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Page 7

by Claire St. Rose

  Luke put on his best impression of innocence. “I was totally genuine, sweetheart. I’ve never seen a gun in my life.”

  Shayla smacked him on the arm, though they both descended into laughter.

  “So you’re going to come for a ride with me?” Luke asked. “I think it would make great footage.”

  Shayla nodded. “We brought a body cam just in case. And the guys can film us from the side of the van.”

  Luke grinned. “Good, because I’ve got a surprise for you and for your viewers.”

  SHAYLA FELT LIKE SHE was flying. She longed to swing her arms out and cackle like a madwoman, flying toward the sun as it began to sink into the horizon. There was nothing and nobody that could get her on the back of Luke’s bike. She understood why he loved it so much now.

  Each turn was a little adrenaline rush. Each time he throttled the engine sent tremors through her. And with her face pressed against Luke’s back, her arms wrapped tight around his middle, it felt like they were the only two people in the world.

  They weren’t, of course. Every once and awhile the van would pull up for another shot. They were thinking of using the footage for filler between episodes, or as an intro piece. For all Shayla cared, they could do whatever they wanted with the footage. She was beyond a place where her job could reach her. She was with Luke.

  She was safe.

  She had no clue where Luke was taking her, but that hardly seemed to matter. Somewhere suburban, by the look of it. Which was just as well for her. It would probably look good if Luke had some sort of hideaway in the suburbs, or if he was taking her to see his parents.

  Wait. Hold the phone. Was Luke taking her to see his parents? Surely not! He’d never mentioned anything about them, and anyway it wasn’t like they were actually dating. Were they? No. Maybe.

  Whatever the case, Shayla was not ready to meet his parents. She was relieved when Luke pulled up in front of a white-stucco single family home with a swingset on the front lawn. It didn’t look like the kind of place two people in their late middle ages would live.

  The rumbling of the bike must have attracted the attention of the home’s residents, because before Shayla even had her helmet off a little girl was running out onto the front lawn. Was that? Oh! It was the girl with the kitten. Jacklin.

  “Luke!” the girl cried. “You made it!”

  On the girl’s shoulder was a little white ball of fluff. The kitten seemed to have fared well since being returned home, and Shayla thought it was adorable that the girl was carrying him in the same way that Luke had.

  “Hey, munchkin. How’s the little warrior?” Luke stepped toward the girl and crouched down on the balls of his feet, giving the kitten a scratch with his index finger.

  “Achilles misses you! I’m glad you came to visit.”

  Shayla doubted very much that a kitten as young as Achilles, who had known Luke for only a few hours, could miss him, but she thought it was adorable anyway. She also noticed the girl’s name for the cat, which she doubted Jacklin would have been able to think of by herself.

  Luke stood back up, and glanced back at Shayla with a smile. He looked so perfect, standing in front of that nice house next to the cute little girl and her kitten. She could picture him actually having the life he said he wanted in the interview.

  Abruptly, Shayla turned her head to make sure that the cameras were rolling. This would be great material. They were, thankfully. Despite how sleepy Pierce was, he was incredibly on the ball.

  Jacklin’s mom peeked her head out the door. “Are you guys coming in or what?” Her tinkling laugh floated over the lawn.

  “Coming!” Luke replied, giving the girl a little pat on the head and gesturing for Shayla and the crew to follow him inside. Shayla gave the camera a surprised grin so the viewers would know she had no idea what was about to happen.

  The house smelled of garlic and rosemary. Shayla’s stomach rumbled, reminding her that she’d skipped lunch in favor of getting roll footage of Luke’s shop. She practically floated over to the dining room, where Jacklin’s parents were setting the table.

  “Take a seat,” the father instructed. “We’re just bringing out the chicken.”

  Shayla and the others did as they were told, eyeing the perfectly suburban surroundings with awe. The dining room was tastefully decorated in hues of lavender and white, with a sideboard that held several bottles of red wine and fancy wine and cocktail glasses. The table was neatly laid out, like something out of a magazine.

  Jacklin’s parents brought in the food and sat down themselves, introducing themselves as Gary and Judith. They served a meal of roast chicken and vegetables, and promised that there was apple pie for dessert. It was the most American thing that Shayla had ever done, minus the biker at the table who clearly was not a symbol of the all-American family unit. But it was nice.

  Gary and Judith talked about their jobs and their daughters, and asked questions about Luke and what it was like to be on TV. Jacklin peppered both him and Shyla with her own questions, including asking them if they were married. When they said they weren’t, she told them they should get married, much to her parents’ chagrin.

  Shayla looked down at her food and hoped that the camera wouldn’t catch her blush. Luke squeezed her knee under the table.

  After dinner, and a truly delicious apple pie, Jacklin and her parents showed them out and waved them a heartfelt goodbye from the doorway. It was like something out of a Christmas card. The crew and Shayla had agreed that they would get a shot of Shayla and Luke riding away, and then they would all call it a day.

  The bike rumbled between Shayla’s legs, and she squeezed even tighter around Luke than before. Now that she knew there would be no more cameras, she allowed the sensation of the vibrating seat to tease her and rev up her own engines. She squeezed her thighs around Luke’s hips and placed her mouth as close to his ear as she could get. They hadn’t gotten too fast yet, which she was glad for.

  It meant he would still be able to hear her.

  “Take me somewhere where we won’t be disturbed,” she ordered. “And think long and hard on the way about what you want to do to me when we got there.”

  Chapter 12

  Luke hadn’t started off the ride feeling like his whole body was on fire. Throughout dinner, and even after when they’d first mounted the bike, Luke had considered how good it had felt to be experiencing such a calm and normal evening with Shayla. Besides the cameras, of course. But there had been no threats, no other women vying for his attention, and he hadn’t been bothered by any club business.

  It was the kind of serene lifestyle that Luke had never thought he’d get. The kind that he hadn’t thought he either deserve or wanted. But with Shayla there, eating a roast chicken and talking about sports and the weather, Luke had felt a stirring for something that he hadn’t before. He felt like he wanted a simpler life. Not just with anyone though, and certainly not by himself.

  Luke wanted a simple life with Shayla.

  And then, with her arms and legs around him, she had purred those naughty words into his ear. And well, his dream of a simpler life had taken a backseat for the time being. All that was on his mind was how good it would feel to be inside Shayla again. And he knew just the spot.

  Luke sped out onto the highway and away from town, doing as Shayla said and thinking about what exactly he wanted to do to her. There were too many things to choose from, truth be told. They would need a whole week to exhaust the number of things that he wanted to do to her sweet body. And they only had one night.

  Oh well. Better than nothing, he supposed.

  Luke turned down one side road and then the next, each street getting smaller and quieter. He could almost feel Shayla’s anticipation building with each turn. His own, too. His cock was hard and ready in his jeans—had been the moment she’d said to take her somewhere they wouldn’t be disturbed.

  And they were there.

  He could only imagine the look Shayla gave him when
he stopped the bike and killed the ignition in front of the old cemetery. The sun had just slipped behind the mountains, and though the sky was light there was definitely an eerie sense to the evening air. But he knew she was too far gone with lust to care. She would probably fuck him behind a Taco Bell at this point. And god, he loved that about her.

  They both stepped off of the bike and looked out over the grassy expanse of the graveyard.

  “Come on, little one,” Luke said. “There’s a thing or two I’m going to do to that hot body of yours.”

  Her eyes flashed with passion, the heat of it searing through her apprehension. “I can’t wait.”

  He smacked her on the ass and walked in toward the copse of trees in the middle. “I want to hear you moan so loud you wake the dead. Do you understand?”

  Shayla tagged along behind him. “Isn’t that a bit disrespectful?”

  There it was. Luke smirked. He knew her lust would only get her so far. He wheeled on her and captured her ass in his hands, pulling her tight against him so that he could feel her body grind against his bulge.

  “This is a place that commemorates the one inevitability of life, sweetheart.” He leaned in and nipped her ear with his teeth. “Death.” Moving his lips down to her neck, Luke began to suckle and nip. “Another fact of life, though not an inevitability, is fucking.” He pulled back and stared in her eyes. “What we’re about to do is more natural than the stones they use to mark the graves.”

  Her eyes were wide, her pupils small even in the dim light. He knew that if he slipped a hand down the front of her jeans she’d be soaking wet. He released her, giving her another smack on the ass and calling behind him as he continued on, “And this is the only place I know of that will be completely deserted at this time of night. Of the living, at least.”

  Shayla ate it up like candy, catching up with him and lacing her fingers through his. He looked down at the gesture but didn’t scoff as he might have with someone else. He wanted to hold hands with Shayla, much as he’d never admit to anyone. But what happened here was for them and them alone. That’s why he wanted to bring her here.

  They found a grassy knoll with nobody buried underneath it—Luke drew the line somewhere—and he threw her to the springy earth. Shayla clearly hadn’t expected such fire from him, but the look on her face informed him that she was anything but put off. She reached down and pulled him on top of her, fiercely pressing her lips against his and into a demanding kiss.

  But Luke would not allow anything less than him dominating her. Holding hands he could abide, but while they were in the throes of passion he would be the one in charge. He pinned her to the grass and began roughly feeling her up, running his hands down her luscious cleavage and between her thighs, rubbing the denim of her pants and causing her to groan.

  “Not good enough,” he growled, unbuttoning her jeans and ripping them down her thighs. She helped him by kicking off the garment, her panties with them. Then Luke pressed his fingers between her folds and began to rub vigorously. Shayla rewarded him with a louder moan, one that echoed around them and caused his cock to throb painfully.

  She was so wet and ready that he swore loudly, probing her pussy with his skilled fingers. But he had barely seen any of her yet. He wanted to see the evening light across the creamy expanse of her tits.

  Getting Shayla’s shirt off was even easier than her jeans. In a couple deft movements, she was completely exposed to him, and he teased her nipples with his mouth as he extracted more moans from her throat. But he knew that he wouldn’t get the real show stopper until he pumped inside of her.

  Luke leaned back and unzipped his jeans, freeing his swollen cock and leaning back down again to position it at her pussy.

  “Wait, aren’t you getting naked too?” Shayla asked. “I want to feel you.”

  Luke laughed. “You asked what I wanted, little one.” He shoved himself inside of her, filling her in one smooth motion. He leaned down the shell of her ear. “And what I want is a rough, dirty fuck under the stars with you screaming beneath me.”

  He pulled back and thrusted in again, and Shayla cried out in rapture. She put her arms around his neck and he growled, ripping them off and pinning them above her head while he slammed into her. “You like this, little one?”

  He joined their hips again and Shayla screamed, “Yes!”

  Luke nearly blew his load with how hot that had sounded. He began to rut into her, biting at her neck and whispering filthy things into her ear as he did. Her cries grew louder and louder, until finally she came with a shriek that went straight through Luke to his balls. He tensed and emptied inside of her, his whole body alive with electricity.

  Collapsing on top of his woman, Luke drew in several deep breaths and sighed. “Holy shit.”

  “Holy shit indeed,” Shayla replied, chuckling.

  Luke drew back up and prepared to get off of her, when something caught his attention out of the corner of his eye. He glanced over slowly, trying not to alarm Shayla.


  Twenty or thirty feet away, he recognized the villainous smirks of Dax and Klyde. That was bad. Beside them, Raven sat with sunglasses on, looking bored. That was worse. In Dax’s hand was a phone, and the red light flashing informed Luke that they had just been recorded.

  That was horrible.

  At his sighting of them, the three rats scurried off into the trees. Thankfully they were quiet about it, and Shayla still hadn’t noticed that something was amiss. She was still bathing in the glow of her orgasm, a massive smile plastered on her lips.

  Should he tell her? Luke looked down at the gorgeous blonde, whose eyes were bright and whose cheeks with flushed with an otherworldly glow. He couldn’t tell her. She’d only get upset, and hopefully he’d be able to do something about it before Raven and her brothers did whatever they intended to do with the recording.


  Keep reading in Book 3 of the Trojans MC trilogy, CRUEL, available now everywhere!

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  Connecting independent readers to independent writers.

  Did you love Nasty? Then you should read Cruel by Claire St. Rose!

  Cruel is book 3 and the finale of the Trojans MC trilogy!

  She wanted in. But now that I have her, she’s never getting out.

  She didn’t belong in this world.

  But no way in hell am I letting her leave.

  Not until she’s wearing my ring. Not until she has my child.

  This town is mine and I take what I want. Nobody gets in my way.

  Especially not some nosy reporter looking for her big break.

  At first she was just another girl whose name I can’t remember.

  But that was before she left me so hard that it hurts.

  So hard that I needed release.

  She thinks she can just insert herself in my life.

  She doesn’t realize I’ve got a different insertion in mind for her.

  And now that she’s stepped into my world…

  There’s no way in hell I’m letting her leave.

  Not until she’s wearing my ring.

  Not until she has my child.

  Also by Claire St. Rose

  Iron Reapers MC

  Heartless: A Bad Boy Baby Motorcycle Club Romance

  Merciless: A Bad Boy Baby Motorcycle Club Romance

  Ruthless: A Bad Boy Baby Motorcycle Club Romance

  Montorini Family Mafia

  Touch Me Bad Boy

  Tease Me Bad Boy

  Own Me Bad Boy

  Northern Hounds MC

  Take the Devil's Deal: A Bad Boy Motorcycle Club Rom

  Break the Devil's Deal: A Bad Boy Motorcycle Club Romance

  Seal the Devil's Deal: A Bad Boy Motorcycle Club Romance

  Steel Jockeys MC

  Vicious Night

  Vicious Touch

  Vicious Kiss

  The Hitman's Heart Trilogy

  Going Once, Taken Twice

  Wrecked Twice

  Three Times Owned

  Trojans MC







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