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Inked Chaos

Page 14

by Grace, M. J.

  Lowering his head, he takes my nipple into his mouth and sucks it deep, whilst his other hand glides down my side, coming to rest briefly on my hip before moving to rest between my legs. His touch lights me up like a firework, and I roll towards him pushing his shoulders, until he is lying on his back and I am on all fours bending over him. I start slowly; kissing his lips and leisurely make my way down his body. Licking his nipples and nibbling them gently, before making my way to his abs, where I caress and lick his body running my tongue around his belly button. Before heading further south until I come to his manhood, kissing the tip almost reverently, before running my tongue across the tip, tasting all that is AJ.

  I’m so turned on, in a world of my own; loving the feel of him, the taste of him and even the smell of him that I let out a startled squeal, as I suddenly find myself on my knees facing the headboard, with AJ kneeling behind me.

  I look over my shoulder to watch him opening and putting on a condom, then looking up at me with an intense, determined glint in his eye.

  “Lean down babe.” He instructs, and as I do so, he grabs my hips and pulls them upwards. I can feel the tip of him between my legs, the anticipation turning me on, so when he thrusts inside me and stays there, it takes my breath away. Drawing out and plunging back in, he once again stays inside but gyrates his hips, before repeating this action again and again. I can feel it coming and I know it’s going to tear me in two, as AJ takes one of his hands and puts it between my legs, hitting the target as he always does, and I’m a goner. Blown apart to the four winds, riding that wonderful feeling as AJ moves up a gear, reaching for his own release, groaning as he plants himself deep as he does so.

  Falling to his side, he takes me with him, keeping us connected and spooning me from behind; wrapping his arms around me, one on my waist one on my breast. With both of us gasping, trying to catch our breath, I wrap my arms on top of his at my waist, feeling him link his fingers through my own; pulling me towards him in a hug, while kissing my neck and my shoulder. We lie like this for a while, neither of us speaking. For me, I am struck speechless by the pure beauty of what I have just experienced, I hoped that it was the same for AJ.

  “Did you feel it Birdie?” he whispers in my ear. “Do you get it now?”

  “Yes.” I whisper my reply, and I do. I understand totally what he means. This connection that we have is something I have never experienced before. It’s like we are two halves that have become a whole. It had meant so much more, and he’s letting me know that he understands and that he felt it too.

  I roll onto my back and raise my hands, brushing my thumbs over his cheekbones; caressing his face with my fingertips, memorising the feel of his features.

  Grabbing my hand, he brings my palm to his lips and kisses it, before taking my lips almost reverently, gentle, and full of meaning.

  Breaking the kiss and resting his head on the pillow next to me he utters. “At last.” With sigh of relief, squeezing me with a hug.

  AJ moves away from me, leans down and kisses me lightly on the lips before leaving the bed and heading for the bathroom.

  Observing him as he goes, I take in the beautiful dragon tattoo on his back, and that pert backside of his, and I wonder if I have fallen into another universe. A universe where there is another me, a lucky me, my doppelganger who obtains all that she dreams and desires. It can be the only explanation, for the way my life has changed so dramatically over the last few weeks.

  My mind and my heart are full of AJ; so much so, that with a jerk I suddenly sit up with the realisation that I love him.

  Oh my God! Suddenly I go into panic mode. My wall has gone, smashed to smithereens and I feel vulnerable. Vulnerable to being hurt again, and totally exposed.

  Lying down in the bed I turn onto my side and pull the covers up to my chin, drawing my knees up, cocooning myself. I need time to process the thoughts in my head, and any moment AJ will be back.

  This is the moment I make a stupid decision. I decide I will fain sleep, wait until AJ is asleep, then I can get my head straight.

  Forcing myself to relax, I close my eyes and wait for AJs return.

  On hearing the bathroom door open, I instinctively tense up and try to force my muscles to relax.

  Climbing into bed behind me, AJ nestles into my back, putting an arm around my waist and pulling me into his lap.

  I obviously didn’t relax well enough, because I feel him still and his body go taut.

  “What the…?” he states. I stay silent and pretend to be sleeping, but I know deep down that I’m just putting off the inevitable.

  “Birdie, I know you’re awake. What’s up?”

  Deciding to try and bluff my way through, keeping my eyes closed I turn to face him, snuggle in closer and murmur that I’m just tired.

  Feeling AJ placing a finger under, and lifting my chin so he can see my face clearer, I open my eyes. Studying me for a few moments I watch his mouth tense and his eyes narrow before he exclaims: “Shit, I was only out of the room for a moment. Tell me what’s wrong?”

  “Nothing’s wrong.” I reply.

  “That’s crap honey. I left you in this bed happy, knowing that you understood what we had. I’m gone two damn minutes and I come back to this.”


  “Yeah, this. You’ve shut down on me babe. Now do you want to tell me why the sudden withdrawal?”

  “I haven’t shut down on you!” I exclaim indignantly, whilst knowing deep down that what he said is true.

  “Honey, you have.”

  I try to roll away from him, intent on leaving the bed; my plan to seek sanctuary in the bathroom, but he is too quick for me, and snags me around the waist before I reach very far. Irrationally, I start to struggle, desperate to escape and have a few moments to gather my thoughts.

  “God damn it Birdie. What the hell?” he forces out through gritted teeth, as he struggles to hold me.

  Placing his arms around my waist and capturing my hands, he then wraps his legs around my own, effectively holding me captive, locked into his embrace, with no chance of escape. Breathing heavily I lie there essentially trapped.

  “Now dammit, are you going to calm down and talk to me?” he asks tensely.

  Not being able to voice any words I silently nod my head, and feel his arms and legs loosen, but not release totally. I lie there not knowing what to say. I have just totally humiliated myself by my uncontrollable actions. So now, not only do I need to hide the fact that I love him, but I have the knowledge, that he probably now thinks I’m a total nutty freak, and can’t wait to be rid of me.

  “Okay. What’s going on in that head of yours?” he questions cautiously.

  I stay silent, not because I choose to be awkward, but because I’m truly struggling to find the right words.

  “Birdie, please honey. I love you, tell me what’s wrong so I can fix this.”

  I feel my muscles tense up, and on sensing this so does he, tightening his lock on me, anticipating that I’m going to flee.

  Little does he know I couldn’t move even if I wanted to. He has just rocked my world and he doesn’t even realise it. I take in a deep, shuddering breath and try to calm myself.

  “Birdie? Please.” he whispers in my ear.

  “You love me?” I breathe.

  For several long moments there is no response to my question, and I begin to fear I misheard him. Begin to fear that once again I had been foolish.

  Turning me towards him, he holds me close, staring into my eyes.

  “Yeah, I love you. Not exactly how I planned on telling you, but there you go. I thought you’d have guessed after the concert.”

  “You love me?” I repeat softly.

  “Yeah, honey. Now please, tell me what’s wrong.”

  “I love you,” I state.

  Yep, I just blurted it out. Another Jorgi mouth malfunction. So much for gathering my thoughts. So much for not letting him know.

  “Good to know honey. Really good to know
, now please…..”

  “That was it.” I confess interrupting. I didn’t want to, but I had promised him honesty.

  “That was it? You mean that you love me?” At my nod, “All that? Why Birdie?”

  “I just realised. I was scared you would notice, and I didn’t want to be the only one out there. My wall’s gone AJ. You smashed it down, and I have no protection anymore. I kind of panicked.”

  “You don’t need your wall anymore. You have me, body and soul. I’m going to do my best to protect you in every way possible, do you not understand that Birdie. I am your wall.”

  I can find no words to communicate how I feel, so I decide to show him. Touching my lips to his chin, I slowly kiss his face working my way to his lips, running my tongue across them. Immediately AJ takes control and shows me in every way possible that he loves me, before holding me in his arms while I drift off to sleep, feeling safe and protected.


  I gaze out of the car window, watching the passing scenes go by. Observing all the people rushing around, doing what has to be done in their busy little lives. Hearing the car horns blaring, pressed by frustrated drivers stuck in traffic jams. Whilst here inside the car is peace and serenity. Just AJ and I holding hands, as we travel through the bustling city of London.

  The last few hours have been pure bliss. After being awoken by AJ; brushing his fingers over my nipple, whilst his other hand brushed over other parts of me between my legs. As you can imagine, I was very alert, in a very short amount of time. I have to confess, being woken up by AJ, was much more to my liking, than an alarm clock blaring in my ears.

  After my beautiful wake up call, we had lain in bed chatting about the day ahead, and AJ had suggested that after his meeting with Tiny and Wade, that we had a day out sightseeing. As this brought back memories of our time out in California, I had beamed a happy smile, to which he had commented that “as the idea seemed to please me so much, it was a good job that he had already arranged it.”

  We had hit the shower, yes together, where once again AJ had shown me that he had a very creative imagination, where making love was concerned. Before leaving me to dress, while he met the guys in the suite used for meetings.

  So here we are, travelling through the city, heading towards the London Eye.

  I had asked AJ, about how we were going to be able to sightsee without him being recognised. To which he had produced a baseball cap and sunglasses, which he donned, and then grinned at me as if to say “no one will recognise me now.” Laughing out loud, I had pointed out that it was quite a feeble disguise, but he seemed to think it would work, so I tried to contain my laughter and said no more.

  He also informed me, that the places we were visiting had all been primed to expect us, so no standing in queues, and where possible back door entrances and exits, so not to worry about the security aspect, as it was all covered. This was proven by seeing Tiny in the front passenger seat, with a driver named Andy, who I had never met before.

  Pulling up at the kerb, Tiny exits the car and is met by Wade, who has been travelling in the car behind. They briefly wait while Tiny listens to whoever was talking into his earpiece, before nodding at Wade, and they turn towards the car. AJ grabs my hand, asks me if I’m ready, and at my nod opens the door and we both exit.

  With Wade next to AJ and Tiny next to myself, we quickly walk up to the giant wheel, where we are speedily bustled into one of the pods.

  Watching the doors closing, I turn to look at the queue of people waiting to ride the wheel, to see if we had been identified. I mean its okay wearing a cap and glasses, but what’s the point, when we are obviously bringing attention to ourselves, by jumping queues in this fashion.

  What I see is a mixture of expressions. Some are obviously annoyed at us jumping ahead, but it is the ones that are smiling and pointing, taking photos, and already on their phones who were worrying me. Are they onto the press? And if so, does that mean we are going to be bombarded by paparazzi at the end of our ride?

  Noticing where I am looking, AJ grabs hold of my hand, and pulls me over to the far side of the pod; where we stand, his arms wrapped around me from behind. We watch the city of London spread out in front of us in all her glory, as we slowly gain height. With Tiny and Wade keeping their distance at the other end of the pod, we enjoy the view, with AJ pointing out landmarks that I would have missed.

  All too soon the half hour ride is over, and descending I can already see the crowd has grown, and there are a few people who are obviously press; their cameras around their necks giving them away.

  Hearing Tiny arranging for the cars to be ready, informing whoever he is talking to, in his inimitable way of “how this is going to go down.” I remember my previous encounters with the press and crowds, and I begin to feel apprehensive. As always AJ senses this, because his arms tighten around me, and his chin rests on my shoulder.

  “It’s covered Birdie. Don’t worry. The guys know exactly what they are doing.”

  Turning in his arms to face him, I place my arms around his neck, and brush my lips to his, before pulling back and smiling a wobbly unsure smile, trying to reassure him by making light of the situation.

  “Have to say sweetie, shit disguise. Maybe try a wig next time.” Then observe as he throws his head back laughing.

  “Did you hear that guys? Birdie wants me to wear a wig.” He shouts over his shoulder across the pod.

  Raising myself on tiptoe to look over his shoulder, I observe both Tiny and Wade with grins on their faces, but also an expression I hadn’t witnessed before. One that almost said relief, but also respect, that I wasn’t going to panic and freak out, at the obvious scene that was about to unfold when we leave.

  And a scene it is. As the pod reaches the bottom, Tiny and Wade reposition themselves as previously. AJ again grabs my hand, and I feel Tiny place a hand on my arm for guidance as we move out.

  As soon as the doors open, there were fans screaming, press shouting questions and cameras flashing. Just before I dip my head down to avoid the cameras, I notice what seem to be security guards trying to hold some of the crowd back, but we are still jostled as we make our way towards the waiting cars. I feel Tiny move his arm up around my shoulders whilst turning his body into mine, trying to protect me from the hands reaching out, that seem intent on touching me. Then suddenly we are free of the mayhem, and by mutual unspoken agreement we all break into a run, until on nearing the cars we slow our pace. Glancing over my shoulder I see the security are doing their best, but that some of the crowd have broken through and are heading our way.

  Quickly climbing into the car, no sooner has the door shut, we speed away leaving the scene behind, and I am truly grateful that we have reached the car without any mishap. I now appreciate the difference between LA and here. Yes, we had been photographed in LA, but apart from our meal out, it had all been from a distance. Never, when we were on our day trips, had we encountered this kind of experience. So I guess in LA, he has been able to travel the city relatively freely, without being accosted.

  “You okay?” I turn to look at AJ noticing the worried expression on his face.

  “Sure. What’s next?” I ask. I have no intention of letting him know that what just happened, did to some extent freak me out. I don’t want him worrying, that every time something like this happens, I’m going to panic. It’s the way things are. The price he pays for fame, and the price I must pay if I want to be with him. So I will pay that price gladly, because knowing he loves me, is all it takes for me to know it’s worth all the hassle.

  “That’s my girl.” He says with a smile.

  “What’s next?” I repeat, taking the opportunity to change the subject.

  “Madame Tussauds.” Is his reply.

  “Madame Tussauds? You’re kidding me?”

  “No, why?”

  “Nothing. It’s just, I would never have put you as a wax model kind of guy.”

  “Ah! But you see, I’ve heard that they have
a model of me, and I’m curious to see what my doppelganger looks like.”

  “Oh, I see. You have an ulterior motive.” I laugh.

  “You could say that.” He replies with a cheeky smile.

  “And this has nothing to do with vanity?” I smirk.

  “None whatsoever.”

  Noticing the mischievous expression on his face, and a glint in his eye, I can’t help but laugh. A laugh that quickly turns into an uncontrollable infectious giggle, which soon has him joining in. So by the time we reach Madame Tussauds the tension of what just happened is totally forgotten.


  I’m standing with Tiny, examining the wax models, impatiently waiting for AJ, who had needed to use the bathroom. He had said to carry on and he would catch us up, but I want to experience this with him, so I’m dragging my feet as I make my way around the displays.

  Turning a corner, I come across the display of pop and rock stars, and even though I want to wait for AJ, I can’t prevent myself from searching for his model, knowing that it’s here somewhere.

  He was wrong, it isn’t a model of him; but of him and Razor, and it’s amazing.

  “Oh my God!” I say, turning to Tiny beaming.

  “Damn that’s good.” He says as he starts walking towards the display.

  As I follow him, I study the models from behind the rope, and I am truly stunned. Each of the models is so perfect.

  “Oh, where’s AJ.” I ask Tiny. “He is never going to believe this. I can’t wait to see his face.” I laugh.

  “Give me your phone and I’ll take a photo. Go stand next to AJ.” Suggests Tiny and with a smile I do as he advises.

  Being careful not to stand too close to the rope or touch the models; because knowing my luck I would knock them over. I position myself in front and between AJ and Razor, turn sideways and position one arm in the air and place the other on my hip.

  “Say cheese.” Calls Tiny.

  “Cheese.” I shout, followed by a very loud scream, as both the models of AJ and Razor also shout cheese.


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