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George, Mary Lou - Prey (BookStrand Publishing Romance)

Page 22

by Mary Lou George

  “Oooff.” Tom grunted and rubbed his side.

  Red wine spilled all over her sweater, and she grimaced. Why did she keep doing that? It seemed she couldn’t help but run into the poor man, and every time she did he seemed to grunt in pain.

  It struck her suddenly, and Jade started to connect the dots. The more she thought about it the clearer it got until finally she could see the picture perfectly.

  Absently she apologized to Tom. “I must have it in for you Tom. Did I hurt you?”

  He looked mildly embarrassed and shook his head. “No. It’s always a pleasure running into you, Jade.”

  Jade ignored him as she scanned the crowd for Ernestine. Catching sight of her near the dance floor, Jade excused herself by saying, “I’ve got Aunt Ernestine in my sights, and I have to talk to her about something. Don’t go away.” She crossed the room to Ernestine.

  The old lady looked at Jade’s stained sweater with a frown. “You should put some soda on that, dear.” Jade took a firm hold of her elbow and led her away.

  “Forget about the stain. I need to talk to you in private.” Calmly she escorted Ernestine from the room. She found Bill Sinclair’s study empty, so she opened the door wide and said, “After you.”

  Ernestine frowned. “What’s this all about, child?”

  Crossing her arms over the red wine stain on her chest, Jade said, “All right, Aunt Ernestine, out with it.”

  Ernestine looked the picture of innocence. “I’m sure I don’t know what you mean, dear.”

  Taking a deep breath to steady her frayed nerves, Jade hesitated before speaking.

  The powerful old lady looked at her curiously.

  Slowly and clearly so she couldn’t possibly be misunderstood, Jade said, “How long have you known that Tom Weatherby is a shape shifter?”

  Chapter 29

  “Since before he came to live in New Crescent.” Ernestine held her ground admirably never once breaking eye contact.

  Jade couldn’t believe how composed the sly old woman appeared. “Why the hell didn’t you tell anyone?”

  “Because it’s not my secret. It’s Tom’s secret. When he asked for permission to settle here in New Crescent, I promised him anonymity. We do not allow hunting in these parts so it was perfect for Tom’s kind.”

  “I can’t believe my ears! We’re talking about a shape shifter here, right?” Jade was incredulous.

  “Why, yes. They are a rare breed, but they definitely exist, my dear. Tom needed sanctuary. His wife was human. She died in childbirth, and he blamed himself.” Ernestine’s face showed sincere sympathy, then admiration. “How did you figure it out? Is your gift expanding to include communication with rare creatures?”

  Jade shook her head. “I just connected the dots. Right after Kirsten Sage’s attack I bumped into Tom, and I must have hit the wound the creature had given him because he kind of cried out in pain. Then Gridlock was upset because Tom wasn’t running with him anymore. The night we went for dinner I could feel his wild yearning to run. At the time I dismissed it as normal physical fitness stuff, but it wasn’t, was it?”

  “No, it wasn’t.” Tom Weatherby walked into the room and shut the door behind him.

  Jade looked at him with new eyes. “It was you. It was you who saved Kirsten Sage. You shift into a huge stag.”

  “Yes. I can shift into other creatures, but the stag is my favorite. Gridlock’s too.”

  She turned to Ernestine. “You must have been suspicious when the attacks started.”

  Ernestine nodded. “I was concerned, but Tom had told me that he cannot shift into a predator, and I had to take him at his word.”

  He said, “She cornered me though and grilled me for about an hour until she finally believed me. I’ve never killed another creature. It is forbidden for those in my bloodline.”

  “You’ve seen the creature? It attacked you that night. Do you have any idea of what it is or how to stop it?” Jade asked urgently.

  “No.” Tom shook his head. “It shifts almost uncontrollably. I swear to you it is not one of my kind. It’s an abomination, not meant to exist. It breaks the laws of nature.”

  Jade looked at him askance, “A minute ago I would have said shape shifters break the laws of nature.”

  Ernestine and Tom laughed. Ernestine said, “Just because you’ve never seen something doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. Creatures of lore are not run-of-the-mill and are difficult to find, but they’re around. You just have to see them.”

  Quick witted Jade challenged her, “Santa Claus? The Tooth Fairy?” Immediately she shook her head. “No, don’t answer that. I don’t want to know.” Jade collapsed in a chair. “Did you get medical attention for the injury you suffered when confronting the creature?”

  Ernestine said, “I took care of it. He couldn’t very well go to the hospital. His physiology is so different. They’d have reported it, and that numbskull Mayor would have blamed the attacks on him.”

  Tom said, “There is one thing, Jade.” She looked at him expectantly. “I think the thing set that bear trap and placed Dodger in it.”

  “What? Why?”

  “I think it was a lame attempt at blaming the dog. The mayor fell for it at least.”

  “How horrible. Poor Dodger.” Jade sighed. “Well, now I know your secret. Do I have to keep this information to myself?”

  Tom shook his head. “No, I’ve decided I’d better let the Sheriff know. I trust him to use the information with discretion. Something tells me that’s the case with a lot of people in this town.”

  “I’ve been trying to tell him that since he got to this town.” Ernestine shook her head. “He’s just like his father. I knew him when he was a young man.”

  The old lady blushed pink, and Jade was astounded. There was a little romance in Aunt Ernestine’s past after all. Jade and Tom exchanged smiles.

  * * * *

  The snow continued and still no Sam. Jade was starting to get frantic. Chase tried to reassure her. “Jade, no one can handle this kind of weather better than Sam. Don’t worry. The storm has just slowed him down.”

  “He hasn’t answered his phone.”

  “Reception is probably bad. Quit worrying.” He looked down at the red stain on her sweater. “You look like you’ve been impaled, how unsettling.”

  She laughed. “I spilled a whole glass of red wine.” She patted the still damp stain. “I don’t think the sweater is salvageable. And it’s my favorite.” She pouted.

  He put an arm around her. “Don’t you worry, big brother Chase will get you another one. I’ve always wanted to spoil you, so don’t take away my fun.” He wagged a long finger at her.

  Reggie sidled up. “Jade, sweetie, you look like a stuck pig.”

  Wincing Jade said, “That’s a bit gruesome, don’t you think?”

  She shrugged, “I can be that way sometimes. In the interests of peace and goodwill to all men, I’ve had to resist the urge to sing, and it’s getting to me. Sorry. What is that? Red wine?”

  Jade nodded. “Well since it bothers everyone so much I’ll just go and change it.” It gave her a good excuse to take her mind off what was taking Sam so long.

  * * * *

  The snow came down even harder than she’d anticipated, but Jade felt confident that she could handle her car in any weather. She knew she was being foolhardy, but couldn’t help it. His home phone was out of service. It could be just the storm, but Jade couldn’t help but go see for herself. Where was Sam? She knew he’d go home before going to the Sinclairs. With determination Jade headed for Sam’s house. Justifying her reckless action she told herself she had a sweater there that she could change into as well.

  The roads were bad, and she had trouble seeing as her headlights reflected the snow back at her. In full control of the car, Jade made the final turn to Sam’s house. Her heart lifted when she glimpsed a light in his bedroom window. He was home. She breathed a sigh of relief as she parked her car in the driveway. Puzzled, she loo
ked for his truck then realized he must have put it in the garage to avoid having to clean it off when he was ready to go to the Sinclairs.

  The front door was open. She turned a light on and made her way to the master bedroom. Sam had taken over the massive room when he’d first inherited the house, but since then he’d updated the furniture a few times. His bed was just as massive as the room, but Jade smiled and flushed as she remembered that they had made use of every single inch of that bed.

  The door to his bedroom was ajar just a crack. And Jade silently pushed it open.

  “Oh, it’s you. I wasn’t expecting you.” Michelle said in a husky voice. She was lying completely naked on Sam’s bed. The self same bed on which he’d made love to her that morning. Jade felt sick. Michelle was completely comfortable with her nakedness, and Jade didn’t blame her. The woman was glorious, perfect in every way. Books were written about beauty such as hers. Wars were fought over it. Jade feared she would lose Sam to it.

  Calmly Michelle draped a sheet over her waist, just barely covering herself. If possible she looked even more beautiful.

  Michelle looked sad for a brief moment. “I’m so sorry you found out this way, Jade. Sam just hasn’t had the heart to tell you. You’re so inexperienced, and he wanted you to learn what pleasure there is in a physical relationship. I understand that, just as I understand Sam’s needs. You see, Jade, Sam has trouble committing to just one woman, ask anybody. I’ve known all about your little affair since the night you came to this house and offered yourself to him.” Michelle pursed her lips and shook her head. “Really, Jade, no man could resist such a blatant proposition. I tried to tell him that you would get hurt, but he assured me that you knew the score.” Her beautiful blue eyes filled with sympathetic tears. “You’re the last person in the world either of us wanted to hurt.”

  Shocked to her core, Jade said nothing. Slowly she turned and walked away from the master bedroom, down the stairs and out into the storm. She couldn’t feel the snow, the wind or the cold because she was just as frozen. She got in her car and started back the way she’d come.

  How could he do this to her? What could have hurt her more? Why didn’t he leave her the way she was? Had she not known what it was like to love and be loved by him she would have been content. What kind of man could do this to her?

  In the darkness, Reggie’s words came to her. “I’m so glad you took our advice and trusted Sam. He deserves our faith in him.” A small part of Jade melted as she remembered the conviction in Reggie’s eyes. In her heart, Jade knew Reggie was right. She had to trust in Sam.

  Sure…she could do that, but that didn’t mean she had to leave Michelle naked in his bedroom. Jade pulled the car into a laneway and turned around. She headed back to Sam’s place.

  The snow was getting worse. Jade wondered how that was possible. She spared a thought for the Sinclair’s warm living room fireplace. She shouldn’t have ventured out. As if to punctuate her thought, her car slid into the ditch at the end of the driveway. Frustrated, Jade couldn’t get traction and fruitlessly spun her wheels. With a huge sigh she opened the car door and started to walk. At this rate she’d be good and mad when she faced Michelle again.

  By the time she made it back to Sam’s front door she was covered in snow, and her face was numb. The wind had whipped around her and made her eyes run. Her tears froze on her face, and she didn’t bother to wipe them off. No longer numb emotionally or physically Jade just wanted to get inside where it was warm and where she could challenge Michelle’s claims.

  Startled, she turned when she heard a horse. Through the blizzard she spied the shape of a horse. Damn it, Petra was out in the storm. Jade headed in Petra’s direction. It wasn’t safe out here for her. Why did she venture out of the barn? Jade knew exactly who had released her. Erick the donkey was up to his old tricks. Was there a stall ever built that could hold him? Had he taken to gathering up cohorts for his little prison breaks? Poor Petra wouldn’t know what to do.

  Jade trudged through the storm to Petra. The snow blinded her and she kept a hand on the brick wall of the house to make sure she headed in the right direction. Petra whinnied with fear and Jade moved toward the sound. In that second Jade understood. The chestnut was frightened out of her wits, but it wasn’t the storm that had so affected her.

  The creature was there! Petra begged Jade to run to the house. The poor horse was frantic, and when Jade drew close to her, she threw her head back and insisted that Jade leave her and get to the house. The creature was too close!

  Jade moved instantly making her way back to the door with haste, blindly using the same brick wall as a guide. Inside the house was silent. The light she’d turned on the first time she’d entered the house still gleamed. She looked up the stairs toward Sam’s room. The door was open, and she could see shadows move on the wall. As she ascended the stairs, she heard Sam’s voice.

  Jade felt momentary relief. He was safe. He must have come home after she’d left, but where was the creature? She could hear the murmur of Sam and Michelle’s voices in the bedroom and resolutely headed toward them.

  When she reached the threshold of Sam’s bedroom she pushed the door wide. She’d catch them! Wait a second…the image that greeted her was confounding and it took her a second to comprehend what was happening in Sam’s bedroom.

  Sam caught sight of her and yelled. “Get out of here, Jade!”

  Naked, Michelle was wrapped around Sam. She writhed and cajoled him. Politely Sam was trying to fend her off. Then the scene shifted. Michelle’s voice became a snarl and she clawed at Sam’s shoulders. Her magnificent body shifted in front of Jade’s eyes, and she turned her head to look at Jade.

  In a hoarse growl, the thing that was Michelle said, “He’s my mate, bitch! I will drink your blood and eat your flesh. It will make my child grow strong, a new species will be born.”

  The Michelle creature started to shift back to human form, and Sam took his chance. He punched her/it as hard as he could in the face. It screamed and lunged at him.

  Before he went down, Sam yelled to Jade. “Get to the clinic.” He made a desperate hand gesture, and Jade understood. It was their system. He’d indicated what he needed to stop the creature. She just prayed she understood correctly.

  With a quick glance over her shoulder Jade took off down the stairs. As she ran she calculated how long it would take her to get to the clinic. The snow would make it impossible, and her car was stuck in the ditch. Sam’s car was nowhere to be found, and she didn’t have the keys anyway.

  She fought the wind and opened the front door. A gust grabbed it and swung it wide. Jade didn’t waste time shutting it.

  “Petra! Are you still here? Petra!” She called out to the half blind horse.

  The horse answered. Jade headed in her direction. Finally making contact, Jade ran her hand up Petra’s back to her withers, and she grabbed a hank of her mane.

  “Okay, girl. You know the way by heart. Take me to the clinic.”

  Petra resisted, and Jade almost cried out with frustration and panic.

  The horse got impatient. She insisted that Jade mount her back and ride to their destination. Jade hesitated a split second then jumped up. Her stomach made contact with Petra’s back, and she slid back down. Petra pawed the ground and waited.

  Her second attempt was more successful, she made it. She swung her leg around and for the first time in her life she sat upon a horse’s back. Petra warned her to hang on and took off at a gallop.

  The ride took just minutes. Jade plastered herself to the horse’s back and held on for dear life. Petra knew the way and was incredibly fast and sure-footed. Outside the clinic, Jade jumped off Petra’s back and dashed inside. Frantically, she ran to the examining room. She knew exactly what she needed and where she’d find it.

  Jade was back outside in seconds. This time she mounted Petra on the first attempt. The horse barely waited for Jade to right herself before she took off at a gallop. Jade wrapped her legs an
d her arms around Petra and closed her eyes trusting the horse to get her back to Sam’s house safely.

  Jade’s faith was well placed. Petra almost ran into the house. She stopped just outside the open doorway. Her head peeked in, and she urged Jade to hurry. Jade didn’t need the encouragement. She took the stairs two at a time and slid to a halt just outside Sam’s bedroom door.

  Chapter 30

  Jade knew she had to be careful. Sam had Michelle stable and calm for the moment. Jade didn’t want to draw the creature’s attention so she carefully looked around the door.

  Half human, half indescribable thing, Michelle purred at Sam. She danced and writhed around. Jade couldn’t make out the words she uttered to him and for that she was grateful. Grotesquely, the creature drooled and bled. It’s struggle with Sam had opened horrible wounds. In a pathetic move, Michelle tried to wipe the blood and saliva away.

  Catching Sam’s eye briefly, Jade readied the syringe and nodded. She put the cap on the tip of the needle and waited for Sam to indicate he was ready. Cleverly he moved to the corner of the bedroom, Michelle followed him, her back to Jade. She shifted constantly. It was becoming increasingly more difficult to tell the difference between her front and her back. For a split second it seemed that Michelle had eyes in the back of her head. She spotted Jade. With a shattering scream she prepared to pounce.

  Her distraction gave Sam the opening he needed. He held out his hand and Jade threw him the syringe. He caught it in mid air and stabbed the creature in the neck with the needle.

  The thing that was once Michelle grunted and looked surprised in a sadly human way. Taking a step towards Jade, she reached out a bleeding arm or was it a leg? Jade flinched, and the creature looked ashamed for a moment. Turning to face Sam, it caught a glimpse of itself in the mirror and froze. It changed completely then. Human gave way to creature and with one final scream it ripped its own throat out. Its blood drenched the mirror in a curtain of red. It dropped to the floor, and Jade ran into Sam’s arms. They were too relieved to notice that in death, the creature had returned to human shape. Michelle’s eyes stared blankly. She was dead.


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