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The Attraction File (Cake Love Book 2)

Page 20

by Elizabeth Lynx

  “I will ask you one more time, Blondie, who do you work for?”

  “Nothing, I mean, I am Ashton’s cousin. He knew Damien, so I figured he might tell me what happened. I wasn’t following you, I was following him.”

  I held my breath hoping that he believed what I told him.

  His grip eased and I had never been happier to have a talent for acting.

  “Listen, I’m real sorry what happened to your cousin, but you gotta know something. He was involved with some bad people, all right? It’s best you stay away.”

  “What people? I thought he worked for Mimir?” When in doubt, play dumb.

  “Why you want to know about Mimir?” His grip tightened again, pushing me back even harder against the wall. My back burned from the rough brick.

  “I just knew he worked there, that’s all. Is that where the bad people are?”

  He shook his head. “You sure are nosy for someone I told to stay away.”

  I shrugged. “I really cared about him. It’s not like he had much family. I feel I owe it to him to find out what happened.”

  I was pushing it and I knew it. But something about this guy made me think he would let something slip. If he wanted to make me disappear he would have done it by now.

  “I’m only telling you this because he’s your cousin, so don’t go getting any ideas. Your cousin was a good guy. He just happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. He sacrificed himself for the greater good. He didn’t do anything wrong, okay? In fact, he pissed a lot of people off by doing the right thing. Now better not get any ideas about doing the right thing, or I won’t be able to help you. So get lost, okay?”

  He released me and tried to walk away, pulling out black sunglasses that hung from his leather belt before sliding them over his eyes.

  “Wait,” I said and he stopped. His shoulders tensed under his black jacket. His head turned but his body stayed put.

  “What do you want now?”

  “I never got your name?”

  He might be dumb enough to give it to me. I had to try.

  The guy turned with his brow pinched. He ran his fingers over his short hair. “Really? You want to know my name? So, what, after you run off to the police you have a name for them to go on? Did you really think I was that stupid?”


  He took his time walking the few steps back to me. “Out of the goodness of my own heart, knowing what it’s like to lose someone tragically, I let you know your cousin was a good guy. Now you want to rat me out? You must have some really big balls, Blondie.”

  I have a big dick, does that count?

  “I don’t want any trouble. I’m sorry.”

  He nodded in agreement. “You sure are sorry. You want to know stuff, do you? Fine, but know that there’s a price to pay for knowledge.” He stepped closer, so close his breath, which smelled of mint from the gum he chewed, blew hot across my face.

  “There are bad people everywhere, Blondie. Everywhere. Even at that place where your cousin worked. He overheard something he shouldn’t have there, so now he has been taken care of. Now you know too. If I were you, I’d watch my back.”

  Before I could react, intense pain ricocheted from my balls throughout my body. It felt like lightning had struck Earth and used my nut sack as an antenna.

  I collapsed to the ground in the fetal position, cupping my balls. The pain so intense I could barely hear him as he walked away and said, “Nah, your balls aren’t that big.”



  I was worried. Very worried.

  The more I thought about Edgar, the more panic would rise like a wave and I would giggle. Uncontrollably.

  “What’s so funny?” Aria glanced up from her coffee. She had been unusually quiet since her boyfriend ran off across the country.

  “Define funny.” I snickered again. Then frowned.

  “Evaleen, you were clearly laughing at something. My normal happy-go-lucky spirits are dead right now and I don’t know if they will be resurrected. You are the one who called to meet me on a Wednesday afternoon. Aren’t you supposed to be at work?” Aria took a big bite of her flatbread sandwich.

  When Edgar came up to my room last night he was so worried about me being sick. I was thankful he got me the stomach medicine, but I threw that up too.

  It was odd sleeping in the bed without Edgar by my side. I had spent thirty-one years of my life alone. Wait, correction, thirty-two years of my life alone. I forgot about my birthday a few weeks ago. The one where Edgar thought the perfect gift to me was to spread icing on his penis and put a bow on it.

  He broke out in a rash and we had to lay off sex for a week.

  “I need your advice on something.”

  “Is it about a man again? Because I have hung up my expert advice hat on that. I realized that I know nothing about them.” She picked at some lettuce stuck in her teeth.

  I had to look away or I was going to be sick again. “Yes, it’s about a man, but it’s not exactly what you think.”

  “He found out you go around telling people you write romance and wants a sample for his ‘collection’?” She air quoted the last part.

  I shrugged still refusing to look in the direction of her sandwich or her teeth.

  “Sort of. But I actually am a romance writer and he is a fan. Long before he found out it was me.”

  She sat up and put down her sandwich. “You’re serious about the writing thing? Oh my God, Evaleen! Why didn’t you ever say anything?” She slapped me on my arm in a friendly way.

  “I did. But you and Blackburn were too busy rolling around in hysterics to realize it was true.”

  She frowned and placed her hand over mine. “I’m sorry. That was mean of me and Tiffany. It’s just you are so very, um . . .”

  “Cold, bitter, maybe even frigid,” I said.

  She took my hand in both of hers, shaking her head. “No, Evaleen. Oh no, if I ever gave you that impression that I thought you were like that in any way I’m sorry. I think you’re super cool. Kind of badass. Like if a character in a movie was based off you it would be Uma Thurman’s character in Kill Bill. I love that you are so in control.”

  I smiled at that. Maybe I was too harsh on myself. Maybe I was the only one who believed those terrible things about myself. Perhaps I should think a little more like Edgar and believe in my own wonderfulness.

  “Thank you, Dixon. I think I’m just a little scared about everything. My brain believing the worst.”

  “What is it?”

  I might as well tell her. It’s the whole point as to why I called her to meet me here today. When I found out this morning I threw up again.

  “I’m pregnant.”

  Her eyes narrowed. Then they widened. After that, her head shook until it didn’t anymore. Finally, it reared back. “But you’re a virgin.”

  “Not anymore.”

  Her grin was wide as she sat back in her chair. “Thank God. I honestly considered having an intervention for you. Get a few guys I knew to help me help you.”

  “Dixon, being a virgin isn’t the worst thing on Earth. I was very happy for many, many years.”

  Her lips thinned as she cocked a brow. “Were you, Evaleen? Were you?”

  Was I happy before? I thought about it. I guess I was happy in my ignorance. For almost two months it had been like walking on air. That’s not even because of losing my virginity, it was how I felt toward Edgar.

  I felt like there was a piece missing from my life but I couldn’t see it until Edgar came over and showed it to me. He didn’t make me see it. He didn’t even yell. Edgar just smiled and took my hand and that’s when I realized how many years I wasted avoiding him.

  Running from my love of Edgar.

  “I was, Dixon, but now I’m happier. Not because I lost my virginity. That was a technicality. As frustrated as I was for still being a virgin, joy didn’t just open up in my world because I lost my V-card. It opened up because I finally let someon
e into my heart.”

  “Oh no, not you too?” she said and shook her head as if it was the most shameful thing.

  I nodded.

  “It’s the worst, isn’t it? These men fool you into thinking they will always be there and then poof, they’re gone.” She waved her hands in the air.

  “Edgar is still very much here and that’s part of my problem.”

  “Edgar? Oh, that hot Thor guy who dropped in on the SWIM Meet two months ago? High five.”

  Aria held up her hand and I slapped it to please her.

  “Yes, Edgar took my virginity and my heart, and all I got in return was a baby in my belly.”

  “Does he know?” Aria took a sip of her coffee, her eyes intent on my answer.

  “No. I just took the test this morning.”

  “Well, he should know about it. It is his baby too.”

  It was, and I did plan to tell him but every time I got close to him I would see the innocent happiness in his eyes. That sparkle that told me he was only in it for sex. Sure, Edgar told me he wanted to be my best friend, but would he still want to if it involved raising a child with me? It’s easy to love someone when you have fun with them, share interests, but it’s a lot more difficult with the lack of sleep, spit up, and everything stinks of poopy diapers. When suddenly sex is seen as a luxury, done quickly and in the rare moments when the baby is asleep, then maybe he would realize that being with me wasn’t his idea of happiness.

  I made up excuses this morning when I would run into him. He didn’t need to know right away. Let me get my own head around this before I involved him.

  Let me prepare my heart to be broken.

  “You’re right. I will tell him. Yeah, I will. Definitely.” Was I saying that to answer Aria or to convince myself?

  Aria took another bite of her disgusting sandwich, and after chewing and swallowing she lifted her finger to me. “You know what would help? Vegas.”

  I squinted my eyes at her and took a deep breath to swallow the bile rising in my throat. “I have heard that Las Vegas is the cure for many ills, like heartbreak and wealth, but I have never heard it help pregnant women.”

  “All I’m saying is you should come with me. I am leaving tomorrow for LA.”

  “And that relates to Vegas how?” I asked.

  “Because after LA, I will be driving back to Chicago and going through Vegas on my way back.”

  A road trip. A nice long time away from Edgar. Where I wouldn’t have to speak to him. I glanced down at my stomach and came to a decision.

  “I’ll go. But I can’t leave until Friday. I’ll fly out to LA to meet you.”

  Aria raised her fists in the air in triumph. “Yeah! Two down and one to go.”


  “Tiffany already said she would come with me. I just have to convince Morgana. But you know, her and Henrik. I might get her to come for the weekend.”

  I nodded as my mind wandered off. Perhaps I could get some writing done while I was there. Try for a new location for my book—Las Vegas. Instead of a Scottish hero, he could be a high stakes gambler or a government agent like James Bond trying to take down a criminal mastermind.

  My readers might like a change. I know that the dashing romance with the highland hero I had in my head didn’t exactly turn out as I expected.

  It was time for me to grow up and realize that happiness was fleeting. With this baby, I planned to teach him or her the truth. That love wasn’t a fairy tale wrapped up in a pretty bow.

  Love was rare and even when you thought you had it, it could easily dissolve into nothingness. I loved this baby even if I had only known of its existence for a few hours. I wouldn’t let anyone break his or her heart the way mine was broken by every man I trusted.

  Edgar would be told, but it would be through a letter because it was finally time for me to spread my wings. Maybe when I’m in Las Vegas, I’ll look for apartments to rent. It’s time my mom and I moved on and got our own place anyway.



  Evaleen had disappeared.

  When I woke this morning, she wasn’t in her room. She had been staying in the guest bedroom next to my room for the last couple of days due to being sick. But when I went to check on her this morning, she wasn’t there.

  Luckily her mother woke early and saw her leave, and informed me she had a lot to do at work. So she went to work early.

  But now that I stand in her office she was nowhere to be found.

  “Have you seen Evaleen, Chip?” I walked over to the intern’s desk and he stood so quickly, he nearly fell over.

  “Oh, hello, Mr. Mimir. No, I mean yes, I have seen Ms. Bechmann. She left the department and mentioned something about going to talk to Mr. Mimir.”

  There was only one Mr. Mimir for Evaleen and that was my brother. Maybe she was finally going to tell him about us.

  I had been asking Evaleen for weeks to tell Jacob about our relationship, but every time I brought it up she changed the subject.

  I felt relief that we didn’t have to hide anymore.

  “Great. Thanks.” I waved at Chip and he went back to his phone.

  Once I was out of the HR department, I turned left and made my way toward my brother’s office. As I moved closer to the far end of the building, I saw his door open. Out stepped two people I recognized.

  The Chicago detectives from a few months ago.

  They were laughing and just behind them, moving into the hallway was my brother. I wondered if Jacob was trying out one of his latest dad jokes on them. By the way they were enjoying themselves, I doubted it.

  As I stepped closer, I overheard the detective named Hardy say, “We’ll have the warrant soon. But we wanted to give you a heads up. And thank you, Mr. Mimir, for being so helpful this year.”

  Then she did something that had me stop cold. Hardy winked at my brother. My eyes shot to Jacob and he winked back.

  My body grew cold. Words from days ago swirled around my head. Warning from a man in an alleyway about bad people, even at Mimir.

  I shook my head, but quickly stepped into the kitchen so as the detectives strolled away I wouldn’t be seen. Turning, I almost knocked over Grace who spilled some of the tea from her cup.

  “Oh, Grace, I’m so sorry. I didn’t realize you were in here.” I grabbed a few napkins from the counter and gave her one using the others to clean up the floor.

  “Hi, Mr. Mimir. Yeah, I’m just finishing up my break. I’m actually glad I ran into you, I was wondering if you could give this to Ms. Bechmann for me as I have to leave for an appointment. I know you two are friends.” Her delicate hand took the manila folder from the round table and pushed it toward me.

  I went to grab it but it slipped from her hands. Papers went everywhere. I bent down again to help her with the scattered things. There was a large eight by ten, black and white photograph of someone. I lifted it and noticed it was Ashton, who appeared to be in distress. I couldn’t tell for certain from the image but it appeared he might be tied up.

  Grace smiled at me holding out the items she picked up when her eyes drifted to the picture in my hand. Her face paled and she covered her gaping mouth, dropping the papers back on the floor.

  “Is that? Oh no, is that Mr. Graham?” Her voice wobbled.

  I stood and helped her up, placing the photo on the table face down. She was shaking, so I wrapped my arms around her until she calmed down.

  “He was so nice. I hated what happened to him. I had no idea he wanted to take his own life. I could have done something—”

  I cut her off. “Don’t blame yourself, Grace. I don’t think there was anything we could have done.” I lifted my head and saw both the detectives strolling past the doorway.

  Crooked cops. I’ve read about them and seen fictional depictions of them in movies, but I never thought I would meet any. I heard their laughter fade as they moved farther down the hallway.

  “Grace, who gave you this folder?” I let go of he
r and bent to pick up the papers, planning to review everything in it.

  “No one.” She seemed confused and looked around the room.

  “What? You had to have gotten this folder from somewhere.”

  Grace nodded and took a breath, finally understanding what I was asking. “Yes, from Mr. Mimir’s desk. He called me at my desk. Told me he had a folder for me to give Ms. Bechmann. I stopped by on my way to break and saw his office was empty and there was a folder on his desk. I just assumed that was what he was talking about. I had no idea what was in there.”

  She was trembling again, and we sat for a few minutes until she calmed.

  I didn’t want to believe it. I still don’t want to believe that my brother may be the bad person the guy in the alley warned me about.

  My brother was smart. You had to be smart to create a billion-dollar company from nothing. Yet, he so easily believed the detectives that Ashton killed himself when it was obvious he had been murdered.

  Jacob was laughing and winking at the detectives. Now the picture in the folder. My heart didn’t know whether to shatter in heartbreak or explode in anger.

  I told Grace to take the rest of the day off as she was still shaken up. Then I grabbed the folder and headed straight toward my brother’s office. I wanted to punch something, preferably his face.

  How dare he gain the trust of so many hard-working people only to use them for some sick gain. Wasn’t his wealth and respect in this town, if not the country, enough for him. And our mother. Her heart would break when she found out.

  I may not be her favorite, but I loved her and never wanted to see her unhappy. This would destroy her.

  As I approached his door his assistant, Kara, stopped me.

  “Oh, Mr. Mimir. He’s in there with Mr. Payne at the moment. I can buzz him and ask if it’s okay for you to come in?”

  I nodded. What was Henrik doing here? Was he a part of it too?

  Fuck, I was so confused and my anger had my mind racing with terrible thoughts.

  “Mr. Mimir—”

  “Kara, I’ve told you a thousand times, call me Jacob.”


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