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The Year's Best Australian Fantasy and Horror 2010 (volume 1)

Page 49

by Paul Haines

  Rjurik Davidson is an Associate Editor of Overland magazine. He is the author of the collection, The Library of Forgotten Books. His novel Unwrapped Sky will be published by Tor books 2012 and his script The Uncertainty Principle, co-written with Ben Chessell, is currently under development by Lailaps Pictures. Sometimes he teaches writing and literature.

  Felicity Dowker is a Ditmar and Chronos Award winner and Aurealis and Australian Shadows Awards finalist. Felicity’s debut short story collection, Bread and Circuses, will be released by Ticonderoga Publications in 2012. More than 20 of Felicity’s short stories have been published in Australian and international anthologies and journals including Aurealis, Midnight Echo, Scenes from the Second Storey (Morrigan Books), Scary Kisses and More Scary Kisses (Ticonderoga Publications), and others.

  Dale Elvy’s Spirit Shinto Trilogy was published by HarperCollins New Zealand in 2001. He subsequently received Sir Julius Vogel Awards for best new talent and best novel in 2001 and 2003. He has worked in a variety of roles in the public and private sectors, and is currently completing a PhD in Political Science at the Australian National University.

  jason fischer attended the Clarion South writers workshop in 2007, and has been shortlisted in the Aurealis Awards, the Ditmar Awards, and the Australian Shadows Awards. He won the 2009 AHWA Short Story and the 2010 AHWA Flash Fiction Competitions, and is a recent winner of the Writers of the Future contest. Jason has stories in Jack Dann’s Dreaming Again, Apex, Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine, and Aurealis.

  Dirk Flinthart lives in Tasmania and raises irritatingly precocious children. He writes SF, and fantasy, for which he has been Ditmarred, and has three times been a finalist for an Aurealis Award in the Young Adult category—without winning. According to Wikipedia, that’s a record. Curse you, Margo Lanagan and your irresistibly idiosyncratic prose techniques!

  Bob Franklin is a stand-up comedian, writer, actor and director. His first collection of stories, Under Stones, was published by Affirm Press in 2010.

  Christopher Green was born in the United States and moved to Australia at the age of 20, after meeting his wife on the internet (she wasn’t his wife at the time). His fiction has appeared in Dreaming Again, Beneath Ceaseless Skies, and Abyss & Apex and is the recipient of an Aurealis Award. He lives in Geelong with his wife and their two perpetually muddy labradors. He maintains a blog at

  Paul Haines is the author of three superb dark collections. Everyone says so. They’ve even won some awards that his wife won’t let him display in the public part of the house. He’s currently working on a Wolf Creek novel with Greg McLean. More info

  In just over two years, Lisa L Hannett has sold more than 20 stories to venues including Clarkesworld, Fantasy, Weird Tales, ChiZine, Electric Velocipede, Shimmer and Steampunk II: Steampunk Reloaded. Her work has appeared on Locus’s Recommended Reading List 2009 and Tangent Online’s Recommended Reading List 2010. “The February Dragon”, co-written with Angela Slatter, won the Aurealis Award for Best Fantasy Short Story 2010. She is a graduate of Clarion South. Bluegrass Symphony, her first collection, is published by Ticonderoga Publications. A second collection, Midnight and Moonshine (co-authored with Angela Slatter) will be published in November 2012. Visit her online at

  Screen- and fiction-writer Stephen M Irwin grew up in Brisbane. His short films and short stories have won acclaim and awards in Australia and around the world. His debut thriller The Dead Path won the Doubleday Book of the Month Club 2010 First Fiction Award, and was named Top Horror Title in the American Library Association’s 2011 Reading List. His second novel The Broken Ones was published in 2011.

  Award-winning author Gary Kemble has published more than 20 stories in Australia and abroad. He lives in Brisbane’s leafy west with his wife, kids and some determined scrub turkeys.

  Pete Kempshall has written stories for Ticonderoga Publications and Twelfth Planet Press in Australia and internationally for the likes of Big Finish Productions, Morrigan Books and Apex Publications. He also co-edited the Australian anthology Scenes From the Second Storey and blogs every now and again at

  Tessa Kum is a Clarion South survivor and editorial assistant for Weird Tales Magazine. She lives in a very cold house in Melbourne and does not dream at night. She has always written fiction, she finds fiction in all things, and in the places where there is no fiction she puts some in, just as she has done with this bio.

  Perth-based Martin Livings has had over sixty short stories published in a variety of magazines and anthologies over the last twenty years. His first novel, Carnies, was published by Hachette Livre in 2006, and he has a collection of short stories being published by Dark Prints Press in 2012.

  Maxine McArthur is the author of three science fiction novels and numerous short stories. “A Pearling Tale” was inspired by historical research done in a different context at the National Archives of Australia (a highly recommended source of amazing stories). Maxine lives in Canberra in a three-generation household including dog, horse, and goldfish, and works at the ANU.

  Kirstyn McDermott was born on Halloween, an auspicious date which perhaps accounts for her lifelong attraction to all things dark, mysterious and bumpy-in-the-night. Her short fiction has been published in various magazines and anthologies, including Macabre, More Scary Kisses, Southerly, Aurealis and Island, and her award-winning debut novel, Madigan Mine, was published by Picador in 2010. Kirstyn lives in Melbourne, Australia, and can be found online at

  Andrew J McKiernan is an author and illustrator living and working on the Central Coast of NSW. His stories have appeared in various magazines and anthologies and have twice been short-listed for an Aurealis Award (2009/2010) and an Australian Shadows Award (2009/2010) as well as story and artwork short-listings for the Ditmar Awards (2009/2010).

  Ben Peek is the Sydney based author of over thirty short stories, an autobiographical comic, and three novels, Twenty-Six Lies/One Truth, Black Sheep, and his most recent, Above/Below, a pair of interlocked novellas written with Stephanie Campisi and published by Twelfth Planet Press. His next book is a collection of short stories, Dead Americans, published by ChiZine Publications. He can be found at

  Simon Petrie is a research scientist at an Australian university. His short fiction, featured in numerous magazines and anthologies over the past few years, has been collected in Rare Unsigned Copy (Peggy Bright Books, 2010). Simon is an active member of the Andromeda Spaceways publishing co-op, a three-time Aurealis Award judge, and the recipient of the Sir Julius Vogel award for Best New Talent in 2010.

  Lezli Robyn is an Aussie lass who loves writing sf, fantasy, horror, humour and even enjoys dabbling in steampunk every now and then. She’s made over 25 story sales to professional markets around the world, including Asimov’s and Analog, and her first short story collection will be published by Ticonderoga in late 2012. She was also a finalist for the 2009 SF short story Aurealis Award, and a 2010 Campbell Award nominee for best new writer.

  Angela Rega’s short stories have appeared in various publications including those published by Ticonderoga Publications, Fablecroft Press, Cabinet Des Fees and Crossed Genres. She is a lover of folklore, fairy tales and furry creatures and believes in gnomes. A graduate of the Clarion South workshop, Angie is currently working on a YA novel. She lives in Sydney with her planet hunting partner and feline companions.

  Angela Slatter is the author Sourdough & Other Stories (Tartarus Press, UK) and The Girl with No Hands & Other Tales (Ticonderoga Publications), which won the Aurealis Award for Best Collection in 2011. Her work has appeared Dreaming Again, Strange Tales II & III, Lady Churchill’s Rosebud Wristlet, A Book of Horrors, Mammoth Book of New Horror #22, and Year’s Best Dark Fantasy and Horror 2011. Midnight and Moonshine, a collaboration with Lisa L Hannett
, will be published by Ticonderoga. Their story “The February Dragon”, won the Aurealis Award for Best Fantasy Short Story in 2011. She blogs at

  Grant Stone’s fiction has appeared in Strange Horizons, Semaphore, Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine and Shimmer and has twice won the Sir Julius Vogel Award. When not writing, Grant has been known to work behind the scenes on the StarShipSofa podcast or his occasional fanzine b0t Grant lives in Auckland, New Zealand and likes it just fine.

  Kaaron Warren’s first story collection The Grinding House won two Ditmar Awards. Kaaron has three novels with Angry Robot Books, the first, Slights, won the Ditmar and Australian Shadows Award. Her third novel, Mistification, was published in 2011. Her second collection, Dead Sea Fruit, was published by Ticonderoga in 2010. Her award winning short story “A Positive” had been made into a short film by Bearcage Productions. Kaaron lives in Canberra, Australia, with her husband and two children.

  Janeen Webb is a multiple award-winning author, editor, and critic who has written or edited ten books and over a hundred essays and stories. She is a recipient of the World Fantasy Award, the Australian Aurealis Award, the Peter MacNamara Lifetime Achievement Award, and is a three-time winner of the Ditmar Award. She is internationally recognised for her critical work in speculative fiction and has contributed to most of the standard reference texts in the field. She holds a PhD in literature from the University of Newcastle, and lives on a small farm overlooking the sea near Wilson’s Promontory.

  Recommended Reading List

  Deborah Biancotti, “Home Turf” Baggage

  Jenny Blackford, “Adam” Kaleidotrope #9

  Simon Brown, “Sweep” Sprawl

  Mary Elizabeth Burroughs, “The Flinchfield Dance” Black Static #17

  Steve Cameron, “Ghost Of The Heart” Festive Fear

  Stephanie Campisi, “Seven” Scenes From The Second Storey

  Matthew Chrulew, “The Nullabor Wave” World’s Next Door

  Bill Congreve, “The Traps of Tumut” Souls Along The Meridian

  Rjurik Davidson, “The Cinema Of Coming Attractions” The Library of Forgotton Books

  Stephen Dedman, “For Those In Peril On The Sea” Haunted Legends

  Felicity Dowker, “From Little Things” Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #43

  ——— “The House On Juniper Road” Worlds Next Door

  ——— “Bread And Circuses” Scary Kisses

  Will Elliott, “Dhayban” Macabre: A Journey Through Australia’s Darkest Fears

  Mark Farrugia, “A Bag Full Of Arrows” Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #48

  Jason Fischer, “The House Of Nameless” Writers of the Future Vol. xxvi

  Bob Franklin, “Take The Free Tour” Under Stones

  Christopher Green, “Jumbuck” Aurealis 44

  Paul Haines, “Her Gallant Needs Sprawl” Sprawl

  Lisa L Hannett, “Singing Breath Into The Dead” Music For Another World

  ——— “Commonplace Sacrifices” On Spec

  ——— “Tiny Drops” Midnight Echo #4

  Richard Harland, “Shakti” Tales of the Talisman

  ——— “The Fear” Macabre: A Journey Through Australia’s Darkest Fears

  Narrelle M Harris, “The Truth About Brains” Best New Zombie Tales: Volume 2

  Robert Hood, “Wasting Matilda” The Mammoth Book Of The Zombie Apocalypse

  George Ivanoff, “Trees” Short & Scary

  Trent Jamieson, “The Driver’s Assistant” Ticon4

  Pete Kempshall, “Dead Letter Drop” Close Encounters of the Urban Kind

  ——— “Signature Walk” Sprawl

  Martin Livings, “Lollo” Close Encounters of the Urban Kind

  Penelope Love, “Border Crossing” Belong

  Geoffrey Maloney & Andrew Bakery, “Sleeping Dogs” Midnight Echo #4

  Tracie McBride, “Lest We Forget” (audio) Spectrum Collection

  Kirstyn McDermott, “Monsters Among Us” Macabre: A Journey Through Australia’s Darkest Fears

  Andrew J McKiernan, “All The Clowns In Clown Town” Macabre: A Journey Through Australia’s Darkest Fears

  Simon Petrie, “Running Lizard” Rare Unsigned Copy: tales of Rocketry, Ineptitude, and Giant Mutant Vegetables

  Michael Radburn, “They Own The Night” Festive Fear

  Janeen Samuel, “My Brother Quentin” Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #44

  Angela Slatter, “A Porcelain Soul” Sourdough and other stories

  ——— “Gallowberries” Sourdough and other stories

  ——— “The Dead Ones Don’t Hurt You” The Girl With No Hands and other tales

  Cat Sparks, “All the Love in the World” Sprawl

  Grant Stone, “Dead Air” (poem) Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #46

  Lucy Sussex, “Albert & Victoria/Slow Dreams” Baggage

  Anna Tambour, “Gnawer Of The Moon Seeks Summit Of Paradise” Sprawl

  Kaaron Warren, “Sins Of The Ancestors” Dead Sea Fruit

  ——— “The Coral Gatherer” Dead Sea Fruit

  ——— “Hive Of Glass” Baggage

  David Witteveen, “Perfect Skin” Cthulhu’s Dark Cults

  Australian & New Zealand Fantasy & Horror Awards

  The Australian SF “Ditmar” Awards

  Best Novel

  Power and Majesty by Tansy Rayner Roberts (HarperVoyager)


  Death Most Definite by Trent Jamieson (Hachette)

  Madigan Mine by Kirstyn McDermott (Pan Macmillan)

  Stormlord Rising by Glenda Larke (HarperVoyager)

  Walking the Tree by Kaaron Warren (Angry Robot Books)

  Best Novella or Novelette:

  “The Company Articles of Edward Teach” by Thoraiya Dyer (Twelfth Planet Press)


  “Acception” by Tessa Kum (Baggage, Eneit Press)

  “All the Clowns in Clowntown” by Andrew J McKiernan (Macabre: A Journey Through Australia’s Darkest Fears, Brimstone Press)

  “Bleed” by Peter M Ball (Twelfth Planet Press)

  “Her Gallant Needs” by Paul Haines (Sprawl, Twelfth Planet Press)

  Best Short Story

  “All the Love in the World” by Cat Sparks (Sprawl, Twelfth Planet Press)

  “She Said” by Kirstyn McDermott (Scenes from the Second Storey, Morrigan Books)


  “Bread and Circuses” by Felicity Dowker (Scary Kisses, Ticonderoga Publications)

  “One Saturday Night With Angel” by Peter M Ball (Sprawl, Twelfth Planet Press)

  “The House of the Nameless” by Jason Fischer (Writers of the Future XXVI, Galaxy Press)

  “The February Dragon” by Angela Slatter & Lisa L Hannett (Scary Kisses, Ticonderoga Publications)

  Best Collected Work

  Sprawl edited by Alisa Krasnostein (Twelfth Planet Press)


  Baggage edited by Gillian Polack (Eneit Press)

  Macabre: A Journey through Australia’s Darkest Fears edited by Angela Challis & Dr Marty Young (Brimstone Press)

  Scenes from the Second Storey edited by Amanda Pillar and Pete Kempshall (Morrigan Books)

  Worlds Next Door edited by Tehani Wessely (FableCroft Publishing)

  Best Artwork

  “The Lost Thing” short film, Andrew Ruhemann and Shaun Tan (Passion Pictures)


  Cover art The Angælien Apocalypse/The Company Articles of Edward Teach Dion Hamill (Twelfth Planet Press)

  Cover art Australis Imaginarium Shaun Tan (FableCroft Publishing)

  Cover art Dead Sea Fruit Olga Read (Ticonderoga Publications)

  Cover art Savage Menace and Other Poems of Horror Andrew J McKiernan (P’rea Press)

  Best New Talent

  Thoraiya Dyer


  Lisa L Hannett

  Patty Jansen

  Kathleen Jennings

bsp; Pete Kempshall

  Aurealis Awards

  Fantasy Novel

  Power and Majesty by Tansy Rayner Roberts (HarperVoyager)


  The Silence of Medair by Andrea K. Höst (self-published)

  Death Most Definite by Trent Jamieson (Orbit/Hachette)

  Stormlord Rising by Glenda Larke (HarperVoyager)

  Heart’s Blood by Juliet Marillier (Pan Macmillan)

  Fantasy Short Story

  “Yowie” by Thoraiya Dyer (Sprawl, Twelfth Planet Press)

  “The February Dragon” by Lisa L Hannett & Angela Slatter (Scary Kisses, Ticonderoga Publications)


  “The Duke of Vertumn’s Fingerling” by Elizabeth Carroll (Strange Horizons)

  “All the Clowns in Clowntown” by Andrew J McKiernan (Macabre: A Journey Through Australia’s Darkest Fears, Brimstone Press)

  “Sister, Sister” by Angela Slatter (Strange Tales III, Tartarus Press)

  Best Horror Short Story

  “The Fear” by Richard Harland (Macabre: A Journey Through Australia’s Darkest Fears, Brimstone Press)


  “Take the Free Tour” by Bob Franklin (Under Stones, Affirm Press)

  “Her Gallant Needs” by Paul Haines (Sprawl, Twelfth Planet Press)

  “Wasting Matilda” by Robert Hood (Zombie Apocalypse!, Running Press)

  “Lollo” by Martin Livings (Close Encounters of the Urban Kind, Apex Publishing)

  Best Horror Novel

  Madigan Mine by Kirstyn McDermott (Pan Macmillan)


  After the World: Gravesend by Jason Fischer (Black House Comics)

  Death Most Definite by Trent Jamieson (Orbit)


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