Losing Him (Mitchell Family Series Book 8)

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Losing Him (Mitchell Family Series Book 8) Page 18

by Jennifer Foor

  She stood up and walked into the next room. The open floor plan allowed me to see her pacing around. “Your father is not going to be happy about this. I assured him that you were ready to take over the B and B. Now, you tell me that you want to walk away from it, for a girl that has caused you nothing but trouble. I thought we raised you better than this!”

  “I thought you raised me to make my own decisions. I love her and you know it. Part of the reason that we kept breaking up was because you and everyone else disapproved so much. I’m sick of letting everyone else make my decisions for me. Like it or not, Heather is the mother of my son. I want us to be family, because it’s about time I do the right thing in this situation.” The look on her face said it all. I’d broken her heart by choosing the wrong person, in her eyes. Sure, she wanted me to marry some wealthy socialite’s daughter. She wanted me to be successful and plan each of my children based on our financial status. I got that she wanted that for me, but it wasn’t close to what I wanted for myself.

  “You’re an adult now, so it isn’t up to me or your father. If you already made the decision, why are you even asking me what I think?”

  “Because, you are my mother and I want you and Dad to be a part of any decision I make. Heather wants that too.” Okay, I really hadn’t asked her that, but it sounded good. “Don’t you want me to be happy?”

  “Of course I do!” She waved her hands around like it was a rhetorical question.

  “Then I’m going to marry Heather. I can still own the B and B from out of state. Trust me, I thought about this all last night. I have a good management team on staff and me being there isn’t necessary. Need be, I can make the commute and handle things as they come up. Come on, Mom, you’ve ran that business for years. You and I both know that it isn’t necessary for me to be in that office every single day. I can do all of the financials from my home office, Hell, I do most of it there as it is.” Even if she acted like it couldn’t be done, I knew she wasn’t being honest. It could not only be done, I was already doing it. Sure, I got a lot of calls with questions, but everything could be done without me being there.

  My mother got quiet for a couple minutes. I could see that it pained her to hear me say I was moving away. If anyone was in the position to be able to do it, it was me. My house was paid for and my business could basically run itself. While away, I was going to look into property and see if I could find another bed and breakfast to buy.

  They weren’t hard to operate and the overhead wasn’t much, after the furniture and licenses were taken care of.

  I was going on no sleep at all, but thinking clearer than I had in a long time. I was prepared to fight for what I wanted and also finally tell Heather exactly how I felt about her, since Amy claimed that women didn’t get it until they heard the words.

  “You’re sure this is what you want?” My mother was calm and collected, but behind the façade I knew she was steaming mad.


  “I’m sure your father would fill in for you in your absence if there was ever an emergency. The rest we can sort out at a later time. I can’t promise that he will be happy about this decision. You know how he likes to be the first to know about these kind of decisions.”

  “I know, but there’s nothing he can say to make me change my mind. With or without his blessing, I’m going to do what is best for my family. I’d hope that he can respect that. I’m not doing any of this to piss you off or disappoint you.”

  She walked over to me and put her palm on my cheek. “I don’t know when you grew up and became so responsible. I may not agree with your choices, but I’m proud of the man that you’ve become.” Tears formed in her eyes and I could see that she didn’t want me to go away.

  I hugged her tightly. “Mom, I am going to try to come home every weekend. We’ll use the house as a weekend house. Jacob will be able to see you often while I check on things. In the summer, he can come visit for as long as you want.”

  “What does Heather think about this? Was it her idea?”

  I shook my head. “No, it wasn’t her idea. She doesn’t even know the decision has been made. She has no idea that I’m asking her to marry me.”

  “How do you know she’ll say yes?” I looked at my mother, with her gray hair and her deep blue eyes, she was still a pretty lady. My father had less grays and kept himself busy so he looked younger than he was. They were the only parents that I’d ever known and it meant the world to me that they’d given me such a good life and upbringing. I was lucky and always wanted them to know how much I appreciated them. “She could tell you she isn’t ready.”

  I had to chuckle, because I really didn’t know what her answer would be. I was hoping she would say yes, but anything was possible at this point. “I’m optimistic she would. I know she loves me.”

  She smiled. “Yes, she does. I think you’re the reason that girl is changed. It was your love that helped her want to be a better person. We all make mistakes, but it takes a strong person to admit that and do something about it.”

  “Will you be able to accept her as your daughter-in-law?”

  She took a second to gather her thoughts again. For a second, I thought she was going to say no. “If she makes my son happy, than I will be happy. I just don’t want to see that revolving door like it’s always been. This commitment needs to be permanent. Marriage isn’t easy. I’ve had so many times when I wanted to walk away from your father, but at the end of the day, my heart wouldn’t let me. If you really want to take this step, I want you to promise me that it means you will give it your all.”

  “I promise. I want nothing more than to be with Heather and Jacob every day for the rest of my life.”

  She raised her eyebrow. “I guess it’s settled then.”

  I got close enough to hug my mother again. I knew she wasn’t thrilled, but she’d come around like she always did.

  After dealing with that, I still had to talk to my father and contact Amy to see if she could speed up the dress being repaired. I had my plan in order.

  Chapter 31


  The following morning, after I found the safe deposit box, I was at the bank trying to figure out what my mother had left for only me. After showing her death certificate and my identification, they led me into a room and sat me down at a table. A couple minutes later they brought in the box.

  As I opened it, I saw a bunch of papers on top. When I took a closer look I realized that they were old bonds. When I say they were old, I mean they were from the old railroad days and there wasn’t just two or three. There were over ten.

  Since I had no idea what they could be worth, I sat them to the side and found a letter from my mother.


  I’m so glad you found this box. I’ve been saving this for you since the day your father left from our lives. He didn’t just leave me with two children. He left his great-grandfather’s bonds. I’d meant to return them, but after he died, nobody came looking. There’s a copy of his death certificate and a copy of your birth certificate. You’ll need these for identification. You’re probably wondering why we suffered for so many years when I had these sitting around. That answer is easy. They were never mine to spend. I think you deserve this. If your brother ever gets his act straight, there is a stack of bonds with his name on them as well. I don’t know exactly how much they will be worth, but it would be enough for you to get a good start at whatever you want to do. If you’re reading this letter than I’m already gone.

  I had a lot of time to think about how to leave things for you kids. I’m sure in time, you’ll find more little notes for me. I wanted you to find them as you were living your life. I love you so much. Kiss Jacob for me everyday and know that you won’t have to worry about money.



  We weren’t poor, but this was insanely generous, even though I knew I was the last living relative. If these belonged to my father, than my brother and I deserved them.

bsp; A few days later I was with a specialist who was letting me know just what the bonds were worth.

  What he told me, left me flabbergasted.

  Not only would Jacob never hurt for anything, but I’d be able to pay off my house and live comfortably. I’d never have to rely on anyone else to take care of me.

  I cried alone in my house for the next two days, drowning my excitement in twenty dollar bottles of wine. It wasn’t like I could call and tell anyone about it. Jessie surely didn’t want to hear that I didn’t need his help anymore.

  After a little too many glasses of wine, all I wanted to do was talk to Jessie. I was feeling relaxed, but lonely. It was a mistake even though I was going to do it anyway.

  Heather, it’s midnight. Are you alright?

  I miss you.

  If you miss me so much, then why do you want to be without me?

  Because I know you don’t really want me. You don’t want to be committed to me. I know you felt bad about the accident, but I’m not your responsibility.

  Heather, you don’t know what I want. What if your throwing away something special? What if my intentions are true? Do you really want to separate our family without knowing the truth?

  I don’t need your money anymore, Jess. Something great happened.

  What are you talking about? You must be drunk!

  Losing you hurts so much. I know it’s the right thing though. It will just take time for me to heal.

  Have you been drinking? You’re all over the place and your voice is slurred.

  Maybe I had some wine.

  Heather, listen to me. Please don’t go anywhere. Stay home and sleep it off. Promise me.

  Yeah, I’m not going anywhere. I wish you were here with me, in my bed. Do you miss my body, Jess?

  You know I do. I miss everything about you.

  I’m never going to stop loving you.

  Call me tomorrow and let me know you’re okay.

  I will.

  Yet again, I didn’t get those three little words that I longed for. In fact, in our whole relationship, he’d only said it a few times. That drove me crazy. What was it so hard for him to say that to me?

  Feeling defeated and alone, I decided to call it a night. While laying there trying to go to sleep, I thought about Jacob and how hard it was going to be for him to be without his father. I knew my decision was insensitive and probably made no sense since Jessie and I had been getting along so well. He wouldn’t be able to comprehend that our history and his father’s lack of being able to commit would be the reason for us not being together anymore.

  He’d probably hate me.

  I don’t know whether it was the alcohol, or maybe my mind finally realizing that I was in for a lot more heartache, albeit I curled up in a ball and began to cry again. If only Jessie loved me whole-heartedly. If only he would take that leap of faith and forgive me for my wrong doings. Everything would be so my easier.

  Too bad Jessie wasn’t the commitment kind of guy. Instead he fought with himself over having feelings for me at all. In time, he’d would always walk away and pursue something else. I couldn’t have my heart broken like that again. I couldn’t hear Jacob come and tell me that Daddy went on a date with another woman. I couldn’t be that jealous woman that called him begging him to stay with me.

  I was just so tired of it all.

  How many years was I willing to wait for a guy that was never going to change or be able to commit to me at all? His broken promises and lack of trust were what was the breaking point for our relationship. As much as I wanted to be with him, it couldn’t continue.

  As much as I wanted to be happy and celebrate the fact that I had money to start a new life, I knew I would not only be breaking my own heart, but my sons as well. It made me even more upset.

  I bawled until I finally fell asleep from exhaustion.

  The next morning I had a headache, so I went to take something for it. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find a regular bottle of pain killers to save my life. The local drug store was about a half mile from where I lived, so I got dressed, put on some sunglasses and headed out for a walk.

  By the time I’d made it inside of the establishment, my back was full of sweat and I felt dizzy. My head was spinning and if I turned my neck a certain way I could see stars. I kept my sunglasses on as I paraded through the aisles looking for the painkillers.

  I couldn’t help but notice this particular man when I got to where I was looking. He was tall, tan and scruffy, and talked on his cell phone with a strong southern drawl.

  “I don’t see that bottle here, darlin’.”

  Jessie was who I loved, completely, but this man was just gorgeous. He had a hat on that covered the front of his face, but I could tell he wasn’t going to be ugly anywhere on that body.

  I tried to look for what I needed while listening his sexy voice, until I heard him say something and realized just who I was looking at.

  “Savanna, I’m not findin’ that. Are you sure they sell it here? Maybe they just have it back home.”

  I don’t know why I did it, but instinctively, I reached over and grabbed his arm. He got his strange look his face, at first, so I pulled off my sunglasses.

  He chuckled. “Here, talk to her and tell her you don’t see that Goody’s headache relief. She doesn’t believe me that they don’t have it.” He handed me the phone.

  Van, It’s Heather.

  Oh my God, did you recognize Colt? That is so funny. I’m out in the car. We stayed up last night playing cards and my head is killing me.

  Yeah, I had too much wine and came here for the same reason. I know that have Goody’s up at the front register. I can send Colt there now.

  Oh, thank you so much.

  Van, this might be a terrible idea and I understand if you say no, but would you like have lunch while you’re here?

  I think that would be nice. How about you stop by the car on the way out. It’s actually a black SUV with Kentucky plates.

  I couldn’t believe that she had agreed to have lunch with me. After grabbing some Tylenol, I headed home feeling like I finally had someone that I could talk to. I wanted to start over. Van being nice to me was just the begging.

  As I approached the vehicle, I saw Van hop out. Unexpectedly, she walked up and hugged me. “How are you doing?”

  I shrugged. “Are you asking because you know I’m a mess?”

  She pulled away and looked at me. “Don’t say that. I’m sure you have friends.”

  I put my head down and looked at the pavement. “I really don’t. I go to work and come home to Jacob.”

  “What about Jessie?”

  I felt my stomach knotting up and was ashamed to tell her what I’d done. “I left him. I just…I couldn’t be with someone that was with me out of pity.”

  She reached out and grabbed my shoulder just as Colt approached us with a bag in his hand. “I’m so sorry, Heather. I thought that he wanted to work things out.”

  “Yeah, Jessie doesn’t know how to work things out. He’s fickle. I can’t wake up every day and wonder if that day will be the day he leaves again. It’s been our whole relationship. He’ll never forgive me.”

  She hugged me again. “Life is too short, Heather. I’ve learned to forgive others. Everyone needs a second chance at redemption.”

  I started to tear up. “Thank you for saying that.”

  “You know what I think?” She put her hands on her hips.


  “I think you need a makeover. You need to do something to feel good about yourself again.”

  I shook my head. “I’m not going to that salon with Miranda there. She will never be okay with that.”

  She started to laugh at me. “Her and Ty went to Florida with his parents and the kids. Colt and I came to help Conner with a shipment of steers. We’re staying at their place.”

  “Are you sure it’s okay with Amy?” Was this where they tied me up and buried me alive as payback? Nobody would even come
looking for me. “Maybe I shouldn’t.”

  “Just stop by. I’ll be over as soon as this headache goes away.”

  She climbed in the car, while Colt gave me a nod and did the same. As they pulled away I waved.

  My head was pounding and I was nauseas as crap, but all I could think about was that invite. Maybe I wanted to be their friends too much. Maybe my intentions were selfish.

  It didn’t matter.

  I hadn’t felt so excited in a long time.

  I had hope.

  Chapter 35


  I woke up out of a deep sleep to someone beating on my door. When I realized that the knocking wasn’t stopping, I hopped up and ran toward it, so that Jacob wouldn’t wake up. For some reason I didn’t even bother to look and see who it was before I sprung open the door, angry and dazed.

  Heather just stood there with a big grin on her face. She looked like she was ready to go out to someplace fancy, wearing a long, black dress coat and very high heels. “Are you going to let me in?”

  I scratched my head and realized that I was standing at the door in just my boxers. Even though there wasn’t any other homes around my place, it was still a bit chilly. I backed away from the door and kicked it open.

  Before I could say anything, she walked past me and dropped the coat. Her little lacey number was see thru, showing me every single detail of her perfect body. I bit down on my lip and felt my dick responding to her beauty. She walked up, putting her lips so close to mine that I could feel her breath against my face. “Tell me you want this?” She motioned her hands up and down her body.

  I took my hand and backed myself away as I unhooked her bra from the front. “How about I show you?”

  She shuffled off the bra and watched me toss it on the floor. I grabbed her waist and lifted her into my arms, kissing her while she wrapped her legs around me and I walked us into the bedroom.

  Heather’s body fell down on the soft bed. Her breasts bounced, catching my attention immediately. I just stood there, taking every inch of her in. Her beauty overwhelmed me. Her sex appeal seduced me.


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