Doves Migration
Page 3
Proudly placing her hand in the crook of his arm, Joshua nodded at Sarah. “Ma’am, if I didn’t know better, I would think I was in the company of royalty.”
“Oh, Major Carmidy, you do go on so,” Sarah blushed, looking at Elise.
As the two couples continued walking toward the Ford Theatre, Elise looked at Joshua with a concerned frown. “Joshua darling, why are you still in uniform? I thought you were here to end your military career?”
“Indeed I did, but did you think the army would hand me over a new suit?”
Michael, overhearing the two of them, chuckled softly and said, “New suit … I like that.”
Noticing Elise pouting slightly at being teased, Joshua patted her hand gently. “Darling, we will have time in the morning to shop for a new suit. Perhaps you could look for another dress, as well.” At this suggestion, her scowl turned to a broad smile.
“Well, if that’s an apology, I accept. I was wondering, does New York offer such fine shops, as we’ve seen here?”
“Far more, I dare say. Washington is hardly famous for its shops, my darling. Some believe Washington needs a complete revamping. I tend to agree. The Capitol of such a grand nation as ours should hardly resemble a quaint Southern town.”
This is a far cry from Fairfax, or Centerville, Elise thought to herself, taking offense at his comment, but deciding to ignore it for the time being. “Yes, of course … in New York, there are more shops, you say?”
“You are relentless, aren’t you, dear? Yes, hundreds more. However, darling, please do remember we are going to be just starting out. Such luxuries will have to wait until I’m established in the law firm again.”
A slight frown crossed her brow and Elise pouted again.
Michael chuckled at his daughter’s reaction. “Now don’t fret, Elise.” Smiling lovingly at Sarah and drawing her nearer to him, he said, “I promise you and your beautiful mother an entire wardrobe, once we reach New York. So you will have several opportunities to go shopping again.”
“Oh, thank you, Michael,” Elise cooed in delight.
Just then, the bells from a clock struck eight o’clock. Elise and Sarah stopped and watched in amazement as men began lighting the lamps lining the streets of Washington, leaving a warm, soft glow hovering over the streets.
Engrossed in watching the sights and sounds of the city, Elise didn’t notice a coach pull up on E Street alongside Ford Theatre.
“By God, it’s good to see you all again.” Hearing a familiar voice, she turned to see Lucas Brown exiting his carriage.
Elise’s heart began to beat rapidly. Oh, my, but doesn’t Mr. Brown look gallant in his tailored suit with long tails and top hat.
Out stepped Miranda, followed by another couple whom Elise assumed was the Reverend Myles and his wife, Felicity. As the four of them approached, Elise brought her hands to her face.
“Oh, look how beautiful Miranda is,” Elise cried happily.
Then, without waiting to be properly escorted, the two old friends ran toward each other, throwing their arms around one another and hugging tightly.
“Miranda, I’ve missed you so. You look absolutely beautiful!”
“I’ve missed you, too. And just look at you! How in the world did you manage to get such a beautiful suit as this, all the way in Fairfax?”
“Mother and I went shopping today … here in Washington. Do you like it?” Elise exclaimed as she twirled around in the playful manner of a child.
“Very much. Words just don’t describe how wonderful you look to me.”
“And to me, also.” Lucas boomed. “Come over here and give me a hug, Miss Elise.”
Without hesitation, Elise went to Lucas, hugging him. “Oh Mr. Brown, it’s so good to see you again.”
Elise, never having been accused of being shy, turned to Felicity. “Why, Felicity Phelps, I mean Felicity Myles, I hardly recognize you. You are truly lovelier than I remember.”
After they hugged each other politely, Elise turned to the bearded man beside Felicity and said, “And you must be the good Reverend Myles that I’ve heard so much about.”
Benjamin smiled broadly at the outspoken young woman standing before him and extended his hand to her. Kissing her offered hand politely, he said, “How delightfully enchanting and refreshing you are, Miss Hamilton. I am indeed the lucky man who has won your friend’s heart. But please, do call me Benjamin, since we are sure to be good friends.”
“Thank you, only if you call me Elise.” She smiled politely, trying not to show her fascination with Reverend Myles’s English accent and his polished mannerisms. Turning to Joshua and extending her arm, Elise proudly said, “Felicity and Benjamin, allow me to introduce you to Major Joshua Carmidy.”
Joshua shook Benjamin’s hand heartily before turning his attention to Felicity. “Mrs. Myles … I don’t suppose you remember me?”
“Of course I do, Mr. Carmidy. How kind of you to remember me.”
“Yes, it’s been some time. I haven’t seen you since before you went abroad.” Turning his attention to Elise and the others, Joshua quickly explained. “Mrs. Myles’ uncle was a client of ours prior to the war.” Redirecting his attention back to Felicity, he continued. “I trust your uncle, Mr. Robbins, is well?”
Felicity’s smile faded, as she said, “We lost Uncle Edwin a few years back in a tragic accident.”
Everyone listened with great interest to Joshua and Felicity’s conversation, Elise taking particular interest in how lovely Mrs. Myles was, feeling suddenly jealous of this woman who knew her fiancé.
Felicity looked at her husband, Benjamin, and explained. “The Major is Mr. Carmidy’s son. Prior to my trip to England, Uncle Edwin had me meet with his solicitor here in New York.”
“Right. Well, this is a small world isn’t it?” Turning his attention to Joshua, he said, “As it goes, Felicity and I still use your father’s services.”
“I see. Well, then you have seen more of my father these past few years than I have.”
“Indeed. He’s been most helpful. With my work calling me away for long periods, it has been wonderful to rely on your father’s expertise. Do you plan on returning to his firm, Major?”
“Yes. And …” Joshua turned his attention back to Felicity. “May I express my deepest sorrow to you, Mrs. Myles, for the loss of your uncle. Edwin Robbins was a fine man.”
“Thank you, Major,” Felicity replied.
Feeling suddenly awkward, Felicity and Elise began to speak at the same time. Both women laughed nervously and looked at their mutual friend while Miranda smiled, taking Felicity’s hand.
“See, I told you Elise would remember you.” It was clear that Felicity and Miranda were extremely close and suddenly, for the second time in the few short minutes since they had met up again, Elise felt jealously toward Felicity.
Sarah, recognizing the look in her daughter’s eyes, turned her attention to Lucas. “Why Lucas, you look … wonderful. It does my heart good to see you looking so fit.”
“And you, dear Sarah, are as lovely as ever. And Honeycutt, by God, it’s good to see you again. How are you?”
“Quite well, thank you. As you requested, we’ve brought up your carriage and the Masons received your wire. That was mighty fine of you, Lucas.”
“It’s the least I could do. Glenbrook … well, Glenbrook needs life inside those walls.”
“Life is exactly what she has too, with all those young girls running around.”
Lucas Brown’s smile faded as he asked about the former slaves from his plantation. “How are Chester and Betsy?”
“Chester is still doing rather poorly, the old guy. Doc says it’s his rheumatism … but Bessie … well, what can I say? She’s as cantankerous as ever.”
Joshua and Benjamin began conversing politely. “Good to finally meet you, Major Carmidy. Your father has spoken of you often. I’m so pleased to see that the perils of war have escaped you.”
“Call me Joshua, please. Yes, I�
��m fortunate, alright. So tell me, how is my father …”
Just then, a screech of joy rang out and their attention went to the three women standing a few yards ahead of them. “What in the blazes?” asked Lucas.
“Well, Mr. Brown, from the sound of your daughter’s enthusiasm, I’d say that Elise has just informed her of our engagement.”
“Engagement! Well, don’t that beat all.” Lucas grasped Joshua’s hand and shook it once more then slapped him on the back. “I thought it mighty peculiar that you were escorting Michael and Sarah here … Well, all I can say is congratulations. You’ve got yourself a mighty fine and spirited woman there. You take good care of her or you will have to answer to me.”
Michael coughed, as if objecting to Lucas’s last comment and Lucas changed his last remark. “Forgive me Michael, I stand corrected. First you will have to answer to Michael, and then to me.”
Michael patted Joshua on the back. “Son, if that hasn’t scared you off completely, nothing ever will.”
“Nope. Been through a lot worse than that recently,” Joshua said, smiling.
Somberly Lucas looked at him and said, “Yes. You and so many others … but enough of such talk, this is an evening of celebration and rejoicing.”
“Indeed it is, Mr. Brown.” Joshua stretched out his hands and nodded his head, gesturing up the street as he continued speaking. “We seem to be blocking the entrance to the theatre. Why don’t we adjourn this reuniting of old and new friends to a local establishment down the street, shall we?”
As they walked farther down 10th street, a tall slender gentleman came out of a carriage just ahead of them, wearing an amazingly tall top hat. He was escorting a short, refined woman toward the entrance of Ford’s Theatre.
Joshua immediately stood at attention and saluted the gentleman.
“At ease, Major,” the lanky, bearded man responded.
Elise, puzzled at Joshua’s peculiar behavior and stopped chattering to Miranda, who was standing by her side in total shock.
“Oh, my,” Elise gasped, finally recognizing the man. “Why, if it ain’t Old Abe himself. In the flesh!” Her voice traveled further than she had intended.
Hearing her comment, Abraham Lincoln stopped and smiled, while tipping his hat in respect, he said, “Why yes, my dear young woman, it is. How charming it is to hear the sweet sounds of a Southern Belle’s voice ringing through our fair city again. Begging your pardon for intruding on your privacy, but what, might I ask, has brought you here today?”
Elise curtseyed and shyly replied to the Commander-in-Chief. “Excuse my words, sir. I didn’t mean them to sound unkind.”
Amused, Lincoln smiled and said, “Oh, you are enchanting, my dear. Mother here, she’s from the South, too.” Lincoln waved his hand toward his wife, Mary Todd Lincoln, who smiled dutifully at Elise.
“Yes, I do recall hearing that, sir. In answer to your question, I’m here with my fiancé,” Elise said, tugging proudly on Joshua’s arm and flashing a warm look in his direction. “And my Mama and stepfather. What with the great General Lee surrendering and the war all but over, we’re traveling to New York.”
“New York, you say?”
“Yes, sir.”
Lincoln eyed Joshua more closely, apparently recognizing him. “Major, didn’t I see you in Richmond earlier this month?”
“Yes, sir,” Joshua replied respectfully, still standing at attention.
Lincoln shook his head in distress. “It saddens me to see such a fine city like Richmond destroyed.” He tugged at his whiskered chin.
Mrs. Lincoln gently tapped her husband’s arm as she held onto it tightly. Acknowledging her polite reminder that they were on a time schedule, the President nodded politely to the group gathered before him. “If you’ll excuse us. Mother gets rather upset if we miss curtain call.”
Waiting for no reply, the Lincolns began walking toward the theatre to see Our American Cousin.
After they disappeared into the theatre, Elise turned and looked at the rest of her family and friends and exclaimed, “Why, I don’t know why people make him out to be such a mean sort. He seems rather likeable.”
Miranda shook her head and started to laugh, then said “Oh my goodness, not only did you insult the President of the United States of America, but you then proceed to have a conversation with him. And if that wasn’t enough, you act as if it’s common place! You are unbelievable … Only you could say such a thing about the man you once proclaimed to be the enemy.”
“Yes, well, I thought Joshua was the enemy once too and surely I found out differently. Perhaps I can see my way to accepting Mr. Lincoln as well.”
“Well that’s an improvement from ‘Old Abe.’ Elise, what am I going to do with you?” Joshua groaned, shook his head and tenderly squeezed her hand as she placed it in the crook of his arm. Everyone laughed at her shocked indignation as they made their way to the boardinghouse eatery Michael had picked out.
After the eight of them had been seated and their orders taken, Elise, being the boldest of the group, looked at Benjamin and Felicity. “Since we’re old friends, Felicity, I trust you won’t mind me asking how you and your husband came to meet? Was it here in America or while you were in England?”
Felicity looked at Benjamin as if hoping he would explain.
“Well, as luck would have it, I had the great honor of meeting Felicity in England,” he dutifully replied.
“England? And then you two came here? How interesting.” Elise prattled on, nearly bursting with enthusiasm.
Benjamin lovingly patted his wife’s hand and spoke for her. “Right. Well, it’s a rather long tale, but the long and the short of it is, Felicity and I, after meeting originally in England, were reunited and wed in New York. At your mother and father’s home in fact, Mr. Honeycutt.”
Nearly choking on his biscuit in surprise, Michael asked, “My parent’s home, you say? My, but that is a coincidence. How did that come about?”
Felicity spoke up this time. “My dear aunt, Gwendolyn Phelps and your parents were dear friends many years ago. When Aunt Gwen and I arrived here in America, we stayed with them.”
Intrigued, Elise couldn’t help but ask more questions. “Forgive me Felicity, I hope you don’t find me intrusive, but did I hear you say were good friends?”
“My aunt died shortly after Benjamin and I were wed.”
“Oh, I’m so sorry …”
“Please, don’t be sad. My aunt was an incredible woman and brought Benjamin and me together. So you see, as we share our lives, Aunt Gwen will always be alive in our hearts.”
Touched by her words, they looked at each of their own loved ones. Before anyone had a chance to speak, three waiters brought their dinners.
After the meals were set before them, Sarah looked at Michael and said, “Well, this is rather wonderful, not having to be the one to prepare the evening meal for hungry travelers.”
Sarah’s words sounded upbeat, but from the look in her eyes, Elise knew her mother had suddenly become homesick for Doves Landing.
Clearing his throat, Lucas said, “Reverend Myles, please do us the honors and lead us in prayer.”
Once grace had been said, the eight of them chitchatted while enjoying their evening meal.
“So, Benjamin, how is it that you and Felicity came to be here, in Washington?” Joshua asked.
“Well, following the riots of ’63 and the Negro orphans that were nearly killed at the Asylum, and with so many Irish immigrants arriving daily in the city, there was a desperate need for spiritual leadership, as you can well imagine. The majority of the clergy were working in the field and at hospitals for the wounded. As luck would have it, at a recent dinner party at your parent’s home, Mr. Honeycutt, Lucas here suggested I come with him to Washington and present my concerns to Congress.”
“Really?” Michael’s curiosity piqued. “Ah, so father and mother were instrumental in you two meeting, I take it?”
Lucas cleared his throat. �
��Well, not exactly, Michael. As it was said earlier, Felicity’s parents were dear friends of the family. However, Alfred did introduce me to James Sterling, who is a partner of his and just happens to be from England as well. Quite a small world as it turns out, since Felicity, Benjamin and James’s wife, Lavinia, all knew one another in England, too.”
“Really? You don’t say?” Michael looked at Benjamin and Felicity. “Well, it would appear then that you all know my son, Thaddeus. Tell me, how is he? It’s been so long since I’ve seen him … Thank heavens the war is finally over.”
“Amen to that!” everyone cheered spontaneously and raised their water glasses in unison.
Looking over the rim of her glass, Elise glanced suspiciously between Felicity and Miranda. She was certain the two women had secrets they didn’t wish to share in public. Always loving a good mystery, Elise regarding herself as a rather good sleuth and her eyes danced as unanswered questions filled her mind. If Benjamin and Felicity knew one another in England, then why were they reunited in New York? Remembering the wary expression that had briefly appeared on Felicity’s face when the Sterlings were mentioned, Elise wondered what Miranda and Felicity were hiding.
“Elise dear, have you and the good Major set a date yet?” Miranda asked.
Elise lowered her glass and with a gleam in her eye, looked at her friend, deciding Miranda was trying to distract her by bringing up the wedding again. She may not have seen her for years, but she knew how Miranda’s mind worked. Just what is Miranda trying to hide from me? Elise thought, growing more certain with each passing moment that Miranda was trying to divert her attention away from Felicity.
When Elise didn’t answer right away, Joshua spoke up. “Please, everyone, my army days are over. There is no further need to address me as ‘major’. Joshua will suit me just fine from here on out. As for our wedding date, just as soon as we can. Right, sweetheart?” he said, smiling proudly at his betrothed.
As Joshua spoke, Elise smiled at Miranda as their eyes met. Just as Miranda had done as a child, she immediately looked away then glanced back at Felicity for a split second. I knew it! You are hiding something, Miranda. Raising her eyebrow, Elise smiled at Felicity, pointedly. So what deep, dark secret are you and the Reverend hiding, Mrs. Myles?