Poker Face (Chimera Club Stories)

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Poker Face (Chimera Club Stories) Page 9

by Cybill Cain

  When I tore my eyes away from her hands and what they were doing, I found her staring at me, with the most intense look of need and desire that I had ever seen. She might be a rookie but she knew all the plays in this man’s heart. She’d said she wanted to claim me as hers, and she had done it. She was a goddess above me, owning me completely. No matter what came next, there would never be anyone for me but Camille.



  I had planned none of that. Hell, I’d never even read about that before, but there with him it had just come to me that this was what I needed to do. I needed to make him feel the same way he he’d made me feel. I had no words for what that was exactly. He’d made me fly, I could do no less for him.

  “TEN MINUTES!” came with a hard knock on the door. Brandon ignored it, and pulled me down, turning us over until I was under his big hard body. He kissed me like we had all the time in the world. When he stopped, he hovered over me protectively. “I know you’ve never had sex before, but is your hymen intact?”

  “The doctor said that it was.”

  “So, no birth control?”

  “No. They’re supposed to give me a Plan B when this is over.”

  “Don’t take it.” I blinked in surprise.

  “What? Why?”

  “Because I love you, and I can’t think of anything I want more in the world than seeing you carry my child.” That knocked the air right out of me.

  “This is because of those alien mating romance novels, isn’t it?”

  “No. Well, maybe a little. The way they talk about it, the way those guys feel, I didn’t know it, but as soon as I read it, I knew that I felt the same way about you.”

  “But school, and…” my voice trailed off. Everything I could say felt like an excuse to hide behind.

  “I’ll never let you want for anything. I will always be right beside you, even if you say no right now, but I already know that when you are ready, this is something I want with you. Is that what you want, too, Camille?” I nodded, unable to say the words aloud even though my heart was bursting with them.

  It was the scariest thing I could imagine before spending time getting to know him. The way I had grown up watching my mama struggle as a single parent, but he’d kept his word to me about everything since this had started. I believed him now because of that. He smiled that devastating smile I’d been crippled by the day we met.

  “Then don’t take it. We may not get pregnant tonight, but if we do, I want that child to be part of my life with you when this is over.” I nodded again, and he kissed me softly, the tenderness so strong it made we feel weak all over with need for him. He touched the tip of his nose to mine, and closed his eyes, as if it were the best feeling in the whole world to him to be this close to me.

  “It’s going to hurt when I break your cherry, but it’ll pass soon, I promise.”

  “All right.” He pulled back from me, a look of worry sliding over his handsome face.

  “God, I should have asked you this sooner, but do you know anything about poker?”

  “Only that it’s about not showing your opponent what you’re thinking or feeling.”

  “Yes, it’s a game of reading your opponents, not the cards, and who can lie the best about the hand they have. You’re supposed to distract me and them. To break our concentration and make it harder to keep up with who us lying and who is not.” I nodded, processing what he was saying.

  “Once we get the lay of the land, I will understand better how we can work together to keep their minds off the game.” He kissed me swiftly and stood, going to the closet. The only clothing there was two fluffy white robes like the one I had worn the first night. He took one and handed me the other, tying it around the waist for me just as the door opened and Tony came in.

  “Time to go.”

  10- The Game Part 3


  Was it the books? I held her hand wondering about that as we went down a long hallway toward the grand finale. No, it wasn’t the stories, not really. They’d help me frame up a feeling that I was sure had been rambling around in me for most of my life.

  I wanted a family. I wanted that experience. In hindsight, it may have been that need which had made so many of the women in my life not the right women in my life.

  Why would I want a child with someone who couldn’t find true love and affection in their heart for me? No, the part of me that had known this secret wish had been very specific in what and who it was looking for, and she was with me right now. It was fast, and it was coming from an incredibly fucked up set of circumstances, but I’d never felt anything like this, and I’d wanted to for a very long time. If I fucked up and let this get away from me, I’d have no one to blame but me.

  Meenan, a dealer, Stacy and three other couples were waiting in a room decked out like a casino at the end of the hall. The guy who’d walked us in moved to stand beside Stacy when Meenan started to speak.

  “First, introductions. The couple who just joined us are Mr. and Mrs. Black. You will address them, and they will address each other as such for the duration of this event.” He went on and named the Blues. The man looked to be about forty and his partner in her early thirties, both fit and attractive, but their expressions were guarded, and something about them made me uncomfortable. Camille squeezed my hand tightly while Mr. Blue raked his eyes over her. She held her ground and kept her chin up, making me proud. When he caught the glare on my face he smirked at me. I added another name to the list of assholes who were getting broken noses.

  The Reds were an odd pair. He was a small man, in his mid to late thirties, who looked like he should still be in his mom’s basement watching porn. His partner was a big busty blonde who looked like she could crush him like a soda can if she got really fired up. I caught him sneaking glances at her that were filled with adoration and worship. She smiled back him as if he were a pet begging for a treat, before taking an interest in Mr. Blue. I saw Blue’s nostrils flare as he eyed her right back.

  The Whites were more of a surprise than anyone. He was big, like alien romance alpha big, with tats all over the parts of his body exposed by the robe he was wearing. He literally growled at me when he caught me staring, his eyes flicking to Camille with a fire that made me want to jump the table between us and plant my fist in his face. His partner was a little wisp of woman who seemed so delicate he might break her, but she looked up at him with dewy eyes and an expression that said if he hurt her she was more than on board with it. I’d met people like these before, and for the first time started to really feel like we might win this thing.

  “Now the rules. Each of the male participants has been monitored for the exact pulse rate that occurs when they ejaculate.” Stacy started moving around attaching monitors to the men’s chests, and handing watches to their partners. “The wires will allow us to monitor your state of arousal throughout the game and pass that information to you partners. Ladies, your job is to keep them in the red zones by watching the digital read outs on the watches. They must be red at all times while in play, the challenge is not to go too far. When you allow them to relax they can only relax as far as the bottom of the red range. If you spend more than thirty seconds in the white you will lose the hand you are playing. If you ejaculate you will lose the hand you are playing. You must recover and be erect again in less than twenty minutes or you will forfeit the game and be disqualified.

  “There will be a break three hours after we start, for the duration of fifteen minutes. What you do with that time is up to you and your partner. Another break will come at midnight, for the duration of thirty minutes when you may eat, or again do as you wish with your partners. You will be allowed to leave this room only for that thirty minute break.

  “When play resumes, there will be another break at three for fifteen minutes, same as with the other fifteen you may do as you wish with your partner, but you may not leave this room. Play will end at six in the morning with the largest pot holder remaining bei
ng declared the winner.

  “You may not touch anyone here other than your partner for the duration of the evening. You will be given one hundred thousand dollars in poker chips. When you run out of chips you have lost. The ante per round is five hundred dollars, and the minimum bid per hand is also five hundred. You will be playing five card stud. Any attempt to interfere with the dealer, touch an opponent’s cards, or emotional outbursts will lead to one of my security team removing you from the game.” He gestured to Stacy and the other man without looking at them. “And make no mistake, these gentlemen know how to handle any situation that arises. Questions?” No one had any, Meenan glanced at his watch and added, “Excellent, take the seat with your name cards, and disrobe. Play begins in thirty seconds.”

  I found our seat and took off my robe, dropping it unceremoniously on the floor. At least one of the other ladies present gasped in admiration, but I was focused on Camille. She looked scared and unsure. I turned her so that she was facing only me, and smiled at her. She let me take off her robe. I kept the smile on my face for her, but I hated every minute of what was happening with every fiber of my being.

  I could feel White looking at her, but I refused to give him the satisfaction of acknowledging his stare. I glanced at my chair, and saw that it and the others were made with high backs that had room between the seat and where they began. There were extensions on the back of the legs for foot rests. I knew what I had to do.

  I sat down and keeping her facing me, pulled her down onto my lap, putting one leg on either side of mine. When she was seated, I pulled her legs up, putting her feet on the props, showing her that by grabbing me or the high back of my chair she could move her body on mine easily. “Play begins now,” Meenan called out. I felt Camille tense up. “You must be inside your partners within the next two minutes.”

  “Ante up,” the dealer called out. I reached around her to throw my chips on the table.

  “Dealing will commence now, but you may not look at your cards until you are fully engaged with your partner.” I kissed Camille. My arms tight around her, praying that I could create the illusion that it was just us, even as chips clinked and other couples made intimate sounds around us. One of my hands went down to circle her opening, finding her slick but tight again. A natural result over her tension about what was happening.

  “Just focus on me,” I whispered to her, nipping her earlobe. “Nothing matters here but us. The way you feel. The way I feel. The way we feel together. I want to be inside you, baby. I need you to show me you want that, too, like you did before on the bed. Touch me.” Her hand came up around my cock, trembling at first, and then growing more confident around me as she moved it. “I need you so much. Be my shield, baby. Be my world.”

  The slickness between her thighs increased with every word I spoke in her ear. When I could again get three fingers in her opening, she started rocking on my hand. The hand she had around my cock guided me to her entrance. I moved my fingers aside as she put the tip of me inside her. “I love you so much,” I whispered to her, dying a little inside as she took me in little by little, rocking back and forth to ease me into her. I glanced down, watching myself disappear inside her body as it stretched to take me. Her sounds were of pleasure and pain, and they took my mind and my reason away. When I felt the tip of me reach her intact barrier I was shaking with the need to thrust hard and bury myself inside her.

  “One minute!” Meenan called out, making her jump and wince as the pressure pushed against her cherry.

  “No, just me, baby.” Her feet were on the chair extensions, but she was hesitating because of the pain. I kissed her again, wishing I had more experience with claiming a virgin, praying that she forgave me for hurting her, hoping I could distract her enough to let me do what needed to be done. Holding her tightly, I rocked my hips hard into her and pushed through. She made a small startled sound into my mouth, but did not pull away as I feared she would. Instead she held on tight, letting me sink into her, deepening the kiss as I felt her open to me.

  My vision was dimming as all the blood in my body made a beeline for my dick. She made a sound I’d never heard from her before and flexed around me once as her body felt me swell inside her. I felt her nipples harden against my chest to sharp points demanding my attention. I gave it willingly, sucking and licking until all her pain turned to pleasure, and I was a welcomed part of her at last.

  “Cards!” No, I thought, I just want to love her. Nothing else. Go away. Complex thought was beyond me. I knew what had to happen right now. I opened my eyes, and reached around her to pick up my cards. I didn’t care what they were, but I had to look or risk disqualification.

  “FOLD!” I called out, dropping them face down back on the table and focusing on the woman in my arms. I thrust once, gently to make sure she was ready. She attacked my lips with hers, bracing her feet and pulling herself by using the back of our chair. I was lost in the sensation of her, and the feeling in my heart as every conversation and exchange that had led me to love her bloomed in my battered mind.

  “We’ll call him Ace,” she breathed in my ear, stripping away the last shred of whoever I had been before her with those four little words. She was again my goddess, and I gave her everything.



  There was a war going on inside me that I could never had anticipated. Once Brandon I and I were joined I mentally split into two different people. The first was lost to a primal side of my nature that was new and consuming. I wanted to fuck him until the rest of the world went away forever, leaving us alone to remain connected like this forever. The second part heard him fold his first hand because he was so lost in what was happening between us, and knew that I had to help him move through this so that we could win this game, and get on with the rest of our lives.

  That part mused over the things that romance novels never tell you about true intimacy. Never had I read that to own is to be owned in return. Every need I sensed from him physically and emotionally telegraphed to become my need, too. When mixed with my own heady desires it was like being forged in a pit of unending fire. I wanted to protect him. I wanted to please him. I wanted to give him everything he could ever need, because I knew in my heart that he would always be there to do the same for me. There were no words for that. It was something you had to feel for yourself, and I was lost in it as he moved inside me.

  I could see the child he had hoped for, like a vision of a promised future. I was speaking from the heart of that vision when I told him, “We’ll call him Ace.” His big frame shook as if I had struck him. His hips slammed into me mercilessly, lifting us both off the chair as he lost himself, taking me with him. I could feel the beginnings of something powerful deep inside me, but it didn’t have time to fully form before Brandon exploded, filling me with his seed in hot hard bursts, more powerfully than anything that had transpired between us before.

  My legs closed tighter around his hips, and I felt my pussy clench, almost protectively around the large cock that had stretched me open in the shape of him. I did my best to shield him from all the eyes that I could feel on my back, wanting to protect him in this moment of devastating vulnerability.

  He was mine, and I welcomed every joy and responsibility that came with that declaration. His hips were still flexing slowly into me, a look of dreamy bliss on his face as he nestled into my breasts while I ran my hands through his dark hair, massaging his scalp. I whispered words of love in his ear, and knew that he heard me because of his smile. I held my precious man for what seemed like only a few seconds before the dealer cut into our world of two.

  “New round. Ante up!”



  “I need you to focus now, baby,” she whispered to me and started to move off my lap. I was still hard, and I wanted her to stay here and let me come inside her again. It wouldn’t take long. I was sure of it. She felt too good for me to hold back.

  “No,” I growled, pulling her back down for
another possessive kiss to persuade her to my way of thinking. She resisted, and it pulled me from the haze I was in after my soul draining orgasm. I opened my eyes and saw a table full of people, engaged in various stages of coitus, but whose eyes were all trained on us. Even Stacy and the other guy were staring.

  My eyes went back to Camille who was smiling at me reassuringly, waiting on me to get myself together enough to win the game for us. My hands let her go, and I worked to keep my disappointment off my face when I felt myself pulled out of her snug warmth. It was made even more difficult by the wet sounds of our bodies parting, and the way my come dripped out of her onto my thighs as she turned and positioned herself on my lap. She pressed her back to my chest, and let my hard dick rise up in front of her, so she could rub her wetness against it in plain view of everyone in the room. In one swift smooth move she had made everyone on the room her captive.

  As my brain took back some of its necessary blood flow to function, I realized what she was doing, how she was using her own poker face to help us win. I also knew that she was trying to do something that she only hoped would work because I was letting her down. She was new to all this, and she needed my support as much as I needed hers if we were going to win.

  “You’re brilliant, and I love you,” I whispered to her, as I kissed her ear and reached around her to ante up. We played on, me with the cards, her with the room. In the twenty minutes I had before I had to be back inside her, I watched my opponents and their partners and realized that they were all keyed into us because of the intensity of our encounter at the start of the game.


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