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Lyndsey Cole - Lily Bloom 02 - Queen of Poison

Page 7

by Lyndsey Cole

  Lily perked up. “That’s interesting. I hadn’t heard that part yet. So who will be the new director?”

  Tamara shook her head. “I wish I knew. But it definitely won’t be Ruth.”

  Lily paused. “Did you actually see the will?”

  “Well, no. Why?”

  “Just wondering.”

  The front door jingled and both women looked up. Lily smiled at the sight of Ryan walking in. She felt her heart beat a little faster.

  Tamara pushed herself upright with a grunt. “Well, I think I’ll go see how Iris is holding up. See you tonight Lily.”

  Ryan moved aside so Tamara could get out the door without knocking into anything. “Lily, I don’t know how to thank you.” He strode toward her and embraced her in a big bear hug. “I could never forgive myself if something happened to Jennifer or Katie,” he whispered into her hair while holding her tightly.

  Lily could only think how good it felt to have Ryan’s strong arms around her. She melted into him, wishing this moment would never end. He smelled good, like leather and maleness. She was barely breathing. She stepped back a little so she could look into his dark eyes. “I’d like to take credit, but I didn’t do anything.”

  “You sent Rosie home with Iris. How did you know?”

  “Rosie knew. I just let her follow her instincts. She sensed danger and wanted to go with Iris.”

  He pulled her close again. “I’m going to make Rosie a deputy if she keeps saving people like this.”

  Lily snorted. “Will she get to wear a uniform?”

  They both started to laugh. “Maybe a vest so we have someplace to pin her badge.”

  “Well, you can’t have her. I need her around to keep me safe.”

  Ryan looked at her carefully. “That’s a good idea. I want you to be safe, too.” He leaned in so quickly, Lily wasn’t even prepared for his lips on hers. But it didn’t take more than a second to recover and enjoy the feeling.

  The door jingled. Lily jumped and moved away from Ryan.

  Daisy was standing behind them with a devious grin on her face. “Is this Beautiful Blooms Flower Shop or did I walk into the wrong shop?”

  Lily’s face was burning.

  Ryan was smiling and looking happy. “Oh, I thought this was the Beautiful Bloom Women Shop.” He looked at Lily. “I found the one I want.”

  Daisy laughed out loud. “Lily, pull yourself together. You just got the compliment of your life. Are you speechless?”

  Ryan gave her another quick hug. “It’s okay. Speechless says it all.” Another smile. “I have to get back to work.”

  Lily was frozen in place watching Ryan disappear out the door.

  “Earth to Lily. He’ll be back. Don’t worry.”

  Lily’s face broke into a big goofy smile. “I wasn’t expecting that.”

  Daisy looked in the cooler. “Do you have the museum order ready to go?”

  “Ummm, almost.”

  Daisy shook her head. “Looks like you haven’t even started on the second one. Better get your head back into flower world.”

  Lily looked at the flowers she had on the bench and it was like a bell went off. “Oh, I’ll finish this and we can take them to the museum. Evelyn said she would be there all day.”

  Daisy made up a few cash and carry bouquets and put them in the display cooler. They usually flew out of the shop. People always popped in and loved to look at what was in the cooler. The hottest sellers lately were pink alstroemeria with yellow gerbera daisies and a sprig or two of greens. Calla lilies were also popular. All they needed was a little green like hosta leaves to accentuate the pure white.

  Lily examined her arrangement. It had a nice airy look to it, like a garden with tall white lilies, dainty blue bella donna delphinium, bold yellow and pink snapdragons and various ornamental grasses. “I’m ready to go. Let’s get these into the van and find Evelyn. She said she has her own vases for the flowers.”

  It was quiet at the museum and Lily pulled her minivan right up front. She opened the side door and got one bouquet and Kirk’s arrangement. “Daisy, can you grab the other bouquet?”

  Daisy was standing by the fence looking into the museum garden. “Lily, look over there.” Daisy pointed to a clump of dark green leaves.

  Lily’s eyes popped. “Monkshood. And it looks like some have been dug up.”

  Chapter 12

  Maggie walked out of the museum and stopped next to Lily. “You’re just in time to meet the evil stepdaughter.” She continued on her way, laughing to herself.

  Daisy asked Lily, “Evil stepdaughter? Who was she talking about?”

  “I don’t know but I’ve got goose bumps all over. This museum brings nothing but distressing feelings after what happened at the opening. It’s all flashing back. Having Marion Barry dead in my arms—that dead weight was like a lifeless sack of potatoes. Let’s get these flowers where they belong and get out of here.”

  Kirk Stevens was inside talking to a woman. “Lily, come meet my daughter. I’ve been telling her all about your arrangements. Do you have the one I requested? With monkshood?”

  “Yes. Where do you want me to put it?” She showed him the basket filled with monkshood and white lilies.

  “Very nice. What do you think Brandy?”

  Brandy was busy studying her nails giving the impression that she was totally bored with the situation. She leaned against the wall with her legs crossed and her brown hair hanging down around her face. Her skirt was a bit too short for the occasion and her age Lily thought. How old was Kirk when she was born?

  Brandy looked up. “Yeah. Whatever.”

  Lily felt she had to say something in this awkward situation. “I’m sure you are very upset about your mother. I’m terribly sorry.”

  Brandy glanced at Kirk. “She was my stepmother. Not exactly my favorite person.”

  Kirk’s leg was nervously bouncing on the ball of his foot. He stroked Brandy’s arm and laughed anxiously. “I’m sure she would appreciate it to know you flew all the way from California to come to the memorial gathering.”

  Brandy ignored that comment. “When can we get out of here?”

  “Come on, honey. I’ll show Lily where to put the flowers and then I’ll take you home.”

  She shrugged. “I’ll wait here.”

  Lily and Daisy followed Kirk. He kept looking back at Brandy until they entered another room. “This is where the memorial gathering will be. You can put the flowers here, just inside the door. Sorry to have to run, but, well—”

  Lily interrupted, saving him from having to make up some excuse for Brandy’s rude behavior. “We’re all set.”

  Kirk hurried back to where Brandy was waiting. Daisy put her hand over her mouth. But once they were alone, the giggle escaped. “Wow. She’s a prize. That must have been who Maggie was referring to.”

  Lily was trying not to laugh too hard. “Kirk has some history we don’t know about. I’m guessing Brandy didn’t like to share him with Elizabeth. For some reason she looks familiar to me.” Lily got back to business. “I need to find Evelyn to get her vases for these bouquets.” She walked to the back where the office was located.

  “Listen Jared, you better come tonight. I don’t care what you thought of my sister.” Lily heard the sound of a phone slamming down.

  Lily knocked on the door. Evelyn looked up and quickly put a smile on her face.

  Lily asked, “I have the flowers. You said you have some antique vases?”

  “Oh, yes.” She looked around her office then got up. She walked into the hall. “They’re in this closet.”

  As Evelyn reached in, Lily noticed a garden spade and dirty garden gloves pushed to the back. Who would put dirty tools with valuable antiques? She thought.

  Evelyn quickly closed the door and showed the vases to Lily. “Will these work?”

  “Yes. Perfect. Where do you want to put them?”

  Evelyn walked to the front entrance. “One can go here on this table and the
other will go in this other room where we will have the memorial gathering.” She looked around. “Oh. You already put flowers here.”

  “Kirk ordered those. He wanted monkshood in Elizabeth’s memory.”

  “Really? That sounds a little morbid after what happened to Marion.” She pointed to another table. “You can put the other bouquet there. I have to get back to my office. Thank you so much Lily.” Evelyn hurried off to the back of the museum.

  Lily and Daisy fixed the flowers in the vases, fanning them out so they looked cheery. Lily looked around at the faces in the portraits staring at them. The museum felt cold and the quiet seeped into her bones. The quiet that makes you feel like something is lurking around every corner. “Let’s get out of here. This place gives me the creeps.”

  Daisy mumbled, “Since when did you become such a nervous Nellie? Maybe tonight, with people here, it will feel warmer to you.”

  The rest of the afternoon flew by in a whirlwind of people coming and going in the shop. Lily didn’t have time to think about all the events or to worry about the memorial for Marion and Elizabeth. Iris helped and Marigold was content to keep Sweet Pea company in the work room. The sound of the cash register and the phone ringing never seemed to stop. Jennifer and Katie took Rosie back to Ryan’s house. She felt safe now with her ex in jail and with Rosie watching over Katie.

  Lily was tired when she told Daisy it was closing time. “Let’s clean up the shop and get out of here before anyone else walks in.” Just as the words were out of her mouth, the door jingled and Nina Baldwin walked in. Lily saw who it was and frowned. What could she want? At least she didn’t have her camera in front of her face snapping pictures already.

  “Lily, I’m so glad I caught you before you closed. I have some photos I want to show you.”

  “I don’t have time now. Maybe after the memorial at the museum? Are you going?”

  Nina hesitated. “Someone has been following me. I finally got a shot of her and I was hoping you might be able to identify her.”

  Lily was surprised that Nina was asking her for help and she actually sounded subdued and a little worried. “Okay. Let me see.”

  Lily looked at the photo. It was through a car window and a little hard to see the details until Nina zoomed in. “Oh my goodness. Yes, I just met her today. That’s Kirk Stevens’ daughter.” Lily looked up at Nina. “How long has she been following you?”

  “I’m not sure but I’ve noticed her for at least the last couple of days.”

  “That’s strange. When I met her, Kirk said she had just flown in from California. Are you coming tonight?”

  “Do you think I should?”

  “Definitely. And make sure you get lots of photos of her. Along with everyone else attending.” Lily hesitated for a second. “Nina?” Lily put her hand on Nina’s arm. “Don’t take this the wrong way, but maybe you should try to be a little more casual. Try not to get right into people’s faces.”

  Nina started to protest but stopped. “You’re not the first person to tell me that. I’ll work on it.”


  Iris picked up Lily just before seven. Marigold and Daisy were already in the car discussing how it wasn’t the same exciting feeling they all had just a few nights ago on the way to the museum opening. How could so much happen in such a short time? Lily thought.

  Surprisingly, the street outside the museum was lined with cars. There was probably a big curiosity factor for many of the people arriving. A double murder always brought that out in folks. Lily, Iris, Daisy and Marigold joined the line of people making their way into the museum. Somber cello music played in the background. It was a slow meander getting to the main room to give condolences to Evelyn and Kirk.

  Of course, the folks going in all had theories about what happened since not much detail had been revealed yet. Lily did hear someone talk about poison and of course everyone had seen Lily’s picture on the front of the paper with the stolen painting. She felt glances her way but she kept her head high and ignored it all.

  The main room for the memorial gathering had a table set up with photos of Elizabeth and Marion. The flowers had been moved between those two displays. Iris leaned over to Lily. “Your flowers are about the only cheerful thing in this room.” Until her eyes found Kirk’s daughter. She nudged Lily. “Look over there. Who is that? She looks like a street walker. ”

  Lily whispered to Iris, “That’s Kirk’s daughter. She’s a real prize.” Lily couldn’t believe that she was dressed in a too short, too tight, red dress. About as inappropriate for this occasion as it could be. She was making some kind of statement as she clung to Kirk’s arm.

  Nina strolled over to Lily to say hi and showed Lily that she had her iPhone instead of the big camera she usually used for her job. “I took your advice. I won’t look as obvious with this. I got here early and already have a boatload of photos.”

  The line was winding around the room so everyone could talk to Evelyn and Kirk. Evelyn pulled Lily aside when she reached them. “Have you seen Ruth yet?”

  “I just got here. I haven’t seen her.”

  Evelyn scanned the room. “Oh, she’s just coming in. Please keep an eye on her for me.”

  Lily turned to see Ruth, dressed all in black from her hat and veil down to her pointy black shoes. It was certainly an outfit from another era but somehow it suited Ruth’s nasty personality. She was alone and staring at Evelyn.

  Kirk looked at ease except for his occasional nervous glances at Brandy who looked like this was the last place she wanted to be.

  Evelyn clapped her hands and told the gathering that she was going to say a few words about her sister. “The museum will continue as it always has. Marion was generous and handed it over to me in her will. I won’t be—”

  Ruth screeched, “That wasn’t in her will. She wanted it to go to the town of Misty Valley.”

  The room fell silent for three seconds, then buzzed with chatter. Lily noticed Nina warily documenting it all with her phone.

  Evelyn tried to get control. “Yes, Marion did consider that option but after consulting with me, she didn’t change her original will. I want everyone here to know that the Misty Valley Museum will continue as always and I’m appointing my son, Jared, to be the new director.” She put her arm around Jared and smiled like a proud mother.

  Kirk’s face turned into an angry, dark sneer. He stormed from the room with Brandy click-clacking after him on her high heels.

  Maggie appeared at Lily’s side. “I told you. Evil stepdaughter. Fireworks. My mother doesn’t have a clue what she’s doing.”

  Lily scanned the room and couldn’t see Ruth anywhere. She went out the way Kirk had gone and saw Nina ahead of her. Ruth was at the closet door taking the garden spade out. Lily grabbed Nina’s arm and pulled her into an alcove so they wouldn’t be seen but they could hear voices coming from the office.

  Lily whispered in Nina’s ear, “Go find Ryan Steele. I’m going to listen to what’s going on in there.”

  Nina was wide eyed. “Are you sure?”

  “Yes. Go. And don’t lose your phone with those photos.”

  Lily tiptoed closer to the open office door. She sensed someone behind her but then everything went black.

  Chapter 13

  Lily opened her eyes to see her mother’s face. Iris’s mouth was moving but Lily couldn’t hear any words. She focused on the smile lines around Iris’ mouth as they smoothed out when she talked. Ryan crouched down next to her. Concern was written all over his face. His wonderful scent drifted to her nose. She noticed how extremely handsome he was; the dark shaggy hair and deep chocolate eyes that she was getting lost in. Slowly, the sounds around her started to register.

  “Lily. Lily. What happened?” She looked from one face to another with no reply. She stared and tried to remember but she didn’t even know where she was or why she was lying on a cold hard floor.

  Tamara’s voice penetrated the fog. “She must have a concussion. What was she d
oing back here anyway? Did she fall?”

  Nina pushed her way next to Ryan. “We were following someone. All dressed in black. And Kirk Stevens and that woman in red. Lily told me to get you.” Nina’s voice trembled, obviously shaken up by the events.

  Evelyn arrived all out of breath, took one look at Lily on the floor and fainted into Iris’ arms. Iris lowered her to the floor. “She won’t be any help.”

  Ryan checked the office and came out shaking his head. “No one is in there. Nina, did you hear or see anything else?”

  “We saw the woman in black take a garden spade out of the closet. We hid in that alcove so we didn’t see where she went but we could hear people in the office. Lily must have gone closer after I left.”

  Ryan picked Lily up and gently placed her on a small couch in the office. He stroked her cheek. She squeezed his hand and her mouth crinkled a little at the edge. Relief flooded his voice. “Now that I can see you’re going to be alright, I ought to knock you out myself for being so careless.” He looked around, searching for Iris or Daisy. “Keep an eye on her. Don’t let her get up.” He strode out of the room on a mission.

  Tamara helped Evelyn into the office. She was still a little shaky but would be fine, especially since Iris broke her fall as she fainted. Tamara fluttered around taking control, making sure Lily was comfortable and finding a chair for Evelyn.

  Evelyn looked around the office. “What happened?”

  Ryan came back in with the garden spade. “Is this yours, Evelyn?”

  She blanched. “Where did you get it?”

  “It was outside the back door. Nina saw Ruth take it out of your closet in the hall.” He didn’t take his eyes from her face. She looked everywhere but at Ryan.

  Maggie rushed into the office, saving Evelyn from answering Ryan’s question. “Mom, are you okay? Jared said you fainted.”

  Evelyn got up from the chair. “I need to get back to the memorial before everyone has more to gossip about.”

  Maggie started to follow but Ryan held her arm. “Wait a minute. I have some questions for you.”

  Her face took on a blank expression.


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