Poker Face (Chimera Club Stories)

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Poker Face (Chimera Club Stories) Page 8

by Cybill Cain

  C: Fuck, no. You’re tapping into something that makes me insane to have you. To make you mine. I’m going to have to wring my panties out any second now.

  B: In that case, allow me to explain to you my theories on…fuck, my ride is here.

  As soon as I got the text, there was a sharp knock at my door, too.

  C: Mine, too. See you soon?

  B: Yes. I can’t wait for that part.

  C: *hug*

  And then it was just me, Tony the muscle man, and his big black blindfold.


  I was silent on the dark ride to the game. I think I was praying. Praying for him to understand, for us to win, for him to still want me on the other side of this thing. It seemed like the ride as over in an instant, and I couldn’t decide whether to be glad or sad.

  Like before, Tony guided me out of the car, and into a building and down a hall. I thought it was the same place, but couldn’t be sure. I heard the door open, and then he took off the mask. It looked like the same room.

  “Your partner will be joining you in a minute. Clothing has been provided for you both, and is hanging in the closet. You will have about an hour before we come to get you. You may touch and talk to your partner as you wish, with the exception of penetration. As per your contractual agreement, your virginity will only be taken on the gaming floor, otherwise you are both disqualified. You will be monitored. The game will start promptly at six, after an introduction from Mr. Meenan.” Oh, good, wouldn’t want to miss seeing the Devil again this close to the finish line.

  When Tony left I was alone for about a minute, before another man opened the door, and brought Brandon in still wearing his mask. He left it on as he gave him the same information that Tony had imparted to me. The mask was still on when the other man departed. When the door clicked, Brandon reached for his mask. I took a quick step toward him and called out.

  “Wait. Please, just wait.”



  My hands dropped to my sides when she spoke, the fear in her voice tearing at me. She sounded familiar, but not at all like I had imagined her in my mind while texting with her. I was about to ask her what was wrong, why she wanted me to wait when she knew all I wanted in the world was to see her, but before I could speak her warm body crashed into mine, forcing me back a step, and my arms to close around her automatically. Her hands cupped the back of my neck pulling me down, and I felt her warm lips touch mine.

  All of the feelings for her that had been growing in me since our first night ignited, making my arms tighten around her, and my tongue swipe across her closed lips, begging her to let me in. She opened to me, and I deepened the kiss, pouring everything we had grown together into it.

  There was a hesitancy to her kiss, as if this might be her first. I’d kissed dozens of women, but the only thing close to this sensory experience was my brief kiss from Coffee Girl.

  I shoved that memory away, hating that it was intruding into my first real chance to feel the woman who had taken me by storm with her humor and spirit. I only wanted to be here now, with her, thinking of her in my arms at last.

  Remembering how she’d said she felt cheated not to feel my arms made me shift my hold on her, rubbing her back with my open palms to make sure she could feel me now, as I had so wanted to during our long intimate text conversations and when my hands were restrained the first night. Fall into me, I thought to her. Let me catch you. Let me love you.

  There was no end to our kiss. I could have gone on forever, I wanted to, but she pulled away, nestling into my chest with her cheek, while making some soft feminine sound of pleasure that told me that on some level she had heard my silent plea from a moment before.

  “You feel just as incredible as I imagined,” she whispered to me. “Thank you, so much for the things you did, and the things you said, and the way you’ve made me feel.” The emotion in her voice made me burn inside and out.

  “All of this started for me because I wanted to feel alive, baby. I’ve never felt more alive than I have with you these past few days. I should be thanking you.” She turned her face into my chest, her hands tightening around my neck until it was almost painful. Something was wrong. She needed to let me fix it. I needed her to at least let me try.

  Before I could figure out how to reassure her, her hands left my neck, and slowly slid the mask away from my eyes. I blinked, and then I blinked again, because my Coffee Girl was standing in my arms with tears in her eyes, looking at me like the world was ending.

  “Hi. My name is Camille Jones, and it’s a pleasure to meet you, too, Brandon Davies.”

  9-The Game Part 2


  I felt my mouth drop open, and though I knew it was the epitome of uncool, unalpha and downright unmanly in general, in that moment I was powerless to change it. She stood there waiting for me say something as my mind catalogued the exchanges we had shared starting at day one on the street. There were too many, and each of them was filled with pieces of my heart. I needed to sit down.

  Mindful of my promises and reassurances over the past few days, I took her hand in mine and led her with me to the bed, where we sat down side by side as we had the first night. After several minutes of me holding her hand in silence I looked down at it. Our fingers were entangled, as they had been in the coffee shop, and it still felt as amazing now as it did then, even with all the noise in my head.

  “This must have been so hard for you.” It was the one thing that I kept coming back to, trying to imagine how it would have felt if I had known it was her this whole time, and not been able to tell her that we knew each other, at least a little before the game.

  “I wanted to tell you a thousand times. The day you found me in the coffee shop, I got a text from someone unknown just before you showed up, warning me that if I said anything to you we would both be disqualified. I’m so sorry. I know it seemed messed up to not give you my name, but there was nothing else I could do.”

  “But you kept your promise. You told me you would call soon, and an hour later I got a text from you. I didn’t know it was you, but I see now that you are a woman of your word.”

  “And despite everything, I can see that you are a man of yours.” She held our entwined hands up a little and smiled at me. “I meant everything I said to you. I need you to know that, even if you can’t forgive me for not telling you that it was me.” I swooped in to kiss her again, needing her to stop blaming herself for something that she had no control over. It was meant to be a quick silencer, but like every interaction between us, it quickly took on a life of its own.

  I pushed her back onto the bed, and rolled my body on top of hers. Her legs opened for me, cradling me as if I were precious, while her hands tangled in my hair and rubbed my shoulders. She made me feel as vital and needed with her actions as she had with her words. It set my heart on fire. “Fuck, I love you,” I growled in her ear as she rocked up beneath me, open, trusting and filled with the same need that gripped me like a vise.

  Nothing about this game mattered to me anymore. Meenan could have my money, all I needed was in my arms right now.



  He forgave me. He loved me. The realizations hit me like a hard wave at the beach, knocking me down, and pulling me around as the emotions closed in over my head taking my breath away. The feel of him all around me was devastating my senses, and I hurt with feeling that I could never get close enough to him to satisfy the need that he’d created inside me.

  His hands were everywhere I wanted them to be, as if he could read my mind. I heard my clothes ripping, and only felt a growing rush of anticipation as I waited for his skin to touch mine.

  Like magic we were naked, and he was kneeling over me, looking at me with the eyes that had hypnotized me at first glance. My arms opened, beckoning him closer. His hips came down to mine, and I watched as he wrapped his hand around his big hard dick to guide it into me where I needed him most. Seconds away from his entering
me, a buzzer sounded in the room.

  “If you proceed, you will both be disqualified.”

  “I DON’T FUCKING CARE!” Brandon bellowed back, his eyes never leaving mine. Oh, God. I pushed at his chest, scrambling up, and sliding back away from him. What had I done? I pulled the bedspread up to cover myself, while trying to get control of the spiraling emotions inside me.

  Brandon might not care, but I did. I needed this for my life, for my mama. I loved Brandon, but I had to be practical, too. Didn’t I? Dating him after this was one thing, but I was destitute, with my mother about to be evicted from her care home. That had to matter more than anything else, didn’t it?

  I raised my head to look at him, Brandon Davies, the beautiful man who had swept me off my feet over and over again. The man who had just told me he loved me. The man who might be the one in a seven billion man for me. The look on his face broke me right in half.

  Where’s your poker face now? That nasty little voice in my head snapped, making me feel small and unworthy in every possible way. The emotions that I had spent my life controlling burst out again, as they had been doing since I met Brandon, and tears spilled down my cheeks as I was forced to choose between what my heart wanted, and my mind said I needed. I didn’t know he had moved until I felt his arms close around me. Still crying I gave into them, needing every bit of what he was offering.

  “Tell me what’s wrong, Camille.” It was the first time he’d used my name, and the way he said it was at once comforting and damning. I’d fantasized about him screaming it while mad with desire, or that he might mumble it in his sleep with his head on the pillow beside mine in the soft dark of night. This was none of that.

  “I love you, too, Brandon.”

  “I sense a ‘but’ coming.”

  “But I have to do this. I have to play this game, and I need to win. Everything is on the line for me.”

  “What do you mean?” My head was tucked under his chin, with his arms still around me. Our conversation felt almost like our text messages. I couldn’t see him, but he was with me, his full attention trained on what I needed, and what I thought.

  I fell a little deeper into him with each second as I told him about quitting school, my job quitting me, my bank account, and my mama. I’d never told anyone about my mama, or my fear of ending up like her, lost in my own head, unable to find the doorway out and back to the world around me. I told him everything, and prayed again that he would understand how much I needed this.



  With my heart burning with love and my dick aching to be inside her, I’d halfway talked myself into working at Burger King if I could just have her in my life, in my bed, and most importantly tight around me right now in this moment.

  My money had been nothing but an albatross around my neck when it came to love, and I think part of me was afraid that when she found out about it things would change between us. All of that made it more than acceptable to take her now, and forfeit my old life in exchange for a new one. What I had failed to consider was what she might need, and why she was in this game in the first place.

  As the words tumbled out of her, and I began to fill in the missing pieces of what would lead an innocent down this dark path, I grew more and more ashamed of my selfishness. If I gave up my fortune there would be nothing I could do to help her, and if we didn’t proceed with the game she was going to lose her chance to go back to school, and provide for her mother.

  “I understand.” I kissed the top of her head, my mind working on how to get us to the winner’s circle. “I’m sorry, I wasn’t thinking of you when I…I just wanted to be with you, and I got lost in the moment.”

  “Me, too,” she sniffed, raising her head to look at me. I swore that after this night I would never let that look of fear and dread be in her eyes again. No matter what it takes. She surprised me with what she said next. “I need you right now to help me be ready for what we are going to do.”

  I shifted gears and put all of my energy into making a plan. I started with kissing her again, making sure to keep myself in check this time, to make it about her and not about me. I moved to her neck, kissing her again and again as I spoke my thoughts to her.

  “Your first time, I need to make you ready to take me. Do you trust me to do that?”

  “Yes,” she whispered her arm coming up around my neck.

  “I need to make you very wet, and I’m going to start with my mouth, like before. Is that all right, Camille?”

  “Oh, yes.” I shifted us on the bed, sliding down between her thighs, resting on one elbow and reaching for her hand.

  “Watch me, baby,” I told her as I ran my tongue through her slick folds. I slipped my other hand up inserting a finger in her entrance, just a little. She was so tight she clenched around my finger. The big dick that usually made me feel proud now filled me with doubt. Could I make her aroused enough to take me without too much pain? “That’s it baby, relax,” I told her, holding her gaze with mine as I ran my finger around the edge of her entrance, pushing in a little to stretch her slowly open. She was on edge from what had nearly happened before. She came very quickly, fulfilling one of my deepest desires by letting me see her face when it happened.

  There wasn’t enough time to give her a break. As she shuddered and writhed under my touch I sucked her clit harder, and added a second finger, repeating the movements from before. She was slick with need, her come leaking out onto the bed. I made myself not lap it up, she needed the lubrication to take me.

  I felt her entrance open a little further as I continued to scissor my fingers and trace the edges of her. She went off again a few minutes later, affording me the chance to add a third finger, which would almost approximate my girth. She moaned, and I watched a sheen of sweat break out across her beautiful naked body. It spurred me on. If I could make her fuck drunk and keep her there, maybe it would make this easier.

  She was still holding my hand, squeezing it tightly each time she approached orgasm. It was an early warning system that told me when she was about to reach the edge, allowing me to work harder when she needed it most to reach the peak. With her body open enough to accommodate my three fingers, and her hand squeezing down on mine in a death grip she exploded one last time, her entire body nearly levitating up off the bed as she experienced a pleasure so intense that she blacked out momentarily.

  I took the chance to shift my body up next to her, and waited for her beautiful green eyes to open. She smiled the sweetest smile of satisfaction when she saw me. I chuckled and kissed her, moving her hand to my throbbing dick. “I need you now,” I told her lips, so close they brushed hers with every breath and word.

  “Anything. Tell me, Brandon.” I jerked in her hand when she said my name. When this was over I would read her any romance she wanted, and spend hours loving her the way she deserved to be loved. “The rules are that I have to be inside you, and you have to keep me right on the edge of coming, but no further, or I lose the hand I am playing. They told you this?”


  “I need to come now. I’ve been hard for three days, and no amount of jerking off has helped. What we just did has made me almost an animal. When I feel you take me into you, I’m not going to last if you don’t help me now.”

  “You want my hand again?” she asked, shifting around to get a better angle.

  “Yes,” I breathed out, thrusting up into her tight grip. “And your mouth.” She smiled a cat that ate the canary smile, and shifted further down on the bed. I opened my legs to give her access, planning to give more instruction, but lost my ability to speak when her lips closed over the leaking head of my cock. Her eyes were closed. Her face was covered in an almost angelic look of peace as she swallowed half of me while working my shaft with her hand.

  It was my turn to levitate up off the bed. I think I was chanting her name, someone was, and I doubted it was her, her mouth was full. I watched her take me again and again, felt her stroking me, and as muc
h as I wanted it to last, I didn’t have it in me to hold back.

  My hand grabbed her shoulder in warning. Her eyes met mine, and I saw understanding dawn. I was disappointed when she released me from her lips, but that gave way quickly to confusion, and then to utter delight as she shifted on the bed bringing her legs up to straddle me. She held my dick down, pressing it flat to my body, and then came down on it, covering it in her hot slickness.

  “You can’t come inside me yet, but I want to get as close as we can. Tell me when.” She started working her hips as I had shown her the first night, only now there was nothing between us. She felt glorious. I made my hips stay still, something God should reward me for in the next life because all I wanted was what I had always wanted. I wanted to be inside her, but this was dangerous. One wrong move, and I would pierce her slick entrance, filling her to the brim with a dick so in love with her that he could hardly see straight.

  Her arms closed around my neck, and she leaned in pressing her lips to my ear. “Hold me up when you come. Cover me in it. Help me be ready to take you.” She ground down riding me with every word, and it was all too much. I grabbed her hips, and felt her hand close around me, aiming me at her entrance when I let go.

  My vision went dim as I watched burst after burst of my seed coat her skin, covering the entrance I’d worked so hard to make ready. I lost my soul when the hand that wasn’t holding my cock slipped down to rub me into her. The image of her body open and ready to take me, dripping with my come brought forth another wave of bone crushing pleasure and need. I coated her again, giving myself to her quest for readiness with every fiber of my being.


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