Book Read Free

Survival Camp

Page 5

by Andrew Cope

  Star began to shiver even more. She was now scared as well as cold. How could lights be glowing in the windows of an underwater village? She had never believed in ghosts, but she was beginning to think she might have been wrong.

  Well, at least there’s no sign of Spud’s monster, she thought, but a second later, Spud jabbed her in the ribs and pointed at the church tower. Star could not believe her eyes! Something was rising out of the top of the tower. It had two red eyes and a long neck. The monster! It had been hiding in the tower and now it was coming out to get them!

  The great beast rose up higher and higher until it towered over Star and Spud. They clutched at one another and shrank down behind the ruined stone wall. There was no point in trying to escape; they knew that as soon as they moved, the beast would see them. All they could do was stay where they were and keep as still as statues.

  Star was quivering like a jellyfish. She could hear her breathing magnified in the swimming mask. Finally, she could bear the suspense no longer. The puppy raised her head and stared at the creature. She saw five white letters stretching down the monster’s long neck. The letters spelled out B.E.A.S.T. Star frowned and looked more closely. Each letter was the start of a word!






  Star gave a gasp of relief. The B.E.A.S.T. was not a monster at all – it was a machine! The long neck was a steel tower. The red eyes were lights. She tapped Spud on the shoulder and then bent down and wrote in the sand.

  It’s a machine!

  Just then, the B.E.A.S.T. gave a low moan and began to sink slowly back down into the church tower. It’s pumping air into something, thought Star. But what? Time to find out what Gaz Guzzler is up to.

  Star pointed at the church and Spud nodded. They were about to break cover when a frogman swam out of the church, guiding a motorized underwater sledge in front of him. He disappeared into one of the cottages.

  Spud looked at her and shrugged. Star knew what he was asking. What do we check out first? She pointed at the church and they set off together, keeping as low as they could and using rocks and weeds for cover. Inside the church, instead of pews and an altar, they saw a huge circular door made of reinforced steel. The sign on the door read: CAUTION! MAKE SURE THE INNER DOOR IS SEALED BEFORE OPENING THE OUTER AIRLOCK DOOR!

  That frogman must’ve come out of there, thought Star. But what was on the motorized sledge – and where was he taking it?

  Spud beckoned her out of the church and they set off for the cottage where the frogman had disappeared. Star was kicking her flippers as fast as she could, but she was having trouble keeping up with her brother. Her heart was thumping and her sight kept blurring. She tapped her oxygen gauge. Everything seems fine. But why do I feel so drowsy?

  Spud reached the cottage and peered in through the window. Inside, there was a bank of screens, switches and winking lights, but there was no sign of the frogman. He read the words flashing up on the screens. Airlock Sealed. Drilling in progress. B.E.A.S.T. air filters operating. He frowned and tried to think. The words were telling him something about what Gaz Guzzler was up to, but he couldn’t quite put the clues together. His mind felt slow and stupid, and he realized he was shivering. Spud turned to his sister. She’s the clever one. Maybe Star knows what those words mean.

  But Star was nowhere to be seen. Spud was frantic. He twirled a full 360 degrees and peered into the blackness. Another frogman flipped by and he sank into the dark water. Sis, where are you? he thought. Captured? Injured? His body shuddered. Or worse? Spud’s mind was numb with cold. There was only one thing he could do and he knew it was risky. The puppy switched on his lamp and swam frantically through the village. Nothing! Come on, sis, give me a clue! Spud’s torch caught sight of some bubbles rising from the bottom of the lake. He focused his torch towards the source and caught a flash of something white. The brave puppy pumped his short legs and delved deeper into the water. His torch picked out the lifeless body of his sister lying in the silt at the bottom of the lake. ‘No way!’ he barked through his mouthpiece. Star’s eyes were glazed, but there were bubbles coming from her mask so Spud hoped for the best. He grabbed his sister’s collar and pulled. Crikey, I thought I was the heavy one! Spud knew there wasn’t much time. His sister’s body was stone cold and the needle on his oxygen tank was in the red zone. He was about to swim for the surface when a group of frogmen emerged from the church and headed straight towards him. Quickly, he turned off his torch and tugged Star into the cottage with the bank of screens.

  As he ducked behind the screens, he saw a dark tunnel entrance cut into the floor of the cottage. Dragging his sister behind him, Spud swam into the tunnel, his legs pumping furiously. Yes! We’re in luck! he thought as he saw a circle of light above their heads. We might just get out of this alive! A second later, his oxygen alarm started beeping. ‘Not now!’ he grunted as he shook off his oxygen cylinder and let it fall to the tunnel floor. Now with less weight, but just one lungful of oxygen left, he kicked upwards through the tunnel, towards the circle of light above their heads. Spud’s eyes started bulging and he was getting dizzy, but he held on to his sister’s collar and continued kicking. He was so proud to be a Spy Pup. He’d either save his sister or die trying. The light was getting closer. But it’s so slow. This is my moment, thought the puppy. This is what Spy Dogs do! Spud spluttered to the surface, gorging himself on lungfuls of air. He dragged his lifeless sister towards a platform and tugged her to safety. Spud took out Star’s mouthpiece and removed her oxygen tank. He lay her on her front in the recovery position and pumped her back like he’d seen someone do in a movie. Come on, sis, he urged. We’re a team! After a while he heard Star groan. Her eyes flickered open and Spud kept pumping. ‘What are you doing, stupid,’ coughed his sister. ‘Are you trying to kill me?’

  Spud looked crestfallen. ‘Well, the exact opposite, actually,’ he complained. ‘I thought you might have swallowed some water.’

  ‘I’m just f-f-frozen,’ explained Star through chattering teeth. ‘Chuck me a t-t-towel and I’ll be fine.’

  Spud reached for a fluffy towel from the row of wetsuits and towels hanging up to dry, and wrapped his sister up. She looked cute with her nose poking out, the chattering teeth muffled by the towel.

  The pups surveyed the scene. They were in an underground chamber with arc lights strung from the ceiling.

  There was a stone platform along the far wall of the chamber. Concrete stairs climbed from the platform to a door set in the wall. ‘I bet that door goes into Gaz Guzzler’s mansion,’ whispered Spud excitedly.

  Star tried to answer, but her mouth wouldn’t work. She had stopped shivering at last, but her head felt as big and empty as a balloon. I think I need a little nap, she thought, closing her eyes.

  A frogman surfaced and hauled himself on to the platform. The puppies disappeared under the towel, hidden except for peeping eyes. Two men appeared from the doorway and heaved an underwater sled on to the concrete platform. It looked very heavy. Star held her jaw shut with her paw to stop her teeth chattering. One of the men lifted a gleaming lump of gold from the sled and held it up to the light. ‘Mister Guzzler will be pleased!’ he said.

  ‘Look at that, sis!’ whispered Spud. ‘It’s gold! Gaz Guzzler is mining for gold under the lake, where nobody can see what he’s up to!’

  Star did not answer. Spud turned to look at his sister. Her eyes were closed and her head was lolling to one side. ‘Star!’ he hissed, grabbing her by the shoulders, ‘this is no time for a snooze.’ But Star had no choice. She’d used up her energy reserves and her body had shut down.

  Spud cuddled up to Star and wrapped the towel round them both. He held her tight, giving her the warmth of his body and willing her to wake up. After a long time, he laid his cheek next to hers and began to cry silent tears. He was lost in an underground cave, surrou
nded by baddies. I’m only a pup, he sobbed. I’m not ready for this!

  Star woke Spud with a big wet lick. ‘Come on, bro,’ she whimpered. ‘Time to solve this crime!’

  Spud shook himself awake and his wag kicked in. ‘Thought you were a goner for a minute, sis,’ he admitted. ‘What happened?’

  ‘Hypothermia,’ yapped Star. ‘But you saved me, bro!’

  ‘How come I didn’t get it?’ asked Spud, squinting up at his sister.

  ‘Padding,’ said Star, patting his tum. ‘Nothing like a nice layer of fat to keep you warm. Sometimes it pays to be podgy!’

  Spud wagged harder. His tummy rumbled. ‘Time to find our way out of this cave,’ he yapped. ‘And maybe we can find some food on the way!’

  The puppies waited until the coast was clear before creeping out from their snuggly hiding place. The door was slightly ajar and the tiny dogs disappeared into the crack. ‘Too easy,’ woofed Star as the pair scampered up a flight of stairs and through another door. They found themselves in Gaz Guzzler’s kitchen, the shelves groaning under the weight of sausages and pies. A small army of staff scurried around, preparing Gaz’s huge meals. Star went first, darting between the feet of a chef and out through the back door. Spud wanted to follow, but his nose wouldn’t let him. Sausages, he sniffed. Fried. With bacon and eggs! Mmmm!

  Star stood at the door and beckoned to her brother. Come on, Spud, she urged, waving her paws. We have to get back and tell X all about it!

  Spud’s head knew his sister was right. But his stomach was boss. ‘Geronimooo,’ he woofed as he leapt from his hiding place on to the kitchen table. A lady screamed and a frying pan fell to the floor. ‘Perfect!’ woofed Spud as he leapt at the bread bin and grabbed two slices of Gaz’s best white sliced. ‘Maximum chaos! Sausages next,’ he whooped as he slid from the table and nuzzled a couple off the floor. Ouch, hot! He managed a quick squirt of tomato sauce before he disappeared out of the back door to join his sister.

  The pair eventually stopped running when they reached the forest. The puppies sat, panting, their tongues lolling. Spud proudly handed his sister a sausage sandwich and the pair munched happily. Spud wagged extra hard as he gobbled his breakfast. ‘Do you know what, sis?’ he slurped. ‘This could be our best mission ever!’

  13. Proof!

  Energy restored, the puppies galloped to the camp.

  ‘Where are X and Hero?’ woofed Star, looking around their sleeping shelter.

  ‘Gone,’ said Spud.

  ‘But we have to tell them about Gaz Guzzler and the underwater gold mine!’

  ‘We’ll have to find them first,’ said Spud, dropping a sheet of paper on to the leaves. It was a note from X.

  ‘Aww, look! Signed with a kiss,’ joked Star. ‘I think he’s starting to like us.’

  ‘Do you think he’ll believe us?’ asked Spud as they set off through the forest with their noses to the ground.

  ‘I hope so,’ said Star. ‘But I wish we had some proof. A photograph of the B.E.A.S.T. or a piece of mining equipment, or something.’

  ‘Sorry, sis,’ said Spud. ‘I didn’t have time to take any holiday snaps. I was too busy saving your life!’

  Star rolled her eyes at her brother. ‘Get tracking, big-head.’

  X and Hero were very good at covering their tracks, but every now and then Spud and Star found a broken cobweb, a snapped twig, or a paw print. Slowly, they moved on through the trees, so wrapped up in the hunt that they forgot about everything else until they heard a familiar voice ring out.

  ‘Hurry up, Pete! My breakfast’s getting cold!’

  ‘Gaz Guzzler!’ whispered Spud.

  ‘And he sounds close!’ Star replied.

  The two pups raised their heads and looked about them. The boundary wall of Lakeside Mansion was at the bottom of the slope. They could see over the wall to the shore of the lake where Gaz Guzzler and Pete were standing together.

  Spud and Star crept closer to watch the two men.

  ‘I’ve got something better than breakfast to show you, Boss,’ said Pete, reaching into his pocket.

  ‘I doubt it,’ snapped Gaz.

  Pete pulled out a lump of gold.

  Gaz’s eyes gleamed greedily. He grabbed the gold and cradled it in his hand. ‘Lovely,’ he breathed. ‘You’ll all get a bonus in your pay packets this week.’

  ‘Thanks, Boss!’

  ‘Now go and get me more gold, Pete. Lots more!’

  The foreman hurried off and Gaz stood on the shore, stroking the gold with his fat fingers.

  ‘You know what I’m thinking?’ whispered Star.

  ‘Proof!’ hissed Spud.

  The two pups balanced across a fallen tree to the top of the boundary wall and then jumped down into a handy bush. Swiftly, silently, they made their way through the mansion grounds to the lake shore.

  Gaz Guzzler stuffed the gold into the pocket of his tracksuit bottoms and began to waddle back to the house.

  ‘Quick!’ hissed Star. ‘We’ve only got a moment. You spray him. I’ll grab the gold. Then we run for it!’

  Spud jumped out in front of Gaz. ‘Hai-yah!’ he yapped, striking a karate pose.

  ‘I don’t know where you came from,’ growled Gaz, scowling down at the plump black puppy at his feet. ‘But I know where you’re going. In the lake!’

  As Gaz reached for him, Spud grabbed the little rubber ball hanging from his collar and bit down on it. A white powder puffed out of the ball, settling all over Gaz Guzzler’s clothes.

  Spud turned to run, but he was too slow. He was caught by the scruff of the neck and lifted into the air.

  ‘Pesky pup!’ growled Gaz. He pulled his arm back to throw Spud into the lake, but stopped short when his football shirt split down the front. He stared at his huge white belly in surprise. ‘How did that happen?’

  The shirt shrivelled away into a tiny vest, then that tore too. Next, his tracksuit bottoms began to slip down over his enormous bum.

  ‘Ooooh!’ shrieked Gaz, trying to hold his trousers up with his other hand. It was no good. The lump of gold fell out of his pocket as his trousers shrank down to his thighs, split in half and turned into a pair of tight black stockings. As the stockings ripped into fishnets and then fell away, Star ran out and grabbed the gold between her teeth.

  ‘Eeek!’ howled Gaz as his trainers folded up round his massive feet. His toes burst out of the front, his heels ballooned out of the back and then his trainers exploded with a loud POP! Gaz was left wearing nothing but a pair of white cotton Y-fronts and a pair of laces.

  ‘What …? What …? What just happened?’ he stuttered.

  ‘Put me down!’ yapped Spud, trying to squirm out of Gaz’s grip.

  Gaz gripped him harder, making him yelp. ‘You did this,’ he hissed, glaring at Spud. ‘But how? And why? Where’s your owner?’

  ‘Let go of him!’ barked Star, shifting the lump of gold to the side of her mouth.

  Gaz jumped and looked down at the little black and white puppy with the sticky-up ear. ‘Another one?’ he growled. ‘And what’s that in your mouth?’ His eyes widened. ‘My gold!’ he roared. ‘Give it back!’

  Star shook her head. ‘Let Spud go first,’ she woofed.

  ‘You’d better drop that right now,’ yelled Gaz. ‘Or I’ll hurt your little friend. Understand?’

  Star hesitated. She looked at her half-choked brother. This had not been part of the plan!

  14. Captured

  Lara lay back in the stern of the canoe and crossed her legs. I could get used to being a lady of leisure, she thought, letting one paw flop over the side to trail in the water. Andrew was sitting in front of her, paddling with hardly a ripple. Ollie was in the bows, trying to copy him.

  He’s doing very well, thought Lara kindly as Ollie slapped the water with his paddle, sending another fountain shooting up into the air.

  Ben and Sop
hie were paddling a second canoe alongside them. Nobody was talking, but everyone was smiling, enchanted by the beauty and stillness of the lake. They paddled in peaceful silence from one end of the bay to the other. There, Andrew brought his canoe round in front of Ben and Sophie.

  ‘Sorry, folks,’ he said reluctantly. ‘We have to turn back here. Gaz Guzzler’s mansion is just round the bend.’

  ‘That’s a shame,’ sighed Ben. ‘I think I could paddle this canoe forever.’

  ‘It’s so peaceful, isn’t it, Lara?’ murmured Sophie.

  Lara was about to wag her agreement when a dreadful, high-pitched yelp shattered the silence. It was the sound of a puppy in pain, and it was coming from Lakeside Mansion.

  ‘Spud!’ yelped Lara, scrambling to her paws. Without a second thought, she threw herself into the water and started swimming.

  ‘Come on, Sophie!’ cried Ben, jamming his paddle into the water. Sophie did the same and their canoe shot past Andrew, heading for Gaz Guzzler’s mansion.

  ‘Stop!’ shouted Andrew.

  ‘No! Go!’ Ollie yelled. ‘Spud needs help!’

  ‘Who’s Spud?’ Andrew demanded, paddling after Lara, Ben and Sophie.

  ‘That’s Spud,’ said Ollie as they rounded the bend.

  Andrew blinked. A sumo wrestler was standing on the shore in front of Lakeside Mansion, wearing a tiny white nappy and holding a small black puppy by the scruff of the neck. Another puppy, this one black and white, was barking up at the sumo wrestler.

  ‘Put him down!’ yelled Ollie.

  The sumo wrestler bent and grabbed the other puppy by the scruff of the neck. ‘Nothing to see here!’ he shouted, holding both pups up in front of his nipples like a furry bra. ‘Turn round and paddle away!’

  ‘Hang on,’ said Andrew, rubbing his forehead. ‘That’s not a sumo wrestler. That’s Gaz Guzzler in some very skimpy underpants. What’s going on?’


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