

  "Eat me,” she commanded loudly.

  From behind, Louise struck him harshly with the cane.

  "Paula told you to lick her!"

  The man began licking the soft pubic hairs.

  "Not like that!” Paula screamed at him. She stepped back a pace, raised the thong and landed a savage blow across his shoulders, Louise added to his pain by striping his backside with a cutting slash of the cane. He whimpered as the blows continued. He shuddered and his cock jerked, then he came. Small spurts of come jetting forwards from his stiff cock. Paula groaned and Louise smiled as they watched him in his orgasm.

  Louise slipped off her panties and stood, legs wide in a set stance that allowed the men to see her exposed pussy. Delighting in the hungry looks her pussy was receiving, she then layback on the coffee table and opened her legs wide.

  "Who wants to lick me?” she asked softly.

  The room erupted into a noisy pushing and shoving as the men surged forwards to be the first to do her bidding.

  "Stop!” Paula shouted, stopping the rush. She stepped forwards, lashing savagely at anyone she could reach. The men backed off. She lifted one man's cock with the end of her thong, resting the erect member on the leather.

  "This one do?” she asked lightly, looking over at her friend.

  "Whatever you say.” Louise beamed; her pussy seriously needed attention now. She was not only wet, but near to needing a cock inside her. She would have hoped to have lasted longer but the terrific sexual need nagged at her for satisfaction.

  "Do it!” Paula snapped at him, sharply flicking his cock with the thong and bringing a gasp from him.

  He knelt awkwardly between Louise's open thighs and brought his head down to begin licking her open pussy, moaning softly as he knelt, working his tongue into the sweet nectar of her juices.

  Louise was supported on one elbow on the low table, with the other hand she caned his backside as it stuck high in the air.

  "On my clit you shit!” she spat at him. “Faster! faster!” She struck him ag
ain and again as she received his hungry tongue inside her. It thrilled her to be watched by the others, all of them wishing they were in his place.

  Paula moved between the standing men, slipping the palm of her hand under a cock she weighed it gently, wrapping her delicate fingers around it and squeezing gently. He groaned as her leather glove gripped him.

  "Would you like to do that to me?” she purred huskily. The man's face lit up, his cock jerked in her hand. “Oh yes! Yes please,” he groaned as she squeezed his rigid cock gently.

  "Well you can't” Paula said coldly, releasing him immediately and moving to hold another cock. Her vulva throbbed as she continued to tease the men.

  "Go and put this in Louise's mouth,” Paula commanded her new victim in an authoritative tone. The man moved instantly to stand by Louise's side and to offer his cock to her. Louise gripped it roughly and, pulling towards her, closed her soft red lips over his glans. He moaned loudly, closing his eyes and moving his head backwards.

  Paula's need now was so great that she dropped to the floor in front of a man and began licking and sucking his cock, much to his delight. He pushed his hips forwards, offering her more of his rigid cock, which she drew hungrily into her warm mouth. She gripped the hard member in one hand, feeding his shaft into her mouth, savouring the warm pulsing flesh that she was exciting so very much.

  Paula felt a stiff cock press against her backside, someone had moved behind her. Who? She didn't know or care, she just needed the attentions to her wet, aching vulva. She moved her legs apart and offered her waiting pussy, which he pressed the head of his cock against and entered in a single thrust.

  Paula felt the stiff cock slipping further up inside her as she sucked greedily on the cock in her mouth. She was fulfilled, the charge that she felt with two cocks inside her sent powerful spasms through her, flutters of orgasm began flitting through her slim body, exciting her vulva and nipples.

  The cock in her pussy began pumping a steady rhythm, jarring her body with his powerful strokes. She moaned loudly with the cock in her mouth and drank in the flutters of orgasm that were coming through her faster and faster.


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