Tainted (Netherworld Book II)

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Tainted (Netherworld Book II) Page 13

by Christie Rich

  His face moves nearer until our lips meet. My eyes flutter closed as I pull him closer. I don’t expect him to get hot and heavy, so it’s a bit easier this time when he pulls away.

  I can’t quite look him in the eyes, so I press my face against his chest. “So what do we do now?”

  His hand glides along my hair to dip against the line of my neck. If this is what it feels like to be petted, no wonder cats purr. “First, we need to resolve the issues in your dream world.”

  I try not to stiffen, but my shoulders won’t obey me. I pull away from him, needing to see his reaction. “About that. I want to do it alone.” Seth’s expression hardens, but he hasn’t said the words yet. “Don’t you see? If I have you there, I’ll never know I could do it on my own. You said yourself you won’t always be able to be with me, so I need to get a grip without you.”

  His blue eyes soften, but his mouth remains hard. “Normally, I wouldn’t argue with you, but by being exposed to the Eros, you’ve experienced a deep trauma. I can’t let you go in there alone.”

  When is he going to get it? “It’s not your choice. You’ve got things to do, and so do I. If you want to spy on me from your office, fine, but I don’t want you to intervene. This is something I need to do. I’ve got to prove it to myself. Otherwise, I’m just a wimp with a man chain.”

  He sputters. “A what?”

  “I’ve had to depend on myself for a really long time. I know you’re probably not going to get this, but I don’t want to be one of those lovesick idiots who rely on her boyfriend for everything.”

  His brows shoot up. “This is hardly tantamount to subjugation, Amelia; however, I do understand your need for space. I will be monitoring the situation. If anything untoward happens, I will interfere.”

  I sigh. “Seth.”

  Coming closer, he boxes me in. “Listen to me, please. I will give you the space you require, but I cannot let your world fall further into the abyss.”

  His confidence in me is comforting. “It won’t. I’ve got it now.”

  He touches my brow. “Still so arrogant.”

  I sigh. “I’m not trying to be this time; really, I’m not.” I take a deep breath, giving myself a moment to gather my thoughts. “When I went in there before, I was still freaked out by the Eros. I’m not so much anymore. They aren’t really evil.”

  He frowns. “How can you be so sure?”

  I shrug. “As I see it, they’re looking for fuel. Right now they’re surviving on low octane. What they really need is some premium, but they’ve been running so long on the wrong thing they can’t quite process the pure stuff, so their systems fry when they’re exposed to it.” He frowns as if I’m speaking Chinese or something. Whatever, I like this analogy. “What I need to do is give them a lower grade at first and gradually increase it until they see the difference.”

  Seth laughs. “What an explanation.”

  I give him a smile. “I try.”

  The hesitance in his eyes tightens my gut. I don’t want to fight anymore. “What will you do if they can’t be converted?”

  I don’t really want to think of it, but I have. “I’ll destroy them, one by one, or all at once, like before.”

  He nods. “If you need my help, call out. If it comes to it, do you still remember your exit word?”

  How could I ever forget my grandma? “Yep.”

  “Very well.” He leans in and kisses me thoroughly.

  My smile makes my cheeks hurt. “Thanks for trusting me,” I tell him.

  He nips my nose. “Don’t ever doubt it. I have more experience than you, Amelia. Even so, it doesn’t mean I do not appreciate your abilities and your loyalty. You are the best person I’ve ever met. What you did for Kelsby was heroic.”

  Usually I like to be talked up. Not today. “Anyone—”

  “No, anyone wouldn’t.” He grimaces. “We’ve been in similar circumstances. All agents I have knows going into a new world if they are tainted before we leave, they don’t come back. You are our secret weapon. If I seem overprotective at times, it is only because I value you so highly. So does everyone on my team. I even think you have Zed’s team converted.”

  I push his shoulder. “Stop. You’re making me blush.”

  He stands and walks to the door. Before he leaves, he turns and smiles, then glances at the bathroom. “One of these days, I will be joining you in your tub.”

  My stomach falls to my toes. He walks out the door laughing. I throw a pillow at him.

  If I want to be able to see Amelia conquer her demons, I have much to do. I waste no time in calling the flames. The journey to headquarters takes me half the usual time because I bypass most of my checkpoints. I’ll deal with them later.

  Brian, the guard, nods as I pass through the doors. His disappointment is clear when he turns as if to look for the companion I have not brought with me.

  I take a moment to chat with him. “Amelia will be along later.”

  He smiles. “Is she feeling better?”

  I’m pleased I don’t have to lie. “Much. Her color is finally returning.”

  The tension he’s holding visibly releases. “We’ve all been worried about her.”

  I clasp his arm. “She’s a lot stronger than she looks and twice as stubborn. Thanks for your concern.”

  He dips his chin, offering me full access to the lobby. “Of course, boss.”

  Nearly all my team calls me boss. I’m not sure when the title stuck, but if I had to guess, I’d say Kelsby had something to do with it. He and his movies. He’s taken to all things human. It really is such a shame he doesn’t fit in better in the human realm. There was a time when we could mask his differences quite nicely; however, with such a scattered focus, I am no longer able to camouflage him. Before I head for my office, I take a trip to the top floor. I haven’t seen Kelsby in two days, and I need to check on his progress. I tap on the door before I enter the room. The television is blaring with a black and white movie of the three stooges. He must be feeling better today. Yesterday was Dracula.

  I make my way across the tidy room to join him on the sofa across from him. Because of Kelsby’s girth, his bed consists of large elastic cords suspended from each corner of the ceiling and one in the center anchored on the floor. In essence, he sleeps on a hammock. All he has to do is pull a lever and the canvas descends enough for him to climb.

  I’m happy to see him up. He motions an arm into the air. “Wait,” he says. “This is one of my favorite parts.”

  I’ve never been able to understand the draw of this sort of comedy. All these fellows seem to do is hurt each other, but Kelsby vibrates from another laugh. His skin jiggles with each breath he takes.

  I allow him time to recover before I ask, “How are you progressing?”

  To my surprise, he turns off the movie and faces me. “It is the darnedest thing, Seth. I’m not sure what our dear miss Amelia did, but I seem to have no after effects. Once the initial shock of the encounter was out of my system, I have had no relapses. In fact, I haven’t been this happy in more than three centuries. Perhaps she filled me with her energy as well as the Eros. I don’t rightly know, but for whatever she did, I am grateful. Where is she? I’d like to express my thanks to her in person.” He pauses, leveling an eager stare my way. “I’d also like your permission to get back to work.”

  His enthusiasm is appreciated, but it hasn’t been long enough to truly know the effects of his Eros exposure. “Amelia will be along later. She had some things to take care of, and she needs more rest before she’ll be ready for duty. Unlike you, she has not been energized from the encounter.”

  He folds his hands at his belly. “Quite right. She did have a horrible exposure . . . about my leaving confinement?”

  He’s not going to give up until I make him. “Kelsby, I understand your desire to get back to work; however, we must make sure you are decontaminated. You know the rules.”

  His expression falls, but he still offers me a contrite smile.
“I was pretty sure of your answer, but I had to ask. I really do feel so much better than I have in years. Even if you think the quarantine needs to remain, would you consider setting up surveillance or something to keep me busy? I would normally appreciate some time for rest, but I have so much energy I’m quite literally pacing my room.”

  I stand, needing to get to my office as soon as possible. “I’ll send Maybell to discuss some assignments with you.”

  He gives a broad smile and extends a hand which I clasp. “Thank you, Seth.” He holds me steady with more force than is necessary. “Please send Amelia my way when she has a few minutes.”

  I pull my hand out of his grasp. “Will do, old friend.”

  The television goes back on the moment I exit his room, and he’s laughing again before I can make it halfway down the hall.

  I’d like to believe he is completely recovered and better than ever, yet I can’t help but think this has all been too easy. Something is amiss. I need to figure exactly what.

  My bath lasts all of five minutes. I don’t dare wait too long if I want a chance to take care of my dream world myself. The problem is even though I go through the motions, I’m too wound up to sleep. As I climb the stairs of the library, I stop to gaze at all the journals filling the book shelves. I pick up a couple and continue up the stairs. I’ve got to have something to put me to sleep, and for once, I’m hoping Seth’s solitude is just the thing.

  When I make it to the top floor, I glance out over the banister to the lobby below. Seth said he could teach me to fly. I’m tired of being crippled by fear. The next time we get a few minutes, I’m gonna have him show me. Taking one last look, I make my way through the sitting room to the bed chamber. As the doors hiss closed behind me, I shudder. I want to ask myself what I’ve gotten into, but I won’t go there. I need to focus, and I can’t allow any negativity into my mind.

  I need to concentrate on the positive, on Seth, and the team waiting for me. It’s so nice to be part of something. I don’t know everyone yet, but from what I’ve seen they’re great people. I just hope I can remember all their names. I’m sort of terrible at it. Other things I can keep in my memory forever. Ask me what was on the top shelf of Justine’s curio cabinet, and I could give you a detailed description of each china doll, what the dress looked like, the hair, the eyes, even the shoes and if it held anything. Ask me what they were called? No clue. I’ve totally got to work on it.

  Once I lay down, I pull the fluffy covers all around me. The scent of roses fills the air, and it’s only now I notice the amazing bouquet on the side table. It has one of those plastic dealies that hold cards. I stand and move to the table. The scent increases until I stop just to take another fragrant breath.

  They’re red to match the room, or is it a symbol of true love? My smile turns into a full giggle before I pull the card from its perch to rip open the envelope.

  To my dearest love. Your strength enlightens me. Be safe. Remember I am only a word away. Always, Seth.

  I smile and pick up one of the roses. The velvet petals tickle my nose when I bring the flower in for a sniff. After I’ve had my fill, I replace the flower, then settle back into bed.

  Since I’m still not ready to sleep, I pick up one of the journals, wondering if I really should be this nosy. They are literally Seth’s life. He didn’t seem too concerned about me reading them, so it shouldn’t be a big deal, but there’s a part of me that worries about upsetting him. In the end, I decide I’d better ask him before I delve into the volumes of his past.

  With Seth firmly in my heart and mind, I close my eyes and eventually drift to sleep. The first thing I notice is the ever present mist. My arms tingle when the warm breeze caresses my skin, causing my hair to stick more firmly to my cheeks. When I stand, I take a moment to survey the surrounding area. I’m relieved to see all is in order. The waterfall spills into the pool, the droplets from the mist rolling down my arms, as usual. The sky is dotted with a few wispy clouds, but otherwise, it’s a clear summer’s day. The cliffs jut above me in layers of gray and brown that contrasts with the white of the waterfall.

  Taking a deep breath to steady myself, I turn. The forest waits for me just beyond the tall grass. I used to ignore it when I came here. I always knew it was there, but my life was firmly planted in the oasis Seth made for me. The truth is I have no idea what my dream world looks like beyond the little I’ve seen of the oasis and the forest. It’s time I find what’s out there.

  Brock’s presence weighs on me before he speaks. I want to think I’m imagining things, that I won’t have to deal with him, too, but my hopes flit away with his words. “Where have you been?”

  I don’t bother turning. Brock is a nuisance, and I have no desire to actually converse with him. I keep my words clipped, in case he doesn’t get the glare I send him. “Busy, just like now.”

  His voice is full of condescension. “You’re not going back into the forest, are you? I thought you’d learn your lesson with what happened last time.”

  I grit my teeth. “Yeah, thanks for the help.”

  I get all of two steps forward before his hand lassoes my arm. I glance at his fingers, then up to his taunting dark eyes. This close, his eyes nearly match his chocolate hair. Normally, I would have found him extremely attractive, but his smart mouth takes away enough sexy points to make him nothing but average . . . if that. Besides, no one could ever compare to Seth.

  He smirks, but he doesn’t remove his hand. “You’ve been avoiding me.”

  I laugh. “I’d have to have feelings for you one way or another to avoid you. Like I said, I’ve been busy.”

  He frowns. I nearly laugh again, but I don’t want to be really mean. I only want him to go away. He comes up with a serious expression that makes him look constipated. “Listen, Amelia, there are things you should know. Before you get tight with Seth, you need the facts.”

  As if. “Facts according to you? No thanks.”

  He shrugs. “Facts don’t change no matter how much you’d like them to.”

  He’s wasting my time. A slight growl escapes me. “Get to the point, Brock.”

  Surprisingly, his voice is sincere. “I should have contacted you sooner, but he kept you guarded for so long . . . I couldn’t. You have no idea what he is.”

  That’s all he’s got? I let out a huff. “I have no idea what you are. Seth, I know. Seth, I understand.” To a point. Brock doesn’t need to know I’m missing memories. As far as he’s concerned, Seth and I are tight in every way, and I need to keep him thinking that.

  He groans. “I can’t believe you have no curiosity about this whole thing. Don’t you want to know why your dad left when he did?”

  I shrug out of his grasp to glide around him. “My dad’s dead. If he knows what’s best for him, he’ll stay that way.”

  The booming sound of his voice startles me. “Amelia, stop!”

  I do, but not because he commanded me. “I don’t care what you have to say. I don’t care what my absent father thinks he’s done for me. He’s dead to me. It doesn’t matter if it hasn’t happened yet.” He opens his mouth, but I rush on. “And as for you, my loyal protector, go get a new job. I don’t need you, and I don’t want you here. This is my world. Get. Out.”

  His jaw jumps as he folds his arms over his chest. I mimic his movements, cocking my head when he does. “I can’t leave you here. In case you don’t get it, I’m not scared of you.”

  I let a secretive smile curve my lips. “That’s because you don’t know me.”

  “Please,” he says, insulted. “I know everything there is to know about you. I know when you lost your first tooth, the first time you crushed on a boy, when you got your first period.”

  Eww, TMI much? “You’re gross.”

  He smirks. “It’s a part of life. Unlike Seth, I’ve been a part of your life since you were a little girl.”

  My mind tries to reconstruct memories that just don’t exist. “Why should it matter? I never knew you
were there. It’s not like you helped me out or anything. I’ve been through more than any little girl should have to think about let alone live through. If you were there, you should have done something. The fact that you didn’t tells me all I need to know about you. There’s a fact that won’t change for you.”

  His expression hardens. “Seth’s not what he says he is. He’s a parasite. Doesn’t it bother you? No one should have control of mankind.”

  I huff. “I’ve seen the real bad guys, Brock. Unlike you, I know the difference.”

  His answer is immediate. “You’re wrong. They’re all tainted. They all fall.” What he says next chills my bones. “They have to for our race to survive.”

  When I finally make it to my office, I hone in on the monitors, searching for the one I need to focus on. The rest blur as the scene in Amelia’s world unfolds.

  The boy is with her. Anger chokes me. The only reason I’m not racing for her world is because I promised her I would let her try to rid the filth from the place. Brock is part of the equation.

  Amelia steps forward, bristling with every word she utters. The lies he tells her are meant to undermine me, but all they manage to do is infuriate her.

  A knock sounds at my door. “Not now,” I say, hoping whoever it is will leave.

  Ian lets himself in and sits across from me. He never listens.

  His expression shows lines of worry mixed with an edge of raw exhaustion. “You’ve got to take up some of the slack, Seth. Let her handle this.”

  I hate Ian and his intuition in this moment. “I will go when I’m sure she’s okay.”

  Despite his claim I should leave Amelia to her world, Ian stares at her screen behind me. His gaze grows distant. “I can’t reach any more of your worlds. I’d do it if I could—”

  My obsession with Amelia is more of a burden than he’s willing to admit. “I understand, Ian. I do realize this load I’ve placed on you is unfair. I will go shortly.”

  To my surprise, he doesn’t leave. Instead, he leans forward and taps the tips of his fingers against the desk. “The night will be gone before you notice.”


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